Commentary on LETA news agency news release on 20.10.2009 "Nordeka purchases diesel fuel for 4.75 millions LVL"

In response to a publication on the home page of the national news agency LETA,
we hereby inform that a general agreement has been made in the tender announced
by Nordeka JSC for the supply of diesel fuel for company needs, with the
principal winner Virši A JSC and two back-up suppliers: Russ-Lat Nafta and
Lukoil Baltija R. 
The sum of money referred to - LVL 4,750,000 - is the maximum amount for an
eventual maximum delivery volume (wholesale and retail trade) over a period of
3 years. 

Sergejs Zabavņikovs
Chairman of the Board, Nordeka JSC

inf.Dainis Pinkis
371 67500300