FINGRID GROUP'S INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 31 MARCH 2009                        
Review of operations
Power system operation
A total of 23.3 (25.1) terawatt hours of electricity was consumed in Finland    
from the beginning of 2009 to the end of March. The economic recession and      
reduced industrial production decreased electricity consumption. A total of 17.5
TWh of electricity was transmitted in Fingrid's grid during the same period,    
representing 75 per cent of the electricity consumption in Finland. 
Because of the mild winter and recession, the electricity consumption peak was  
only 13,008 megawatts (13,763 MW in 2008 according to Finnish Energy            
Industries). The peak power was 755 MW less than the peak figure in the previous
winter, and as much as 1,906 MW less than the record peak power of 14,914 MW    
attained two years ago.  
From January to March, 0.4 TWh (1.9 TWh) of electricity was imported from Sweden
into Finland, and 1.5 TWh (0.2 TWh) was exported from Finland into Sweden.      
Electricity imports from Russia from January to March were 3.1 TWh (2.5 TWh) and
from Estonia 0.6 TWh (0.5 TWh).
During the review period, there were no significant extensive faults in the     
grid. The dimensioning fault in the Finnish power system had to be raised       
temporarily in January from the earlier level of just under 900 MW to 1,300 MW. 
This was due to the changes made at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plants in order 
to secure nuclear safety. In order to control the situation, the import capacity
from Sweden has been reduced temporarily by 100-300 MW until May, and the       
present maximum import capacity is hence 1,750-1,950 MW.  The protection changes
at Olkiluoto have no impact on the export capacity.                             

| Power system operation                   | 1.-3. 2009       | 1.-3. 2008     |
| Electricity consumption in Finland TWh   | 23.3             | 25.1           |
| Fingrid's transmission volume TWh        | 17.5             | 17.3           |
| Fingrid's loss energy volume TWh         | 0.3              | 0.3            |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Sweden |                  |                |
| exports to Sweden TWh                    | 1.5              | 0.2            |
| imports from Sweden TWh                  | 0.4              | 1.9            |
| Electricity transmissions                |                  |                |
| Finland-Estonia                          |                  |                |
| imports from Estonia TWh                 | 0.6              | 0.5            |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Russia |                  |                |
| imports from Russia TWh                  | 3.1              | 2.5            |

Promotion of electricity market 
The average price on the spot market in Nord Pool (system price) and the area   
price for Finland were almost the same, i.e. approx. 38 €/MWh, during the first 
quarter of 2009.                                                                

Maintenance work on the cross-border connection between Finland and Sweden      
restricted the available transmission capacity between the two countries, and   
transmission congestions restricted trading during 11 per cent of the hours in  
the early part of the year. The congestion income caused by transmission        
congestions on the border between Finland and Sweden totalled 0.5 million euros 
between January and March. The Nordic congestion income during the review period
was 9.6 million euros (37.3 million euros). Fingrid's share of this Nordic      
congestion income was 0.7 million euros (3.6 million euros).                    

A new Nordic balance service model was introduced at the beginning of 2009 in   
Finland, Sweden and Denmark. This reform will harmonise the rules of balance    
power trade in the Nordic countries. The main changes include the handling of   
electricity balances in two different balances -production and consumption      
balance - and the harmonisation of costs included in balance service. Another   
essential change was that production plans and regulating power bids must now be
submitted 45 minutes before the beginning of each hour. The balance settlement  
for January was completed on schedule even though the new model required        
considerable changes in the procedures and data systems of both the electricity 
market parties and Fingrid.                                                     

Based on the Finnish act on securing the availability of peak load power        
reserves, Fingrid renewed the contracts for the power reserves for the period of
1 March 2009 to 28 February 2011.New principles for the starting of electricity 
generation by power plants covered by the power reserve arrangement on the      
Elspot market were taken into use in the same conjunction. The annual costs for 
maintaining the power reserve arrangement will increase from 10 million euros to
approx. 13 million euros as a result of the new contracts. The power reserve fee
was raised from 0.15 euros per MWh to 0.18 euros per MWh from 1 April 2009. The 
fee will be revised when needed to correspond to the actual costs and           
electricity consumption. 
Between January and March, Fingrid's counter trade costs were only a few        
thousand euros, like during the corresponding period in 2008.                   

