PIDPLATES Revolutionary Chromed Car Sign Hits North America After Heralded Success in Europe

ATLANTA, Oct. 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PIDPLATES USA, Inc.,, the leader in European car emblems, is entering the automotive-friendly North American market with a unique and one-of-a-kind chromed car signs. A more attractive alternative to car magnets and vanity plates, PIDPLATES are located on the rear of the vehicle and are perfect for businesses of any size, including home based companies and consumers looking for a more professional look to their automotive advertising.

Already a success in Europe, PIDPLATES - Personal Identification Plates for short - is an elegant but simple design that has been a fixture on European highways and roads for the last six years. Similar to a car type designation sign emblem on the back of a car, PIDPLATES allows the business owner or car enthusiast to attach their business or organization name, web address, product name, slogan, or phone number to their vehicle.

"Americans love their cars, and adding a business or domain name or personal expression through the use of PIDPLATES is a great way to increase exposure," said Mark Eijsvoogel, President of PIDPLATES USA. "Our chromed emblems are easy to apply and give a professional and personal touch to every automobile."

PIDPLATES are constructed from the same high-quality materials found on major car models so it gives the appearance that it is part of the original car. Since each PIDPLATE is chrome-plated, it cannot be damaged by weather and includes a 10-year warranty. The three-dimensional letters, numbers and symbols available to choose from are delivered in one piece, perfectly spaced and easy to apply. And if PIDPLATES needs to be removed, a plastic spatula is all that is needed.

While PIDPLATES are perfect for individuals wanting to add a personal touch to their automobile or boat, PIDPLATES are ideal for business advertising and promotional campaigns. Whether used as a company description or a catchy slogan, PIDPLATES gain valuable exposure every time the car is driven. Businesses or companies with fleet vehicles - like real estate agents, car dealers, entrepreneurs or service industries - will also benefit from PIDPLATES polished presentation.

For information on ordering PIDPLATES visit the company's website at or call seven days a week at 678-320-0115.


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