XDC, filiale à 47,2% d'EVS, signe des accords avec les principaux studios afin de co-financer le déploiement d'un maximum de 8.000 installations numérique en Europe

Liège (Belgique) / Cannes (France), 23 mai 2008. Dans la foulée du succès de ses prestations de services numériques au Festival du Film de Cannes 2008, XDC, la société leader dans les services liés au cinéma numérique en Europe et filiale à 47,2% d'EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. (Euronext Bruxelles: EVS.BR, Bloomberg EVS BB) (Pinksheets: EVBEF), a annoncé aujourd'hui la signature d'accords non exclusifs à long terme avec Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation et The Walt Disney Studios afin de cofinancer le déploiement futur d'un maximum de 8.000 installations de cinéma numérique répondant à la norme DCI, dans 22 pays européens. La période de déploiement s'étendra sur maximum 5 ans, tandis que chaque écran numérisé sera cofinancé sur une période allant jusqu'à 10 ans. Ces accords vont cofinancer plus de 65% de la valeur des systèmes de cinéma numérique, composés de projecteurs, de serveurs, d'applications et de services, pour un investissement global maximum estimé à EUR 600 millions.
Ces accords marquent et faciliteront le début du déploiement du cinéma numérique à grande échelle en Europe. Pour XDC, les prochaines étapes consisteront en la négociation d'accords comparables avec les distributeurs de films européens, la commercialisation de cette proposition de cofinancement aux exploitants de salles de cinéma en Europe et des levées de fonds (capitaux et dettes) afin de financer la phase d'installation de l'infrastructure numérique.
Ce déploiement d'infrastructure aidera également XDC à développer ses autres activités: la conception et la commercialisation de serveurs et d'applications, l'installation et la maintenance de systèmes complets de cinéma numérique pour les exploitants de salles, et des services de gestion et distribution de contenu numérique pour les distributeurs de films et pour les régies publicitaires.
Le potentiel global est estimé à 35.000 écrans à numériser en Europe.

XDC Signs Digital Cinema Deployment Agreements
with Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and The Walt Disney Studios
XDC, the leading digital cinema service company in Europe, has signed non-exclusive long-term agreements with four (4) major distributors to deploy 8,000 upcoming DCI-compliant digital cinema installations across Europe.
Cannes Film Festival 2008 - Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ("Warners"), Paramount Pictures Corporation ("Paramount"), Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ("Fox") and The Walt Disney Studios ("Disney") will support XDC, acting as a Deploying Entity, in order to roll out and fund digital systems for theatrical presentations in several countries in Europe. Under the terms of the agreements, Warners, Paramount, Fox and Disney have independently agreed to supply European exhibitors with their feature films in digital form for projection on the digital screens, as well as temporarily contribute to the financing of XDC's DCI-compliant digital cinema projection systems.
The agreements with Universal Pictures and Sony Pictures are in a very advanced stage and are expected to close shortly.
Veronika Kwan-Rubinek, President, International Distribution for Warner Bros. Pictures commented: "Warner Bros. has established a strong working relationship with XDC over the last few years, supplying more digital releases in Europe than any other studio.  This is the first digital cinema deployment agreement for Warner Bros. Pictures International, and I'm pleased to be crossing this milestone with a company as experienced and committed as XDC."
Andrew Cripps, President for Paramount said: "Paramount is delighted to have reached this agreement with XDC to deploy DCI-compliant digital projection systems across Europe. We look forward to working together to bring digital cinema to exhibitors and consumers alike, which we believe will help to expand and improve the experience of going to the cinema."
Paul Hanneman and Tomas Jegeus, Co-Presidents of Twentieth Century Fox International, jointly commented: "This agreement with XDC represents another significant plan to finance and roll out DCI-compliant digital projection systems across Europe. Fox remains committed to the transition to a digital cinema platform and looks forward to supplying its movies to DCI-compliant digital projection systems installed by XDC. We are delighted to collaborate with XDC staff, which has the experience and technical expertise to manage this process."
Anthony Marcoly, President of Sales and Distribution for Disney, stated, "Digital cinema represents the absolute best and most enjoyable way to experience motion pictures, and we're excited to be working with XDC as they expand the number of theaters capable of exhibiting films digitally.  XDC's commitment to install DCI-Compliant digital cinema systems throughout Europe is great news for moviegoers, and provides Disney and the other Studios the ability to release films in the highest quality digital format possible.  These XDC D-Cinema installations are also 3D-ready, which means more great 3D experiences for European moviegoers.  With our latest 3D animated feature, 'Bolt,' due to arrive at the end of this year, and more than 10 other Disney 3D titles already in the pipeline, audiences are in for some amazing new entertainment in the very near future."

Serge Plasch, Chief Executive Officer for XDC said: "We are very happy to announce these milestone agreements which offer European exhibitors a viable business model to convert their screens to digital cinema. The support of Warners, Paramount, Fox and Disney is a key factor for XDC and  will allow us to keep our momentum in Europe, where XDC, along with over 120 staunch pioneer customers have shown that commercial digital cinema works."
"Successes like this are the result of great team efforts. XDC thanks and recognizes its team members for their unflagging business, technical and legal support during the negotiations. John Birchell Hughes, our Senior Vice President, has guided us on the exciting and challenging journey that produced these four agreements. We are now working intensively on enhancing our products and services in order to offer the best solutions to our first customers who will start their deployment plans within the next 12 months," concluded Bernard Collard, Executive Vice President for XDC.
For more information, please contact:
Jacques GALLOY, Director & CFO
Geoffroy d'OULTREMONT, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications Manager
EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A., Liege Science Park, 16 rue du Bois Saint-Jean, B-4102 Ougrée (Liège), Belgium
Tel: +32 4 361 70 14.  E-mail: corpcom@evs.tv; www.evs-global.com


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