IC Companys - Information meeting


16 February 2010

IC Companys - Information meeting

On  23 February 2010 at  7:30 a.m. IC  Companys A/S  will publish  its H1 report
2009/10 for the period 1 July - 31 December 2009.

IC  Companys A/S will  hold an information  meeting for investors, analysts, and
the press at

                     10.00 a.m. on Tuesday 23 February 2010

at the company's head office, 10 Raffinaderivej DK-2300 Copenhagen S.

At  the information meeting,  Chief Executive Officer  Niels Mikkelsen and Chief
Financial Officer Chris Bigler will be present.

To assist us with the planning, please give advance notice of your attendance no
later  than  the  day  before  the  meeting to Thomas Rohold, Investor Relations
Manager, by e-mail thro@iccompanys.com <mailto:thro@iccompanys.com> or phone +45
3266 7093.

The  meeting will be held in English and  will be webcast live. The webcast will
be  available on our website www.iccompanys.com <http://www.iccompanys.com/>. It
will be possible to raise questions via the attached chat function.

IC Companys A/S

Niels Mikkelsen
Chief Executive Officer

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Thomas Rohold
Investor Relations Manager
+45 3266 7093



Company Announcement no. 1.pdf