Regarding purchase of treasury shares

The 31th August 2007 Board of Directors of AB „Rokiskio suris“ resolved:

1.Pursuing resolutions of the 22nd December 2006 General Shareholders' Meeting
to support and increase the price of AB ”Rokiskio suris” shares, it will be
acquired up to 254 635 units of AB ”Rokiskio suris” ordinary registered shares
of LTL 10 (ten) par value. Minimal quantity of intended purchase - 1 000 (one
thousand) ordinary registered shares of AB ”Rokiskio suris”. 
2.The price set for the acquisition of treasury shares is equal to LTL 65,00
(sixty five litas) per ordinary registered share. 
3.Period for the purchase of treasury shares - 14 days.
4.Purchase of treasury shares will be commenced as from submission of official

Dalius Trumpa
Board Chairman
8 458 55204