Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders


The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi
(registration code 10257326, address Ädala 10, Tallinn) shall be held on
Tuesday, 19 May 2009 at 
09 am at the Radisson SAS Hotel (Rävala pst 3, Tallinn), in the 2nd floor
conference room “Bremen-Cuxhaven”. 

Registration of participants of the meeting will start on 19 May 2009 at 08.30

The agenda for the annual general meeting approved by the Supervisory Council
is as follows: 

1	Approval of the Annual Report
Supervisory Council proposal: To approve the 2008 Annual Report.

2	Distribution of profits
Supervisory Council proposal: To distribute 230,010,000 kroons (EUR 14 700 318)
of AS Tallinna Vesi's net profit of 295,958,000 kroons (EUR 18 915 164) for the
year 2008 as dividends, of which 11.50 kroons (EUR 0.73) per share shall be
paid to the owners of the A-shares and 10,000 kroons (EUR 639) per share shall
be paid to the owner of the B-share. The rest of the net profit of the
financial year 2008 as well as retained earnings will remain undistributed. 
It will be proposed to the general meeting to pay the dividends out to the
shareholders on 12 June 2009 and to determine the list of shareholders entitled
to receive dividends on the basis of the share ledger as at 23.59 on 01 June

3	Appointment of the auditor
Supervisory Council evaluation of auditors work and proposal: Aktsiaselts
PricewaterhouseCoopers has provided auditing services for AS Tallinna Vesi
during the financial year 2008 pursuant to the agreement concluded between
Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers and AS Tallinna Vesi in 2008. In the opinion
of the Supervisory Council, Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers has provided
services in compliance with the agreement and the Supervisory Council does not
have complaints in respect to the quality of the auditing services. 
To appoint Aktsiaselts PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditor and Tiit Raimla as
the lead auditor for the 2009 financial year and to approve the principles for
remuneration of the auditors approved by the Supervisory Council. 

The 2008 Annual Report of AS Tallinna Vesi and the auditor's report is
available for review on the website of NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange 

The annual report, the principles for remuneration of the auditors and other
documents related to the agenda of the meeting are available for reading at the
headquarters of AS Tallinna Vesi at Ädala 10, Tallinn. 
Background information concerning the agenda and the draft resolutions are
available on the homepage of AS Tallinna Vesi Our homepage
also contains an overview of the documents that the shareholder must have with
him/her in order to participate at the Annual General Meeting (whether in
person or by proxy). 

In case you have any questions regarding the Annual General Meeting of the
shareholders or the agenda items, please contact our Head of Communications
Priit Koff via e-mail or telephone +372 62 62 209. The
questions, answers and opinions of the meeting shall be published on the
company's website. 

The list of shareholders, who are entitled to vote at the General Meeting will
be determined on the basis of the share ledger as at 23.59 on 09 May 2009. 

Priit Koff
Head of Communications
Tel +372 6262 209