IT – Test systems for SAXESS (38/07)

We have renewed the SAXESS Test system hardware. Information about IP addresses and port number has been available on the member intranet since Q2. We have now added information about a second test environment. The normal use of the two test systems will be the same as we have had for a long time, ie 
SAXTST1 will be configured with future software and configuration changes and SAXTST3 will be a copy of production. From now until 1st of November we will provide you with three test environments:

SAXTST1 configured with SAXESS 4.8.0 and all MiFID demands
SAXTST3 (new) configured with SAXESS 4.8.0 as it will be in production from 22nd of October 2007
SAXTST3 (old) configured as a copy of current SAXESS production with version 4.5.0

