Interim consolidated report of Hanner AB for six months of 2007 and Hanner AB financial statements for the I-st half year, 2007

We present the Interim consolidated report of Hanner AB for six months of 2007
and Hanner AB financial statements for the I-st half year, 2007. 
We inform, that consolidated revenue of Hanner AB for the I-st half year 2007
amounted to 47 530 thousands LTL ( 13 766 thousands EUR), profit before tax
increased by 2,5 times from 6 443 thousands LTL (1 866 thousands EUR) up to 15
967 thousands LTL  (4 624 thousands EUR) compared to I-st half year 2006. 

Please look the attachments below:
Interim consolidated report of Hanner AB for six months of 2007;
Hanner AB financial statements for the I-st half year, 2007.

For more information, please contact Tomas Pauliukonis, tel 370 5 248 7266.


financial statement 2007 6 month en.pdf consolidated report 2007 6 month en.pdf