UPM Interim Report 1 January-30 September 2009

UPM-Kymmene Corporation   Interim Report   29 October 2009 at 09:30

UPM Interim Report 1 January-30 September 2009

Earnings per share for the third quarter were EUR 0.08 (-0.17), and excluding 
special items EUR 0.14 (0.25). Operating profit excluding special items was 
EUR 131 million (216 million) and reported operating profit was EUR 96 
million (loss of EUR 40 million). Strong cash flow due to continued actions 
to preserve cash: EUR 721 million reduction in net debt from last year.
Savings in fixed costs total EUR 70 million in the third quarter from last 
year, EUR 240 million year to date.

Key figures
                                  Q3/    Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
                                 2009   2008   2009   2008   2008

Sales, EUR million              1,913  2,358  5,611  7,146  9,461
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             334    378    700  1,028  1,206
% of sales                       17.5   16.0   12.5   14.4   12.7
Operating profit (loss), EUR       96    -40      9    310     24
excluding special items, EUR      131    216     84    559    513
% of sales                        6.8    9.2    1.5    7.8    5.4
Profit (loss) before tax, EUR      64    -90   -124    159   -201
excluding special items, EUR       99    160    -49    402    282
Net profit (loss) for the          40    -87   -126    106   -180
period, EUR million
Earnings per share, EUR          0.08  -0.17  -0.24   0.21  -0.35
excluding special items, EUR     0.14   0.25  -0.10   0.61   0.42
Diluted earnings per share, EUR  0.08  -0.17  -0.24   0.21  -0.35
Return on equity, %               2.8   neg.   neg.    2.1   neg.
excluding special items, %        5.0    7.8   neg.    6.3    3.4
Return on capital employed, %     3.5   neg.    0.0    3.7    0.2
excluding special items, %        4.9    7.7    0.9    6.6    4.6
Operating cash flow per          0.59   0.33   1.71   0.52   1.21
share, EUR
Shareholders' equity per        11.13  12.54  11.13  12.54  11.74
share at end of period, EUR
Gearing ratio at end of            64     67     64     67     71
period, %
Net interest-bearing            3,688  4,409  3,688  4,409  4,321
liabilities at end of 
period, EUR million
Capital employed at end of     10,172 11,310 10,172 11,310 11,193
period, EUR million
Capital expenditure, EUR           39    164    172    438    551
Personnel at end of period     23,180 25,616 23,180 25,616 24,983

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets, excluding the 
share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special items.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Sales for the third quarter of 2009 were EUR 1,913 million, 19% lower than the 
EUR 2,358 million in the third quarter of 2008. Sales decreased due to lower 
deliveries and sales prices in most of UPM's business areas.

Operating profit was EUR 96 million, 5.0% of sales (loss of EUR 40 million, 
-1.7% of sales). The operating profit excluding special items was EUR 131 
million, 6.8% of sales (216 million, 9.2% of sales). Operating profit includes 
net charges of EUR 35 million as special items. Restructuring charges total EUR 
18 million. The share of the results of associated companies includes special 
charges of EUR 17 million.

Operating profit excluding special items declined from the same period last 
year. The main reasons for weaker profitability were lower sales prices and 
significantly lower deliveries in most of UPM's business areas.

The average paper price in euro decreased by approximately 6% from the same 
period last year. The average price for label materials was slightly higher. 
Timber and plywood prices fell substantially. Changes in sales prices in euro 
terms reduced operating profit by about EUR 140 million.

UPM continued its flexible operating mode in all of its business areas, 
adjusting production to the low demand. Due to cost saving measures and 
temporary layoffs, the company's fixed costs decreased by EUR 70 million in 
comparison to the same period last year.

Wood costs decreased from the earlier peak levels. Compared with the same 
quarter last year, wood costs decreased by EUR 80 million. Other variable costs 
also decreased. Energy costs decreased slightly.

The decrease in the fair value of biological assets net of wood harvested was 
EUR 13 million compared to an increase of EUR 4 million a year before.

The share of results of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR 21 
million negative (35 million positive). The accounting treatment of the 
associated company Metsä-Botnia has changed from 30 June 2009 (see Pulp 
business area footnote 3). The result includes special charges of 
EUR 17 million related to Pohjolan Voima's two power plants.

Profit before tax was EUR 64 million (loss of EUR 90 million) and excluding 
special items EUR 99 million (profit of EUR 160 million). Interest and other 
finance costs, net, were EUR 28 million (50 million). Exchange rate and fair 
value gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 3 million (0 million).

Income taxes were EUR 24 million (3 million positive). The impact on taxes from 
special items was EUR 3 million positive (36 million positive).

Profit for the third quarter was EUR 40 million (loss of EUR 87 million) and 
earnings per share were EUR 0.08 (-0.17). Earnings per share excluding special 
items were EUR 0.14 (0.25).

January-September of 2009 compared with January-September of 2008

Sales for January-September were EUR 5,611 million, 21% lower than the EUR 
7,146 million in the same period in 2008. Sales decreased due to lower 
deliveries across all of UPM's business areas.

Operating profit was EUR 9 million, 0.2% of sales (310 million, 4.3% of sales). 
The operating profit excluding special items was EUR 84 million, 1.5% of sales 
(559 million, 7.8% of sales). Operating profit includes net charges of EUR 75 
million as special items. UPM sold assets related to the former Miramichi paper 
mill in Canada and recorded an income of EUR 21 million. Restructuring measures 
resulted in net special charges of EUR 50 million. The share of the results of 
associated companies includes special charges of EUR 46 million.

Operating profit declined clearly from the same period last year. The main 
reason for weaker profitability was significantly lower deliveries in all of 
UPM's business areas.

UPM responded to lower demand with a flexible way of operating in all of its 
business areas, using temporary capacity shutdowns to adjust production to the 
low demand. Due to cost saving measures and temporary layoffs, the company's 
fixed costs decreased by EUR 240 million in comparison to the same period last 

Wood costs started to decrease during the period from the earlier peak levels. 
Compared with last year, wood costs decreased by EUR 110 million. Energy costs 
increased by EUR 50 million. Other variable costs decreased.

The average paper price in euro decreased by approximately 1% from the same 
period last year. The average price for label materials was about 6% higher. 
Timber and plywood prices fell substantially. Changes in sales prices in euro 
terms reduced operating profit by about EUR 100 million.

The increase in the fair value of biological assets net of wood harvested was 
EUR 8 million compared to EUR 52 million a year before.

The share of results of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR 96 
million negative (78 million positive). The result includes special charges of 
EUR 29 million from Metsä-Botnia's Kaskinen pulp mill closure, and of EUR 17 
million related to Pohjolan Voima's two power plants.

Loss before tax was EUR 124 million (profit of EUR 159 million) and excluding 
special items the loss was EUR 49 million (profit of EUR 402 million). Interest 
and other finance costs, net, were EUR 123 million (142 million). Exchange rate 
and fair value gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 9 million (11 

Income taxes were EUR 2 million (53 million). The impact on taxes from special 
items was EUR 3 million positive (35 million positive).

Loss for the period was EUR 126 million (profit of EUR 106 million) and 
earnings per share were EUR -0.24 (0.21). Earnings per share excluding special 
items were EUR -0.10 (0.61). Operating cash flow per share was EUR 1.71 (0.52).


In January-September, cash flow from operating activities, before capital 
expenditure and financing, was EUR 889 million (271 million). Net working 
capital decreased by EUR 437 million during the period (increased by EUR 329 

The gearing ratio as of 30 September 2009 was 64% (67% on 30 September 2008). 
Net interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the period came to EUR 3,688 
million (4,409 million).

In March 2009, UPM replaced the EUR 1.5 billion credit facility that was to 
mature in 2010 with a new EUR 825 million credit facility, maturing in 2012.

On 30 September 2009, UPM's cash funds and unused committed credit facilities 
totalled EUR 2.2 billion.


In January-September, UPM had an average of 23,826 employees (26,283). At the 
beginning of the year, the number of employees was 24,983 and at the end of 
September it was 23,180. The reduction of 1,803 employees is mostly 
attributable to ongoing restructuring.

