Interim Report Q1 - Q3 2009

Interim Report - Q1-Q3 2009 

Company Announcement No 12/2009
27 October 2009



Financial Review 	
Group Financial Highlights	3	

Summary	4

Financial Review	6

Management Statement	10

Financial Statements - Sydbank Group

Income Statement	11

Statement of Comprehensive Income	11

Balance Sheet	12

Financial Highlights - Quarterly	13

Capital	14

Cash Flow Statement	16

Segment Statements	17

Notes	18

Supplementary Information	29

Group Financial Highlights
	Q1-Q3 	Q1-Q3 	Index	Full year
 	2009	2008	09/08	2008
Income statement (DKKm)				
Core income excl trading income	2,450	2,236	110	3,066
Trading income	970	858	113	1,159
Total core income	3,420	3,094	111	4,225
Costs and depreciation	1,874	1,867	100	2,484
Core earnings before impairment	1,546	1,227	126	1,741
Impairment of loans and advances etc	849	85	-	544
Core earnings	697	1,142	61	1,197
Profit/(Loss) on investment portfolios	382	(362)	-	(385)
Profit before non-recurring items	1,079	780	138	812
Non-recurring items, net	-	180	-	162
Profit before contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	1,079	960	112	974
Contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	327	-	-	163
Profit before tax	752	960	78	811
Tax	188	216	87	205
Profit for the period	564	744	76	606
Balance sheet highlights (DKKbn)				
Loans and advances at amortised cost	73.9	81.8	90	82.5
Loans and advances at fair value	9.1	10.2	89	13.3
Deposits and other debt	65.3	63.4	103	75.0
Bonds issued at amortised cost	10.1	10.1	100	10.1
Subordinated capital (Tier 2)	3.2	4.2	76	4.2
Shareholders' equity (Tier 1) 	8.9	7.2	123	7.1
Total assets	153.4	143.5	107	156.0
Financial ratios per share (DKK per share of DKK 10) 				
EPS Basic 	8.7	11.7		9.5
EPS Diluted 	8.7	11.7		9.5
Share price at end of period	133.3	156.3		64.3
Book value  	120.8	113.3		112.5
Share price/book value 	1.10	1.38		0.57
Average number of shares outstanding (millions)	64.8	63.5		63.4
Other financial ratios and key figures				
Solvency (total capital) ratio 	14.8	15.5		14.7
Core capital (Tier 1) ratio 	12.9	11.2		10.8
Pre-tax profit as % of average shareholders' equity	9.4	13.8		11.8
Post-tax profit as % of average shareholders' equity	7.1	10.7		8.8
Income/cost ratio (DKK)	1.25	1.46		1.24
Interest rate risk 	0.4	1.0		1.4
Foreign exchange position	1.4	9.7		11.4
Foreign exchange risk	0.0	0.0		0.0
Loans and advances relative to deposits *	1.0	1.2		1.0
Loans and advances relative to shareholders' equity *	8.4	11.4		11.6
Growth in loans and advances during the period *	(10.4)	9.8		10.7
Excess cover relative to statutory liquidity requirements 	93.8	56.2		89.4
Total large exposures	20.1	53.3		23.8
Accumulated impairment ratio	1.5	0.9		1.0
Impairment ratio for the period	1.04	0.08		0.60
Number of full-time staff at end of period	2,385	2,487	96	2,479
Financial ratios are prepared according to “Recommendations & Financial Ratios
2005” published by the Danish Society of Financial Analysts. 
* Financial ratios calculated on the basis of loans and advances at amortised


Considering the difficult economic situation, pre-tax profit of DKK 752m for
the first nine months of 2009 is considered satisfactory. Pre-tax profit equals
a return of 12.6% p.a. on average shareholders' equity (Tier 1). 

The Interim Report is characterised by:
•	10% increase in core income excl trading income
•	13% rise in trading income
•	Total core income of DKK 3,420m - an all-time high so far
•	Unchanged level of costs (core earnings)
•	Impairment of loans and advances of DKK 849m
•	Profit on investment portfolios of DKK 382m
•	Contribution of DKK 327m to the Danish Contingency Committee
•	10% reduction in bank loans and advances to DKK 73.9bn
•	13% decline in deposits to DKK 65.3bn
•	25% increase in shareholders' equity (Tier 1)
•	Core capital (Tier 1) ratio of 12.9%
•	Solvency (total capital) ratio of 14.8%.

Income statement - Q1-Q3 (DKKm)	2009 	2008 
Core income excl trading income	2,450	2,236
Trading income	970	858
Total core income	3,420	3,094
Costs and depreciation	1,874	1,867
Core earnings before impairment	1,546	1,227
Impairment of loans and advances etc	849	85
Core earnings	697	1,142
Profit/(Loss) on investment portfolios	382	(362)
Profit before non-recurring items 	1,079	780
Non-recurring items, net	-	180
Profit before contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	1,079	960
Contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	327	-
Profit before tax	752	960
Tax	188	216
Profit for the period  	564	744

Core earnings before impairment represent DKK 1,546m against DKK 1,227m for the
first nine months of 2008. The improvement of DKK 319m consists of a rise in
core income excl trading income of DKK 214m, an increase in trading income of
DKK 112m and a DKK 7m growth in costs (core earnings). 

Core earnings before impairment are in the upper end of the range as announced
in the Interim Report for 1H 2009. 

Impairment of loans and advances and amounts owed represents DKK 849m (Q1-Q3
2008: DKK 85m). 

Profit on investment portfolios amounts to DKK 382m and the expense to the
Danish Contingency Committee totals DKK 327m. Less a calculated tax charge of
DKK 188m, profit for the period stands at DKK 564m. 