The work group appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 
studying the feed-in tariff for renewable energy, presented its proposal for the
feed-in tariff system for wind power in the interim report published in early   
April. According to the proposal, Fingrid or its fully-owned subsidiary would   
administer the collection and payment system for the feed-in tariff for wind    
power. The final report of the work group will be complete by the end of June.  
The final report will also contain a proposal concerning a feed-in tariff for   
biogas electricity and an analysis of the application of the feed-in tariff     
arrangement to other sources of renewable energy.                               

| Electricity market                          | 1.-3. 2009    | 1.-3. 2008     |
| Nord Pool system price, average €/MWh       | 38.23         | 37.99          |
| Area price Finland, average €/MWh           | 38.10         | 39.27          |
| Congestion income in the Nordic countries   | 9.6           | 37.3           |
| million €                                   |               |                |
| Congestion income between Finland and       | 0.5           | 0.1            |
| Sweden million €                            |               |                |
| Congestion income between Finland and       | 4.8           | 0.3            |
| Sweden %                                    |               |                |
| Fingrid's share of the congestion income in | 0.7           | 3.6            |
| the Nordic countries million €              |               |                |

Capital expenditure and grid maintenance 
The Group's gross capital expenditure during the review period was 16.3 million 
euros (13.6 million euros during the corresponding period in 2008). 
In March, Fingrid completed its project extending over several years:           
replacement of 400 kilovolt aluminium towers. A total of 1,300 aluminium towers 
were replaced by steel towers over a distance of 750 kilometres because of      
aluminium corrosion. The project started south of Oulu in 2000 on the           
Pyhäselkä-Alapitkä-Huutokoski line. The last part of the project concerned line 
Vuolijoki-Huutokoski. The total costs of the project were approx. 32 million    
A grid analysis shared by Nordel and the Baltic region was completed in the     
early part of 2009. The analysis concluded, among other things, that a second   
transmission connection between Finland and Estonia is economically viable.     
Based on the findings, a survey concerning the implementation of the new        
connection has been launched. The EU has also included the project in its       
economy recovery package, and the use of this funding source is being studied.  

Financial result 
The Group's revenue was 115 million euros (115 million euros) during the period 
under review. The grid tariff and Russian transmission tariff were raised by 4.5
per cent at the beginning of 2009.  The other operating income was 0.5 million  
euros (0.4 million euros). As a result of decreasing electricity consumption,   
grid revenue decreased slightly despite the 4.5 per cent tariff increase carried
out at the beginning of the year.  
Revenue from the sales of balance power grew from the previous year to 30       
million euros (27 million euros). Correspondingly, the purchases of balance     
power also grew to 28 million euros (23 million euros). These changes in sales  
and purchases were mainly due to the fact that the consumption and production   
balances are now handled in two different balances. Cross-border transmission   
income and peak load power income increased slightly from the corresponding     
period in 2008. ITC or inter-TSO compensations between the European TSOs grew to
3 million euros. Income and costs related to the feed-in tariff of peat         
decreased. Depreciation, loss energy, reserve power and personnel costs rose    
slightly. The changes in the first quarter from the corresponding period in 2008
are shown in the table below (in million euros).                                

| Revenue                                  | 1-3/09           | 1-3/08         |
| Grid service revenue                     | 66.1             | 67.4           |
| Sales of balance power                   | 29.5             | 27.5           |
| Cross-border transmission                | 6.3              | 5.3            |
| ITC income                               | 7.8              | 4.3            |
| Peak load power                          | 3.3              | 3.0            |
| Feed-in tariff for peat                  | 0.1              | 2.2            |
| Congestion income                        | 0.7              | 3.6            |
| Other operational revenue and other      | 2.0              | 1.9            |
| income                                   |                  |                |
| Revenue and other income total           | 115.9            | 115.2          |

| Costs                                    | 1-3/09           | 1-3/08         |
| Depreciation                             | 15.3             | 14.2           |
| Purchase of balance power                | 27.9             | 23.2           |
| ITC charges                              | 4.3              | 3.6            |
| Peak load power                          | 3.7              | 3.4            |
| Feed-in tariff for peat                  | 0.1              | 2.1            |
| Purchase of loss energy                  | 15.0             | 13.2           |
| Reserves                                 | 4.8              | 4.5            |
| Maintenance management                   | 3.2              | 1.9            |
| Personnel                                | 5.0              | 4.9            |
| Other costs                              | 4.3              | 4.5            |
| Costs total                              | 83.6             | 75.4           |

