Nykredit Bank A/S - Admission to trading and official listing of bond with effect from 21 April 2009

Nykredit Bank A/S - Admission to trading and official listing of bond

It has been decided to admit the following bond for trading and official
listing with effect from 21 April 2009: 

ISIN	Name	Payments per year	Maturity date
DK0030166848	0% NB Nabovalut 2011	1	21 April 2011

The bond is denominated in DKK and will be placed under Strukturerede
obligationer detail in the sub-group Valuta-relateret. 

For further information, please see the information material published by
Nykredit Bank. 

For further information, please contact: Jeppe Møller Nielsen, Surveillance,
tel. +45 33 93 33 66 


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