Profit for the period equals a return of 9.4% p.a. on average shareholders'
equity (Tier 1). Earnings per share stands at DKK 8.7 compared with DKK 11.7 in
In June and September 2009, the Group prepaid supplementary capital (Tier 2)
representing EUR 140m. Subordinated capital (Tier 2) totals DKK 3,175m at
end-September 2009. The Group's core capital (Tier 1) ratio has risen to 12.9%
due to a successful share issue, a reduction in the portfolio of own shares and
a core capital strengthened via income. The solvency (total capital) ratio
stands at 14.8%. 

The Group's liquidity measured under the 15% and 10% statutory requirements
constitutes 31.9% and 19.4%, respectively, at 30 September 2009. 

The Group projects core earnings before impairment of loans and advances in the
region of DKK 1,900-2,100m in 2009. The estimate represents a positive change
in level compared with previous announcements of DKK 1,800-2,000m. 

Financial Review

Core income excl trading income
Total core income excl trading income grew by 10% to DKK 2,450m.

Core income excl trading income - Q1-Q3 (DKKm)	2009	2008
Interest margins etc	2,058	1,880
Mortgage credit	166	131
Payment services	108	105
Remortgaging and loan fees	61	54
Other commission	41	47
Other operating income	16	19
Total	2,450	2,236

Despite a 10% decline in bank loans and advances, income from interest margins
etc continues to show significant robustness with an increase of DKK 178m to
DKK 2,058m, a 9% rise. 

The remaining income components of core income excl trading income have gone up
by a total of 10% compared with Q1-Q3 2008. 

Trading income
Total trading income rose by 13% - from DKK 858m in 2008 to DKK 970m in 2009.
The level of activity within Sydbank Markets, made up as the number of customer
transactions, is in line with or above that of Q1-Q3 2008. 

Bond trading within the Group has benefited from a considerable increase in
business volume with institutional clients. The Group's income from asset
management is affected by reductions in volume triggered by the markets. 

Trading income - Q1-Q3 (DKKm)	2009	2008
Bonds	243	88
Shares	192	160
Foreign exchange	185	217
Money market	138	81
Asset management	212	312
Total	970	858

Costs and depreciation
The Group's total costs and depreciation recorded DKK 2,082m against DKK 1,998m
in 2008. In 2009 DKK 200m can be ascribed to guarantee commission to the Danish
Contingency Committee and in 2008 DKK 124m can be ascribed to the integration
of bankTrelleborg. 

Costs and depreciation - Q1-Q3 (DKKm)
2009 	2008 
Staff costs	1,099	1,087
Other administrative expenses	698	794
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment	85	117
Other operating expenses	200	1
Total costs and depreciation	2,082	1,998
Distributed as follows:		
Costs, core earnings	1,874	1,867
Costs, investment portfolio earnings	8	7
Costs, integration of bankTrelleborg 	-	124
Costs, guarantee commission to the Danish Contingency Committee	200	-

Costs (core earnings) in 2009 are virtually unchanged compared with one year
ago. At end-Q3 2009 the Group's staff numbered 2,385 (full-time equivalent)
compared with 2,487 at 30 September 2008. 

Core earnings before impairment of loans and advances
Core earnings before impairment of loans and advances represent DKK 1,546m - an
increase of DKK 319m or 26% compared with one year ago. 

Impairment of loans and advances etc
Impairment of loans and advances constitutes DKK 849m (2008: DKK 85m). Relative
to loans and advances and guarantees made up at 30 September 2009, the
impairment ratio stands at 1.04%. At end-September accumulated impairment and
provisions (excl the provision of DKK 175m for the Danish Contingency
Committee) amount to DKK 1,230m, a rise of DKK 171m compared with the beginning
of the year. 

Core earnings
Core earnings represent DKK 697m compared with DKK 1,142m in 2008.

Investment portfolio earnings
Less funding charges and less related costs of DKK 8m, investment portfolios
generated a profit of DKK 382m (2008: loss of DKK 362m). The overall result is
adversely affected by an unrealised capital loss of DKK 26m on the Group's
portfolio of CDOs. The market value of the CDO portfolio represents DKK 45m as
of 30 September 2009. 

The Group's interest rate risk comprises DKK 34m at 30 September. The Group's
exchange rate risk continues to be very low and its equity position is modest. 

Contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee 
In Q1-Q3 2009, guarantee commission and the provision for the guarantee to the
Danish Contingency Committee amount to DKK 200m and DKK 127m, respectively,
totalling DKK 327m. 

The subsidiary bank, Sydbank (Schweiz) AG, which conducts private banking
activities in St. Gallen, Switzerland, recorded a loss after tax of DKK 7m
(2008: loss of DKK 4m). Ejendomsselskabet recorded a loss after tax of DKK 1m
(2008: loss of DKK 2m). 

Profit for the period
Pre-tax profit amounts to DKK 752m. Less a calculated tax charge of DKK 188m,
profit for the period stands at DKK 564m compared with DKK 744m in 2008. 

Return on shareholders' equity (Tier 1) represents 9.4% p.a. against 14.3% p.a.
in 2008. Earnings per share decreased from DKK 11.7 to DKK 8.7. 
Developments in Q3 2009 
Total core income decreased by DKK 50m in Q3 compared with Q2. DKK 10m can be
ascribed to core income excl trading income and DKK 40m can be attributed to
trading income. 
Costs decreased by DKK 43m compared with Q2, owing to a recurring seasonal

During the same period, impairment of loans and advances etc went down by DKK
11m, and investment portfolio earnings improved from DKK 139m in Q2 to DKK 171m
in Q3. 

The contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee decreased by DKK 29m in Q3
from DKK 142m in Q2. After tax, profit for Q3 amounts to DKK 245m compared with
DKK 195m in Q2. 

