Tsakos Energy Navigation Reports Profits for Second Quarter 2009

63rd Consecutive Profitable Quarter Since Inception

 * Net revenues of $88.60 million versus $146.64 million in Q2 2008
 * Net income of $18.77 million versus $69.21 million in Q2 2008
 * EPS of $0.51 per share (diluted) versus $1.82 for Q2 2008
 * Semi-annual dividend of $0.85 per share paid in April 2009
   (bringing the total for fiscal 2008 to $1.75, up from $1.725 in
   fiscal 2007)
 * 14% reduction in vessel daily operating expenses

 * Net revenues of $194.74 million versus $262.31 million in the
   first half of 2008
 * Net income of $43.23 million versus $134.34 million (including
   a $34.57 million capital gain) in the 2008 period
 * EPS of $1.16 per share (diluted) versus $3.52 for the first half
   of 2008
 * Three year extension of time-charter of suezmax tanker Triathlon,
   from seven years to ten
 * Acquired and retired 237,700 shares for an average price of
   $16.59, a $3.9 million investment

ATHENS, Greece, Aug. 5, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited (TEN or the "Company") (NYSE:TNP) today reported results (unaudited) for the second quarter and first half of 2009.


Revenues, net of voyage expenses and commissions, were $88.60 million in the second quarter of 2009 compared to $146.64 million in the comparable 2008 period reflecting the lower freight rate environment. TEN deployed on average 46.0 vessels versus 44.0 vessels in the prior year quarter. Fleet utilization remained high at 97.8% as compared with 97.4% in the second quarter of 2008. The average daily time charter equivalent rate per day, per vessel was $22,890 down from $39,512 in the 2008 quarter. Vessel operating costs were $8,514 per ship, per day, down 14% from $9,898 primarily due to lower crew costs, a result of a stronger US dollar against the Euro, and reduced repair expenditure given fewer vessel dry dockings, although higher insurance costs were incurred.

Depreciation and dry-docking amortization costs rose to $25.06 million from $22.03 million. Management fees increased in line with the larger fleet size and the 2009 fee increase, while G&A expenses were 20% down, partly as a result of a stronger US dollar. Stock compensation amortization was considerably reduced due to fewer grants outstanding and a lower share price.

Interest and finance costs net of interest income fell to $4.91 million from $9.08 million reflecting the reduction in interest rates, positive movements in interest rate swap valuations and positive movements in bunker swaps of $3.0 million included in interest and finance costs. Interest income was $1.13 million in the quarter compared to $1.82 million in the prior year quarter.

Net income in the 2009 period was $18.77 million versus $69.21 million in the second quarter of 2008. Diluted earnings per share were $0.51 versus $1.82 in the second quarter of 2008.


Revenues, net of voyage expenses and commissions, were $194.74 million in the first six months of 2009, down from $262.31 million in the 2008 period reflecting the lower freight rate environment. TEN operated on average 46.0 vessels as compared with 43.6 a year earlier. TCE per vessel, per day decreased to $25,187 from $35,354 while operating expenses declined to $8,932 from $9,439. General and administrative expenses increased to $2.36 million from $2.11 million in the same period last year. Management fees rose in line with fleet expansion and contractual fee increases.

Interest and finance costs, net of interest income, decreased to $18.69 million from $30.73 million in the first half of 2008 due to reduced interest rates, positive interest rate swap valuations and a positive impact of bunker swap movements. Depreciation and drydocking amortization costs rose to $49.85 million from $44.01 million as a result of fleet expansion. G&A expenses were slightly increased over the previous first half year, but stock compensation expenses decreased to $0.19 million from $3.09 million.

Net income in the first half of 2009 reached $43.23 million compared to net income of $134.34 million in the corresponding 2008 period which included a gain on vessel sale of $34.6 million. Diluted earnings per share for the first half of 2009 were $1.16, while diluted earnings per share for the first six months of 2008 were $3.52.

"The rebound from the financial panic and the ensuing collapse of economies around the world has been and will be tedious. The impact on oil demand has been a severe drag on the tanker industry," observed D. John Stavropoulos, Chairman of the Board. He added, "The ability to operate profitably in such an environment verifies TEN's strategies and policies."


In early July, the 2007-built suezmax tanker Arctic was fixed on a three-year time charter to a major South American oil company with a fixed minimum daily rate and a 50:50 profit share to a maximum pre-agreed level. Assuming only the minimum rate, this charter is expected to generate at least $25 million in gross revenues.

In late July, the 2006-built aframax product tanker Promitheas entered a time charter, up to six months, at a fixed rate to a major international oil trading company. The vessel was operating in the spot market.

On July 17, TEN took delivery of the Ise Princess, the fifth DNA-design aframax tanker in a series of eight from Sumitomo Heavy Industries in Japan. Upon delivery, the vessel entered an up to four month redelivery time charter to the Mid-Atlantic basin.

