QPR Software Releases QPR 8.1 - Process Documentation and Performance Monitoring for Everyone

Helsinki, Finland, Tuesday October 20, 2009. QPR Software Plc today released    
version 8.1 of its QPR Integrated Management System software. Based on the      
combination of QPR ScoreCard and QPR ProcessGuide, it provides organizations    
with performance and process management tools for improving the way             
organizations manage strategy, operations, quality and risk. The new release 
delivers a host of improvements in usability and rewards users with a rich mix 
of process-related content, hosted on multiple portals in multiple formats 
including Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. 

“We are seeing a growing number of organizational roles becoming actively       
involved in the management of strategy, risk, compliance, quality and           
operational efficiency. This calls for a more comprehensive collection of       
content, metrics and of ways to collaborate around cross-organizational         
processes, which is what we now deliver with version 8.1”, said Jari Jaakkola,  
Chief Executive Officer of QPR Software Plc. “Collaboration and clear metrics   
also help organizations to cut costs in a smart and transparent way. QPR        
products are a key enabler for achieving this”, he continued.                   

QPR 8.1 is focused at business users and consists of performance management     
software QPR ScoreCard and process management and analysis software QPR         
ProcessGuide. New in version 8.1 is the ability to run the QPR Portal front-end 
completely inside Microsoft® Office SharePoint Server and take advantage of its 
impressive arsenal of document management and collaboration features. Metrics in
QPR ScoreCard now support date, text and milestone-based values, which improve  
its support for managing projects around performance or process-related content.
Free linking between metrics, process maps, analysis views and external content 
now help organizations better tailor the user interface behavior of the system, 
and export to Microsoft® Excel provide users with more powerful analysis        

On the designer client side, QPR ScoreCard and QPR ProcessGuide now feature a
range of usability improvements that enable faster and more convenient creation
and maintenance of performance and process models. Examples include the ability
to prevent changes to past data by locking periods, highlighting of
consolidation formulas, a new, pop-up-based quick modeling  approach and the
ability to select a reusable modeling element faster by using  auto-complete
element selection. 
“With QPR 8.1 our customers capitalize on all the work done for the development 
of the QPR Web Services Foundation. The QPR Solution Package for Microsoft      
Office SharePoint Server provides more powerful collaboration and document      
management, the QPR Add-In for Microsoft® integrates reporting with Microsoft®  
Word and the export to Microsoft® Excel adds many analysis capabilities” Tony   
Virtanen, Vice President Products and Technology, commented and he continued:   
“The improvements in the Designer clients enable customers to achieve fast      
implementations - this a key strength of our products that is now further       

QPR 8.1 is available through QPR partners globally (please see www.qpr.com). QPR
Software includes and combines QPR ScoreCard performance management software and
QPR ProcessGuide process modeling and analysis software. QPR provides easy to   
use tools for existing QPR customers to upgrade to the latest version. QPR tools
are used for Process Management, Performance management, CPM, Business Activity 
Monitoring, Quality Systems, Enterprise Architecture Modeling, Balanced         
ScoreCard, EFQM, Six Sigma, Project Portfolio Monitoring and Project Risk       

About QPR Software Plc                                                          
QPR Software Plc is an international, highly regarded partner for enterprises   
and public sector in process development and business performance improvement.  
QPR's mission is to help people and organizations to take control of their      
business processes and achieve their goals. QPR software has been implemented
in more than 1,500 organizations across the globe and is provided in more than
20 languages. QPR was founded in 1991, has its headquarters in Helsinki,
Finland and co-operates with an extensive network of talented partners in over
50 countries worldwide. QPR Software's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd. (ticker: QPR1V). 
QPR - Quality. Processes. Results. www.qpr.com                                  
For more information, please contact:                                           
QPR Software Plc                                                                
Jari Jaakkola, CEO                                                              
Tel. +358 (0) 4050 26397                                                        
Tony Virtanen, Vice President, Products & Support                               
Tel. +358 (0) 40 7724 022                                                       