Fingrid Group's annual review and financial statements 2009

Stock exchange release                                                          
16.2.2010 at 11.00 a.m. EET                                                     

Fingrid Group's annual review and financial statements 2009                     

Operating environment                                                           

Power system operation                                                          

Electricity consumption in Finland in 2009 totalled 81.1 terawatt hours (87.2   
terawatt hours in 2008), which was 7.0 per cent below that in 2008. The economic
recession decreased the need for electricity by industries in particular. A     
total of 62.8 terawatt hours (65.4 terawatt hours) of electricity was           
transmitted in Fingrid's grid, representing 77 per cent of the electricity      
consumption in Finland.                                                         

A total of 2.7 terawatt hours (3.7 terawatt hours in 2008) of electricity was   
imported from Sweden to Finland, and 4.1 terawatt hours (4.2 terawatt hours) was
exported from Finland to Sweden in 2009.                                        
Electricity transmissions on the Estlink connection between Finland and Estonia 
consisted of imports from the Baltic countries to Finland with the exception of 
short export periods in the summer. The volume of electricity imports to Finland
on the Estlink connection was 1.8 terawatt hours (2.3 terawatt hours), and 0.1  
terawatt hours of electricity was exported from Finland.                        

Electricity imports from Russia to Finland totalled 11.7 terawatt hours (10.9   
terawatt hours) in 2009.                                                        

| Power system operation                               | 2009      | 2008      |
| Electricity consumption in Finland TWh               | 81.1      | 87.2      |
| Fingrid's transmission volume TWh                    | 62.8      | 65.4      |
| Fingrid's loss energy volume TWh                     | 1.0       | 1.0       |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Sweden             |           |           |
| exports to Sweden TWh                                | 4.1       | 4.2       |
| imports from Sweden TWh                              | 2.7       | 3.7       |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Estonia            |           |           |
| exports to Estonia TWh                               | 0.1       |           |
| imports from Estonia TWh                             | 1.8       | 2.3       |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Russia             |           |           |
| imports from Russia TWh                              | 11.7      | 10.9      |

Promotion of electricity market                                                 

Congestions in the transmission grid in Southern Scandinavia complicated the    
access of Norwegian hydropower to the Nordic electricity market. The area prices
of electricity often became segregated, although the price differences were not 
usually very great. There was a uniform spot price in the Nordic electricity    
market for only 25 per cent of the time. However, between Finland and Sweden    
there was a uniform price for 95 per cent of the time.                          

The price level in the spot market in 2009 was below that in 2008. The average  
system price was 35 euros per megawatt hour (45 €/MWh in 2008). The average area
price for Finland was close to this, i.e. 37 €/MWh (51 €/MWh).                  

| Electricity market                               | 2009       | 2008         |
| Nord Pool system price, average €/MWh            | 35.02      | 44.74        |
| Area price Finland, average €/MWh                | 36.98      | 51.02        |
| Congestion income in the Nordic countries        | 79.5       | 244.1        |
| million €                                        |            |              |
| Congestion income between Finland and Sweden     | 1.1        | 1.3          |
| million €                                        |            |              |
| Congestion hours between Finland and Sweden %    | 4.6        | 2.5          |
| Fingrid's share of the congestion income in the  | 4.9        | 23.2         |
| Nordic countries million €                       |            |              |

Adequacy of transmission system                                                 

Eight major substations and approx. 270 kilometres of new transmission lines    
were completed for Fingrid in 2009. The autumn was the busiest period in terms  
of commissioning of new transmission facilities in Fingrid's history. Fingrid   
also brought to conclusion a project which had lasted for several years,        
replacement of aluminium towers on 400 kilovolt lines.                          

In the spring, Fingrid launched the planning of a sizeable capital investment   
project together with the Estonian transmission system operator Elering. A      
transmission link of 650 megawatts is being planned between Finland and Estonia.
The costs of the project are approx. 300 million euros. The 140-kilometre long  
link based on direct current technology is due to be ready in an expedited      
schedule in 2014 or even at the end of 2013. The completion time is influenced  
above all by the opening of the electricity market in the Baltic countries and  
by the potential investment subsidy granted by the European Union.              

In February, the transmission system operators in the area of the Baltic Sea    
completed a shared transmission grid plan, which examined the linking of the    
Baltic countries to the electricity market in the Nordic countries and          
Continental Europe. The results were utilised in the market integration plan for
the Baltic region, launched by the EU. The plan suggests that in addition to the
EstLink 2 transmission connection between Finland and Estonia, connections from 
the Baltic countries to Sweden and Poland should also be constructed.           