Balance sheet
The Group's total assets made up DKK 153.4bn at 30 September 2009 against DKK
156.0bn at year-end 2008. 

Assets (DKKbn)	30 Sep 2009 	31 Dec 2008 
Amounts owed by credit institutions etc	14.5	12.9
Loans and advances at fair value (reverse repo transactions) 	9.1	13.3
Loans and advances at amortised cost (bank loans and advances)	73.9	82.5
Securities and holdings etc	38.2	28.3
Assets related to pooled plans	6.4	5.8
Other assets etc	11.3	13.2
Total	153.4	156.0

The Group's bank loans and advances total DKK 73.9bn - a decline of 10%
compared with year-end 2008 and 30 September 2008. 

Shareholders' equity and liabilities (DKKbn)	30 Sep 2009 	31 Dec 2008 
Amounts owed to credit institutions etc 	45.1	38.9
Deposits and other debt	65.3	75.0
Deposits in pooled plans	6.4	5.8
Bonds issued	10.1	10.1
Other liabilities etc	14.2	14.8
Provisions	0.2	0.1
Subordinated capital (Tier 2)	3.2	4.2
Shareholders' equity (Tier 1)	8.9	7.1
Total	153.4	156.0

The Group's deposits make up DKK 65.3bn against DKK 75.0bn at year-end 2008 and
DKK 63.4bn at end-September 2008. The decline in deposits in 2009 is solely
ascribable to time deposits. 

In June and September 2009, the Group prepaid supplementary capital (Tier 2) of
EUR 100m and EUR 40m, respectively. Subordinated capital (Tier 2) totals DKK

On 29 October 2009 a further DKK 50m in supplementary capital will be repaid.  

At end-Q3 2009, shareholders' equity (Tier 1) constitutes DKK 8,853m - an
increase of DKK 1,765m equal to 25% since year-end 2008. The change comprises
additions concerning the share issue in September of net DKK 855m, net sale of
own shares of DKK 408m, profit for the period of DKK 564m and less tax
concerning equity items of DKK 62m. 

In 2009, the core capital (Tier 1) ratio has grown from 10.8% to 12.9%. During
the same period, the core capital (Tier 1) ratio excluding hybrid core capital
has risen from 9.3% to 11.5%. 

At end-Q3 2009, the solvency (total capital) ratio stands at 14.8% compared
with 14.7% at year-end 2008. 

Outlook for 2009
The Group projects core earnings before impairment of loans and advances in the
region of DKK 1,900-2,100m in 2009. The estimate represents a positive change
in level compared with previous announcements of DKK 1,800-2,000m. 

The Danish Contingency Committee
Guarantee commission to the Danish Contingency Committee will represent DKK 70m
in Q4 2009. To this must be added the Bank's share of the Committee's payment
to cover any further loss of the Winding-Up Company - ranging from the loss of
DKK 4.6bn so far up to DKK 10.0bn. Sydbank's share of this risk constitutes DKK
Management Statement

Today we have reviewed and approved the Interim Report - Q1-Q3 2009 of Sydbank

The consolidated interim financial statements for Q1-Q3 2009 have been prepared
in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards as approved
by the EU. Furthermore, the Interim Report has been prepared in compliance with
additional Danish disclosure requirements for interim reports of listed
financial companies. The Interim Report has not been audited or reviewed. 

We consider the accounting policies applied to be appropriate and the Interim
Report gives a true and fair view of the Group's assets, shareholders' equity
and liabilities and financial position at 30 September 2009 and of the results
of the Group's operations and consolidated cash flows for the accounting period
1 January - 30 September 2009 as well as a description of the most significant
risks and elements of uncertainty which may affect the Group. 


Aabenraa, 27 October 2009

Group Executive Management

Carsten Andersen	Karen Frøsig	
(Group Chief Executive)

Preben L. Hansen	Allan Nørholm

Board of Directors

Kresten Philipsen	Anders Thoustrup	Svend Erik Busk
 (Chairman)	(Vice-Chairman)

Otto Christensen	Peder Damgaard	Harry Max Friedrichsen

Peter Gæmelke	Hanni Toosbuy Kasprzak	Per Olesen

Sven Rosenmeyer Paulsen	Jan Uldahl-Jensen	Margrethe Weber
Income Statement - Sydbank Group
 		Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3	Q3
DKKm	Note	2009	2008	2009	2008
Interest income	2	4,543	5,391	1,281	1,929
Interest expense	3	1,982	3,391	413	1,225
Net interest income	 	2,561	2,000	868	704
Dividends on shares		32	25	1	3
Fee and commission income	4	808	971	279	298
Fee and commission expense		120	122	38	39
Net interest and fee income	 	3,281	2,874	1,110	966
Market value adjustments	5	494	17	198	(167)
Other operating income	6	16	138	5	7
Staff costs and administrative expenses	7	1,797	1,881	561	567
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment		85	117	28	42
Other operating expenses		200	0	71	0
Impairment of loans and advances etc	9	976	85	327	98
Profit on holdings in associates and					
subsidiaries	10	19	14	0	3
Profit on assets temporarily acquired		0	0	0	0
Profit before tax	 	752	960	326	102
Tax	11	188	216	82	26
Profit for the period	 	564	744	244	76
EPS Basic for the period (DKK) * 		8.7	11.7	3.7 	1.2 
EPS Diluted for the period (DKK) * 		8.7	11.7	3.7 	1.2 
Dividend per share (DKK)		-	-	-	-
* Based on average number of shares outstanding, see page 14.					

