Evil Lives Within Beauty -- New Author Satisfyingly Delivers a Horrific Debut Novel

NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From author Ria Hill comes an unnerving tale that sheds light on many a sailor's nightmare. Released through Xlibris, the new book The Song of the Siren takes readers through a spine-chilling world where deep within a face of disarming beauty lies a coldblooded monster -- waiting, enticing, starving.

The bloodcurdling account begins on May 17, 1747, when a ship named Rowan, carrying nine English sailors, departs on a routine trade mission. It is never to be seen again. En route from Georgia to Portugal, the crew of the Rowan is intercepted by a creature that for centuries has existed only in myths and legends -- a siren.

The siren's voice wields the power of life and death over any man who happens past her lair. But what happens after the shipwreck? Follow James, captain of the Rowan, and his crew as they try to escape the clutches of the goddess-like beauty that wants nothing but to tear their humanity apart.

A debut novel with a plot of inimitable intensity, The Song of the Siren will keep readers engaged from the first page until its heart-wrenching ending. Fantasy, horror, and suspense fans will delight in this intricately-woven tale about the devil that lies behind a veil of angelic beauty. For more information, log on to www.Xlibris.com.

About the Author

Ria Hill is a nineteen-year-old student at New York University. The Song of the Siren is her first novel.

                The Song of the Siren * by Ria Hill
                Publication Date: October 15, 2009
          Trade Paperback; $19.99; 278 pages; 978-1-4415-7072-7
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 278 pages; 978-1-4415-7073-4

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