Fingrid's gross capital expenditure in 2009 was 136 million euros (88 million   
euros in 2008).                                                                 

Financial result                                                                

Revenue of the Fingrid Group in 2009 was 359 million euros (382 million euros in
2008). Other operating income was 2 million euros (3 million euros). Grid       
revenue decreased slightly despite the 4.5 per cent tariff increase carried out 
at the beginning of the financial year. This was due to a reduction in          
industrial electricity consumption in Finland.                                  

Revenue from the sales of balance power decreased on the previous year to 92    
(105) million euros. Correspondingly, the purchases of balance power also       
decreased to 85 (95) million euros. Cross-border transmission income exceeded   
the level of 2008 by approx. 2 million euros because of a growth of just under 1
TWh in electricity imports from Russia. Revenue from the power reserve          
operations grew on account of an elevated power reserve compensation. Fingrid's 
share of the Nordic congestion income decreased by 18 million euros as there    
were less Nordic transmission capacity restrictions and because of a changed    
division of congestion income as agreed by the Nordic TSOs. Fingrid's portion of
the European inter-TSO compensations grew by 4 million euros. Depreciation, loss
energy, maintenance management and reserve costs rose from the previous year.   
Net income from the feed-in tariff for peat remained at about the same level as 
in the previous year. The corresponding changes during the last quarter of the  
financial year are shown in the table below (in million euros).                 

| Revenue and other   | 1-12/09    | 1-12/08     | 10-12/09     | 10-12/08     |
| operating income    |            |             |              |              |
| Grid service        | 188        | 189         | 57           | 53           |
| revenue             |            |             |              |              |
| Sales of balance    | 92         | 105         | 26           | 28           |
| power               |            |             |              |              |
| Cross-border        | 24         | 22          | 6            | 6            |
| transmission        |            |             |              |              |
| ITC income          | 28         | 23          | 6            | 7            |
| Power reserve       | 13         | 11          | 4            | 3            |
| Feed-in tariff for  | 3          | 0.4         | 3            | 0.1          |
| peat                |            |             |              |              |
| Congestion income   | 5          | 23          | 1            | 2            |
| Other revenue       | 5          | 9           | 0.5          | 2            |
| Other operating     | 2          | 3           | 1            | 1            |
| income              |            |             |              |              |
| Revenue and other   | 361        | 385         | 105          | 103          |
| income total        |            |             |              |              |

| Costs                | 1-12/09    | 1-12/08    | 10-12/09     | 10-12/08     |
| Depreciation         | 65         | 59         | 16           | 15           |
| Purchase of balance  | 85         | 95         | 25           | 27           |
| power                |            |            |              |              |
| ITC charges          | 16         | 15         | 4            | 4            |
| Power reserve        | 13         | 10         | 3            | 3            |
| Feed-in tariff for   | 3          | 0.1        | 3            | 0.0          |
| peat                 |            |            |              |              |
| Purchase of loss     | 52         | 50         | 15           | 13           |
| energy               |            |            |              |              |
| Reserves             | 21         | 20         | 5            | 5            |
| Maintenance          | 18         | 15         | 6            | 6            |
| management           |            |            |              |              |
| Personnel            | 20         | 20         | 6            | 6            |
| Other costs          | 19         | 19         | 5            | 6            |
| Costs total          | 312        | 302        | 89           | 84           |

Operating profit excluding the change in the fair value of electricity          
derivatives was 49 (83) million euros during the financial year. In the last    
quarter, operating profit excluding the change in the fair value of electricity 
derivatives was 16 (19) million euros.                                          

The IFRS operating profit of the Group was 51 (68) million euros. Of the change 
in the fair value of electricity derivatives, +2 (-14) million euros were       
recognised in the income statement and a total of 16 (-44) million euros in     
equity and to reduce the tax receivables.                                       

The Group's profit for the year was 25 (28) million euros. The company's Board  
of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders that    
2,022.29 euros of dividend per share to be paid, totalling 6,724,119.67 euros   

The return on investment was 3.9 (5.8) per cent and the return on equity 5.7    
(6.6) per cent. The equity ratio was 27.2 (26.7) per cent at the end of the     
review period.                                                                  

The cash flow from the operations of the Group deducted by capital expenditure  
and dividends was -74 (22) million euros.                                       

The Fingrid Group and Fingrid Oyj employed 260 persons, including temporary     
employees, at the end of 2009. The corresponding figure a year before was 249   
persons.The increase in the number of personnel was due to more numerous capital
investment projects.                                                            

There have been no material events or changes in Fingrid's business or financial
situation after the closing of the financial year.                              