Capital expenditure

During January-September, capital expenditure was EUR 172 million, 3.1% of 
sales (438 million, 6.1% of sales). The new renewable energy power plant at the 
Caledonian mill in Irvine, Scotland was started in June. The total investment 
cost was GBP 68 million.

UPM continued its tight investment discipline during the first nine months of 
2009. Few new investment decisions were made. The largest ongoing project is 
now the rebuild of the debarking plant at the Pietarsaari mill in Finland. The 
total investment cost is estimated to be EUR 30 million.

Restructuring Botnia's ownership

On 15 July 2009, UPM, Metsäliitto Cooperative and M-real Corporation signed a 
letter of intent to restructure the ownership of the assets of Oy Metsä-Botnia 
Ab (Botnia).

According to the letter of intent, UPM would receive Metsäliitto's and Botnia's 
shares of the Fray Bentos pulp mill and the eucalyptus plantation forestry 
company Forestal Oriental in Uruguay, and UPM would dispose of part of its 
current 47% ownership in Botnia.

In the transaction, the enterprise value of the pulp mill and Forestal Oriental 
totals approximately EUR 1.6 billion and the enterprise value of Botnia without 
the Uruguayan operations and shareholding in Pohjolan Voima Oy is approximately 
EUR 1.9 billion.

Following the restructuring, Metsäliitto's holding in Botnia would be 53%, 
M-real's 30%, and UPM's 17%. UPM would have 91% ownership in the Fray Bentos 
pulp mill and 100% in Forestal Oriental. On the basis of the 17% holding in 
Botnia, UPM would have a 400,000-tonne share of the pulp production capacity of 
Botnia's Finnish mills. UPM's own annual production capacity would increase 
from 2.1 million tonnes to 3.2 million tonnes a year.

In addition, UPM would acquire 1.2% of the energy company Pohjolan Voima Oy 
from Botnia for EUR 66 million.

The agreement was signed after the balance sheet date, on 22 October 2009.


UPM shares worth EUR 4,382 million (7,963 million) in total were traded on the 
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange during January-September of 2009. The 
highest quotation was EUR 9.78 in January and the lowest EUR 4.33 in April.

The company's ADSs are traded on the US over-the-counter (OTC) market under a 
Level 1 sponsored American Depositary Receipt programme.

The Annual General Meeting held on 25 March 2009 approved a proposal by the 
Board of Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on the 
buy-back of not more than 51,000,000 own shares. The authorisation is valid for 
18 months from the date of the decision.

The Annual General Meeting of 27 March 2007 decided to authorise the Board to 
decide on a free issue of shares to the company itself so that the total number 
of shares to be issued to the company combined with the number of own shares 
bought back under the buy-back authorisation may not exceed 1/10 of the total 
number of shares in the company.

In addition, the Board has the authority to decide to issue shares and special 
rights entitling the holder to shares of the company. The number of new shares 
to be issued, including shares to be obtained under special rights, shall be no 
more than 250,000,000. Of that, the maximum number that can be issued to the 
company's shareholders based on their pre-emptive rights is 250,000,000 shares 
and the maximum amount that can be issued deviating from the shareholders' 
pre-emptive rights in a directed share issue is 100,000,000 shares. The maximum 
number of new shares to be issued as part of the company's incentive programmes 
is 5,000,000. Furthermore, the Board is authorised to decide on the disposal of 
own shares. To date, this authorisation has not been used. These authorisations 
of the Annual General Meeting 2007 will remain valid for no more than three 
years from the date of the decision.

The AGM of 27 March 2007 also decided on granting share options in connection 
with the company's share-based incentive plans. In option programmes 2007A, 
2007B and 2007C, the total number of share options is no more than 15,000,000 
and they will entitle the holders to subscribe for a total of no more than 
15,000,000 new shares in the company. Apart from the above, the Board of 
Directors has no current authorisation to issue shares, convertible bonds or 
share options.

The number of shares entered in the Trade Register on 30 September 2009 was 
519,970,088. Through the issuance authorisation and share options, the number 
of shares may increase to a maximum of 790,970,088.

At the end of the period, the company held 15,944 of its own shares, or 0.003% 
of the total number of shares, which have been granted under the Group's share 
reward scheme. These shares have been returned to the company in connection 
with the termination of employment contracts.

Litigation and other legal actions

Certain competition authorities are continuing investigations into alleged 
antitrust activities with respect to various UPM products. The authorities have 
granted UPM conditional full immunity with respect to certain conduct disclosed 
to them. UPM has settled or agreed to settle the class-action lawsuits in the 
US except for those filed by indirect purchasers of labelstock. The remaining 
litigation matters may last several years. No provisions have been made in 
relation to these investigations.

In Finland, UPM is participating in the country's fifth nuclear power plant 
unit, Olkiluoto 3, through its associated company Pohjolan Voima Oy. Pohjolan 
Voima Oy is with 58.12% a majority shareholder of Teollisuuden Voima Oy 
("TVO"). In January 2009, the constructor TVO disclosed information, confirmed 
by the plant supplier, consortium AREVA-Siemens, that the construction of the 
unit is delayed and the unit is estimated to start up in summer 2012.

In October 2009 TVO disclosed that the start-up of the unit may be delayed even 
beyond June 2012 and that TVO has requested the plant supplier to provide a 
re-analysis of the anicipated start-up time.

In June 2009, TVO informed that the arbitration filed in December by 
AREVA-Siemens, concerning Olkiluoto 3 delay and related costs amounted to EUR 
1.0 billion. In response, TVO has filed in April 2009 a counter-claim for costs 
and losses that TVO is incurring due to the delay and other defaults on the 
part of the supplier. The value of TVO's counterclaim is currently 
approximately EUR 1.4 billion.

Events after the balance sheet date

On 22 October 2009, UPM, Metsäliitto Cooperative, M-real Corporation, and Oy 
Metsä-Botnia Ab signed the agreement to restructure the ownership of the assets 
of Metsä-Botnia. The agreement is subject to required regulatory approvals and 
agreements with lenders. These are expected to be finalised, at the latest, 
during the first quarter of 2010.

Outlook for the fourth quarter of 2009

Economic activity in UPM's main markets has shown signs of improvement. Leading 
economic indicators such as consumer confidence have clearly improved since 
March this year. However, recession continues to have an impact on consumer 
demand, construction activity, and advertising expenditure in print media and 
thus on demand for all of UPM's products.

UPM will continue to curtail production in most of its businesses to respond to 
the changes in market demand.

Chemical pulp deliveries from UPM's own pulp mills are expected be about the 
same as during the third quarter but with higher average price.

UPM's paper deliveries for the fourth quarter are forecast to be about the same 
as during the third quarter. Pressure on paper prices is expected to continue 
and average price for paper deliveries in euro is expected to be lower than 
during the third quarter.

Recovery of demand for self-adhesive labelstock in the main markets is expected 
to continue. Prices are estimated to be stable but anticipated increases in raw 
material costs will put pressure on profitability.

Demand for birch and spruce plywood is forecast to show slight improvement from 
the third quarter. Average price is estimated to be about the same as during 
the third quarter.

Compared to the third quarter, variable costs are estimated to remain at the 
same level. Fixed costs for the full year are estimated to be close to EUR 300 
million lower than last year.