Operating profit excluding the change in the fair value of electricity          
derivatives was 32 million euros (40 million euros). Operating profit decreased 
primarily because of reduced grid service revenue, congestion income, and result
of balance service. The IFRS operating profit was 35 million euros (38 million  
euros), which contains 3 million euros (-2 million euros) of positive change in 
the fair value of electricity derivatives. The IFRS profit before taxes was 29  
million euros (29 million euros). The total comprehensive income for the review 
period was 11 million euros (13 million euros). The equity ratio was 26.9 (27.9)
per cent at the end of the review period.  
The Group's income flow is characterised by seasonal fluctuations, which is why 
the financial result for the entire year cannot be directly estimated on the    
basis of the three-month result.                                                

The financial position of the Group continued to be satisfactory. The uncertain 
situation in the money and capital markets continues, and it is difficult to    
anticipate its time frame. The net financial costs of the Group were 6 million  
euros (8 million euros) during the review period. Financial assets recognised at
fair value in the income statement, and cash and cash equivalents amounted to   
211 million euros (223 million euros) at 31 March 2009. The interest-bearing    
liabilities, including derivative liabilities, totalled 928 million euros (952  
million euros), of which 633 million euros (732 million euros) were long-term   
and 295 million euros (220 million euros) were short-term.   
The counterparty risk involved in the derivative contracts relating to financing
was 8 million euros (9 million euros). The company has an undrawn revolving     
credit facility of 250 million euros. 
On April 15 2009 international rating agency Fitch Ratings assigned Fingrid Oyj 
a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ‘AA-' (AA minus), senior unsecured   
debt rating of ‘AA', and Short-Term IDR of ‘F1+'. The agency also revised the   
outlook on the Long-Term IDR from Stable to Negative. 
The total personnel of the Fingrid Group averaged 242 (243) during the review   
Annual General Meeting 
Fingrid Oyj's Annual General Meeting was held in Helsinki on 19 March 2009. The 
Annual General Meeting accepted the financial statements for 2008, adopted the  
income statement and balance sheet, and granted discharge from liability to the 
members of the Board of Directors and to the President.
Arto Lepistö, Deputy                                                            
Director General, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, was elected as the    
Chairman of the Board, Timo Rajala, President and CEO, Pohjolan Voima Oy, as the
First Deputy Chairman of the Board, and Timo Karttinen, Senior Vice President,  
Fortum Oyj, as the Second Deputy Chairman of the Board. The other Board members 
elected were Ari Koponen, Managing Director, Fortum Sähkönsiirto Oy, Ritva      
Nirkkonen, Fund Raising Manager, University of Jyväskylä, Special Duties, Anja  
Silvennoinen, Vice President, Energy, UPM-Kymmene Oyj, and Risto Autio,         
Director, Alternatives, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company.   
The consolidated figures in this Interim Report are unaudited.  
Outlook for the remaining part of the year  
The profit of the Fingrid Group for the entire year without the change in the   
fair value of derivatives is expected to decrease somewhat on the previous year.

Board of Directors 
Appendices: Tables for the interim report 1 January - 31 March 2009  
Further information:                                                            
Jukka Ruusunen, President & CEO, +358 (0)30 395 5140 or                         
+358 (0)40 593 8428                                                             
Tom Pippingsköld, CFO, +358 (0)30 395 5157 or +358 (0)40 519                    

Appendices: Tables for the Interim Report 1 January - 31 March 2009             
| Condensed consolidated statement |     2009 |     2008 |   Change |     2008 |
| of comprehensive income, million |  Jan-Mar |  Jan-Mar |          |  Jan-Dec |
| euros                            |          |          |          |          |
|  Revenue                         |    115.4 |    114.8 |      0.7 |    382.3 |
|  Other operating income          |      0.5 |      0.4 |      0.1 |      2.5 |
| Depreciation and amortisation    |    -15.3 |    -14.2 |     -1.2 |    -59.5 |
| expense                          |          |          |          |          |
|  Operating expenses              |    -65.8 |    -63.1 |     -2.7 |   -257.0 |
|  Operating profit                |     34.8 |     37.9 |     -3.1 |     68.4 |
|  Finance income and costs        |     -5.8 |     -8.1 |      2.3 |    -31.4 |
| Portion of profit of associated  |      0.2 |     -0.3 |      0.5 |      0.5 |
| companies                        |          |          |          |          |
|  Profit before taxes             |     29.1 |     29.5 |     -0.4 |     37.5 |
|  Income taxes                    |     -7.5 |     -7.8 |      0.2 |     -9.7 |
|  Profit for the period           |     21.6 |     21.7 |     -0.1 |     27.9 |
| Other comprehensive income       |          |          |          |          |
| Cash flow hedges                 |    -10.6 |     -8.4 |     -2.1 |    -32.5 |
| Translation reserve              |      0.2 |      0.0 |      0.3 |     -0.6 |
| Available-for-sale financial     |          |          |          |      0.0 |
| assets                           |          |          |          |          |
| Total comprehensive income for   |     11.3 |     13.3 |     -2.0 |     -5.3 |
| the year                         |          |          |          |          |
| Profit attributable to:          |          |          |          |          |
| Equity holders of the company    |     21.6 |     21.7 |     -0.1 |     27.9 |
| Total comprehensive income       |          |          |          |          |
| attributable to:                 |          |          |          |          |
| Equity holders of  the company   |     11.3 |     13.3 |     -2.0 |     -5.3 |
| Earnings per share (euros)*      |     6491 |     6532 |      -41 |    8 379 |
| belonging to the owners of the   |          |          |          |          |
| parent company, calculated from  |          |          |          |          |
| profit                           |          |          |          |          |
| * no dilution effect             |          |          |          |          |