The revival of electricity consumption in Finland is crucially influenced by the
recovery of exports by the energy-intensive industries in Finland and           
consequently by the increased utilisation rates of industrial capacity. This is 
reflected directly in Fingrid's grid revenue. It continues to be difficult to   
anticipate the developments in the money and capital markets.                   

Fingrid is making capital investments totalling 1,600 million euros in the      
transmission grid and reserve power in the next 10 years. The investments on an 
annual level are about 100 - 200 million euros. The investment programme aims at
retaining high system security and promoting the functioning of the electricity 
market, and this takes into account the policy decisions made in in the climate 
and energy strategy of Finland. The extensive capital investments have a        
negative impact on cash flow and will require additional borrowing. This is why 
Fingrid will have to raise its transmission tariffs in the coming years.        

These financial statements have been audited.                                   
The financial statements and annual review are appended to this stock exchange  
release, and a separate corporate governance statement of Fingrid Oyj has also  
been provided.                                                                  

Additional information:                                                         
CEO Jukka Ruusunen, +358 30 395 5140 or +358 40 593 8428                        
CFO Tom Pippingsköld,                                                           
+358 30 395 5157 or +358 40 519 5041                                            

English translation                                                             

FINGRID OYJ                                                                     
ANNUAL REVIEW AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                          
1 January 2009 - 31 December 2009                                               


1. Annual review	                                                               

Report of the Board of Directors	                                               

Key indicators	                                                                 

The Board of Directors' proposal for the distribution of profit		               

2. Financial statements	                                                        

Consolidated financial statements (IFRS)	                                       

Income statement	                                                               

Balance sheet	                                                                  

Statement of changes in equity	                                                 

Cash flow statement	                                                            

Notes to the financial statements	                                              

Parent company financial statements (FAS)		                                     

Profit and loss account	                                                        

Balance sheet	                                                                  

Cash flow statement	                                                            

Notes to the financial statements	                                              

3. Signatures for the annual review and for the financial statements	           

1. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                             

Operating environment                                                           

Power system operation                                                          

Electricity consumption in Finland in 2009 totalled 81.1 terawatt hours (87.2   
terawatt hours in 2008), which was 7.0 per cent below that in 2008. The         
temperature adjusted electricity consumption decreased by 8.5 per cent. The     
economic recession decreased the need for electricity by industries in          
particular. A total of 62.8 terawatt hours (65.4 terawatt hours) of electricity 
was transmitted in Fingrid's grid, representing 77 per cent of the electricity  
consumption in Finland.                                                         

Electricity transmission between Finland and Sweden mainly consisted of exports 
from Finland to Sweden with the exception of the early summer and autumn. The   
replacement of overhead ground wires on the cross-border lines in the north and 
the construction of the Fenno-Skan direct current link in the south restricted  
the transmission capacity made available to the electricity market for several  
weeks. A total of 2.7 terawatt hours (3.7 terawatt hours in 2008) of electricity
was imported from Sweden to Finland, and 4.1 terawatt hours (4.2 terawatt hours)
was exported from Finland to Sweden in 2009.                                    
Electricity transmission on the Estlink connection between Finland and Estonia  
consisted of imports from the Baltic countries to Finland with the exception of 
short export period in the summer. The transmission grid in Estonia occasionally
restricted the transmission capacity made available from Finland to Estonia.    
Fingrid took care of the operation of the Estlink connection together with      
Elering, the transmission system operator in Estonia. The volume of electricity 
imports to Finland on the Estlink connection was 1.8 terawatt hours (2.3        
terawatt hours), and 0.1 terawatt hours of electricity was exported from        

Electricity imports from Russia to Finland totalled 11.7 terawatt hours (10.9   
terawatt hours) in 2009. The transmission capacity was in use almost fully with 
the exception of a service interruption in August.                              

| Power system operation                              | 2009      | 2008       |
| Electricity consumption in Finland TWh              | 81.1      | 87.2       |
| Fingrid's transmission volume TWh                   | 62.8      | 65.4       |
| Fingrid's loss energy volume TWh                    | 1.0       | 1.0        |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Sweden            |           |            |
| exports to Sweden TWh                               | 4.1       | 4.2        |
| imports from Sweden TWh                             | 2.7       | 3.7        |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Estonia           |           |            |
| exports to Estonia TWh                              | 0.1       |            |
| imports from Estonia TWh                            | 1.8       | 2.3        |
| Electricity transmissions Finland-Russia            |           |            |
| imports from Russia TWh                             | 11.7      | 10.9       |

Promotion of electricity market                                                 

Congestions in the transmission grid in Southern Scandinavia complicated the    
access of Norwegian hydropower to the Nordic electricity market. The area prices
of electricity often became segregated, although the price differences were not 
usually very large. There was a uniform spot price in the Nordic electricity    
market for only 25 per cent of the time. However, between Finland and Sweden    
there was a uniform price for 95 per cent of the time.                          

