Rejlers' Interim Report, January-September 2009

Improvement in sight

* Turnover was SEK 567.1 million (572.3)
* Operating profit was SEK 31.5 million (75.4)
* Operating margin amounted to 5.6 per cent (13.2)
* Profit after tax was SEK 22.5 million (54.2)
* Earnings per share were SEK 2.08 (5.02)

Third quarter
* Turnover was SEK 161.8 million (172.0)
* Operating profit was SEK 5.9 million (21.2)
* Operating margin amounted to 3.6 per cent (12.3)
* Profit after tax was SEK 4.2 million (15.4)
* Earnings per share were SEK 0.39 (1.42)

Statement from President and CEO Peter Rejler
Energy, Infrastructure and Construction and Property are durable,
profitable customer groups that account for a large proportion of the
Group's assignments. Demand for consultancy services from these
customer groups has remained good during the third quarter.

In our fourth client segment, Industry the market situation remained
weak during the quarter. There are signs of improvement within some
parts of industry, however, such as the mining and steel industries
and the paper and pulp industries. The demand situation is plagued by
great uncertainty, although our assessment is that the worst years
are behind us and a slow improvement can be expected.

During the quarter, we received a commission within Infrastructure to
plan all the technical systems for the Masmolänken, a four-lane road
tunnel. Within Industry we received an order from one of the largest
engineering companies in Sweden which involves productivity and
quality improvements in their production equipment. We have entered
into a key framework agreement with Fortum Power and Heat Oy
resulting in broader cooperation with the company with regard to
Rejlers' consultancy services.

Rejlers' ambition is to expand through organic growth and
acquisitions in roughly equal measure, while retaining quality and
good profitability over a business cycle. We have a good financial
position and our broad customer base generates stability during
fluctuations in business conditions. Our growth target remains the

For further information, please contact:
Peter Rejler, President and CEO, tel. +46 (0)70 602 34 24, e-mail:
Lars Solin, CFO, tel. +46 (0)73 386 15 20, e-mail:

Rejlers is a Nordic group offering technical consultancy services in
the fields of electrical engineering, energy, mechanical engineering,
automation, electronics, IT and telecommunications. Rejlers' shares
are listed on the Nordic list of Nasdaq OMX.


Q3 2009 eng pdf.pdf