Business area reviews

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008

Sales, EUR million               108   100   136   141   129   103   105
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             35    41    57    76    58    34    39
% of sales                      32.4  41.0  41.9  53.9  45.0  33.0  37.1
Share of results of              -24    -4    -4   -11    -8    -2    -5
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation        -1    -1    -2    -3    -1    -1    -1
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million     10    36    51    62    49    31    33
% of sales                       9.3  36.0  37.5  44.0  38.0  30.1  31.4
Special items,EUR million 2)     -17     -     -     -     -     -     -
Operating profit excl.            27    36    51    62    49    31    33
special items, EUR million
% of sales                      25.0  36.0  37.5  44.0  38.0  30.1  31.4
Electricity deliveries, 1,000  2,103 1,999 2,486 2,731 2,653 2,344 2,439

                               Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
                                 2009   2008   2008

Sales, EUR million                344    337    478
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             133    131    207
% of sales                       38.7   38.9   43.3
Share of results of               -32    -15    -26
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation         -4     -3     -6
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million      97    113    175
% of sales                       28.2   33.5   36.6
Special items,EUR million 2)      -17      -      -
Operating profit excl.            114    113    175
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       33.1   33.5   36.6
Electricity deliveries, 1,000   6,588  7,436 10,167

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) In 2009, special items of EUR 17 million relate to impairments of associated 
company Pohjolan Voima's two power plants.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 27 million, EUR 22 million 
lower than last year (49 million). Sales decreased by 16% to EUR 108 million 
(129 million), of which EUR 24 million was external sales (45 million). The 
electricity sales volume was 2.1 TWh in the quarter (2.7 TWh).

The share of results of associated companies includes asset write-downs of EUR 
17 million related to Pohjolan Voima's two power plants.

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 114 million (113 million). 
Sales increased by 2% to EUR 344 million (337 million), of which EUR 97 million 
was external sales (80 million). Internal sales decreased by 4% due to lower 
energy consumption in the company's own mills. The electricity sales volume was 
6.6 TWh (7.4 TWh) as the hydropower volume was almost 22% lower than last year.

Profitability improved slightly in comparison with the previous year, due to 
the higher average electricity sales price. The average electricity sales price 
increased by 21% to EUR 43.1/MWh (35.7/MWh). The average cost of procured 
electricity increased due to lower share of hydro power volumes.

The share of results of associated companies includes asset write-downs of EUR 
17 million related to Pohjolan Voima's two power plants.

Market review

The average electricity price in the Nordic electricity exchange in the first 
nine months of the year decreased to EUR 34.5/MWh (42.7/ MWh). The consumption 
of electricity in the Nordic area decreased due to low industrial activity.

Oil and coal market prices were lower compared to the same period last year. 
CO2 emission allowance prices decreased.

The one-year forward electricity price in the Nordic electricity exchange 
averaged EUR 35.9/MWh in the first nine months of the year, 37% lower than in 
the same period last year (57.1/MWh).

In the first half of the year the Nordic water reservoirs were below the 
long-term average but returned to the normal level towards the end of the 

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q3/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008  2009

Sales, EUR million               156   132   139   200   228   247   269   427
EBITDA,EUR million 1)              8   -24   -55     9    38    35    57   -71
% of sales                       5.1 -18.2 -39.6   4.5  16.7  14.2  21.2 -16.6
Share of results of                4   -16   -47    -4    44    20    26   -59
associated companies and 
joint ventures,EUR million 3)
Depreciation, amortisation       -21   -20   -20   -73   -22   -17   -16   -61
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million     -9   -60  -122   -76    60    38    67  -191
% of sales                      -5.8 -45.5 -87.8 -38.0  26.3  15.4  24.9 -44.7
Special items,EUR million 2)       -     -   -29   -59     -     -     -   -29
Operating profit excl.            -9   -60   -93   -17    60    38    67  -162
special items, EUR million
% of sales                      -5.8 -45.5 -66.9  -8.5  26.3  15.4  24.9 -37.9
Pulp deliveries, 1,000 t         446   391   372   421   480   527   554 1,209

                                2008  2008

Sales, EUR million               744   944
EBITDA,EUR million 1)            130   139
% of sales                      17.5  14.7
Share of results of               90    86
associated companies and 
joint ventures,EUR million 3)
Depreciation, amortisation       -55  -128
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million    165    89
% of sales                      22.2   9.4
Special items,EUR million 2)       -   -59
Operating profit excl.           165   148
special items, EUR million
% of sales                      22.2  15.7
Pulp deliveries, 1,000 t       1,561 1,982

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) In 2009, special items of EUR 29 million relate to the associated company 
Metsä-Botnia's Kaskinen pulp mill closure. In 2008, special items of EUR 59 
million relate to the closure of the Tervasaari pulp mill.
3) In the balance sheet in the interim report for January-June, on 30 June 
2009, UPM has regrouped the 30% transferable share of Botnia's book value as 
assets held for sale. Consequently, from July 2009, UPM will not include the 
share of the transferable Botnia operations in the share of results of 
associated companies. Post transaction, UPM will record its 17% ownership in 
Botnia among its financial assets.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 9 million (profit of EUR 60 
million). The sales of UPM's own pulp mills decreased by 32% to EUR 156 million 
(228 million) and deliveries by 7% to 446,000 tonnes (480,000).

The share of results of the associated company Metsä-Botnia was profit of EUR 4 
million (profit of EUR 44 million).

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 162 million (profit of EUR 165 
million). The sales of UPM's own pulp mills decreased by 43% to EUR 427 million 
(744 million) and deliveries by 23% to 1,209,000 tonnes (1,561,000).

Due to reduced internal consumption, the Tervasaari pulp mill closure at the 
end of 2008 did not have a notable impact on deliveries.

Profitability weakened from the same period last year, mainly due to the lower 
deliveries and approximately 26% lower average pulp price. Wood costs remained 
at a high level. Chemical pulp inventories decreased from the beginning of the 
year due to extended shutdowns.

The share of results of the associated company Metsä-Botnia was loss of EUR 59 
million (profit of EUR 90 million). The result includes special charges of EUR 
29 million from Metsä-Botnia's Kaskinen mill closure.

Market review

In the first half of 2009, shipments declined from the comparison period, but 
in the third quarter the shipments increased due to strong demand in China. In 
the first nine months of 2009, global chemical market pulp shipments were 
slightly below last year's level.

Chemical pulp producer inventories declined from the high level of the 
beginning of the year due to extensive production curtailments and strong 
demand in China.

Chemical pulp market prices declined in the first half of the year but started 
to increase during the third quarter. The average softwood pulp (NBSK) market 
price in euro terms, at EUR 454/tonne, was 22% lower than in the same period 
last year (EUR 584/tonne). The bottom market price during the period was EUR 
421/tonne. At the end of the period the NBSK market price was EUR 491/ tonne.

The average hardwood pulp (BHKP) market price in euro terms also decreased by 
29% from last year to EUR 385/tonne (EUR 539/tonne). The bottom market price 
during the period was EUR 352/tonne. At the end of the period the BHKP market 
price was EUR 408/ tonne.

Forest and timber
                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q3/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008  2009

Sales, EUR million               295   309   385   419   475   518   508   989
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             24   -15   -15   -52    -4     4     4    -6
% of sales                       8.1  -4.9  -3.9 -12.4  -0.8   0.8   0.8  -0.6
Change in fair value of          -13    10    11    -2     4    20    28     8
biological assets and wood 
harvested, EUR million
Share of results of               -1     1     1    -1     -     -     1     1
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation        -4   -14    -5    -6   -36    -7    -7   -23
and impairment charges, EUR 
Operating profit, EUR              6   -18   -18   -63   -38    17    25   -30
% of sales                       2.0  -5.8  -4.7 -15.0  -8.0   3.3   4.9  -3.0
Special items,EUR million 2)       1    -8   -10    -2   -33     -    -1   -17
Operating profit excl.             5   -10    -8   -61    -5    17    26   -13
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       1.7  -3.2  -2.1 -14.6  -1.1   3.3   5.1  -1.3
Sawn timber deliveries, 1,000    355   366   363   421   510   628   573 1,084

                                2008  2008

Sales, EUR million             1,501 1,920
EBITDA,EUR million 1)              4   -48
% of sales                       0.3  -2.5
Change in fair value of           52    50
biological assets and wood 
harvested, EUR million
Share of results of                1     -
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation       -50   -56
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million      4   -59
% of sales                       0.3  -3.1
Special items,EUR million 2)     -34   -36
Operating profit excl.            38   -23
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       2.5  -1.2
Sawn timber deliveries, 1,000  1,711 2,132

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) Special items for the second quarter of 2009 include impairment charges of 
EUR 8 million related to wood procurement operations. In the first quarter of 
2009, special items of EUR 10 million relate to the sales loss of Miramichi's 
forestry and sawmilling operations' assets. Special items in 2008 include an 
impairment charge of EUR 31 million related to fixed assets of the Finnish 

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 5 million (loss of EUR 5 
million). Sales declined by 38% to EUR 295 million (475 million). Sawn timber 
deliveries decreased by 30% to 355,000 cubic metres (510,000).