In late July 2009, TEN signed contracts for the construction of two suezmax tankers at the Sungdong shipyard in South Korea for delivery in the third quarter of 2011 for a price well below the highs established in 2008. The vessels are expected to be financed by a combination of bank debt and cash equity.


In the second quarter, the turmoil and uncertainty prevailing in the global economy continued to impact the shipping markets. In this context, rates experienced prolonged downward pressures with welcome short-term lifts. The reduction in global oil demand and the effect of above average global oil inventories contributed to this softness.

In this world of uncertainty, TEN produced again results that validate its prudent strategy in terms of fleet deployment and operations and highlight its healthy financial foundation. As a result of this strategy, the Company's cash reserves rose to $309 million in the second quarter of 2009, an increase from last year. Cash preservation especially in times of global economic uncertainty has become the Company's cornerstone as it not only safeguards TEN from prolonged market pressures, should they occur, but also provides it with significant fire power to take advantage of opportunities that might arise either in the second hand or newbuilding market.

Looking ahead, signs of recovery in our markets will eventually occur as the world economies gradually start to rebound, as many analyst and market commentators predict. On the chartering front, such evidence starts to become apparent as charterers are beginning to reevaluate longer term time charters. TEN will continue to explore all available options for the chartering of its vessels and will strive to further increase the fixed employment of the fleet going forward. As of the third quarter 2009, TEN had 66% of remaining operating days under fixed employment and 44% for 2010. Without taking into consideration the potential additional revenues from profit-sharing arrangements in place and assuming only the minimum rates for the remaining operating days in 2009, TEN expects to earn at least $128 million in incremental gross revenues. For 2010, based on the same assumptions, the minimum gross revenue already secured is estimated at $170 million.

"In the challenging environment of this second quarter, TEN proved resilient to market pressures and the quality of our fleet continued to be in high demand from major oil companies as evidenced by our recent charters," Mr. Nikolas P. Tsakos, President & CEO of TEN, stated. "With expected improvements in the world economy during 2010, global oil demand should begin to show signs of recovery and our modern, versatile fleet, including our two recent newbuilding orders, will be well positioned to take advantage of the improvements. Our objective remains to operate the fleet with the highest possible utilization rate, efficiently, cost effectively and profitably," Mr. Tsakos concluded.

Conference Call

As previously announced, today, Wednesday, August 5th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time, TEN will host a conference call to review the results as well as management's outlook for the business. The call, which will be hosted by TEN's senior management, may contain information beyond what is included in the earnings press release.

To participate in the call from the United States or Canada, please dial +1.888.694.4702 approximately five minutes prior to the starting time. To participate in the call outside the United States or Canada, please dial +1.973.582.2741 five minutes prior to the starting time. The Conference ID is 2175 9049.

Two hours after the completion of the conference call, a digital recording of the call will be available for seven days, and can be accessed by dialing +1.800.642.1687 from inside the United States or Canada and +1.706.645.9291 from outside the United States or Canada and entering the Conference ID 2175 9049.

The call, which will be simultaneously broadcast live over the Internet, can be accessed at: http://www.videonewswire.com/event.asp?id=60858. The online archive of the broadcast will be available within one hour of the live call at the same web address.


TEN's pro forma fleet consists of 52 vessels of 5.6 million dwt. TEN's operational fleet consists of 47 vessels all of double-hull design. TEN's newbuilding program includes three DNA-aframax crude carriers and two suezmax tankers totaling about 615,000 dwt.

TEN's balanced fleet profile is reflected in 27 crude tankers ranging from VLCCs to aframaxes and 24 product carriers ranging from aframaxes to handysize, complemented by one LNG.

 TEN's employment profile:
 Type of Employment                                        Vessels
 Period Employment - Fixed, fixed w/profit share & min max   33
 CoA - market related                                         2
 Pool - market related                                        3
 Spot - market related                                        9

 TEN's current newbuilding program:
                                            Hull Type /
 Aframax                          DWT         Design      Delivery
 1. Asahi Princess              105,000      DH / DNA      Q4 2009
 2. Sapporo Princess            105,000      DH / DNA      Q1 2010
 3. Uraga Princess              105,000      DH / DNA      Q2 2010
 4. S2034                       158,000      DH            Q3 2011
 3. S2035                       158,000      DH            Q3 2011

 DH: Double Hull
 DNA: Design New Aframax


Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this press release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted by such forward-looking statements. TEN undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

      Selected Consolidated Financial and Other Data (Unaudited)
    (In Thousands of U.S. Dollars, except share and per share data)

                          Three months ended       Six months ended
                               June 30                 June 30
  INCOME DATA              2009        2008        2009        2008
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------

