Sales in May

Baltika's consolidated sales revenue for May totalled 73.4 million kroons and   
decreased by 23% compared to May previous year. Retail revenue decreased by 21%.
At constant exchange rates, retail revenue decreased by 13%. Comparable store   
sales declined by 27% yoy in May.                                               

Sales in May                                                                    

| EEK million                 |        5/2009 |        5/2008 |         Change |
| Retail                      |          71.3 |          90.3 |           -21% |
| Wholesale                   |           2.0 |           4.5 |           -55% |
| Other                       |          0.10 |          0.16 |           -38% |
| Total                       |          73.4 |          95.0 |           -23% |

In the month of May, retail revenue decreased by 3% in Central Europe, by 20% in
the Baltic region and by 26% in Eastern Europe (decline of 4% in local          

Consolidated sales revenue for the first five months totalled 371 million kroons
(-19% yoy), including retail revenue of 338 million kroons (-16%) and wholesale 
revenue of 33 million kroons (-42%).                                            

The number of stores amounted to 143 at the end of the month.                   

EUR 1 = EEK 15.6466                                                             

Ülle Järv                                                                       
CFO, Member of the Management Board                                             
+372 630 2741