Remembering a Beloved Mother Many Years Ago In Arkansas -- New Memoir Celebrates a Woman's Life and Reveals a Touching Family Reunion After Years of Separation

DORCHESTER, Mass., April 17, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Follow the lives and times of a real family that encountered struggles and unbelievable heartaches and disappointments. Discover how they manage to overcome them all with God's grace as author Jennie Mathis Silcott remembers Many Years Ago In Arkansas, an autobiography of her beloved mother.

The author's mother, Ida Louise Durham, was born on October 28, 1921, and was the third child of Mrs. Bertha McQuire Durham and Mr. Jeff Durham, in Marianna, Arkansas. She attended school in Arkansas and when she lost her father at the age of seven, life became difficult for their family. She went through unimaginable hardship, but she had always been a fighter from the heart. She never let the disappointments in her life get her down. She always told her children, "When life knocks you down, don't lay there, get yourself up. Tomorrow is another day." She truly was an example to her children, and to many people who came her way during her seventy-seven years of life.

Many Years Ago In Arkansas recalls Silcott's dear mother and grandmother and the many trials and tribulations they went through. This two-fold memoir also tells of a family reunion after forty-four years of separation. Silcott shares the accounts of her brother and sister after they found out the truth that their mother gave them away. She reveals her feelings after hearing her sister's voice for the first time and being finally reunited.

This fascinating book not only remembers and celebrates Ida Louise Durham's life, but also gives hope to people who think their situation is hopeless. The author reminds us that God is always with us to help us carry on in times of difficulties. Never doubt Him and count your blessings for there is a reason for everything. Be inspired as you relive Many Years Ago In Arkansas.

Many Years Ago In Arkansas will be featured in the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair (International) Exhibit at Frankfurt, Germany on October 14-18, 2009. For more information, log on to

About the Author

The author is known as Jennie to all her friends and family. She is the eldest of six children. She always had the desire to write a book. She had so much in her head she just had to get it out on paper. This book is a true story.

              Biography of MRS. IDA LOUISE DURHAM MATHIS
                   October 28, 1921-July 14, 1999
                  Publication Date: August 29, 2008
       Trade Paperback; $17.84; 177 pages; 978-1-4257-7657-2
        Cloth Hardback; $27.89; 177 pages; 978-1-4257-7663-3

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