The increase in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was EUR 11 
million (34 million). The cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group's 
own forests was EUR 24 million (30 million). The net effect was EUR 13 million 
negative (4 million positive).

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 13 million (profit of EUR 38 
million). Sales declined by 34% to EUR 989 million (1,501 million). Sawn timber 
deliveries decreased by 37% to 1,084,000 cubic metres (1,711,000).

Profitability weakened from the same period last year mainly due to lower 
increase in the fair value of biological assets. Timber deliveries were lower 
and average price of delivered timber goods decreased approximately by 11%. 
Wood inventories decreased.

The increase in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was EUR 46 
million (126 million). The cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group's 
own forests was EUR 38 million (74 million). The net effect was EUR 8 million 
positive (52 million positive).

Market review

Wood purchases in the Finnish wood market were 74% lower compared to the same 
period last year. However, the market activity started to recover slightly 
towards the end of the period, even though they still remained at a low level.

Industry's lower production and high wood inventories at the beginning of the 
year were the main reasons for lower purchases. Wood market prices declined by 
an average of about 15% compared to the same period in the previous year.

During the first nine months of the year, demand for both redwood and whitewood 
sawn timber in Europe declined substantially in comparison with the previous 
year. The weak market balance resulted in significantly lower prices.

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008

Sales, EUR million             1,454 1,388 1,367 1,750 1,761 1,727 1,773
EBITDA,EUR million 1)            274   247   187   189   271   216   209
% of sales                      18.8  17.8  13.7  10.8  15.4  12.5  11.8
Share of results of                -    -1    -1     1     -     -     -
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation      -142  -147  -149  -264  -388  -156  -159
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million    126    85    60  -126  -114    60    51
% of sales                       8.7   6.1   4.4  -7.2  -6.5   3.5   2.9
Special items,EUR million 2)      -6   -10    23  -153  -227     -     1
Operating profit excl.           132    95    37    27   113    60    50
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       9.1   6.8   2.7   1.5   6.4   3.5   2.8
Deliveries, publication        1,464 1,323 1,304 1,809 1,760 1,749 1,772
papers, 1,000 t
Deliveries, fine and             872   813   724   784   863   923   981
speciality papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries total, 1,000  2,336 2,136 2,028 2,593 2,623 2,672 2,753

                               Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
                                 2009   2008   2008

Sales, EUR million              4,209  5,261  7,011
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             708    696    885
% of sales                       16.8   13.2   12.6
Share of results of                -2      -      1
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation       -438   -703   -967
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million     271     -3   -129
% of sales                        6.4   -0.1   -1.8
Special items,EUR million 2)        7   -226   -379
Operating profit excl.            264    223    250
special items, EUR million
% of sales                        6.3    4.2    3.6
Deliveries, publication         4,091  5,281  7,090
papers, 1,000 t
Deliveries, fine and            2,409  2,767  3,551
speciality papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries total, 1,000   6,500  8,048 10,641

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) In the third quarter of 2009, special items of EUR 6 million relate to 
restructuring charges. Special items for the second quarter of 2009 include 
charges of EUR 9 million related to personnel reduction in Nordland mill, 
impairment reversals of EUR 4 million and other restructuring charges of EUR 5 
million. In the first quarter of 2009, special items include an income of EUR 
31 million related to the sale of the assets of the former Miramichi paper mill 
and charges of EUR 8 million related to restructuring measures. In 2008, 
special items include the goodwill impairment charge of EUR 230 million, 
impairment charges of EUR 101 million and other restructuring costs of EUR 42 
million related to the closure of the Kajaani paper mill, and other 
restructuring costs, net of EUR 6 million.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 132 million, EUR 19 million 
higher than a year ago (113 million). Sales were EUR 1,454 million (1,761 
million). Paper deliveries decreased by 11% to 2,336,000 tonnes (2,623,000). 
Publication paper deliveries (magazine papers and newsprint) decreased by 17%. 
Fine and speciality paper deliveries increased by 1% from the previous year, 
especially driven by demand recovery in China.

Profitability improved from the comparison period due to decreased costs. Lower 
paper prices and paper deliveries had a significant negative impact on 
profitability, but this was offset by lower fibre costs, mainly for chemical 
pulp, and decreased fixed costs.

The average price for all paper deliveries when translated into euros was 6% 
lower than in the third quarter of 2008.

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 264 million, EUR 41 million 
higher than a year ago (223 million). Sales were EUR 4,209 million (5,261 
million). Paper deliveries decreased by 19% to 6,500,000 tonnes (8,048,000). 
Publication paper deliveries (magazine papers and newsprint) decreased by 23% 
and fine and speciality paper deliveries by 13% from the previous year.

The Kajaani paper mill was closed at the end of 2008. Due to the reduced 
demand, the closure had only minor impact on UPM's paper deliveries.

Profitability improved from the corresponding period last year due to decreased 
costs. Lower deliveries had a significant negative impact on profitability, but 
this was offset by lower costs for fibre, mainly for chemical pulp. Fixed costs 
decreased significantly.

The average price for all paper deliveries when translated into euros was 1% 
lower than last year.

Market review

In Europe, during the first nine months of the year, demand for publication 
papers was 16% lower and for fine papers 18% lower than a year ago. In North 
America, demand for publication papers continued to decline and was 25% down 
from last year. In Asia, however, demand for fine papers grew from last year.

In Europe, paper prices decreased in the third quarter of 2009 from the 
previous quarter. For magazine papers, prices decreased by about 3% from the 
second quarter and for newsprint by about 1%. Coated fine paper prices 
decreased by about 3% and uncoated fine paper prices by about 2%. In the first 
nine months of the year, average prices increased by 1% for magazine papers, 2% 
for newsprint and 2% for coated fine papers, but decreased by 7% for uncoated 
fine papers from last year.

In North America, the average US dollar prices for magazine papers were 11% 
lower compared to the first nine months of 2008. In Asia, market prices for 
fine papers decreased from last year, but increased in the third quarter of 
2009 from the second quarter of 2009.

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q3/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008  2009

Sales, EUR million               242   226   223   233   239   245   242   691
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             29    18     6    -1     9    15    11    53
% of sales                      12.0   8.0   2.7  -0.4   3.8   6.1   4.5   7.7
Depreciation, amortisation        -9   -11    -9   -16    -8    -7    -8   -29
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million     18     4    -3   -38     1     8     3    19
% of sales                       7.4   1.8  -1.3 -16.3   0.4   3.3   1.2   2.7
Special items,EUR million 2)      -2    -5     -   -28     -     -     -    -7
Operating profit excl.            20     9    -3   -10     1     8     3    26
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       8.3   4.0  -1.3  -4.3   0.4   3.3   1.2   3.8

                                2008  2008

Sales, EUR million               726   959
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             35    34
% of sales                       4.8   3.5
Depreciation, amortisation       -23   -39
and impairment charges, EUR 
Operating profit, EUR             12   -26
% of sales                       1.7  -2.7
Special items,EUR million 2)       -   -28
Operating profit excl.            12     2
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       1.7   0.2

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) In the third quarter of 2009, special items of EUR 2 million relate to 
restructuring charges. In the second quarter of 2009, special items include 
impairment charges of EUR 2 million and other restructuring charges of EUR 3 
million. In 2008, special items of EUR 28 million relate to measures to reduce 
coating capacity and close two slitting terminals in Europe.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 20 million (1 million). Sales 
were EUR 242 million (239 million).

Profitability improved clearly from the same period last year. The main reasons 
were lower raw material costs and fixed costs. Average sales prices converted 
to euros increased slightly from last year and remained stable from the 
previous quarter. The delivery volumes of self-adhesive label materials were at 
the same level as last year.

