Pharmexa to cancel the Extraordinary General Meeting scheduled for April 22, 2009 and to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting expected to take place on May 5, 2009

Pharmexa has been informed that the announcement of the Extraordinary General
Meeting on April 22, 2009 was not sent in a timely manner to everyone of the
registered shareholders. One of the proposals on the agenda for the
Extraordinary General Meeting requires a 9/10 majority and, as a consequence of
this, the announcement must be sent to all registered shareholders at least 8
days in advance in order to comply with the notification requirements according
to the Danish Corporate Law.  By error, Pharmexa's service provider sent out
the announcement one day too late to the shareholders. This means that the
announcement does not meet the notification requirements according to Danish
Corporate Law. 

It has therefore been decided to cancel the Extraordinary General Meeting on
April 22, 2009 and call for a new meeting with the same agenda. The new
Extraordinary General Meeting is expected to take place on Tuesday May 5, 2009
at 16:00. 

Pharmexa does not expect that this regrettable error will cause the company any
extra costs. 

For the sake of good order it should be noted that for the now cancelled
Extraordinary General Meeting Pharmexa has received power of attorney from
8.92% of the company shareholders including H. Lundbeck A/S. 

Hørsholm, April 20, 2009

Ole Steen Andersen
Chairman of the board of directors, Pharmexa A/S

Additional information:
Claude Mikkelsen, Senior Vice President, Finance & Investor Relations, tel +45
4516 2525 or +45 4060 2558 
Achim Kaufhold, Chief Executive Officer, tel +45 4516 2525


pharmexa press release 2009-12-uk.pdf