Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2009

Press release 24th of April 2009

Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2009

The Board of Directors 
Today's Annual General Meeting of Swedbank elected four new board members;
Anders Igel, Pia Rudengren, Anders Sundström and Karl-Henrik Sundström. 

Anders Igel served as Telia Sonera's CEO during five years time and lead amongst
other projects the operator's expansion in the Baltics, Russia and the Ukraine.
Prior to this he was the CEO of Esselte, ne of the world's leading manufacturers
of organizational solutions.  Anders Igel has twenty years of experience of
various leading roles at Ericsson, most recently as Executive Vice President.
Anders Igel has degrees both from the Royal Institute of Technology and
Stockholm School of Economics, as well as a Post Graduate MBA - International
Senior Management Program from Harvard Business School.

Pia Rudengren has previously held the position as CFO of Investor and Executive
Vice President of W Capital Management AB. Pia Rudengren has a long and broad
experience from various Board assignments in numerous industries and companies.
Currently, Pia Rudengren is a Board member of Tikkurila Oy, Biophausia AB,
Varyag Resources AB, and Duni AB, she has also been a member of Q-Med´s Board
for six years, three of which she served as Chair. Pia Rudengren is also
nominated as a Board of Director at Metso OY. Pia Rudengren holds a degree from
Stockholm School of Economics.

Anders Sundström is the CEO of Folksam since 2004. He has a broad background in
both business as well as the public sector. He has been the CEO of Sparbanken
Nord and a Member of Parliament and minister for the labour market as well as
health and social affairs. Anders Sundström is currently the Chair of Luleå
Tekniska Universitet, and a board member of ALKA, Boliden and until the Annual
General Meeting April 29, 2009 a board member of Vattenfall. He studied social
sciences at Umeå University.

Karl-Henrik Sundström is the CFO and Executive Vice President of the Dutch firm
NXP, a world leading producer of semi-conductors since 2008. He has previously
held the position as CFO of Ericsson after a role as the Head of Ericssons´
Global Services Operations and Country Head in Australia and Nya Zeeland.
Karl-Henrik Sundström was awarded as Europe´s best CFO 2003, 2004 and 2005 by
Institutional Investor Magazine. Karl-Henrik Sundström holds a degree in
business administration from Uppsala University and enrolled in the Advanced
Management Program at Harvard Business School.

The Annual General Meeting further resolved to re-elect Carl Eric Stålberg,
Chair as well as Berith Hägglund-Marcus, Ulrika Francke and Helle Kruse Nielsen.
The Board´s statutory meeting immediately following the AGM appointed Anders
Sundström as Deputy Chair. It was also decided that the risk and capital
committee, previously credit committee is included Carl Eric Stålberg, Anders
Sundström, Ulrika Francke and Karl-Henrik Sundström. 

In the audit committee which also covers compliance is included Ulrika Francke,
Berith Hägglund-Marcus, Anders Igel and Pia Rudengren and in the renumeration
committee Carl Eric Stålberg, Anders Sundström, Berith Hägglund-Marcus and Helle
Kruse Nielsen. 

It was decided at the Annual General Meeting that no dividend was to be
distributed to shareholders for the financial year 2008. 

Other decisions 
The Annual General Meeting also resolved, in accordance with the Board´s
proposal, to allow the bank, until the next Annual General Meeting 2010, to
acquire at any given time in its securities operations, to facilitate these
operations, up to 1 percent of the bank´s shares. The price of acquired shares
should represent the current market price at the time when purchased

The Annual General Meeting decided on the guidelines for the Nomination
Committee ahead of next year's Annual General Meeting. The bank will announce
the names of the members of the committee not later than six months before the
next Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting also decided on
remuneration policy for Swedbank top executives.

A transcription and web cast of Carl Eric Stålberg´s and Michael Wolf´s
presentations at today´s Annual General Meeting will be available on Swedbank´s
website: www.swedbank.se/ir

For further information: 
Carl Eric Stålberg, Chair of the Board of Directors, telephone +46 8 585 912 96
Michael Wolf, CEO, telephone +46 8 585 900 00
Cecilia Hernqvist, Secretary of the Board, telephone +46 8 585 913 23 
Thomas Backteman, Executive Vice President Group Affairs, telephone +46 70 831
11 66

Swedbank's vision is to be the leading financial institution in the markets
where we are present. Swedbank has 9.4 million retail customers and 600,000
corporate customers with 419 branches in Sweden, 278 branches in the Baltic
countries and another 215 branches in Ukraine. The group is also present in
Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai,
St. Petersburg and Tokyo. As of December 2008 the group had total assets of SEK
1,812 billion and approximately 21,000 employees. For more information about
Swedbank, please visit www.swedbank.com.

