PITTSFORD, NY--(Marketwire - July 9, 2008) - Scene Genesis RouteDirector, software that allows carriers to optimize their route planning via "best time" appointment scheduling, has been unveiled by Scene Genesis, Inc.
Using pinpoint geo-coded addresses, RouteDirector automates driver scheduling, route planning and appointment calendaring.
It replaces manual planning with a streamlined visual process. During appointment setting, RouteDirector lets carrier representatives offer callers a choice of "best times" based on other scheduled appointments in the system.
"Insurers will save staff time and spend less on $4 gas. RouteDirector will pay for itself quickly," said Scene Genesis CEO Ian Cunningham.
The software includes Microsoft MapPoint's full-color aerial maps, which can be viewed on each representative's desktop. This makes it easy for underwriters to see the exact address where every driver is traveling during the day. RouteDirector adjusts the master schedule in real-time as appointments are registered.
Targeted scheduling reduces the number of missed appointments and late arrivals, and helps to save gas by creating a mileage-efficient schedule. The optimize engine performs a nightly schedule refinement. With just one click, the system can adjust driving times and work schedules to maximize routes.
Key benefits for insurers include better adherence to schedules, higher customer satisfaction, more stops per day, a streamlined route-planning process, the ability to set start and end locations for drivers, and customizable time windows to offer callers. Drivers can be easily removed for a sick or vacation day and the system will perform an automatic reallocation of their appointments.
RouteDirector can be installed as an add-on to existing systems. It's also fully integrated with Scene Genesis's SceneAccess software.
The representative receives a ranked best time to schedule with caller. Missed or incomplete jobs are flagged for one-click reassignment. There's an option to set a maximum number of appointments and miles per driver, and users can easily add and adjust buffer times for driving in busy cities.
Scene Genesis can provide further customization.
For more information, contact Gary LaFond, national sales director, at glafond@scenegenesis.com or 877-SGI-4-CLAIMS or visit http://www.scenegenesis.com/Portals/0/RouteDirector.pdf.
Contact Information: Contact: Beth Bailey Scene Genesis 585-387-9883 bbailey@scenegenesis.com Henry Stimpson Stimpson Communications 508-647-0705 Henry@StimpsonCommunications.com