All mobile operators in Sweden connected to Seamless hub for prepaid Top Up through banks

Mobile network operator 3 makes an aggressive approach to take a position on
the Swedish prepaid market and completes the circle as the final operator to
link to the system for prepaid Top Up through banks. The system enables Top Up
through IVR, Internet bank and ATM. 

“3 has a profile of music, mobile TV and social networking, services that
attracts segments that are also known prepaid mobile phone users” says Erik
Hörnfeldt, information manager at 3. “With 3G phones in a price range that is
significantly lower than before we have begun marketing for the prepaid market.
We are targeting very aggressive goals to take a position on the prepaid market
too, half of all Swedish mobiles are on prepaid subscriptions.” 

It has been a source of annoyance to Mikael Signarsson, founder of Seamless and
manager for the Banking Top Up project, that one operator has been left out. 
- To gain momentum in consumer minds it is important to be able to express that
all operators are included. Both the bank and the operator offer a service that
enhances loyalty while creating revenue. Next we want to launch our Auto-top-up
service, it enables automatic refill to prepaid subscribers when they get their
salary or when they are about to run out of airtime” says Mikael Signarsson who
has strong indications of Seamless banking Top Up system to soon double its
number of prepaid Top Ups in Sweden. 

For full release including comment from Swedbank, please open attached PDF.

