Surveillance status has been applied to DnB NORD bankas AB due to the squeeze-out of the shares

Decision of Market Services Department (as of 21-04-2009, No.160)
To apply surveillance status to DnB NORD bankas AB: 
DnB Nord bankas ORS (LT0000100174  NDL1L) 
AB DnB NORD Bankas has informed that on 20 April 2009 the largest shareholder
of the Issuer Bank DnB NORD A/S submitted to the Issuer the notification on the
squeeze-out of the shares. 
On 20 April 2009 Bank DnB NORD A/S held 99.84 percent of the votes at the
General Meeting of Shareholders of the Issuer. 
The squeeze-out price offered by the Bank DnB NORD A/S for the shares amounts
to LTL 125 per 1 share of the Issuer. 
The notification includes a requirement that during 90 days period from the
announcement of the notification on the squeeze-out of the shares in the daily
newspaper „Lietuvos rytas“, other shareholders sell all shares of the Issuer to
Bank DnB NORD A/S for a price offered by the Bank DnB NORD A/S, or during the
same time period they can contest the price offered according to the procedure
determined in the law. 

Market Services Department
(8 5) 272 36 11