Stora Enso's Board proposals to the Annual General Meeting

Stora Enso's Board has in its meeting decided that the Annual General Meeting   
(AGM) will be held in Helsinki on Wednesday 26 March 2008. The Board has        
proposed the following:                                                         

Matters to be resolved by the AGM pursuant to Article 14 of the Articles of     
Association of the Company                                                      

Adoption of the financial statement of the parent company and the consolidated  
financial statement                                                             

Disposal of the profit of the year and distribution of dividend                 
The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the AGM that the Company       
distributes a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share for the year 2007.                 

Payment of dividend                                                             
The dividend shall be paid to shareholders that on the dividend record date are 
registered in the                                                               
register of shareholders maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository
or in the separate                                                              
register of shareholders maintained by VPC for VPC-registered shares. Dividends 
payable for VPC                                                                 
registered shares will be forwarded by VPC and paid in Swedish krona. Dividends 
payable to ADR                                                                  
holders will be forwarded by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas and paid in US

The Board of Directors has determined that the dividend record date shall be 31 
March 2008. The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that the dividend payment
be issued by the Company on 10 April 2008.                                      

Resolution concerning discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the
Managing Director from liability                                                

Number of members of the Board of Directors                                     
The Nomination Committee proposes to the AGM that the Board of Directors shall  
have nine (9) members.                                                          

Number of Auditors                                                              
The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that the number of auditors be one   

Remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors                           
The Nomination Committee proposes to the AGM that the annual remuneration for   
the members of                                                                  
the Board of Directors be as follows:                                           

Chairman 		EUR 135 000                                                          
Deputy Chairman 	EUR   85 000                                                   
Members		EUR 60 000                                                           

The Nomination Committee also proposes that 40 % of the remuneration shall be   
paid in Stora Enso                                                              
Series R-shares purchased from the market.                                      

In addition, annual remuneration shall be paid to members of the Board          
Committees as follows:                                                          

Financial and Audit Committee                                                   
Chairman		EUR 20 000                                                            
Member	  	EUR
14 000                                                            

Compensation Committee                                                          
Chairman	  	EUR 10 000                                                          
Member	 	EUR 6 000                                                            

Remuneration shall be paid only to non-executive Board members.                 

Remuneration for the auditors                                                   
The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that remuneration for the auditors be
paid according                                                                  
to invoice until the end of the following AGM.                                  

Election of the members of the Board of Directors                               
The Nomination Committee proposes to the AGM that the present Board members     
Gunnar Brock,                                                                   
Claes Dahlbäck, Dominique Hériard Dubreuil, Birgitta Kantola, Ilkka Niemi, Jan  
Sjöqvist, Matti                                                                 
Vuoria and Marcus Wallenberg be re-elected to continue in their office and that 
Juha Rantanen be                                                                
elected as a new member to serve until the end of the following AGM.            

Election of Auditors                                                            
The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that following the competitive       
tenders Authorised                                                              
Public Accountants Deloitte & Touche Oy be elected to act as auditor of the     
Company until the end                                                           
of the following AGM.                                                           

Other Matters                                                                   

Appointment of Nomination Committee                                             
The Nomination Committee proposes that the AGM appoint a Nomination Committee to
proposals concerning (a) the number of members of the Board of Directors, (b)   
the members of the                                                              
Board of Directors, (c) the remuneration for the Chairman, Vice Chairman and    
members of the                                                                  
Board of Directors and (d) the remuneration for the Chairman and members of the 
committees of                                                                   
the Board of Directors. The Nomination Committee shall consist of four members: 
the Chairman of the Board of Directors                                          
the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors                                     
two members appointed by the two largest shareholders (one each) according to   
the register of shareholders on 1 October 2008.                                 

