Nykredit Bank issues structured bond loan

On 5 October 2007 Nykredit Bank A/S will issue a new structured bond loan (”0%
NB Trend 2010”), the return of which is linked to the development in an
underlying reference basket, Trend-indekset.  The basket comprises a currency
index, Valuta-Carry, and a commodity index, RåvareMomentum, each which a
weighting of 50%. 

The bonds have a maturity of three years and will be redeemed upon maturity at
no less than par (100). 

The bonds pay no coupon, but will be redeemed upon maturity at a price linked
to the development in the underlying reference basket. The redemption price is
calcu-lated as par plus 100% of the return of the underlying reference basket. 

The issue price will be fixed on 3 October 2007 based on prevailing market
levels and will not exceed 102. The bonds will be redeemed upon maturity on 5
October 2010 at no less than par. The bond loan has been arranged by Nykredit

The subscription period of the bonds runs from 3 September 2007 to 2 October
2007 (both days inclusive). The size of the initial issue will be fixed upon
expiry of the subscription period. It is a prerequisite for the completion of
the issue that an issue price of no more than 102 is obtained. 

Settlement of the bonds will take place after three banking days against
registra-tion with VP Securities Services (Værdipapircentralen). 

An application for the listing of the bonds on the OMX Nordic Exchange
Copenhagen as at 11 October 2007 will be made, subject to a minimum
subscription of DKK 50 million. The bonds registered with VP Securities
Services will be redeemed in full on 5 October 2010. The ISIN code of the bonds
is DK0030053137. 

Please address inquiries concerning the bond loan including prospectus orders
to Nykredit Bank, Nykredit Markets, Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V,
tel +45 33 42 12 90. The prospectus may also be downloaded from nykredit.dk.
Fur-thermore, the prospectus has been published through the OMX Nordic Exchange

Yours sincerely

Nykredit Bank A/S


nykredit bank issues structured bond loan - 31.08.2007.pdf