Plans to invest

AB “Grigiškės“  is going to implement the Project „The modernisation of the
heat sector through the greater use of renewable energy resources“ in order to
increase competitiveness of production and the use of waiste of the
manufacturing process for the production of energy. 
During the implementation of the Project the new steam-boiler with the heating
power of 15-18 MW using biofuel is intended to be installed. The heat produced
by the new steam-boiler will replace the heat produced by the existing natural
gas steam-boilers. It is planned that the new biofuel steam-boiler will produce
about 55 percent of heat (in the form of steam) needed for the technological
processes in the company. 
In 2008 AB „Grigiškės“  had provided Lithuanian Business support Agency with an
application in order to receive financial assistance for the implementation of
the Project. 
The support of up to 9 445 284 litas from the European Structural Funds and the
budget of Lithuanian Republic  for the implementation of the Project was
granted  by the order No. 4-346 of the minister of economy of the Republic of
Lithuania enacted on the 10 th of July, 2009. The total value of the Project is
about 19,1 million Lt. 

Gintautas Pangonis
General Director
(+370-5) 243 58 01