| Condensed consolidated balance    |    2009 |     2008 |   Change |     2008 |
| sheet, million euros              |  31 Mar |   31 Mar |          |   31 Dec |
|  ASSETS                           |         |          |          |          |
|  Non-current assets               |         |          |          |          |
|   Goodwill                        |    87.9 |     87.9 |      0.0 |     87.9 |
|   Intangible assets               |    86.2 |     84.6 |      1.5 |     85.3 |
|   Property, plant and equipment   | 1 113.5 |  1 085.3 |     28.2 |  1 113.1 |
|   Investments                     |     7.1 |      7.0 |      0.0 |      6.7 |
|   Receivables                     |    13.4 |     17.7 |     -4.2 |      9.9 |
|  Current assets                   |         |          |          |          |
|   Inventories                     |     5.0 |      4.7 |      0.4 |      4.6 |
|   Receivables                     |    44.7 |     53.6 |     -8.9 |     48.0 |
| Financial assets recognised in    |   194.0 |    205.8 |    -11.7 |    200.0 |
| income statement at fair value    |         |          |          |          |
|   Cash and cash equivalents       |    16.8 |     17.3 |     -0.5 |      6.1 |
|  Total assets                     |  1568.7 |  1 563.9 |      4.8 |  1 561.6 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND          |         |          |          |          |
| LIABILITIES                       |         |          |          |          |
| Shareholders' equity belonging to |         |          |          |          |
| the owners of the parent company  |         |          |          |          |
|  Shareholders' equity             |   422.2 |    436.1 |    -14.0 |    417.6 |
|  Non-current liabilities          |         |          |          |          |
| Non-current interest-bearing      |   633.1 |    732.3 |    -99.2 |    678.3 |
| liabilities                       |         |          |          |          |
|   Other non-current liabilities   |   168.5 |    114.7 |     53.7 |    150.1 |
|  Current liabilities              |         |          |          |          |
| Current interest-bearing          |   295.0 |    219.8 |     75.2 |    254.5 |
| liabilities                       |         |          |          |          |
|   Trade and other payables        |    49.9 |     60.9 |    -11.0 |     61.0 |
| Total shareholders' equity and    |  1568.7 |  1 563.9 |      4.8 |  1 561.6 |
| liabilities                       |         |          |          |          |

| Key indicators, million euros       |    2009  |       2008  |          2008 |
|                                     | Jan -Mar |   Jan - Mar |     Jan - Dec |
|  Revenue                            |    115.4 |       114.8 |         382.3 |
|  Capital expenditure, gross         |     16.3 |        13.6 |          87.9 |
|   - % of revenue                    |     14.1 |        11.9 |          23.0 |
|  Research and development expenses  |      0.1 |         0.2 |           0.9 |
|   - % of revenue                    |      0.1 |         0.2 |           0.2 |
|  Personnel, average                 |      242 |         243 |           241 |
|  Operating profit                   |     34.8 |        37.9 |          68.4 |
|  - % of revenue                     |     30.1 |        33.0 |          17.9 |
|  Profit before taxes                |     29.1 |        29.5 |          37.5 |
|   - % of revenue                    |     25.2 |        25.7 |           9.8 |
|  Interest bearing liabilities, net* |    717.3 |       729.0 |         726.7 |
|  Equity ratio, %*                   |     26.9 |        27.9 |          26.7 |
| Shareholders' equity, million       |    422.2 |       436.1 |         417.6 |
| euros*                              |          |             |               |
|  Equity per share, euros*           |  126 971 |     131 169 |       125 600 |
|  Earnings per share, euros*         |    6 491 |       6 532 |         8 379 |
| * end of period                     |          |             |               |

