Fairtrade flowers are successful in Finland

Fairtrade roses have doubled the sale of roses in K-food stores. Sales of Fairtrade roses are expected to total nearly 9 million by the end of the year. The selection of Fairtrade flowers will increase on 1 September, when the new Fairtrade carnations and mixed bunches will be launched. Fairtrade flowers are sold in Finland only under the Pirkka brand.
"We know that ethical consumption is increasingly important to Finnish consumers but the high demand for Fairtrade flowers has nevertheless been a pleasant surprise to us. The sale of roses is a concrete proof that our focus on corporate responsibility is the approach favoured by our customers too," says Ari Akseli, Kesko Food's Vice President responsible for commerce.
The flowers have been a success throughout Finland, and their buyers consist of couples and over 60 year olds, in particular.
"Fairtrade flowers have, for their part, clearly turned shopping for flowers into an everyday event among Finnish consumers. When flowers can be bought during a shopping trip, it is easy to choose a bunch to cheer up oneself or a friend. Buying flowers is also an emotional choice, which works in favour of the Fairtrade system," says Tuulia Syvänen, Managing Director of the Association for Promoting Fairtrade in Finland.
Liisa Myllylä, Kesko Food's Purchasing Manager, thinks that the carnation is ready for a comeback. "The carnation is a really long-lasting and impressive flower. I believe that our customers will be surprised to see the wide range of colours carnations are available in. The carnation is also currently very trendy in Europe - in UK carnations are even more popular than roses."
Improving the conditions in the carnation production
Fairtrade carnations, now imported into Finland for the first time, have grown in Colombia which is the biggest exporter of carnations in the world.
"Compliance with legislations and working conditions on flower farms leave much room for improvement. Fairtrade carnations come from the Colibri Flowers farm which has used the Fairtrade supplement to grant small loans to employees and to build a library in connection with the farm," says Syvänen.
To celebrate the Day of Pirkka, a flower heart of nearly four metres high will be set up at the Helsinki railway station square on Friday 31 August and Marigold team skaters will distribute thousands of Pirkka Fairtrade flowers to passers-by.
Further information:
Vice President Ari Akseli, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 28900
Managing Director Tuulia Syvänen, Association for Promoting Fairtrade in Finland,
tel. +358 9 5658 6811
Purchasing Manager Liisa Myllylä, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 28725
Press service: www.kesko.fi/Material > Image archive or www.reilukauppa.fi > Medialle > Kuvapankki.
Kesko Food operates in the grocery market and is responsible for developing service concepts, efficiency and competitiveness. Key duties include chain management, development of store concepts, sourcing and logistics services, chain marketing, and acquisition of store sites. The K-food retailer implements the best services locally while taking care of the store's efficiency and profitability. In 2006, the retail sales of the K-food stores totalled €4.7 billion.