The price level in the spot market in 2009 was below that in 2008. The average  
system price was 35 €/MWh (45 €/MWh in 2008). The average area price for Finland
was close to this, i.e. 37 €/MWh (51 €/MWh).                                    

Progress was made in market integration in the Nordic countries and Continental 
Europe.  Since November, the transmission capacity between Germany and Denmark  
has been distributed to the market using the principle of implicit auctioning.  
European Market Coupling Company (EMCC) administers the system together with the
electricity exchanges. This procedure ensures that the transmission capacity is 
used as efficiently as possible.                                                

At the request of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Fingrid examined  
the possibility of dividing Finland into two price or bidding areas for         
electricity. In the report published in November, Fingrid did not deem such     
division necessary, at least not at this point. However, managing transmission  
congestions within Finland will depend crucially on the location of the new     
generation capacity and will call for more comprehensive counter trade than at  
present, and activity from electricity producers to participate in counter      
trade. In 2009, Fingrid used 0.7 million euros for counter trade (0.1 million   
euros in 2008).                                                                 
| Electricity market                               | 2009       | 2008         |
| Nord Pool system price, average €/MWh            | 35.02      | 44.74        |
| Area price Finland, average €/MWh                | 36.98      | 51.02        |
| Congestion income in the Nordic countries        | 79.5       | 244.1        |
| million €                                        |            |              |
| Congestion income between Finland and Sweden     | 1.1        | 1.3          |
| million €                                        |            |              |
| Congestion hours between Finland and Sweden %    | 4.6        | 2.5          |
| Fingrid's share of the congestion income in the  | 4.9        | 23.2         |
| Nordic countries million €                       |            |              |

Adequacy of transmission system                                                 

Eight major substations and approx. 270 kilometres of new transmission lines    
were completed for Fingrid in 2009. The autumn was the busiest period in terms  
of commissioning of new transmission facilities in Fingrid's history. Fingrid   
also completed a project which had lasted for several years, a replacement of   
aluminium towers on 400 kilovolt lines.                                         

In the spring, Fingrid launched the planning of a sizeable capital investment   
project together with the Estonian transmission system operator Elering. A      
transmission link of 650 megawatts is being planned between Finland and Estonia.
The costs of the project are approx. 300 million euros. The 140-kilometre long  
link based on direct current technology is due to be ready in an expedited      
schedule in 2014 or even at the end of 2013. The completion time is influenced  
above all by the opening of the electricity market in the Baltic countries and  
by the potential investment subsidy granted by the European Union.              

In February, the transmission system operators in the Baltic Sea area completed 
a shared transmission grid plan, which examined the linking of the Baltic       
countries to the electricity market in the Nordic countries and Continental     
Europe. The results were utilised in the market integration plan for the Baltic 
region, launched by the EU. The plan suggests that in addition to the EstLink 2 
transmission connection between Finland and Estonia, connections from the Baltic
countries to Sweden and Poland should also be constructed.                      

The establishment of ENTSO-E stabilised grid planning within the Baltic Sea     
region into a continuous process involving nine TSO organisations. On a European
level, the regional plans are integrated into a Ten Year Network Development    
Plan updated every second year. The first plan will be completed in summer 2010.

Fingrid's gross capital expenditure in 2009 was 136 million euros (88 million   
euros in 2008). Of this amount, a total of 126 (81) million euros were used for 
the transmission grid and 5 (5) million euros for reserve power. IT-related     
capital expenditure was approximately 4 (2) million euros.                      

Research and development were allocated a total of 1.3 (0.9) million euros. In  
terms of grid technology, the most significant R&D input was used on the        
moisture monitoring of transformers and on the measurement and prevention of    
corrosion in guy wire rods. Related to corporate operations, the issues studied 
included the magnitude of disadvantage inflicted by outages on grid customers   
and the reliability of data systems and telecommunications in power cut         

Financial result                                                                

Revenue of the Fingrid Group in 2009 was 359 million euros (382 million euros in
2008). Other operating income was 2 million euros (3 million euros). Grid       
revenue decreased slightly despite the 4.5 per cent tariff increase carried out 
at the beginning of the financial year. This was due to a reduction in          
industrial electricity consumption in Finland.                                  