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 26 million (12 million). Sales 
were EUR 691 million (726 million).

Profitability improved from the same period last year due to decreased costs 
and increased prices. Delivery volumes of self-adhesive label materials 
declined by some 10% from last year, driven by lower economic activity. While 
lower delivery volumes had a significant negative impact on operating profit, 
this was offset by reductions in fixed costs. Average sales prices converted to 
euros increased by about 6% from last year. Raw material costs remained roughly 
on last year's level.

In 2008, UPM Raflatac opened two new labelstock factories; one in Dixon, USA in 
January and another in Wroclaw, Poland in November.

The restructuring of European operations, announced in the fourth quarter of 
2008, was completed as planned by the end of the third quarter. The 
restructuring, combined with the new plant in Wroclaw, has significantly 
improved the competitiveness of UPM's European operations.

Market review

During the first half of the year, demand for self-adhesive label materials 
declined in all markets from last year as demand for consumer products and 
shipments of goods slowed down. In the third quarter, however, demand in Asia 
is estimated to have grown and in Europe and North America to have recovered 
close to the level of the same quarter last year.

The market prices in euro terms were higher than in the comparison period. In 
the third quarter of 2009, prices remained stable compared with the previous 

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q3/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008  2009

Sales, EUR million                73    77    75   102   121   150   157   225
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             -5    -5   -23    -5     3    22    26   -33
% of sales                      -6.8  -6.5 -30.7  -4.9   2.5  14.7  16.6 -14.7
Depreciation, amortisation        -5    -5    -5    -5    -5    -6    -5   -15
and impairment charges, EUR 
Operating profit, EUR            -10   -10   -29   -10    -2    19    21   -49
% of sales                     -13.7 -13.0 -38.7  -9.8  -1.7  12.7  13.4 -21.8
Special items,EUR million 2)       -     -    -1     -     -     3     -    -1
Operating profit excl.           -10   -10   -28   -10    -2    16    21   -48
special items, EUR million
% of sales                     -13.7 -13.0 -37.3  -9.8  -1.7  10.7  13.4 -21.3
Deliveries, plywood, 1,000 m3    143   141   133   160   188   227   231   417

                                2008  2008

Sales, EUR million               428   530
EBITDA,EUR million 1)             51    46
% of sales                      11.9   8.7
Depreciation, amortisation       -16   -21
and impairment charges, EUR 
Operating profit, EUR             38    28
% of sales                       8.9   5.3
Special items,EUR million 2)       3     3
Operating profit excl.            35    25
special items, EUR million
% of sales                       8.2   4.7
Deliveries, plywood, 1,000 m3    646   806

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) Special items in 2008 include reversals of provisions related to the 
disposed Kuopio plywood mill.

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 10 million (loss of EUR 2 
million). Sales decreased to EUR 73 million (121 million), as plywood 
deliveries declined by 24% to 143,000 cubic metres (188,000).

Plywood reported an operating loss due to significantly lower delivery volumes 
and sales prices than in the comparison period.

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 48 million (profit of EUR 35 
million). Sales nearly halved to EUR 225 million (428 million), as plywood 
deliveries declined by 35% to 417,000 cubic metres (646,000).

Plywood reported an operating loss due to significantly lower delivery volumes 
and sales prices than in the comparison period. Material fixed cost reductions 
were implemented throughout the organisation, but these could not compensate 
for the adverse impact of deliveries and prices.

Weak market demand led to extensive production downtime at all mills. The 
Heinola mill was temporarily shut down from January 2009 onwards. The Kaukas 
plywood mill was temporarily shut down from May onwards. In April it was 
announced that operations at the Lahti mill will be moved to other mills by the 
end of the year.

At the Kalso veneer mill, a production automation project was completed in May 

Market review

In Europe, plywood demand declined substantially from last year due to record 
low construction activity and demand for engineered end products in 
transportation and other industrial end uses. Declining demand in Europe has 
left much idle capacity.

Inventories were reduced in all parts of the supply chain in the first half of 
the year. This inventory reduction came to an end in the third quarter. The 
market prices of plywood declined from the previous year.

Other operations
                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/Q1-Q3/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008  2009

Sales, EUR million                21    21    34    34    52    66    48    76
EBITDA,EUR million 1)            -31   -24   -29   -38     3   -13    -9   -84
Share of results of                -    -2    -2    -1    -1     3     -    -4
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation        -3    -3    -3     2    -2    -5    -3    -9
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million    -45   -29   -34   -35     4   -16    -7  -108
Special items,EUR million 2)     -11     -     -     2     4    -1     5   -11
Operating profit excl.           -34   -29   -34   -37     0   -15   -12   -97
special items, EUR million

                                2008  2008

Sales, EUR million               166   200
EBITDA,EUR million 1)            -19   -57
Share of results of                2     1
associated companies and 
joint ventures, EUR million
Depreciation, amortisation       -10    -8
and impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit, EUR million    -19   -54
Special items,EUR million 2)       8    10
Operating profit excl.           -27   -64
special items, EUR million

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and wood harvested, 
the share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special 
2) In 2009, special items of EUR 11 million relate mainly to estates of closed 
industrial sites in Finland. In 2008, special items include an adjustment of 
EUR 5 million to sales of disposals of 2007 and other restructuring income net 
of EUR 5 million.

Other operations include development units (RFID tags, the wood plastic 
composite unit UPM ProFi and biofuels), logistic services and corporate 

Q3 of 2009 compared with Q3 of 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 34 million (0 million). Sales 
amounted to EUR 21 million (52 million).

The operating loss was greater than in the comparison period, mainly due to 
hedging losses of EUR 16 million (profit of EUR 5 million). The development 
units continued to incur an operating loss.

January-September 2009 compared with January-September 2008

Operating loss excluding special items was EUR 97 million (loss of EUR 27 
million). Sales amounted to EUR 76 million (166 million).

The operating loss was greater than in the comparison period, mainly due to 
hedging losses of EUR 25 million (profit of EUR 22 million) and losses of the 
development units.

Helsinki, 29 October 2009
UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Board of Directors

Financial information

This Interim Report is unaudited

Consolidated income statement

EUR million                       Q3/    Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
                                 2009   2008   2009   2008   2008

Sales                           1,913  2,358  5,611  7,146  9,461
Other operating income              5     23     29     74     83
Costs and expenses             -1,603 -1,998 -4,964 -6,180 -8,407
Change in fair value of           -13      4      8     52     50
biological assets and wood 
Share of results of               -21     35    -96     78     62
associated companies and 
joint ventures
Depreciation, amortisation       -185   -462   -579   -860 -1,225
and impairment charges
Operating profit (loss)            96    -40      9    310     24
Gains on available-for-sale        -1      -     -1      2      2
investments, net
Exchange rate and fair value       -3      -     -9    -11    -25
gains and losses
Interest and other finance        -28    -50   -123   -142   -202
costs, net
Profit (loss) before tax           64    -90   -124    159   -201
Income taxes                      -24      3     -2    -53     21
Profit (loss) for the period       40    -87   -126    106   -180
Attributable to:                                                 
Equity holders of the parent       40    -86   -126    108   -179
Minority interest                   -     -1      -     -2     -1
                                   40    -87   -126    106   -180
Earnings per share for profit                                    
(loss) attributable to the 
equity holders of the parent
Basic earnings per share,        0.08  -0.17  -0.24   0.21  -0.35
Diluted earnings per share,      0.08  -0.17  -0.24   0.21  -0.35

Statement of comprehensive income

EUR million                      Q3/   Q3/Q1-Q3/Q1-Q3/Q1-Q4/
                                2009  2008  2009  2008  2008
Profit (loss) for the period      40   -87  -126   106  -180
Other comprehensive income                                  
for the period, after tax:
Translation differences          -16    93    50   -11  -206
Net investment hedge             -17   -31   -37    -5    56
Cash flow hedges                  18   -51     9   -51   -33
Share of other comprehensive      -2    20   -10    12     1
income of associated companies
Other comprehensive income       -17    31    12   -55  -182
for the period, net of tax
Total comprehensive income        23   -56  -114    51  -362
for the period
Total comprehensive income                                  
attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent      23   -55  -114    53  -361
Minority interest                  -    -1     -    -2    -1
                                  23   -56  -114    51  -362

