IT-NASDAQ OMX Nordic CCP Full Launch in Copenhagen and Stockholm - GO decision! (96/09)

NASDAQ OMX Nordic has decided to go live with the Full Launch of Central
Counterparty (CCP) services for its markets in Copenhagen and Stockholm on
October 19th, 2009. 

As part of the Full Launch, the remainder of the in-scope instruments have been
added in the dedicated CCP submarkets in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Helsinki
market will continue with the three Soft Launch instruments in CCP clearing as
of 19th October. The Full Launch of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki will be communicated in
a separate notice over the coming days. 

The Full Launch decision for Copenhagen and Stockholm was based on successful
completion of the Soft Launch period as well as confirmation that Full Launch
activities have been successfully carried out. 

If you have any questions regarding this Exchange Notice, please do not
hesitate to contact: 

Mattias Eriksson
+46 8 405 6530

Best regards,


it 9609.pdf