Annual report 2008

Reported to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen on 7 April 2009.
(The Danish version has been reported to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen on 2 April 2009)


Landic Property Bonds VI (Sverige) A/S's financial performance 2008

The consolidated income statement shows a loss before tax of DKK 176.20 million
(2006/07: DKK 115.6 million.) and the consolidated balance sheet shows equity
at 31 December 2008 of DKK 25.2 million (2006/07: DKK 214.0 million). 

Operation loss before value adjustments and tax amounts to DKK 15.8 million
which is at the level of the expectations (2006/07: DKK 36.8 million). 

The profit for the period has primarily been achieved by value adjustments of
investment properties and debt of net DKK -240.2 million (2006/07: DKK 129.3
million) and negative exchange adjustments of DKK 51.6 million (2006/07: DKK 6

The negative financial performance has appeared as a consequence of the pending
crisis in the interna-tional financial sector, the current cyclical slow-down,
the negative development in prices on the property market, the decline in
interest level in Sweden as well as weakening of SEK. The current interest
level in Sweden has dropped notably which has resulted in a decline in the
market value of interest swaps and thereby negatively affected the financial

In the financial period, rental income has been received as planned from the

Management considers the financial performance unsatisfactory.

For the financial year 2009, the Group expects profit before tax and value
adjustments of investment properties and debt, net of DKK 35-39 million. 

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary, Klaus T.
W. Lund, on telephone +45 3378 4000 

This is an unauthorised translation of the Danish original document. In the
event of inconsistency, the Danish version shall apply. 


fbm_33_landic property bonds vi - 2008 - uk.pdf