Revenue from the sales of balance power decreased on the previous year to 92    
(105) million euros. Correspondingly, the purchases of balance power also       
decreased to 85 (95) million euros. Cross-border transmission income exceeded   
the level of 2008 by approx. 2 million euros because of a growth of just under 1
TWh in electricity imports from Russia. Revenue from the power reserve          
operations grew on account of an elevated power reserve compensation. Fingrid's 
share of the Nordic congestion income decreased by 18 million euros as there    
were less Nordic transmission capacity restrictions and because of a changed    
division of congestion income as agreed by the Nordic TSOs. Fingrid's portion of
the European inter-TSO compensations grew by 4 million euros. Depreciation, loss
energy, maintenance management and reserve costs rose from the previous year.   
Net income from the feed-in tariff for peat remained at about the same level as 
in the previous year. The corresponding changes during the last quarter of the  
financial year are shown in the table below (in million euros).                 

| Revenue and other    | 1-12/09    | 1-12/08    | 10-12/09     | 10-12/08     |
| operating income     |            |            |              |              |
| Grid service revenue | 188        | 189        | 57           | 53           |
| Sales of balance     | 92         | 105        | 26           | 28           |
| power                |            |            |              |              |
| Cross-border         | 24         | 22         | 6            | 6            |
| transmission         |            |            |              |              |
| ITC income           | 28         | 23         | 6            | 7            |
| Power reserve        | 13         | 11         | 4            | 3            |
| Feed-in tariff for   | 3          | 0.4        | 3            | 0.1          |
| peat                 |            |            |              |              |
| Congestion income    | 5          | 23         | 1            | 2            |
| Other revenue        | 5          | 9          | 0.5          | 2            |
| Other operating      | 2          | 3          | 1            | 1            |
| income               |            |            |              |              |
| Revenue and other    | 361        | 385        | 105          | 103          |
| income total         |            |            |              |              |

| Costs                | 1-12/09    | 1-12/08    | 10-12/09     | 10-12/08     |
| Depreciation         | 65         | 59         | 16           | 15           |
| Purchase of balance  | 85         | 95         | 25           | 27           |
| power                |            |            |              |              |
| ITC charges          | 16         | 15         | 4            | 4            |
| Power reserve        | 13         | 10         | 3            | 3            |
| Feed-in tariff for   | 3          | 0.1        | 3            | 0.0          |
| peat                 |            |            |              |              |
| Purchase of loss     | 52         | 50         | 15           | 13           |
| energy               |            |            |              |              |
| Reserves             | 21         | 20         | 5            | 5            |
| Maintenance          | 18         | 15         | 6            | 6            |
| management           |            |            |              |              |
| Personnel            | 20         | 20         | 6            | 6            |
| Other costs          | 19         | 19         | 5            | 6            |
| Costs total          | 312        | 302        | 89           | 84           |

Operating profit excluding the change in the fair value of electricity          
derivatives was 49 (83) million euros during the financial year. In the last    
quarter, operating profit excluding the change in the fair value of electricity 
derivatives was 16 (19) million euros.                                          

The IFRS operating profit of the Group was 51 (68) million euros. Of the change 
in the fair value of electricity derivatives, +2 (-14) million euros were       
recognised in the income statement and a total of 16 (-44) million euros in     
equity and to reduce the tax receivables.                                       

The Group's profit for the year was 25 (28) million euros.                      

The return on investment was 3.9 (5.8) per cent and the return on equity 5.7    
(6.6) per cent. The equity ratio was 27.2 (26.7) per cent at the end of the     
review period. Revenue of the parent company was 356 (382) million euros and    
profit for the financial year 5 (6) million euros.                              


The financial position of the Group continued to be satisfactory. As a result of
the international crisis in the financial market, the margins of corporate      
funding first rose considerably, followed by a decrease halfway through the     
financial year. In 2009, Fingrid managed its long-term funding by withdrawing a 
long-term loan of 30 million euros from the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and by 
issuing a total of 104 million euros worth of bonds, in form of private         
placements. Because of the global recession, both short-term and long-term      
interest rates have decreased during the financial year. The company has        
increased the hedging level of its interest costs by entering into primarily    
interest rate cap contracts extending over the next 3 to 5 years.               

The net financial costs excluding the change in the fair value of derivatives   
decreased considerably to 20 (29) million euros. Interest income was 4 (11)     
million euros. The net financial costs in accordance with the IFRS were 18 (31) 
million euros, including the positive change of 3 (-2) million euros in the fair
value of derivatives.                                                           

The cash flow from the operations of the Group deducted by capital expenditure  
and dividends was -74 (22) million euros.                                       

The financial assets at 31 December 2009 totalled 204 (206) million euros. The  
interest-bearing borrowings, including derivative liabilities, totalled 1,001   
(933) million euros, of which 685 (678) million euros were long-term and 316    
(255) million euros were short-term. The counterparty risk arising from the     
currency derivative contracts and interest rate derivative contracts was 25 (10)
million euros.                                                                  

The company has a fully undrawn revolving credit facility of 250 million euros. 

International rating agencies updated Fingrid's credit ratings in 2009. On 15   
April 2009, Fitch Ratings affirmed Fingrid Oyj's long-term issuer default       
rating (IDR) of AA-, a short-term IDR of F-1+ and a senior unsecured debt rating
of AA. Fitch Ratings assessed Fingrid's outlook to be negative. Standard &      
Poor's Rating Services (S&P) updated Fingrid's credit opinion on 17 July        
2009.The long-term rating issued by S&P is A+ and the short-term rating is A-1. 
S&P assessed Fingrid's outlook to be stable. Moody's Investors Service          
downgraded Fingrid's long-term rating from Aa3 to A1 on 9 October 2009.         
Fingrid's short-term rating remained at P-1. Moody's assessed Fingrid's outlook 
to be negative.                                                                 
Personnel and rewarding systems                                                 

The Fingrid Group and Fingrid Oyj employed 260 persons, including temporary     
employees, at the end of 2009. The corresponding figure a year before was 249   
persons. The increase in the number of personnel was due to more numerous       
capital investment projects.                                                    

Of the personnel employed by the company, 22.7 per cent (21 per cent in 2008)   
were women and 77.3 (79) per cent were men at the end of the year. Among        
permanent personnel, those in age group 24 - 29 years of age numbered 24 (30) in
2009, 30 - 34 years 33 (34), 35 - 39 years 40 (38), 40 - 44 years 31 (31), 45 - 
49 years 42 (37), 50 - 54 years 35 (37), 55 - 59 years 23 (26), and age group 60
- 65 years 17 (16).                                                             

During 2009, a total of 15,317 (11,820) hours were used for personnel training, 
with an average of 59 (49) hours per person. Employee absences on account of    
illness in 2009 accounted for 1.8 per cent of the total working hours. In       
addition to a compensation system which is based on the requirements of each    
position, Fingrid applies quality and incentive bonus schemes.                  

Board of Directors and corporate management                                     

Fingrid Oyj's Annual General Meeting was held in Helsinki on 19 March 2009. Arto
Lepistö, Industrial Counsellor, was elected as Chairman of the Board, Timo      
Rajala, President and CEO, as First Deputy Chairman of the Board, and Timo      
Karttinen, Executive Vice President, as Second Deputy Chairman of the Board. The
other Board members elected were Ari Koponen, Vice President, Ritva Nirkkonen,  
Fund Raising Manager, Anja Silvennoinen, Senior Vice President, Energy, and     
Risto Autio, Director, Alternatives.                                            

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was elected as the auditor of the company, with       
Authorised Public Accountant Juha Tuomala serving as the responsible auditor.   

The Board of Directors has two committees: an audit committee and a remuneration
committee. The members of the audit committee in 2009 were Ritva Nirkkonen      
(Chairperson), Risto Autio, Arto Lepistö and Anja Silvennoinen. The remuneration
committee consisted of Arto Lepistö (Chairman), Timo Rajala and Timo Karttinen. 

Jukka Ruusunen serves as President & CEO of the company.                        

An account of the governance and control systems of the company, required by the
Finnish Corporate Governance Code, has been provided separately. The account and
other information required by the Code are also available on the company's      
website at                                                      

Internal control, risk management, internal audit                               

Fingrid's internal control is based on independent internal audit, internal     
operating principles and guidelines, financial reporting, supervision,          
documentation, and transparent processes and procedures. Internal control       
intends to make sure that Fingrid works efficiently and productively, that      
financial reporting is reliable, and that the laws, regulations and the         
company's own procedural guidelines are followed.                               
The Board of Directors approves the risk management policy and any changes in   
it. The Board approves the risk management measures as part of the corporate    
strategy, performance indicators, action plan and budget. The audit committee of
the Board of Directors obtains an annual report of the foremost risks pertaining
to the company's operations and of their management.                            
The internal auditor monitors issues such as adherence to the internal rules of 
the company, acts and official regulations, and reports his findings concerning 
the company's procedural guidelines, authorisation and rules to the audit       
committee. The audit committee of the Board of Directors examines the           
functioning of internal control and reports to the Board of Directors.          
As part of internal control, internal audit audited issues such as the company's
data security and personnel administration together with the related processes  
in 2009. Internal audit is also responsible for auditing business risk          
management, and it reports the results of its work to the audit committee.      