Condensed consolidated balance sheet

EUR million                     30.09.2009  30.09.2008  31.12.2008

Non-current assets                                                
Goodwill                               933         933         933
Other intangible assets                390         431         403
Property, plant and                  5,253       6,012       5,688
Biological assets                    1,126       1,140       1,133
Investments in associated              801       1,278       1,263
companies and joint 
Deferred tax assets                    244         272         258
Other non-current assets               644         452         697
                                     9,391      10,518      10,375
Current assets                                                    
Inventories                          1,011       1,527       1,354
Trade and other receivables          1,460       1,838       1,710
Cash and cash equivalents              367         136         330
                                     2,838       3,501       3,394
Assets classified as held for          327           -          12
Total assets                        12,556      14,019      13,781
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Equity attributable to equity                                     
holders of the parent 
Share capital                          890         890         890
Fair value and other                  -155         -42        -165
Reserve for invested                 1,145       1,145       1,145
non-restricted equity
Retained earnings                    3,908       4,527       4,236
                                     5,788       6,520       6,106
Minority interest                       14          14          14
Total equity                         5,802       6,534       6,120
Non-current liabilities                                           
Deferred tax liabilities               590         717         658
Non-current interest-bearing         3,941       4,399       4,534
Other non-current                      595         588         624
                                     5,126       5,704       5,816
Current liabilities                                               
Current interest-bearing               429         378         537
Trade and other payables             1,199       1,403       1,291
                                     1,628       1,781       1,828
Liabilities related to assets            -           -          17
classified as held for sale
Total liabilities                    6,754       7,485       7,661
Total equity and liabilities        12,556      14,019      13,781

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

EUR                            Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
million                          2009   2008   2008

Cash flow from operating                           
Profit (loss) for the period     -126    106   -180
Adjustments                       735    786  1,232
Change in working capital         437   -329   -132
Cash generated from             1,046    563    920
Finance costs, net               -135   -223   -216
Income taxes paid                 -22    -69    -76
Net cash generated from           889    271    628
operating activities
Cash flow from investing                           
Acquisitions and share              -     -7    -19
Purchases of intangible and      -191   -453   -558
tangible assets
Asset sales and other              36     41     45
investing cash flow
Net cash used in investing       -155   -419   -532
Cash flow from financing                           
Change in loans and other        -489    352    305
financial items
Share options exercised             -     78     78
Dividends paid                   -208   -384   -384
Net cash used in financing       -697     46     -1
Change in cash and cash            37   -102     95
Cash and cash equivalents at      330    237    237
the beginning of period
Foreign exchange effect on          -      1     -2
Change in cash and cash            37   -102     95
Cash and cash equivalents at      367    136    330
end of period
Operating cash flow per          1.71   0.52   1.21
share, EUR

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Attributable to equity holders of the parent company

EUR million                           Share   Translation  Fair value
				    capital   differences   and other
Balance at 1 January 2008               890         -158          193
Changes in equity for 2008                                           
Share options exercised                   -            -            -
Share-based compensation, net             -            -          -18
of tax
Dividend paid                             -            -            -
Business combinations                     -            -            -
Total comprehensive income                -           -7          -52
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2008            890         -165          123
Balance at 1 January 2009               890         -295          130
Changes in equity for 2009                                           
Share-based compensation, net             -            -            3
of tax
Dividend paid                             -            -            -
Business combinations                     -            -            -
Other items                               -            -            -
Total comprehensive income                -           -2            9
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2009            890         -297          142

EUR million                      Reserve for   Retained         Total
				   invested	earnings
Balance at 1 January 2008             1,067        4,778        6,770
Changes in equity for 2008                                           
Share options exercised                  78            -           78
Share-based compensation, net             -           21            3
of tax
Dividend paid                             -         -384         -384
Business combinations                     -            -            -
Total comprehensive income                -          112           53
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2008          1,145        4,527        6,520
Balance at 1 January 2009             1,145        4,236        6,106

Changes in equity for 2009                                           
Share-based compensation, net             -            -            3
of tax
Dividend paid                             -         -208         -208
Business combinations                     -            -            -
Other items                               -            1            1
Total comprehensive income                -         -121         -114
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2009          1,145        3,908        5,788

EUR million                         Minority	   Total
				   interest       equity
Balance at 1 January 2008                13        6,783
Changes in equity for 2008                              
Share options exercised                   -           78
Share-based compensation, net             -            3
of tax
Dividend paid                             -         -384
Business combinations                     3            3
Total comprehensive income               -2           51
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2008             14        6,534
Balance at 1 January 2009                14        6,120
Changes in equity for 2009                              
Share-based compensation, net             -            3
of tax
Dividend paid                             -         -208
Business combinations                     -            -
Other items                               -            1
Total comprehensive income                -         -114
for the period
Balance at 30 September 2009             14        5,802

Quarterly information

EUR million                       Q3/     Q2/     Q1/     Q4/     Q3/     Q2/
                                 2009    2009    2009    2008    2008    2008
Sales                            1,913   1,841   1,857   2,315   2,358   2,378
Other operating income               5       7      17       9      23      11
Costs and expenses              -1,603  -1,627  -1,734  -2,227  -1,998  -2,074
Change in fair value of            -13      10      11      -2       4      20
biological assets and wood 
Share of results of                -21     -22     -53     -16      35      21
associated companies and 
joint ventures
Depreciation, amortisation        -185    -201    -193    -365    -462    -199
and impairment charges
Operating profit (loss)             96       8     -95    -286     -40     157
Gains on available-for-sale         -1       -       -       -       -       2
investments, net
Exchange rate and fair value        -3       3      -9     -14       -      -1
gains and losses
Interest and other finance         -28     -37     -58     -60     -50     -43
costs, net
Profit (loss) before tax            64     -26    -162    -360     -90     115
Income taxes                       -24      18       4      74       3     -25
Profit (loss) for the period        40      -8    -158    -286     -87      90
Attributable to:                                                              
Equity holders of the parent        40      -8    -158    -287     -86      92
Minority interest                    -       -       -       1      -1      -2
                                    40      -8    -158    -286     -87      90
Basic earnings per share,         0.08   -0.02   -0.30   -0.56   -0.17    0.18
Diluted earnings per share,       0.08   -0.02   -0.30   -0.56   -0.17    0.18
Earnings per share, excluding     0.14    0.03   -0.27   -0.19    0.25    0.17
special items, EUR
Average number of shares       519,954 519,954 519,954 519,979 519,999 517,622
basic (1,000)
Average number of shares       521,036 519,954 519,954 519,979 519,999 516,791
diluted (1,000)
Special items in operating         -35     -23     -17    -240    -256       2
profit (loss)
Operating profit (loss),           131      31     -78     -46     216     155
excl. special items
% of sales                         6.8     1.7    -4.2    -2.0     9.2     6.5
Special items before tax           -35     -23     -17    -240    -250       2
Profit (loss) before tax,           99      -3    -145    -120     160     113
excl. special items
% of sales                         5.2    -0.2    -7.8    -5.2     6.8     4.8
Return on equity, excl.            5.0     0.8    neg.    neg.     7.8     5.4
special items, %
Return on capital employed,        4.9     1.3    neg.    neg.     7.7     5.7
excl. special items, %
EBITDA                             334     238     128     178     378     313
% of sales                        17.5    12.9     6.9     7.7    16.0    13.2
Share of results of                                                           
associated companies and 
joint ventures
Energy                             -24      -4      -4     -11      -8      -2
Pulp                                 4     -16     -47      -4      44      20
Forest and timber                   -1       1       1      -1       -       -
Paper                                -      -1      -1       1       -       -
Other operations                     -      -2      -2      -1      -1       3
Total                              -21     -22     -53     -16      35      21