Statement of Comprehensive Income - Sydbank Group
Profit for the period	 	564	744	244	76
Other comprehensive income:					
Translation of foreign entities		2	11	(2)	4
Hedge of net investment in foreign entities		(2)	(11)	2	(4)
Other comprehensive income after tax		0	0	0	0
Comprehensive income after tax	 	564	744	244	76
Balance Sheet - Sydbank Group
 		30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
DKKm	Note	2009	2008	2008
Cash and balances on demand at central banks		687	752	763
Amounts owed by credit institutions and central banks 	12	13,865	12,165	13,513
Loans and advances at fair value		9,058	13,282	10,241
Loans and advances at amortised cost		73,941	82,476	81,798
Bonds at fair value		36,673	26,749	21,235
Shares etc 		1,196	1,315	1,107
Holdings in associates etc 		307	232	203
Assets related to pooled plans		6,364	5,777	6,131
Intangible assets		14	15	15
Total land and buildings		1,024	1,009	969
    investment property		8	8	9
    owner-occupied property		1,016	1,001	960
Other property, plant and equipment		128	158	111
Current tax assets		54	186	49
Deferred tax assets		10	10	24
Assets in temporary possession		-	5	4
Other assets 	13	10,002	11,796	7,276
Prepayments 		55	48	61
Total assets 	 	153,378	155,975	143,500
Shareholders' equity and liabilities	 	 	 	 
Amounts owed to credit institutions and central banks 	14	45,097	38,889	39,844
Deposits and other debt	15	65,281	75,007	63,406
Deposits in pooled plans		6,364	5,777	6,131
Bonds issued at amortised cost		10,090	10,096	10,085
Current tax liabilities		10	13	7
Other liabilities 	16	14,256	14,764	12,395
Deferred income 		6	19	97
Total liabilities	 	141,104	144,565	131,965
Provisions	17	246	103	124
Subordinated capital (Tier 2) 	18	3,175	4,219	4,224
Shareholders' equity (Tier 1):				
   Share capital		742	675	675
   Revaluation reserves		90	91	91
   Other reserves:				
   Reserves according to articles of association		411	411	399
   Reserve for net revaluation according to the equity    method		20	20	11
   Retained earnings	 	7,590	5,891	6,011
Total shareholders' equity (Tier 1) 		8,853	7,088	7,187
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities 	 	153,378	155,975	143,500
Group Financial Highlights - Quarterly 
	Q3	Q2	Q1	Q4	Q3	Q2	Q1
 	2009	2009	2009	2008	2008	2008	2008
Income statement (DKKm)							
Core income excl trading income	809	819	822	830	754	778	704
Trading income	329	369	272	301	223	320	315
Total core income	1,138	1,188	1,094	1,131	977	1,098	1,019
Costs and depreciation	586	629	659	617	591	617	659
Core earnings before impairment	552	559	435	514	386	481	360
Impairment of loans and advances etc	284	295	270	459	98	6	(19)
Core earnings	268	264	165	55	288	475	379
Profit/(Loss) on investment portfolios	171	139	72	(23)	(170)	(137)	(55)
Profit before non-recurring items	439	403	237	32	118	338	324
Non-recurring items, net	-	-	-	(18)	(16)	(2)	198
Profit before contribution to the Danish Contingency
Committee	439	403	237	14	102	336	522 
Contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	113	142	72	163	-	-	-
Profit before tax	326	261	165	(149)	102	336	522
Tax	81	66	41	(11)	26	89	101
Profit for the period	245	195	124	(138)	76	247	421
Balance sheet highlights (DKKbn)							
Loans and advances at amortised cost	73.9	75.6	78.2	82.5	81.8	82.5	81.3
Loans and advances at fair value	9.1	12.9	15.8	13.3	10.2	11.5	8.0
Deposits and other debt	65.3	71.6	73.5	75.0	63.4	67.6	70.1
Bonds issued at amortised cost	10.1	10.1	10.1	10.1	10.1	10.1	10.1
Subordinated capital (Tier 2)	3.2	3.5	4.2	4.2	4.2	4.2	4.2
Shareholders' equity (Tier 1) 	8.9	7.5	7.2	7.1	7.2	7.1	6.8
Total assets	153.4	160.1	161.4	156.0	143.5	149.8	141.1
Financial ratios per share (DKK per share of DKK 10) 						 
EPS Basic 	3.7	3.0	2.0	(2.2)	1.2	3.9	6.6
EPS Diluted 	3.7	3.0	2.0	(2.2)	1.2	3.9	6.6
Share price at end of period	133.3	122.5	71.5	64.3	156.3	180.5	171.8
Book value  	120.8	116.2	114.0	112.5	113.3	112.0	107.5
Share price/book value 	1.10	1.05	0.63	0.57	1.38	1.61	1.60
Average number of shares outstanding
(millions)	67.0	64.3	63.0	63.2	63.7	63.5	63.4 
Other financial ratios and key figures							
Solvency (total capital) ratio 	14.8	13.8	15.0	14.7	15.5	14.8	14.3
Core capital (Tier 1) ratio 	12.9	11.4	11.3	10.8	11.2	10.7	10.1
Pre-tax profit as % of average equity	4.0	3.5	2.3	(2.1)	1.4	4.8	7.7
Post-tax profit as % of average equity	3.0	2.7	1.7	(1.9)	1.1	3.5	6.2
Income/cost ratio (DKK)	1.33	1.24	1.16	0.88	1.14	1.53	1.70
Interest rate risk 	0.4	2.2	2.3	1.4	1.0	3.0	2.4
Foreign exchange position	1.4	3.4	1.5	11.4	9.7	12.9	5.6
Foreign exchange risk	0.0	0.1	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0
Loans and advances relative to deposits *	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.0	1.2	1.1	1.1
Loans and advances relative to equity *	8,4	10,1	10,8	11,6	11,4	11,6	12,0
Growth in loans and advances during the period
*	(2.2)	(3.3)	(5.2)	0.8	(0.9)	1.5	9.2 
Excess cover relative to statutory liquidity req.
	93.8	106.8	66.6	89.4	56.2	69.7	78.5 
Total large exposures	20.1	34.6	21.4	23.8	53.3	39.5	44.7
Accumulated impairment ratio	1.5	1.3	1.3	1.0	0.9	0.8	0.9
Impairment ratio for the period	0.35	0.37	0.27	0.50	0.10	0.01	(0.02)
Number of full-time staff at end of
period	2,385	2,414	2,429	2,479	2,487	2,457	2,469 
Financial ratios are prepared according to “Recommendations & Financial Ratios
2005” published by the Danish Society of Financial Analysts. 
* Financial ratios calculated on the basis of loans and advances at amortised
Capital - Sydbank Group
				Reserve for			
			Reserves	net 			
			according to	revaluation  			
	Share	Revaluation	articles of equity	Retained	Proposed	
DKKm	capital	reserves	association	method	earnings	dividend  etc	Total
Shareholders' equity at 1 Jan 2009	675	91	411	20	5,891	-	7,088
Changes in equity in 2009:							
Purchase of own shares	-	-	-	-	(2,223)	-	(2,223)
Sale of own shares	-	-	-	-	2,631	-	2,631
Share issue *	67	-	-	-	788	-	855
Adjustment concerning property sold	-	(1)	-	-	1	-	-
Tax on equity items	-	-	-	-	(62)	-	(62)
Comprehensive income for the period	-	-	-	-	564	-	564
Total changes in equity	67	(1)	-	-	1,699	-	1,765
Shareholders' equity at 30 Sep 2009	742	90	411	20	7,590	-	8,853
Shareholders' equity at 1 Jan 2008	675	91	399	11	5,298	223	6,697
Changes in equity in 2008:							
Purchase of own shares	-	-	-	-	(2,322)	-	(2,322)
Sale of own shares	-	-	-	-	2,193	-	2,193
Adjusted purchase price bankTrelleborg	-	-	-	-	(5)	-	(5)
Employee shares	-	-	-	-	18	-	18
Adopted dividend etc	-	-	-	-	-	(223)	(223)
Tax on equity items	-	-	-	-	69	-	69
Dividends, own shares	-	-	-	-	16	-	16
Comprehensive income for the period	-	-	-	-	744	-	744
Total changes in equity	-	-	-	-	713	(223)	490
Shareholders' equity at 30 Sep 2008	675	91	399	11	6,011	-	7,187
* Shares issued in connection with capital increase
   of Sydbank A/S of DKK 67,499,990 nominal 
  (6,749,999 shares of DKK 10 nominal).

