Photo Release -- Law Offices of Rheuban & Gresen: Veteran Female Officer Sues El Monte Police Department

Officer Alleges Sexual Harassment and Illegal Retaliation

EL MONTE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In an 18-page complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, El Monte Police Officer Mechelle Marin asserts the El Monte Police Department has for the past several years and continuing to this date actively allowed supervisory personnel to engage in blatantly illegal sexual harassment and intimidation. The department has ignored repeated complaints and to date has taken no disciplinary or remedial action against the perpetrators. "The evidence will clearly demonstrate that the Department has tolerated gender bias as well as harassment and discrimination against women police officers for many years," said Solomon E. Gresen, the attorney representing Officer Marin.

A photo accompanying this release is available at

"The facts of this case will show that the plaintiff, Officer Mechelle Marin, was subjected to suggestions that she could trade "time off" for sexual favors, comments concerning the size and appearance of her "ass" and other body parts, and that women "are natural waitresses and food servers," and should not be police officers, among many other offensive remarks made by her supervisor, co-defendant Sergeant Al Tromp," said Solomon E. Gresen.

Officer Marin's efforts to obtain relief by filing internal complaints have thus far been futile. Her verbal and written complaints were either ignored or she was told that Tromp, "has always been like that," and "that's just Tromp being Tromp." Sergeant Tromp has not yet been subject to departmental discipline and he has been permitted to engage in a campaign of alleged illegal retaliation against Officer Marin. As of the date of this release, the Department is still considering whether to impose discipline against Defendant Tromp for his improprieties.

After warning Marin that persuing her complaints would adversely affect her career, Tromp allegedly committed the following acts of illegal retaliation:

 * Assigned cases to other officers that would normally have been
   assigned to Marin
 * Issued unjustified reprimands and performance reviews to Marin
 * Assigned Marin, without basis, to a "Performance Improvement
   Plan" which ultimately resulted Marin's demotion from the
   position of Detective

As a result of these alleged unjustified and illegal activities by Sergeant Tromp and the El Monte Police Department, Officer Marin has filed complaints with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing which lead to her receiving a "Right To Sue" notice from that Department.

Officer Marin is seeking general and compensatory damages to cover her wrongful loss of earnings, benefits and job opportunities; pain, mental anguish and emotional distress and medical expenses for treatment by psychotherapists and other medical professionals; and legal and other incidental expenses.

Police Officer Mechelle Marin


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