The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall convene the Nomination Committee   
and before 31                                                                   
January 2009 the Nomination Committee shall present its proposals for the AGM to
be held in                                                                      
2009. The member of the Board of Directors may not be appointed as Chairman of  
the Nomination                                                                  
Committee. Annual remuneration of EUR 3 000 shall be paid to a member of the    
Committee who is not a member of the Board of Directors.                        
Amendment to the Articles of Association                                        
The Board of Directors proposes to the AGM that the articles of association will
be amended by                                                                   
reducing the number of the Auditors to one entity which shall be Certified      
Public Account Firm                                                             
approved by Finnish Central Chamber of Commerce, by removing references to      
minimum and                                                                     
maximum capital and maximum number of shares and by revising the matters to be  
included on the                                                                 
agenda of the Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, minor changes of technical   
nature are                                                                      
proposed to be made to the Articles of Association.                             

CEO's report on restructuring                                                   
In connection to CEO's report, CEO Jouko Karvinen shall give a presentation on  
the restructurings including closures of Summa magazine mill, Anjala paper      
machine 1 and Kemijärvi pulp mill, plan for Norrsundet pulp mill and other      
personnel reorganisations.                                                      

Documents for the AGM                                                           
The financial statements for 2007 as well as other relevant documents related to
the matters to be dealt with at the AGM may be viewed on the Company's website  
at at the latest from 12 March 2008. Copies of the  
documents will be sent to shareholders upon request.                            

The Annual Report may be viewed at from 12 March    

Right of attendance                                                             
Entitled to attend and vote at the AGM are those shareholders that on the record
14 March 2008, are registered as shareholders in Stora Enso's shareholder       
register. The register is maintained by the Finnish Central Securities          
Depository. Nominee-registered shares must be temporarily registered in the     
shareholder register as described below.                                        

Notice of attendance                                                            
All shareholders that intend to attend the AGM must submit a notice of          
attendance to the head office of the Company in one of the following manners:   
by telephone	+358 2046 21245                                                   
	         +358 2046
		+358 2046
		+358 2046 21327                                                               
by fax		+358 2046
by letter		Stora Enso Oyj, Legal Department, Box 309, FI-00101 Helsinki         
through the Internet                                      
Notice must be submitted on or before Tuesday 18 March 2008 at 12 a.m. Finnish  
Temporary registration made through VPC is regarded as a notice of attendance.  

Shareholders wishing to attend and vote at the AGM through a proxy shall submit 
their power of attorney to the Company when giving notice of attendance in the  
manner set out above.                                                           

Temporary registration in the shareholder register                              

Shares registered in VPC                                                        
Shareholders whose shares are registered in the register of shareholders        
maintained by VPC and who intend to attend and vote at the AGM must contact VPC 
and request temporary registration in Stora Enso's shareholder register. Such   
request shall be submitted in writing to VPC before Friday 14 March 2008 at 12  
a.m. Swedish time.                                                              

Temporary registration made through VPC is regarded as a notice of attendance.  

ADR holders                                                                     
ADR holders intending to vote at the AGM shall notify the depositary bank,      
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, of their intention and shall comply with  
the instructions provided by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas to each ADR   

Other nominee-registered shares                                                 
Holders of nominee-registered shares intending to attend and vote at the AGM    
shall notify their nominee of their intention and shall comply with the         
instructions provided by the nominee.                                           


Juha Rantanen, born 1952, Finnish citizen, is the CEO and President of the      
Outokumpu Group. He has extensive experience of leading international business  
management and Finnish industry. He has also previous experience from board     
level work. Earlier he has held the position of the CEO and President of the    
Ahlstrom Corporation and Borealis A/S. Currently he holds following positions of
trust: Vice Chairman of the Board of Moventas, member of the Trilateral         
Commission (Europe), member of the Nomination Committee of Confederation of     
Finnish Industries EK, member of the Board of Association of Finnish Steel and  
Metal Producers, Vice President of European Confederation of Iron and Steel     
Industries Eurofer, member of the Board and Chairman of the Nomination Committee
of Technology Industries of Finland, Chairman of the Board of Finpro Association
and member of the Supervisory Board of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company.  

He has a Master of Science Degree in Economics from Helsinki School of Economics
and a Master of Business Administration from International Management Institute,

An image bank of pictures that may be freely used to illustrate articles about  
Stora Enso is available at                                                                                                     
Please, copy and paste the link into your web browser and follow the path:      
Images > Corporate > People > Management > Juha Rantanen                        

Stora Enso Oyj                                                                  

pp. 	Jussi Siitonen		Jukka Marttila