Major US healthcare group selects Sectra RIS

Major US healthcare group selects Sectra RIS

Shields Health Care Group, New England's premiere independent provider of
radiology imaging services, has chosen the Swedish IT and medical-technology
company Sectra as their Radiology Information System (RIS) provider.  Sectra
will deliver its RIS products, integration services and direct support to
Shields Health Care over a multi-year period.

Working with Sectra, Shields developed a return on investment strategy and
expects to lower operating costs in excess of USD 2.2 million over the next five
years.  Each department (Patient Access, Front Office, Billing and Information
Technology) has clearly defined goals as well as a target cost per scan
reduction to achieve. 

“As part of a continuing effort to be the best imaging provider in the New
England market, Shields senior management developed an optimization strategy for
the operation of all of our imaging centers,” indicated Patricia Whelan, Vice
President of Information Technologies at Shields Health Care.  “At the core of
this strategy is a new Sectra RIS that will help us to reengineer our workflow
through work simplification and elimination and advance our product through the
development of a multi-media report. Sectra RIS will enable us to communicate
securely with the patients and referring physician in new ways that were not
possible just a few years ago.” 

Sectra RIS will enable a comprehensive array of patient information to be
efficiently delivered and managed across the wide enterprise of healthcare
organizations within the Shields network.  Shields Health Care's partnership
with Sectra is a reflection of their commitment to regular investments in
breakthrough technology, allowing them to maintain a pioneering role in the
radiology industry.  

“Shields Health Care exemplifies the market leading, technology savvy,
patient-focused radiology organization that drives innovation in our industry,”
indicated Dr. John Goble, President of Sectra North America.  “Sectra will work
closely with Shields Health Care to enable their customer-focused model of
healthcare, while increasing their operational efficiencies, a necessity in this
tough economic climate.”  

About Shields Health Care
A family owned organization, Shields Health Care Group has been committed to
unsurpassed patient care and clinical excellence since 1972. Although
outstanding technology and a highly regarded medical staff would serve as the
company's foundation, it was Shields Health Care's revolutionary brand of
service that made hospitals all over New England take notice. Shields Health
Care employs a service-intensive approach by centralizing their scheduling,
quality assurance, and billing operations from a single location. Today, Shields
Health Care operates a network of MRI centers throughout Massachusetts and Rhode
Island, and they are a proud partner of: UMass Memorial Healthcare,  Baystate
Health System, St. Luke's Hospital - New Bedford, South Shore Hospital, Carney
Hospital, Rhode Island Hospital, Rhode Island Medical Imaging, and Lahey Clinic.

Dr. Torbjörn Kronander, President, Sectra Imtec AB, +46 705 23 52 27 
Dr. Jan-Olof Brüer, CEO and President, Sectra AB, +46 13 23 52 09

About Sectra's medical operations
Sectra develops and sells IT-systems and products for radiology, mammography and
orthopedic departments. More than 1,000 hospitals worldwide use the system
daily, together performing over 50million radiology examinations annually. This
makes Sectra one of the world leading companies within systems for handling
digital radiology images (PACS). In Scandinavia, Sectra is the market leader
with more than 50% of all film-free installations. Outside Scandinavia, Sectra's
system is installed at customers in North America and most major countries in
Europe and the Far East.

About the Sectra Group
Sectra successfully develops and sells cutting-edge products in the expansive
niche segments of medical systems and secure communication systems.  The company
was founded in 1978 and has its roots in the Linköping Institute of Technology
in Sweden.  Today, Sectra has offices in twelve countries and operates through
partners worldwide. Sales in the 2008/2009 fiscal year totaled SEK 863 million.
The Sectra share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB exchange. For more
information, visit

