GyPSii launches Java into China

GEOSENTRIC OYJ	STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN June 3, 2009 at 08:00                    

GyPSii launches Java into China 
GyPSii adds Java platform compatibility, targets 650 million+ Chinese mobile    

GeoSentric Oyj's (NASDAQ OMX: GEO1V), GyPSii business unit, developers of the   
award-winning GyPSii mobile social networking application ( today
announced the launch of the Java version of its application, with both Chinese  
and English language support.  
GyPSii created the Java application with the Chinese mobile consumer firmly in  
mind. Many Chinese users' first and only access to the Internet is via a mobile 
device, and the new GyPSii Java app will appeal to the 70% of the 650 million   
phone owners in China who own Java-based phones.                                

GyPSii is already locally available in China for the major operators China      
Mobile and China Unicom, for download on compatible Java phones. GyPSii is also 
available globally across a wide range of devices, including Samsung, Nokia, LG,
Apple iPhone and Blackberry smartphones.                                        

“The arrival of GyPSii on Java is another milestone for us, which broadens the  
choice across all mass-market devices that consumers can use and enjoy GyPSii on
- alongside the iPhone, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Blackberry (RIM), webtop and   
netbook applications already in our portfolio,” said GyPSii's Chairman, Dan     

“Our GyPSii members in China are already extremely active mobile social         
networkers. With Java platform compatibility, they are now free to create, share
and connect with the rest of the GyPSii community - across even more devices and
networks, at anytime, from any location.” He added, “We plan to expand our reach
on Java platforms into other countries, extending our mass market coverage      
further on a global basis”                                                      

GyPSii delivers an all-in-one mobile lifestyle experience - simple to use       
content creation tools, social networking capabilities, and location context. It
allows people to instantly capture and share what they are actually doing in    
their daily lives, building a multi-media virtual world - the places they have  
been, the things that they are doing and where they are going.                  

Utilising a wide range of location and multimedia creation technologies for     
today's mobile phones, GyPSii empowers people to share their experiences as they
happen - including with photos, video, comments, status and information captured
and uploaded from their mobile phone, with location context.                    

Jeff Lin, GyPSii's Managing Director APAC added, “With GyPSii, you can share    
what you are doing or planning to do in real time with your community of friends
and followers, who are then free to respond and comment, instantly without      
having to wait until they're next sitting at their PC. We expect Java phone     
owners to quickly become GyPSii fans and use the application to record their    
lives and stay connected to their communities - no matter what network or       
devices they use.”                                                              

The GyPSii application is already available and can be downloaded directly onto 
your mobile at and (for a full list of  
supported devices). Java phone owners in China can now download the new Java    
application from GyPSii at                            

About GeoSentric Oyj (GyPSii)                                                   
GeoSentric's GyPSii is the market-leading mobile digital lifestyle application  
and geo-mobility social networking platform: connecting people, places and      
communities across networks and devices. Based in Salo, Finland and Amsterdam,  
The Netherlands, GeoSentric operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia  
Pacific. GeoSentric is listed on the Nordic Exchange (NASDAQ OMX: GEO1V). For   
more information, visit and © 2009 GeoSentric. 
All rights reserved.                                                            

The GyPSii related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and   
trademarks of GeoSentric and/or it's business units. All other brands, product  
names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their  
respective owners.                                                              

Contact for Press:                                                              
Europe & China                                                                  
Dave McCann /Laura Bryant                                                       
Tel: +44 (0)118 920 7650                                                        