With regard to the foremost corporate-level risks, the main content of risk     
management has been specified as part of the strategy work of the executive     
management group as well as in the operating principles, and in the procedural  
guidelines concerning risk management. These risks are monitored, co-ordinated  
and managed by the executive management group, but each function and/or business
process is responsible for implementing its own risk management. The executive  
management group identifies and assesses regularly the strategic risks          
pertaining to personnel and expertise, corporate finances, customers and        
stakeholders, and business processes. The financial administration of the Group 
is responsible for the control structures relating to the financial reporting   
Foremost risks and factors of uncertainty                                       
The foremost business risks of the company include risks relating to the        
functioning of the power system, such as a major disturbance or a power         
shortage, and incorrect or unanticipated capital expenditure projects, for      
example due to a change in regional electricity consumption or generation. Also,
risks related to official regulation, such as changes in the Finnish or the     
European regulation, can weaken the financial position of the company or its    
opportunities to pursue the objectives related to the development of the        
electricity market. Other significant risks include counterparty risk as well as
risks pertaining to the price of electricity and changes in the interest rate   
level. Other risks include personnel risks related to issues such as electrical 
Fingrid is prepared for a wide-spread disturbance concerning Finland or the     
Nordic power system by means of various reserves, procedural guidelines,        
contingency plans, and exercises. In its strategy, the company also focuses on  
the versatile utilisation of the operation control system, expedited disturbance
management, and management of power shortage situations. A wide-spread          
disturbance in the power system may be caused by several simultaneous faults in 
the grid, inoperability of Fingrid's operation control system, insufficiency of 
production capacity, or an external event which prevents grid operation entirely
or partially.                                                                   

The objective is to avoid incorrect or unanticipated capital expenditure by     
updating the grid plans regularly, by means of constant interaction with the    
customers, and by conducting co-operation with the other transmission system    

Fingrid's operations are subject to official regulation and supervised by the   
Energy Market Authority. The company aims to establish well-working and         
transparent co-operation and interaction with the various stakeholders, to      
contribute actively to the reports and task forces of authorities, and to focus 
on working within ENTSO-E, the European organisation of transmission system     

An unanticipated increase in costs or decrease in income is restricted by       
enhancing financial control in the Group and assessment concerning financial    
latitude. Derivatives are used for hedging against changes in the price of      
electricity or the interest rate level, and the counterparty risk involved in   
the obligations of parties which have a contractual relationship with Fingrid is
limited contractually by using various limits and by regularly monitoring the   
financial standing of the counterparties.                                       

The expertise and occupational safety risks pertaining to personnel risks are   
limited by allocated training programmes for both the company's own personnel   
and service providers and by auditing the work sites systematically in order to 
attain the best practices and to enhance occupational safety.                   

As part of its corporate social responsibility, Fingrid has identified the risks
that have a major impact on society. These include a major disturbance or an    
extensive disturbance with a long duration, diminished confidence in the        
electricity market, postponement of cross-border line construction projects,    
delayed reinforcement programme for the trunk grid, and unexpected and long-term
restrictions in transmission capacity.                                          
In its selected strategic focal areas, Fingrid has also taken the management of 
these risks into account and made preparations for the risks in its action plan 
using various means, such as those described above in conjunction with a major  
disturbance. The company aims to contribute to the integration of the European  
electricity market and intensification of market mechanisms by constructing new 
cross-border transmission connections and by publishing market information which
has bearing on the transparency of the market. The company prepares and         
allocates resources for projects which reinforce the cross-border connections   
and the trunk grid, and takes environmental impacts into account in planning and
construction with a long time span. Long-term restrictions in transmission      
capacity inflict financial disadvantage on the customers and society. This      
disadvantage is minimised by securing the critical items in the transmission    
grid and on the cross-border connections and by means of efficient outage       
planning, for example by optimising the timing of outages so that the financial 
impact on the customers is kept to a minimum.                                   
Share capital and capital loans                                                 

The minimum share capital of the company is 55,900,000 euros and the maximum    
share capital is 223,600,000 euros, within which limits the share capital may be
increased or lowered without amending the Articles of Association. At present,  
the share capital is 55,900,000 euros. The shares of the company are divided    
into series A shares and series B shares.                                       

The number of series A shares is 2,078 and the number of series B shares is     
1,247. The votes and dividends related to the shares are described in more      
detail in the notes to the financial statements and in the Articles of          
Association available on the website of the company.                            

The company had a capital loan of 30 million euros, which was redeemed in       
accordance with the loan terms on 30 November 2009.                             

