Baby With Knife Held to Her Throat Saved by Amherst Police Use of TASER X26

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., June 11, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TASER International, Inc. (Nasdaq:TASR), the market leader in advanced electronic control devices (ECDs) issued the following NEWS Alert:

According to an article in the June 11, 2009 edition of The Buffalo News entitled, "Taser used to save baby who had knife at her throat," Amherst officers in New York used a TASER(r) X26 ECD to disarm and subdue a 19-year-old man who already slashed the 6-month-old infant in her neck with a knife.

According to the article, Timothy M. Green, assistant chief of the Amherst Police said, "This was a great example of officers having different tools at their disposal and using the right tool in this particular circumstance."

The complete story is available at:

This information was compiled through publicly available media reports and distributed by TASER International, Inc. of Scottsdale, Arizona.

TASER International disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of the media. The reports are the sole responsibility of the attributed media source.

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