TransAtlantic's Nomination Committee appointed

According to the decision at the Annual General Meeting April 23,
2009, TransAtlantic's nominating committee shall comprise the three
largest shareholders / shareholder groups in the company as per
Euroclear Analysis at September 30 2009.

The nominating committee, whose task is to  the 2010 AGM proposals
AGM chairman, board members, board, directors' fees and any
compensation for committee work, included:
Folke Patriksson, representing Enneff Rederi AB / Enneff Fastigheter
Jenny Lindén-Urnes, representing Villa Costa AB
Fabian Hielte, representing Ernström Finans AB

Nomination Committee members together represent approximately 49
percent of the votes for all shares in the company.

 For more information contact Chairman of the Board Folke Patriksson
  Communication Manager Catharina Sandberg, phone +46 304-67 47 00


Press release PDF.pdf