Healthcare Marketing Report Honors American Specialty Health With Eight Healthcare Advertising Awards

SAN DIEGO, May 19, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Specialty Health (ASH), a national health and wellness organization, earned eight Healthcare Advertising Awards -- three gold and two silver, plus three merit distinctions -- from Healthcare Marketing Report. The Healthcare Advertising Awards celebrated its 26th anniversary with over 3,600 entries, making it both the oldest and largest health care advertising awards competition.

A national panel of judges reviewed all entries based on creativity, quality, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design, and overall impact. The judges gave gold distinctions to 259 entries, silver distinctions to 251 entries, and bronze distinctions to 241 entries.

ASH and Healthyroads (ASH's wellness and prevention subsidiary) won three Gold awards for their:

 * How to Build a Fit Company(tm) catalog

 * "This Year I Will..." New Year's resolution posters

 * Social events for members of Silver&Fit, ASH's healthy aging program

ASH and Healthyroads received two Silver awards for their:

 * Wellness employee communication program

 * Web site

ASH and Healthyroads also received merit distinctions for their Healthyroads monthly newsletter, ASH year-in-review employee Flash presentation, and the ASH corporate awards banquet.

"Day in and day out, we strive to create materials that aptly reflect our commitment to personal health improvement," said ASH CEO and chairman George DeVries. "It is only through effective communication that we can hope to reach our members and help them change their lives."

About American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is a national health and wellness company that provides wellness and prevention services, specialty network management programs, and fitness and exercise services to health plans, insurance carriers, employer groups, and trust funds. Based in San Diego, ASH has 700 employees and covers over 15 million members.

Healthyroads, Inc. is the wellness and prevention management services subsidiary of ASH. Healthyroads offers a wide range of wellness solutions -- including award-winning telephone-based coaching programs for weight management, tobacco cessation, and healthy living, and products and resources through its integrated Web site,

For more information about Healthyroads and other ASH health and wellness programs, visit or call 800.848.3555.



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