Frans Lindelöw leaves Nordea

Frans Lindelöw has decided to leave Nordea and will during the autumn
take on the position of president and CEO of Carnegie Investment Bank
AB. He will today vacate his position as head of Nordea Nordic
Banking Sweden and member of Nordea's Group Executive Management.

- Frans Lindelöw has contributed to Nordea's strong results and has
been one of the drivers of the development of both our customer
relations and the introduction of the new operating model in Sweden.
I am grateful for the work he has done for Nordea - both in group
management and as country head for Sweden, says Nordea's President
and CEO Christian Clausen.

- After seven years with Nordea I have decided to take on a new
assignment. My time with Nordea has been exciting and rewarding. I
have had the privilege of taking part in the process that has made
Nordea one of the leading European banks, says Frans Lindelöw.

For further information:
Helena Östman, Chief Press Officer Sweden, +46 8 614 8464, +46 70 200


Press release PDF.pdf