| Consolidated      |  Share | Share | Revalua | Translat | Retaine |    Total |
| statement of      | capita | premi |    tion |      ion |       d |          |
| changes in total  |      l |    um | reserve |  reserve | earning |          |
| equity, million   |        | accou |         |          |       s |          |
| euros             |        |    nt |         |          |         |          |
| Capital and       |   55.9 |  55.9 |     9.4 |      0.2 |   308.6 |    430.0 |
| reserves          |        |       |         |          |         |          |
|  1 Jan 2008       |        |       |         |          |         |          |
| Dividend          |        |       |         |          |    -7.2 |     -7.2 |
| distribution      |        |       |         |          |         |          |
| Profit for period |        |       |    -8.4 |      0.0 |    21.7 |     13.3 |
| Capital and       |   55.9 |  55.9 |     1.0 |      0.2 |   323.2 |    436.1 |
| reserves          |        |       |         |          |         |          |
|  31 Mar 2008      |        |       |         |          |         |          |
| Profit for period |        |       |   -24.1 |     -0.5 |     6.1 |    -18.5 |
| Capital and       |   55.9 |  55.9 |   -23.2 |     -0.4 |   329.3 |    417.6 |
| reserves          |        |       |         |          |         |          |
|  31 Dec 2008      |        |       |         |          |         |          |
| Dividend          |        |       |         |          |    -6.7 |     -6.7 |
| distribution      |        |       |         |          |         |          |
| Profit for period |        |       |   -10.6 |      0.2 |    21.6 |     11.3 |
| Capital and       |   55.9 |  55.9 |   -33.7 |     -0.1 |   344.2 |    422.2 |
| reserves          |        |       |         |          |         |          |
|  31 Mar 2009      |        |       |         |          |         |          |

| Condensed consolidated cash flow statement, |    2009  |    2008 |      2008 |
| million euros                               |  Jan-Mar | Jan-Mar |   Jan-Dec |
|  Cash flow from operating activities        |          |         |           |
|  Profit for the financial year              |     21.6 |    21.7 |      33.0 |
|  Adjustments                                |     26.1 |    30.7 |     109.1 |
|  Changes in working capital                 |     -6.8 |    -1.9 |       4.8 |
|  Interests paid                             |     -7.1 |    -7.3 |     -40.8 |
|  Interests received                         |      2.5 |     2.8 |       9.0 |
|  Taxes paid                                 |     -0.3 |    -0.6 |      -2.3 |
|  Net cash flow from operating activities    |     36.0 |    45.4 |     112.6 |
|  Cash flow from investing activities        |          |         |           |
|  Purchase of property, plant and equipment  |    -22.0 |   -14.2 |     -83.6 |
|  Purchase of intangible assets              |     -1.2 |    -0.3 |      -3.1 |
|  Purchase of other assets                   |      0.0 |     0.0 |       0.0 |
|  Proceeds from other investments            |      0.0 |     0.0 |       0.0 |
| Proceeds  from sale of property, plant and  |      0.0 |     0.0 |       0.2 |
| equipment                                   |          |         |           |
|  Repayment of loans receivable              |      0.0 |     0.0 |       0.1 |
|  Dividends received                         |      0.0 |     0.0 |       0.6 |
|  Net cash flow from investing activities    |    -23.2 |   -14.5 |     -85.7 |
|  Cash flow from financing activities        |          |         |           |
|  Withdrawal of loans                        |    101.1 |    32.9 |     354.4 |
|  Repayment of loans                         |   -101.7 |   -45.0 |    -382.0 |
|  Dividends paid                             |     -6.7 |    -7.2 |      -7.2 |
|  Net cash flow from financing activities    |     -7.4 |   -19.3 |     -34.7 |
|  Net change in cash and cash equivalents    |      5.4 |    11.6 |      -7.9 |
|  Cash and cash equivalents 1 Jan            |    206.1 |   212.0 |     212.0 |
| Impact of changes in fair value of          |     -0.7 |    -0.5 |       2.1 |
| investments                                 |          |         |           |
|  Cash and cash equivalents 31 Mar           |    210.8 |   223.1 |     206.1 |