EUR million                        Q1/  Q1-Q3/  Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4 /
                                  2008    2009    2008    2008
Sales                            2,410   5,611   7,146   9,461
Other operating income              40      29      74      83
Costs and expenses              -2,108  -4,964  -6,180  -8,407
Change in fair value of             28       8      52      50
biological assets and wood 
Share of results of                 22     -96      78      62
associated companies and 
joint ventures
Depreciation, amortisation        -199    -579    -860  -1,225
and impairment charges
Operating profit (loss)            193       9     310      24
Gains on available-for-sale          -      -1       2       2
investments, net
Exchange rate and fair value       -10      -9     -11     -25
gains and losses
Interest and other finance         -49    -123    -142    -202
costs, net
Profit (loss) before tax           134    -124     159    -201
Income taxes                       -31      -2     -53      21
Profit (loss) for the period       103    -126     106    -180
Attributable to:                                              
Equity holders of the parent       102    -126     108    -179
Minority interest                    1       -      -2      -1
                                   103    -126     106    -180
Basic earnings per share,         0.20   -0.24    0.21   -0.35
Diluted earnings per share,       0.20   -0.24    0.21   -0.35
Earnings per share, excluding     0.19   -0.10    0.61    0.42
special items, EUR
Average number of shares       512,581 519,954 516,734 517,545
basic (1,000)
Average number of shares       513,412 520,315 516,734 517,545
diluted (1,000)
Special items in operating           5     -75    -249    -489
profit (loss)
Operating profit (loss),           188      84     559     513
excl. special items
% of sales                         7.8     1.5     7.8     5.4
Special items before tax             5     -75    -243    -483
Profit (loss) before tax,          129     -49     402     282
excl. special items
% of sales                         5.4    -0.9     5.6     3.0
Return on equity, excl.            5.9    neg.     6.3     3.4
special items, %
Return on capital employed,        6.5     0.9     6.6     4.6
excl. special items, %
EBITDA                             337     700   1,028   1,206
% of sales                        14.0    12.5    14.4    12.7
Share of results of                                           
associated companies and 
joint ventures
Energy                              -5     -32     -15     -26
Pulp                                26     -59      90      86
Forest and timber                    1       1       1       -
Paper                                -      -2       -       1
Other operations                     -      -4       2       1
Total                               22     -96      78      62

                                 Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                                2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008
Electricity, 1,000 MWh         2,103 1,999 2,486 2,731 2,653 2,344 2,439
Pulp, 1,000 t                    446   391   372   421   480   527   554
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3            355   366   363   421   510   628   573
Publication papers, 1,000 t    1,464 1,323 1,304 1,809 1,760 1,749 1,772
Fine and speciality papers,      872   813   724   784   863   923   981
1,000 t
Paper deliveries total,        2,336 2,136 2,028 2,593 2,623 2,672 2,753
1,000 t
Plywood, 1,000 m3                143   141   133   160   188   227   231

                               Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/  Q1-Q4/
                                 2009   2008   2008
Electricity, 1,000 MWh          6,588  7,436 10,167
Pulp, 1,000 t                   1,209  1,561  1,982
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3           1,084  1,711  2,132
Publication papers, 1,000 t     4,091  5,281  7,090
Fine and speciality papers,     2,409  2,767  3,551
1,000 t
Paper deliveries total,         6,500  8,048 10,641
1,000 t
Plywood, 1,000 m3                 417    646    806

Quarterly segment information

EUR                              Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/
million                          2009  2009  2009  2008

Energy                           108   100   136   141
Pulp                             156   132   139   200
Forest and timber                295   309   385   419
Paper                          1,454 1,388 1,367 1,750
Label                            242   226   223   233
Plywood                           73    77    75   102
Other operations                  21    21    34    34
Internal sales                  -436  -412  -502  -564
Sales, total                   1,913 1,841 1,857 2,315
Energy                            35    41    57    76
Pulp                               8   -24   -55     9
Forest and timber                 24   -15   -15   -52
Paper                            274   247   187   189
Label                             29    18     6    -1
Plywood                           -5    -5   -23    -5
Other operations                 -31   -24   -29   -38
EBITDA, total                    334   238   128   178
Operating profit (loss)                               
Energy                            10    36    51    62
Pulp                              -9   -60  -122   -76
Forest and timber                  6   -18   -18   -63
Paper                            126    85    60  -126
Label                             18     4    -3   -38
Plywood                          -10   -10   -29   -10
Other operations                 -45   -29   -34   -35
Operating profit (loss),          96     8   -95  -286
% of sales                       5.0   0.4  -5.1 -12.4
Special items                                         
Energy                           -17     -     -     -
Pulp                               -     -   -29   -59
Forest and timber                  1    -8   -10    -2
Paper                             -6   -10    23  -153
Label                             -2    -5     -   -28
Plywood                            -     -    -1     -
Other operations                 -11     -     -     2
Special items, total             -35   -23   -17  -240
Operating profit (loss)                               
excl.special items
Energy                            27    36    51    62
Pulp                              -9   -60   -93   -17
Forest and timber                  5   -10    -8   -61
Paper                            132    95    37    27
Label                             20     9    -3   -10
Plywood                          -10   -10   -28   -10
Other operations                 -34   -29   -34   -37
Operating profit (loss) excl.    131    31   -78   -46
special items, total
% of sales                       6.8   1.7  -4.2  -2.0

EUR million                    Q3/09 Q2/09 Q1/09 Q4/08
External sales                                        
Energy                            24    24    49    57
Pulp                               9    10    10     6
Forest and timber                145   150   152   199
Paper                          1,409 1,355 1,327 1,701
Label                            243   225   222   233
Plywood                           69    73    72    94
Other operations                  14     4    25    25
External sales, total          1,913 1,841 1,857 2,315
Internal sales                                        
Energy                            84    76    87    84
Pulp                             147   122   129   194
Forest and timber                150   159   233   220
Paper                             45    33    40    49
Label                             -1     1     1     -
Plywood                            4     4     3     8
Other operations                   7    17     9     9
Internal sales, total            436   412   502   564

EUR million                         Q3/      Q2/      Q1/   Q1-Q3/
                                   2008     2008     2008     2009
Energy                              129      103      105      344
Pulp                                228      247      269      427
Forest and timber                   475      518      508      989
Paper                             1,761    1,727    1,773    4,209
Label                               239      245      242      691
Plywood                             121      150      157      225
Other operations                     52       66       48       76
Internal sales                     -647     -678     -692   -1,350
Sales, total                      2,358    2,378    2,410    5,611
Energy                               58       34       39      133
Pulp                                 38       35       57      -71
Forest and timber                    -4        4        4       -6
Paper                               271      216      209      708
Label                                 9       15       11       53
Plywood                               3       22       26      -33
Other operations                      3      -13       -9      -84
EBITDA, total                       378      313      337      700
Operating profit (loss)                                           
Energy                               49       31       33       97
Pulp                                 60       38       67     -191
Forest and timber                   -38       17       25      -30
Paper                              -114       60       51      271
Label                                 1        8        3       19
Plywood                              -2       19       21      -49
Other operations                      4      -16       -7     -108
Operating profit (loss),            -40      157      193        9
% of sales                         -1.7      6.6      8.0      0.2
Special items                                                     
Energy                                -        -        -      -17
Pulp                                  -        -        -      -29
Forest and timber                   -33        -       -1      -17
Paper                              -227        -        1        7
Label                                 -        -        -       -7
Plywood                               -        3        -       -1
Other operations                      4       -1        5      -11
Special items, total               -256        2        5      -75
Operating profit (loss)                                           
excl.special items
Energy                               49       31       33      114
Pulp                                 60       38       67     -162
Forest and timber                    -5       17       26      -13
Paper                               113       60       50      264
Label                                 1        8        3       26
Plywood                              -2       16       21      -48
Other operations                      -      -15      -12      -97
Operating profit (loss) excl.       216      155      188       84
special items, total
% of sales                          9.2      6.5      7.8      1.5

