ANA Revises Financial Forecast for Fiscal 2008

TOKYO--(Marketwire - April 27, 2009) - ANA Group has narrowed its forecast net loss from -9 billion yen to -4.5 billion yen for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009, on the sale of certain assets. However, given the worsening global and Japanese recessions in the fourth quarter, the Group expects to post a smaller revenue and operating income than forecast at the end of the first nine months of the year.

The following charts give the revised forecast for ANA Group as a whole on a consolidated basis, and separately for ANA, the mainline carrier.

ANA Group Consolidated Forecast                           Unit: million yen

                    Revenue    Operating    Recurring     Net    Net Income
                                Income       Profit     Income    per share
Forecast as of
Jan 31, 2009 (A)   1,400,000     8,000       -10,000    -9,000       -4.62

New Forecast (B)   1,392,500     7,500             0    -4,500       -2.33

Change (B-A)          -7,500      -500       +10,000    +4,500

% Change                -0.5      -6.3            --        --

(Apr 1 2007 -
 Mar 31 2008)      1,487,827    84,389        56,523    64,143       32.93

ANA                                                       Unit: million yen

                    Revenue    Operating    Recurring     Net    Net Income
                                Income       Profit     Income    per share

Forecast as of
Jan 31, 2009 (A)   1,255,000     3,000       -13,000    -6,000       -3.08

New Forecast (B)   1,248,500    -1,000        -3,500    -2,000       -1.03

Change (B-A)          -6,500    -4,000        +9,500    +4,000

% Change                -0.5        --            --        --

(Apr 1 2007 -
Mar 31 2008)       1,341,360    73,799        46,212    50,532       25.94

Contact Information: Contact: Rob Henderson Public Relations: