Riding the Recession

LAS VEGAS, May 27, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When we first interviewed Steve Sunyich, CEO of Ideal Financial Solutions (Pink Sheets:IFSL), several years ago, he knew that he had built a system that could grow wealth and manage debt for American consumers. You could see in his eyes the passion of an inventor, of someone who had discovered an overdue cure or new technology, eager to tell the world of his innovation. The only problem was the carefree economy of 2005 wasn't full of responsible individuals wisely managing debt and income or eager to hear the voice of reason among a chorus of dubious mortgage brokers, reckless lenders, and credit card enticements.

A profile featuring IFSL and of interest to investors of financial equities Ameriprise Financial (NYSE:AMP), JP Morgan Chase Co (NYSE:JPM), Goldman Sachs Group (NYSE:GS), Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) and Principal Financial Group (NYSE:PFG) is available at

Then came the recession, one of the worst economic conditions since The Great Depression and all of a sudden there was a bounty of consumers looking at their personal finances with a degree of concern they had abandoned for years. That's when it started to happen for Ideal Financial. In a recent interview with Sunyich we noted the confidence of a cat with a bird in his mouth. Sunyich's disposition said "I told you so" without a vocal utterance and he spoke of the company's white-hot growth and how they had tweaked pricing for their software to accommodate the needs of the recession's consumers and to get them on the path to a stronger financial future. The result has clearly been a win/win for Ideal Financial, its customers and from looking at the IFSL chart, its shareholders.

Another interesting note from our chat with Sunyich came in his response to a question asking if the new attitude of saving and becoming spending-conscious was likely short-term fad or long term trend. "It's a trend," Sunyich replied quickly. "This recession is a game-changer. We're not going back to the way things were." Increased sales at IFSL appear to embolden Sunyich's assertion and the company's forward growth might be a leading indicator as to whether our credit card culture becomes a credit-conscious one.

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