	30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
	2009	2008	2008
The Sydbank share			
Share capital (DKK)	742,499,990	675,000,000	675,000,000
Number of shares issued (number)	74,249,999	67,500,000	67,500,000
Shares outstanding at end of period (number)	73,295,694	63,011,999	63,449,489
Average number of shares outstanding (number)	64,771,336	63,446,971	63,532,166
Capital - Sydbank Group
 	30 Sep	Full year	30 Sep
DKKm	2009	2008	2008
Shareholders' equity (Tier 1)	8,853	7,088	7,187
Revaluation reserves	(90)	(91)	(91)
Proposed dividend	                   - 	                   - 	                 
Intangible assets and capitalised tax assets	(24)	(26)	(39)
Core capital (excl hybrid core capital) 	8,739	6,971	7,057
Hybrid core capital	1,388	1,230	1,246
50% of holdings > 10%	(106)	(98)	(100)
50% of total holdings etc > 10%	- 	(34)	                   - 
50% of difference between expected losses and 			
accounting value adjustments and accounting provisions	(187)	- 	               
Core capital	9,834	8,069	8,203
Subordinated loan capital (Tier 2)	1,794	2,839	2,843
Revaluation reserves	90	91	91
Hybrid core capital	                   - 	158	145
Difference between expected losses and impairment charges	                   -
	26	259 
Capital base before deductions	11,718	11,183	11,541
50% of holdings > 10%	(106)	(98)	(100)
50% of total holdings etc > 10% 	                   - 	(34)	                  
50% of difference between expected losses and 			
accounting value adjustments and accounting provisions	(187)	                  
- 	- 
Holdings in associates	(125)	(62)	(59)
Capital base (Tiers 1+2) after deductions	11,300	10,989	11,382
Credit risk	62,608	60,616	59,303
Market risk	7,113	7,261	7,423
Operational risk	6,537	6,731	6,731
Risk-weighted items	76,258	74,608	73,457
Capital requirement under Pillar I	6,101	5,968	5,877
Pillar II and transitional rules	(18)	711	1,147
Capital requirement	6,083	6,679	7,024
Core capital (Tier 1) ratio (excl hybrid core capital) 	11.5	9.3	9.6
Core capital (Tier 1) ratio 	12.9	10.8	11.2
Solvency (total capital) ratio 	14.8	14.7	15.5
Cash Flow Statement - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Full year	Q1-Q3
DKKm	2009	2008	2008
Operating activities:			
Pre-tax profit for the period	752	811	960
Taxes paid	(103)	(128)	(88)
Adjustment of non-cash operating items	1,185	731	126
Cash flows from working capital	(2,075)	(85)	(111)
Cash flows from operating activities	(241)	1,329	887
Investing activities:			
Purchase and sale of holdings in associates	(57)	(22)	12
Purchase and sale of intangible assets 	-	(16)	(15)
Purchase and sale of property, plant and equipment 	(69)	(370)	(229)
Cash flows from investing activities	(126)	(408)	(232)
Financing activities:			
Purchase and sale of own holdings	347	8	(32)
Dividend	-	(223)	(223)
Share issue	855	-	-
Raising of subordinated capital (Tier 2)	(1,044)	390	396
Issue of bonds	(6)	20	9
Cash flows from financing activities	152	195	150
Cash flows for the period	(215)	1,116	805
Cash equivalent positions at 1 Jan	6,200	5,084	5,084
Cash flows for the period (changes during the period)	(215)	1,116	805
Cash equivalent positions at end of period	5,985	6,200	5,889
Segment Statements - Sydbank Group
DKKm	Banking 	Markets	Treasury	Other	Total
Business segments Q1-Q3 2009:					
Core income excl trading income	2,506	(56)	- 	-	2,450
Trading income	465	505	- 	-	970
Core income	2,971	449	-	-	3,420
Costs and depreciation	1,613	222	8	39	1,882
Impairment of loans and advances etc	846	3	-	-	849
Core earnings	512	224	(8)	(39)	689
Investment portfolio income	- 	- 	388	2	390
Profit before non-recurring items	512	224	380	(37)	1,079
Non-recurring items, net	- 	- 	- 	- 	- 
Profit before contribution to the Danish Contingency
Committee	512	224	380	(37)	1,079 
Contribution to the Danish Contingency Committee	- 	- 	- 	327	327
Profit for the period	512	224	380	(364)	752
Notes - Sydbank Group