EUR million                       Q3/08    Q2/08    Q1/08 Q1-Q3/09
External sales                                                    
Energy                               45       20       15       97
Pulp                                 17       18       22       29
Forest and timber                   197      240      233      447
Paper                             1,699    1,657    1,704    4,091
Label                               238      244      241      690
Plywood                             111      139      147      214
Other operations                     51       60       48       43
External sales, total             2,358    2,378    2,410    5,611
Internal sales                                                    
Energy                               84       83       90      247
Pulp                                211      229      247      398
Forest and timber                   278      278      275      542
Paper                                62       70       69      118
Label                                 1        1        1        1
Plywood                              10       11       10       11
Other operations                      1        6        -       33
Internal sales, total               647      678      692    1,350

EUR million                        Q1-Q3/   Q1-Q4 /
                                   2008       2008
Energy                               337       478
Pulp                                 744       944
Forest and timber                  1,501     1,920
Paper                              5,261     7,011
Label                                726       959
Plywood                              428       530
Other operations                     166       200
Internal sales                    -2,017    -2,581
Sales, total                       7,146     9,461
Energy                               131       207
Pulp                                 130       139
Forest and timber                      4       -48
Paper                                696       885
Label                                 35        34
Plywood                               51        46
Other operations                     -19       -57
EBITDA, total                      1,028     1,206
Operating profit (loss)                           
Energy                               113       175
Pulp                                 165        89
Forest and timber                      4       -59
Paper                                 -3      -129
Label                                 12       -26
Plywood                               38        28
Other operations                     -19       -54
Operating profit (loss),             310        24
% of sales                           4.3       0.3
Special items                                     
Energy                                 -         -
Pulp                                   -       -59
Forest and timber                    -34       -36
Paper                               -226      -379
Label                                  -       -28
Plywood                                3         3
Other operations                       8        10
Special items, total                -249      -489
Operating profit (loss)                           
excl.special items
Energy                               113       175
Pulp                                 165       148
Forest and timber                     38       -23
Paper                                223       250
Label                                 12         2
Plywood                               35        25
Other operations                     -27       -64
Operating profit (loss) excl.        559       513
special items, total
% of sales                           7.8       5.4

EUR million                     Q1-Q3/08  Q1-Q4/08
External sales                                    
Energy                                80       137
Pulp                                  57        63
Forest and timber                    670       869
Paper                              5,060     6,761
Label                                723       956
Plywood                              397       491
Other operations                     159       184
External sales, total              7,146     9,461
Internal sales                                    
Energy                               257       341
Pulp                                 687       881
Forest and timber                    831     1,051
Paper                                201       250
Label                                  3         3
Plywood                               31        39
Other operations                       7        16
Internal sales, total              2,017     2,581

Changes in property, plant and equipment

EUR                            Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
million                          2009  2008  2008
Book value at beginning of     5,688 6,179 6,179
Capital expenditure              139   421   471
Decreases                        -14   -10   -24
Depreciation                    -530  -550  -748
Impairment charges                -6   -31  -182
Impairment reversals               4     -     -
Translation difference and       -28     3    -8
other changes
Book value at end of period    5,253 6,012 5,688

Commitments and contingencies

EUR million                     30.09.2009  30.09.2008  31.12.2008
Own commitments                                                   
Mortgages1)                            760          89         787
On behalf of associated                                           
companies and joint ventures
Guarantees for loans                     8          10          10
On behalf of others                                               
Other guarantees                         1           2           2
Other own commitments                                             
Leasing commitments for the             18          11          17
next 12 months
Leasing commitments for                 57          66          56
subsequent periods
Other commitments                       63          65          62

1) Mortgages relate mainly to giving mandatory security for borrowing 
from Finnish pension insurance companies.

Capital commitments

EUR million                      Completion   Total cost   By 31.12.2008
Rebuild of debarking plant,     October 2010           30            1
Waste water treatment plant,  September 2010           19            -
Energy saving TMP plant,        January 2011           16            -
Power plant rebuild,            January 2011           12            -
Fibre line improvement,        December 2011           10            3

EUR                           Q1-Q3/  After
million                         2009 30.09.2009
Rebuild of debarking plant,        5    24
Waste water treatment plant,       -    19
Energy saving TMP plant,           -    16
Power plant rebuild,               -    12
Fibre line improvement,            2     5

Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments

EUR million                     30.09.2009  30.09.2008  31.12.2008
Currency derivatives                                              
Forward contracts                    3,696       5,763       4,598
Options, bought                         35         113           -
Options, written                        48         164           -
Swaps                                  511         522         508
Interest rate derivatives                                         
Forward contracts                    2,487       3,767       2,668
Swaps                                2,947       2,205       2,833
Other derivatives                                                 
Forward contracts                      164          34         172
Options, bought                         78           -           -
Options, written                        78           -          78
Swaps                                    5           9           8

Related party (associated companies and joint ventures) transactions 
and balances

EUR                            Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q3/ Q1-Q4/
million                          2009  2008  2008
Sales to associated               81   100   138
Purchases from associated        384   427   592
Non-current receivables at         2     -     -
end of period
Trade and other receivables       23    18    37
at end of period
Trade and other payables at       30    31    27
end of period

Basis of preparation

This unaudited financial report has been prepared in accordance with the 
accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim 
Financial Reporting and in the Group's Consolidated Financial Statements for 
2008. Income tax expense is recognised based on the best estimate of the 
weighted average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year.

The Group has adopted the following standard:

IAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements became effective 1 January 
2009. The revised standard prohibits the presentation of items of income and 
expenses (that is, 'non-owner changes in equity') in the statement of changes 
in equity, requiring 'non-owner changes in equity' to be presented separately 
from owner changes in equity. Entities can choose whether to present one 
performance statement (the statement of comprehensive income) or two statements 
(the income statement and statement of comprehensive income). Where entities 
restate or reclassify comparative information, they will be required to present 
a restated balance sheet as at the beginning comparative period in addition to 
the current requirement to present balance sheets at the end of the current 
period and comparative period. Following the adoption of the revised standard 
the Group will present two separate statements (a separate income statement 
followed by a statement of comprehensive income).

Calculation of key indicators

Return on equity, %:
(Profit before tax - income taxes)/Total equity (average)x 100

Return on capital employed, %:
(Profit before tax + interest expenses and other financial expenses)/ 
(Total equity + interest-bearing liabilities (average))x 100

Earnings per share:
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company/
Adjusted average number of shares during the period excluding treasury shares

Key exchange rates for the euro at end of period

                               30.09.2009 30.06.2009 31.03.2009 31.12.2008
USD                                1.4643     1.4134     1.3308     1.3917
CAD                                1.5709     1.6275     1.6685     1.6998
JPY                                131.07     135.51     131.17     126.14
GBP                                0.9093     0.8521     0.9308     0.9525
SEK                               10.2320    10.8125    10.9400    10.8700

                               30.09.2008 30.06.2008 31.03.2008
USD                                1.4303     1.5764     1.5812
CAD                                1.4961     1.5942     1.6226
JPY                                150.47     166.44     157.37
GBP                                0.7903     0.7923     0.7958
SEK                                9.7943     9.4703     9.3970

It should be noted that certain statements herein, which are not historical 
facts, including, without limitation, those regarding expectations for market 
growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and 
statements preceded by "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "foresees", or 
similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. Since these statements are 
based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and 
uncertainties which may cause actual results to materially differ from those 
expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not 
limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing 
activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein including the 
availability and cost of production inputs, continued success of product 
development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group's targeted 
customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, 
changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the 
degree of protection created by the Group's patents and other intellectual 
property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry 
conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, 
prevailing and future global market prices for the Group's products and the 
pricing pressures thereto, financial condition of the customers and the 
competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and 
technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as rates 
of economic growth in the Group's principal geographic markets or fluctuations 
in exchange and interest rates. For more detailed information about risk 
factors, see pages 71-73 of the company's annual report 2008.

UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Pirkko Harrela
Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications

UPM, Corporate Communications
Media Desk, tel. +358 40 588 3284

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Main media