 Voyage revenues        $  114,180  $  171,409  $  240,491  $  308,153
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Commissions                 4,245       6,506       9,332      11,016
 Voyage expenses            21,334      18,262      36,422      34,824
 Charter hire expense           --       4,141          --       8,281
 Vessel operating         
  expenses                  34,879      37,036      72,780      69,829
 Depreciation               23,272      21,023      46,273      41,350
 Amortization of          
  deferred dry-docking    
  costs                      1,789       1,005       3,573       2,662
 Management fees             3,274       2,988       6,547       5,900
 General and              
  expenses                     896       1,113       2,356       2,105
 Stock compensation       
  expense                      147       1,745         193       3,089
 Foreign currency         
  losses                       257         318          56         749
  of deferred             
  gain on sale            
  of vessels                    --        (792)         --      (1,584)
 Gain on sale             
  of vessels                    --          --          --     (34,565)
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Total expenses             90,093      93,345     177,532     143,656
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Operating income         24,087      78,064      62,959     164,497
 Interest and finance     
  costs, net                (6,045)    (10,906)    (21,151)    (34,744)
 Interest income             1,133       1,823       2,464       4,012
 Other, net                     79         (48)        187         101
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Total other              
  expenses, net             (4,833)     (9,131)    (18,500)    (30,631)
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
   Net income               19,254      68,933      44,459     133,866
     Less: Net            
      to the              
      interest                (482)        273      (1,234)        469
                        ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Net Income attributable  
  to Tsakos Energy        
  Navigation Ltd.       $   18,772  $   69,206  $   43,225  $  134,335
                        ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
 Earnings per             
  share, basic          $     0.51  $     1.84  $     1.17  $     3.55
 Earnings per share,      
  diluted               $     0.51  $     1.82  $     1.16  $     3.52
 Weighted average         
  number of shares        
   Basic                36,908,326  37,686,262  36,977,844  37,808,488
   Diluted              37,152,243  38,018,386  37,217,103  38,120,119

 BALANCE SHEET DATA           June 30        Dec. 31        June 30
                               2009           2008           2008
                            -----------    -----------    -----------
 Cash and cash equivalents      308,664        312,169        304,296
                            -----------    -----------    -----------
 Current assets,
  including cash                371,065        370,781        375,855
 Investments                      1,000          1,000          1,000
 Financial instruments,
  net of current portion          2,217             --             --
 Advances for vessels
  under construction             56,114         53,715         80,837
   Vessels                    2,470,002      2,468,472      2,246,908
    Depreciation               (359,256)      (312,983)      (268,871)
                            -----------    -----------    -----------
 Vessels' Net Book Value      2,110,746      2,155,489      1,978,037
 Deferred charges, net           17,790         21,332         17,274
                            -----------    -----------    -----------

     Total assets           $ 2,558,932    $ 2,602,317    $ 2,453,003
                            ===========    ===========    ===========

 Current portion of
  long-term debt                 99,745         91,805         59,885
                            -----------    -----------    -----------
 Current liabilities,
  including current
  portion of
  long-term debt                194,180        189,488        153,010
 Long-term debt, net of
  current portion             1,376,727      1,421,824      1,332,778
 Financial instruments,
  net of current portion         48,751         75,890         20,671
 Total stockholders'
  equity                        939,274        915,115        946,544
                            -----------    -----------    -----------

     Total liabilities and
      stockholders' equity  $ 2,558,932    $ 2,602,317    $ 2,453,003
                            ===========    ===========    ===========

                         Three months ended     Six months ended
 OTHER FINANCIAL DATA          June 30               June 30
                           2009       2008       2009       2008
                        ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net cash from
  activities            $  22,215  $  65,599  $  73,411  $ 134,483
 Net cash (used
  investing activities  $  (2,355) $  (2,991) $  (3,928) $  31,798
 Net cash (used
  financing activities  $ (49,168) $ (50,414) $ (72,988) $ (43,432)

 TCE per ship per day   $  22,890  $  39,512  $  25,187  $  35,354

 Operating expenses per
  ship per day          $   8,514  $   9,898  $   8,932  $   9,439
 Vessel overhead costs
  per ship per day      $   1,031  $   1,460  $   1,092  $   1,400
                        ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                            9,545     11,358     10,025     10,839

 Average number of
  during period              46.0       44.0       46.0       43.6
 Number of vessels at
  end of period              46.0       44.0       46.0       44.0
 Average age of
  fleet at
  end of period       Years   6.6        5.8        6.6        5.8
 Dwt at end
  of period
  (in thousands)          4,922.0    4,711.0    4,922.0    4,711.0

 Time charter
  employment -
  fixed rate          Days 1,001      1,136      2,103      2,195
 Time charter
  employment -
  variable rate       Days  1,788      2,163      3,857      4,291
 Period employment
  (pool and coa)
  at market rates     Days    463        327        794        691
 Spot voyage
  at market rates     Days    844        273      1,420        580
                        ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Total operating
    days                    4,096      3,899      8,174      7,757
   Total available
    days                    4,186      4,004      8,326      7,927
   Utilization               97.8%      97.4%      98.2%      97.9%

 TCE represents voyage revenue less voyage expenses. Commission is not

 Operating expenses per ship per day exclude the two chartered-in
 vessels and the vessel bare-boat chartered out.

 Vessel overhead costs include Management fees, General &
 Administrative expenses, Management incentive award, and Stock
 compensation expense.


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