Note 1

Accounting policies: 

The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim
Financial Reporting” as approved by the EU and in compliance with additional
Danish disclosure requirements for interim reports. As a result of the use of
IAS 34, the presentation is less complete compared with the presentation of an
annual report and the measurement principles are in compliance with IFRS. 

With the exception of the below, the accounting policies are consistent with
those adopted in the 2008 Annual Report, to which reference is made. 

The 2008 Annual Report provides a comprehensive description of the accounting
policies applied. 

As from 1 January 2009, the Group has implemented IAS 1 (Revised 2007)
“Presentation of Financial Statements”, IAS 23 (Revised 2007) “Borrowing
Costs”, and IFRS 8 “Operating Segments”. 

The implementation of the new reporting standards has not had any impact on
recognition or measurement. IAS 1 and IFRS 8 have resulted in changes only in
the notes and format. Any comparative figures in the notes have been restated. 

IAS 1 has changed the presentation of the primary statements. The Group has
decided to present two statements: an income statement and a statement of
comprehensive income which shows profit for the period and the elements of
other comprehensive income. 

The measurement of certain assets and liabilities requires managerial estimates
as to how future events will affect the value of such assets and liabilities.
The significant estimates made by the management in the use of the Group's
accounting policies and the inherent considerable uncertainty of such estimates
used in the preparation of the condensed interim report are identical to those
used in the preparation of the annual report as at 31 December 2008. 

The Group's significant risks and the external elements which may affect the
Group are described in detail in the 2008 Annual Report. 
Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3	Q3
DKKm	2009	2008	2009	2008

Note 2				
Interest income/forward premium of:				
Amounts owed by credit institutions and central banks	187	492	45	168
Loans and advances and other amounts owed	3,231	4,003	928	1,405
Bonds	953	507	299	214
Total derivatives	163	364	5	128
  Foreign exchange contracts	244	376	58	124
  Interest rate contracts	(83)	(12)	(53)	4
  Other contracts	2	-	0	-
Other interest income	9	25	4	14
Total	4,543	5,391	1,281	1,929
Of which income from genuine purchase				
and resale transactions stated under:				
Amounts owed by credit institutions and central banks	41	226	13	74
Loans and advances and other amounts owed	273	317	45	126
Note 3				
Interest expense to:				
Credit institutions and central banks	559	875	118	362
Deposits and other debt	1,168	1,971	241	670
Bonds issued	161	369	32	130
Subordinated capital (Tier 2)	93	171	21	60
Other interest expense	1	5	1	3
Total	1,982	3,391	413	1,225
Of which expense to genuine sale				
and repurchase transactions stated under:				
Amounts owed to credit institutions and central banks	4	39	(9)	19
Deposits and other debt	6	13	0	5

Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3	Q3
DKKm	2009	2008	2009	2008
Note 4				
Fee and commission income:				
Securities trading and custody accounts	433	589	154	173
Payment services	120	126	42	43
Loan fees	61	53	22	18
Guarantee commission	67	86	24	31
Other fees and commission	127	117	37	33
Total	808	971	279	298
Note 5				
Market value adjustments:				

Other loans and advances and amounts owed at fair value	(5)	(2)	(3)	1
Bonds	334	(338)	136	62
Shares etc	110	11	69	6
Investment property	0	-	0	-
Foreign exchange	198	179	65	61
Total derivatives	(142)	166	(69)	(298)
Assets related to pooled plans	653	(824)	378	(258)
Deposits in pooled plans	(653)	824	(378)	258
Other assets/liabilities	(1)	1	0	1
Total	494	17	198	(167)
Trading portfolio	464	(24)	183	(173)
Equity investments	30	41	15	6
Total	494	17	198	(167)
Note 6				
Other operating income:				
Negative goodwill	-	119	-	-
Rental income - real property	9	8	3	3
Other operating income	7	11	2	4
Total	16	138	5	7

Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3	Q3
DKKm	2009	2008	2009	2008
Note 7				
Staff costs and administrative expenses:				
Salaries and emoluments to:				
Group Executive Management:				
  Salaries	8	14	3	3
  Pensions	1	1	0	0
Board of Directors	3	2	1	1
Shareholders' Committee	1	1	0	0
Total	13	18	4	4
Staff costs:				
Wages and salaries	898	885	281	280
Pensions	107	93	37	33
Social security contributions	6	5	4	3
Payroll tax etc	75	86	20	28
Total	1,086	1,069	342	344
Other administrative expenses:				
IT (including withdrawal and conversion in 2008)	364	444	112	124
Rent etc	100	112	35	37
Marketing and entertainment expenses	50	63	14	20
Other expenses	184	175	54	38
Total	698	794	215	219
Total	1,797	1,881	561	567
Note 8				
Average number of staff (full-time equivalent)	2,471	2,494	2,445	2,527

Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3 	Q3 
DKKm	2009	2008	2009	2008
Note 9				
Impairment of loans and advances recognised in the income statement:				
Impairment and provisions	621	51	191	47
Write-offs	376	71	144	56
Recovered from debt previously written off	21	37	8	5
Impairment of loans and advances etc	976	85	327	98
Impairment and provisions at end of period:				
Individual impairment and provisions	1,209	723	1,209	723
Collective impairment and provisions	196	188	196	188
Impairment and provisions at end of period	1,405	911	1,405	911
Individual impairment of loans and advances and provisions for guarantees:				
Impairment and provisions at 1 Jan	954	738	1,136	696
Exchange rate adjustment	0	2	1	0
Impairment and provisions during the period	597	512	186	182
Other movements	0	(455)	0	(137)
Write-offs covered by impairment and provisions	342	74	114	18
Impairment and provisions at end of period	1,209	723	1,209	723
Individual impairment of loans and advances	1,016	699	1,016	699
Individual provisions for guarantees	193	24	193	24
Impairment and provisions at end of period	1,209	723	1,209	723
Collective impairment of loans and advances and provisions for guarantees:				
Impairment and provisions at 1 Jan	152	157	194	173
Impairment and provisions during the period	44	31	2	15
Impairment and provisions at end of period	196	188	196	188
Sum of loans and advances and amounts owed 				
subject to collective impairment and provisions	22,589	18,761	22,589	18,761
Collective impairment and provisions	196	188	196	188
Loans and advances and amounts owed after collective impairment and
provisions	22,393	18,573	22,393	18,573 
Individual impairment of loans and advances subject to objective evidence of
Balance before impairment of individually assessed loans and
advances	2,116	1,400	2,116	1,400 
Impairment of individually assessed loans and advances	1,016	699	1,016	699
Balance after impairment of individually assessed loans and
advances	1,100	701	1,100	701 

Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Q3 	Q3 
DKKm	2009	2008	2009	2008
Note 10				
Profit on holdings in associates and				
Profit on holdings in associates etc	19	14	0	3
Total 	19	14	0	3
Note 11				
Effective tax rate:				
Current tax rate of the Sydbank Group	25.0	25.0	25.0	25.0
Adjustment of deferred tax due to changed corporation tax rate	-	-	-	-
Permanent differences	-	(3.1)	-	-
Adjustment of tax of previous years	0.1	0.6	0.1	-
Total	25.1	22.5	25.1	25.0
 		30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
DKKm	 	2009	2008	2008
Note 12				
Amounts owed by credit institutions and central banks:				
Amounts owed at notice by central banks		560	340	837
Amounts owed by credit institutions		13,305	11,825	12,676
Total	 	13,865	12,165	13,513
Note 13				
Other assets:				
Positive market value of derivatives etc		8,905	10,574	6,003
Sundry debtors 		334	265	626
Interest and commission receivable		761	957	647
Other assets		2	0	0
Total	 	10,002	11,796	7,276
Note 14				
Amounts owed to credit institutions and central banks:				
Amounts owed to central banks		20,668	17,570	17,987
Amounts owed to credit institutions		24,429	21,319	21,857
Total	 	45,097	38,889	39,844
Notes - Sydbank Group
 		30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
DKKm	 	2009	2008	2008
Note 15				
Deposits and other debt:				
On demand		38,961	37,843	38,275
At notice		732	727	748
Time deposits		19,987	30,784	19,477
Special categories of deposits		5,601	5,653	4,906
Total	 	65,281	75,007	63,406
Note 16				
Other liabilities:				
Negative market value of derivatives etc		8,205	8,833	4,660
Sundry creditors		5,562	5,286	6,710
Interest and commission etc		489	629	1,025
Other liabilities		0	16	0
Total	 	14,256	14,764	12,395
Note 17				
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations		4	4	4
Provisions for deferred tax		25	24	71
Provisions for guarantees		193	66	39
Other provisions		24	9	10
Total	 	246	103	124
Notes - Sydbank Group
	 	 	 	30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
DKKm	 	 	 	2009	2008	2008
Note 18						
Subordinated capital (Tier 2):						
Interest rate 	Nominal (m)	Maturity	 	 	 
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	100	29.06.12	-	745	745
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	40	17.09.12	-	298	298
Floating            Bond loan	DKK	50	29.10.12	50	50	50
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	100	21.10.13	744	745	745
Floating            Bond loan	DKK	200	14.11.14	200	200	200
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	100	04.04.15	744	744	746
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	8	31.10.15	55	55	56
Total supplementary capital 	 	 	 	1,793	2,837	2,840
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	100	Perpetual	738	738	739
Floating            Bond loan	EUR	75	Perpetual	559	559	560
Floating            Bond loan	DKK	85	Perpetual	85	85	85
Total hybrid core capital	 	 	 	1,382	1,382	1,384
Total	 	 	 	3,175	4,219	4,224

Note 19				
Contingent liabilities and other obligating agreements:				
Contingent liabilities:				
Financial guarantees		2,668	3,050	4,310
Mortgage finance guarantees		1,363	979	926
Registration and remortgaging guarantees		3,824	3,239	2,757
Loss guarantee/guarantee, the Danish Contingency Committee		576	871	-
Other contingent liabilities		1,358	1,436	1,679
Total	 	9,789	9,575	9,672
Other obligating agreements:				
Irrevocable credit commitments		10	5	163
Other liabilities		55	74	79
Total	 	65	79	242

Notes - Sydbank Group
Note 19 - continued				

A group of minority shareholders (“Foreningen af Minoritetsaktionærer i
bankTrelleborg”) has filed a class action regarding the legality of the
compulsory redemption against Fonden for bankTrelleborg, Sydbank and the Danish
Financial Supervisory Authority. 

