GEOSENTRIC OYJ 	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  May 15, 2009 at 11.00                   


The following resolutions were made by the Annual General Meeting of GeoSentric 
Oyj of May 15, 2009:                                                            

1. Confirming the annual accounts and deciding on handling the result for the   
period according to the confirmed balance sheet                                 

The Annual General Meeting of GeoSentric Oyj confirmed the Income Statement and 
the Balance Sheet of the company from the financial period from January 1st to  
December 31st 2008. The General Meeting resolved that the result from the period
shall be booked on the previous years' profit/loss account and that no dividend 
is paid.                                                                        

2. Discharge the members of the Boards and CEO from liability                   

The Annual General Meeting resolved to discharge from liability the members of  
the Board and the Managing Director.                                            

3. Election of Board members and auditors                                       

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members is seven   
(7) and elected the following persons to the Board: Mr. Daniel Harple, Mr.      
Michael Vucekovich, Mr. Gary Bellot, Mr. Andy van Dam, Mr. Winston Guillory, Mr.
Hans van der Velde and Mr. Raymond Kalley. It was also resolved that the meeting
fee for the members of the Board of Directors will be EUR 1,500.00 per meeting, 
however for a maximum of 8 meeting per year, and that the members of the Board  
of Directors are entitled to standard incentive plan according to practices of  
the company. In addition it was resolved that the meeting fee for the members of
the committees will be EUR 1,500.00 per committee meeting.                      

The Board convened immediately after the Annual General Meeting and appointed   
Mr. Daniel Harple to the Chairman of the Board. At the same the company adopted 
a new option plan by issuing a maximum of 24,500,000 new option rights to       
members of the Board of Directors. Each member is entitled to subscribe a       
maximum of 3,500,000 option rights. The options are issued as a part of the     
incentive plan approved by the Annual General Meeting. The options are issued on
standard terms used by the company in its option plans. Each option right       
entitles its holder to subscribe for one (1) new share at subscription price of 
EUR 0.045 during the subscription period which ends on December 31, 2013.       

The General Meeting resolved to keep the number of ordinary auditors in one and 
re-elected Ernst & Young Oy, CPA Mr. Erkka Talvinko acting as its responsible   
auditor, to its auditor, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as deputy auditor.       

4. Granting the Board of Directors authorization to decide on increasing share  
capital and issuing new shares and special rights entitling to shares           

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide upon     
issuance of new shares as well as special rights entitling to shares as defined 
in Chapter 10 Article 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, against or without        
payment, in one or more installments such that the maximum number of new shares 
to be issued is 300,000,000. The authorization entitles the Board of Directors  
to decide upon the increase of the Company's share capital by maximum aggregate 
amount of EUR 3,000,000 by means of using the premium fund or invested          
unrestricted equity fund for the increase.                                      

The authorization entitles the Board to deviate from the pre-emptive right of   
shareholders and also accept set-off or other consideration in kind as a payment
for the shares or specific rights. The Board of Directors has the right to      
decide the terms of any issue by virtue of the authorization for all other      

The authorization is valid for two years from the date of the Annual General    
Meeting. The authorization replaces the existing authorizations granted by the  
Extraordinary General Meeting September 10, 2007.                               

5. Amending the Articles of Association                                         

The Annual General Meeting resolved to amend company's Articles of Association  
such that the notice to the General Meeting shall be published no later than    
twenty-one (21) days before the date of the General Meeting, instead of earlier 
seventeen (17) days.                                                            


GeoSentric Oyj                                                                  

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
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