| Derivative            |   31 Mar 2009   |   31 Mar 2008   |   31 Dec 2008    |
| agreements, million   |                 |                 |                  |
| euros                 |                 |                 |                  |
|                       |    Net | Notion |    Net | Notion |     Net | Notion |
|                       |   fair |     al |   fair |     al |    fair |     al |
|                       |  value |  value |  value |  value |   value |  value |
| Interest and currency |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| derivatives           |        |        |        |        |         |        |
|  Cross-currency swaps |    -18 |    343 |    -37 |    384 |     -22 |    367 |
|  Forward contracts    |      0 |     22 |     -1 |     74 |       1 |     19 |
|  Interest rate swaps  |      0 |    159 |     -1 |    181 |       0 |    134 |
|  Call options, bought |      1 |    360 |      8 |    360 |       2 |    330 |
|  Total                |    -19 |    884 |    -31 |    999 |     -19 |    851 |
|                       |    Net | Volume |    Net | Volume |     Net | Volume |
|                       |   fair |     MT |   fair |     MT |    fair |     MT |
|                       |  value |        |  value |        |   value |        |
| Commodity derivatives |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Call options on       |        |        | 1      |   3400 |         |        |
| metals, bought        |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Total                 |        |        | 1      |   3400 |         |        |
|                       |    Net | Volume |    Net | Volume |     Net | Volume |
|                       |   fair |    TWh |   fair |    TWh |    fair |    TWh |
|                       |  value |        |  value |        |   value |        |
| Electricity           |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| derivatives           |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Electricity forward   |    -46 |   3.50 |      8 |   2.80 |     -35 |   3.52 |
| contracts, Nord Pool  |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Clearing designated   |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| as hedge accounting   |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Electricity forward   |      0 |   0.00 |      1 |   0.52 |       0 |   0.00 |
| contracts, Nord Pool  |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Clearing              |        |        |        |        |         |        |
| Forward contracts of  |      0 |   0.06 |      1 |   0.09 |       0 |   0.07 |
| electricity, others   |        |        |        |        |         |        |
|  Total                |    -47 |   3.56 |     10 |   3.41 |     -35 |   3.59 |

| Commitments and          |    31 Mar 2009 |    31 Mar 2008 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| contingencies, million   |                |                |                 |
| euros                    |                |                |                 |
|  Pledges / bank balances |             17 |             11 |               6 |
|  Rental liabilities      |              9 |              9 |               9 |
| Commitment fee of        |              1 |              0 |               1 |
| revolving credit         |                |                |                 |
| facility                 |                |                |                 |
|  Total                   |             26 |             20 |              16 |
|  Capital commitments     |            237 |             75 |             219 |
| Other financial          |              2 |              2 |               2 |
| liabilities              |                |                |                 |

| Changes in property,     |    31 Mar 2009 |    31 Mar 2008 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| plant and equipment,     |                |                |                 |
| million euros            |                |                |                 |
| Carrying amount at       |          1 113 |          1 086 |           1 086 |
| beginning of period      |                |                |                 |
|  Increases               |             15 |             13 |              81 |
|  Decreases               |                |                |               0 |
| Depreciation and         |            -15 |            -14 |             -54 |
| amortisation expense     |                |                |                 |
| Carrying amount at end   |          1 113 |          1 085 |          1  113 |
| of period                |                |                |                 |

| Related party            |    31 Mar 2009 |    31 Mar 2008 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| transactions and         |                |                |                 |
| balances, million euros  |                |                |                 |
| Sales                    |             28 |             13 |              99 |
|  Purchases               |             25 |             45 |             109 |
|  Receivables             |              2 |             15 |               9 |
|  Liabilities             |              0 |              3 |               1 |

Accounting principles. This interim report has been drawn up in accordance with 
standard IAS 34,  Interim Financial Reporting. In this interim report, Fingrid  
has followed the same principles as in the annual financial statements for 2008.
The Group has adopted the new standards that came into force 1 January 2009 IAS 
Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 23 Borrowing Costs.                

Segment reporting. The entire business of the Fingrid Group is deemed to        
comprise transmission system operation in Finland  with system responsibility,  
only constituting a single segment. There are no essential differences in the   
risks and profitability of individual products and services. This is why segment
reporting in accordance with the IFRS 8 standard is not presented.              
Corporate rearrangements. There have been no changes in the Group structure     
during the period reviewed.                                                     

Seasonal fluctuation. The Group's operations are characterised by extensive     
seasonal fluctuations.                                                          

General clause. Certain statements in this release concern the future and are   
based on the present views of management. Due to their nature, they contain some
risk and uncertainty and are subject to changes in economy and the relevant     