In continuation of the transfer of the shares in bankTrelleborg to Sydbank, the
shares were priced by appraisers in accordance with section 144 (4) of the
Danish Financial Business Act. A few shareholders have brought the findings of
the appraisers before the courts. 

Moreover, in Q2 2009 the group of minority shareholders (“Foreningen af
Minoritetsaktionærer i bankTrelleborg”) filed an action against Sydbank
regarding an inadequate prospectus in connection with the conversion of
sparTrelleborg to bankTrelleborg. 

Finally, the Group is party to a number of legal actions.

These legal actions are under continuous review and the necessary provisions
made are based on an assessment of the risk of loss. Pending legal actions are
not expected to have any significant impact on the financial position of the

Sydbank and the majority of Danish banks participate in the government
guarantee scheme which was adopted by the Danish parliament on 10 October 2008.
The scheme extends from 5 October 2008 to 30 September 2010 and involves an
unconditional government guarantee for the obligations of Danish banks, except
for subordinated capital and covered bonds. 

Note 20				

As of 30 September 2009 the Group had deposited securities at a market value of
DKK 21,910m with Danish and foreign exchanges and clearing centres etc in
connection with margin calls and securities settlements etc. 

Note 21				
Related parties:				

Sydbank is the bank of a number of related parties. Related party transactions
are settled on market terms. 

No unusual transactions took place with related parties in Q1-Q3 2009.
Reference is made to the Group's 2008 Annual Report for a detailed description
of related party transactions. 
Notes - Sydbank Group
 	30 Sep	31 Dec	30 Sep
DKKm	2009	2008	2008
Note 22			
Reporting events occurring after the balance sheet date:			

After the expiry of Q3, no matters of significant impact on the financial
position of the Sydbank Group have occurred. 

Note 23			
Genuine sale and repurchase transactions and 			
genuine purchase and resale transactions:			
Of the below asset items genuine purchase 			
and resale transactions amount to:			
Amounts owed by credit institutions and central banks	5,014	2,408	6,731
Loans and advances at fair value	9,058	13,282	10,241
Assets bought as part of genuine sale and repurchase transactions			
Asset item:			
Bonds at fair value	13,884	16,039	14,660
Shares etc	31	4	718
Of the below liability items genuine sale and repurchase 			
transactions amount to:			
Amounts owed to credit institutions and central banks	4,283	1,108	883
Deposits and other debt	-	-	880
Assets sold as part of genuine sale and repurchase transactions			
Asset item:			
Bonds at fair value	4,243	1,108	1,322
Shares etc	-	-	-
Note 24			
Large shareholders:			

Nykredit and ATP own more than 5% of the Bank's share capital.
Notes - Sydbank Group
 	Q1-Q3	Q1-Q3	Index 	 Full year
DKKm	2009	2008	09/08	2008
Note 25				
Core income:				
Core income excl trading income:				
Interest margins etc	2,058	1,880	109	2,610
Mortgage credit	166	131	127	176
Payment services	108	105	103	136
Remortgaging and loan fees	61	54	113	73
Other commission	41	47	87	48
Other operating income	16	19	84	23
Total	2,450	2,236	110	3,066
Trading income:				
Bonds	243	88	276	156
Shares	192	160	120	193
Foreign exchange	185	217	85	311
Money market	138	81	170	124
Asset management	212	312	68	375
Total	970	858	113	1,159

	Q3	Q2	Q1	Q4	Q3	Q2	Q1
DKKm	2009	2009	2009	2008	2008	2008	2008
Core income excl trading income:							
Interest margins etc	680	679	699	730	642	651	587
Mortgage credit	57	61	48	45	39	44	48
Payment services	33	43	32	31	34	41	30
Remortgaging and loan fees	21	21	19	19	18	18	18
Other commission	13	11	17	1	14	18	15
Other operating income	5	4	7	4	7	6	6
Total	809	819	822	830	754	778	704
Trading income:							
Bonds	88	94	61	68	15	33	40
Shares	67	78	47	33	18	78	64
Foreign exchange	51	57	77	94	81	62	74
Money market	45	67	26	43	18	30	33
Asset management	78	73	61	63	91	117	104
Total	329	369	272	301	223	320	315
Supplementary Information

Financial calendar

In 2010 the Group's company statements will be released as follows:

- 2009 Annual Report
  16 February 2010
- General Meeting 
  4 March 2010
- Interim Report - Q1 2010
  27 April 2010
- Interim Report - 1H 2010
  17 August 2010
- Interim Report Q1-Q3 2010
  26 October 2010 

Sydbank contacts

Carsten Andersen, Group Chief Executive
Tel +45 74 36 20 00
Mogens Sandbæk, CFO
Tel +45 74 36 24 00

Jakob Aakjær, Head of Executive Secretariat
Tel +45 74 36 20 05


Sydbank A/S
Peberlyk 4
DK-6200 Aabenraa
Tel +45 74 36 36 36
CVR No DK 12626509

Relevant links

For further information reference is made to Sydbank's audited 2008 Annual
Report at


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