Environment and corporate social responsibility                                 

The environmental principles of the company have been described in Fingrid Oyj's
way of working in environmental matters, published on the company's website. The
primary environmental impacts of Fingrid's operations are caused by transmission
lines which constitute the backbone of the electricity transmission system      
together with areas required by these plus substations serving as nodes in the  
transmission grid.                                                              

Fingrid has a total of 26,739 tonnes of creosote-impregnated and CCA-impregnated
wooden towers and cable trench covers, categorised as hazardous waste. The      
related disposal costs of approx. 2 million euros have been entered in the      
financial statements under provisions for liabilities and charges, which in turn
have been added correspondingly to property, plant and equipment. Equipment used
in Fingrid's substations contains 25.5 tonnes of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 gas),
which is categorised as a greenhouse gas. However, no provision has been made   
for the disposal costs of this gas because it can be re-used after cleaning.    

Fingrid serves as the issuing body for guarantees of origin of electricity in   
Finland. The guarantee is included in the system required by the RES-E directive
of the European Union.                                                          

Events after the closing of the financial year and estimate of future outlook   

There have been no material events or changes in Fingrid's business or financial
situation after the closing of the financial year.                              

The revival of electricity consumption in Finland is crucially influenced by the
recovery of exports by the energy-intensive industries in Finland and           
consequently by the increased utilisation rates of industrial capacity. This is 
reflected directly in Fingrid's grid revenue. It continues to be difficult to   
anticipate the developments in the money and capital markets.                   

Fingrid is making capital investments totalling 1,600 million euros in the      
transmission grid and reserve power in the next 10 years. The investments on an 
annual level are about 100 - 200 million euros. The investment programme aims at
retaining high system security and promoting the functioning of the policy      
decisions made in the climate and energy strategy of Finland. The extensive     
capital investments have a negative impact on cash flow and will require        
additional borrowing. This is why Fingrid will have to raise its grid           
transmission tariffs in the coming years.                                       

| CONSOLIDATED KEY   |        |   2005 |    2006 |    2007 |    2008 |    2009 |
| INDICATORS         |        |        |         |         |         |         |
|                    |        |   IFRS |    IFRS |    IFRS |    IFRS |    IFRS |
| Extent of          |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| operations         |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Turnover           | millio |  316.7 |   351.3 |   334.6 |   382.3 |   358.9 |
|                    | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Capital            | millio |   63.3 |    69.6 |    79.2 |    87.9 |   135.6 |
| expenditure, gross | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| - of turnover      | %      |   20.0 |    19.8 |    23.7 |    23.0 |    37.8 |
| Research and       | millio |    1.6 |     1.2 |     1.2 |     0.9 |     1.3 |
| development        | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| expense            |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| - of turnover      | %      |    0.5 |     0.4 |     0.4 |     0.2 |     0.4 |
| Personnel, average |        |    228 |     238 |     241 |     241 |     251 |
| Personnel, end of  |        |    231 |     233 |     244 |     249 |     260 |
| year               |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Salaries and       | millio |   12.7 |    13.8 |    14.6 |    15.8 |    16.0 |
| bonuses, total     | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Profitability      |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Operating profit   | millio |  110.0 |    79.5 |    90.7 |    68.4 |    50.8 |
|                    | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| - of revenue       | %      |   34.7 |    22.6 |    27.1 |    17.9 |    14.1 |
| Profit before      | millio |   75.1 |    51.5 |    56.5 |    37.5 |    33.2 |
| taxes              | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| - of revenue       | %      |   23.7 |    14.7 |    16.9 |     9.8 |     9.3 |
| Return on          | %      |    8.7 |     6.4 |     7.3 |     5.8 |     3.9 |
| investment (ROI)   |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Return on equity   | %      |   16.9 |    10.4 |    10.3 |     6.6 |     5.7 |
| (ROE)              |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Financing and      |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| financial position |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Equity ratio       | %      |   23.9 |    25.5 |    27.5 |    26.7 |    27.2 |
| Interest-bearing   | millio |  797.9 |   766.3 |   754.6 |   726.7 |   797.5 |
| net borrowings     | n €    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Share-specific     |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| indicators         |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Earnings per share | €      | 16,761 |  11,531 |  12,616 |   8,379 |   7,417 |
| Dividends per      | €      |  1,995 |   2,082 |   2,156 |   2,018 |  2,022* |
| share              |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| Equity per share   | €      | 106,43 | 115,952 | 129,338 | 125,600 | 134,676 |
|                    |        |      9 |         |         |         |         |
| Number of shares   |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| at 31 Dec          |        |        |         |         |         |         |
| - Series A shares  | qty    |  2,078 |   2,078 |   2,078 |   2,078 |   2,078 |
| - Series B shares  | qty    |  1,247 |   1,247 |   1,247 |   1,247 |   1,247 |
| Total              | qty    |  3,325 |   3,325 |   3,325 |   3,325 |   3,325 |
| *The Board of Directors' proposal to the       |         |         |         |
| General Annual Meeting.                        |         |         |         |

CALCULATION OF KEY INDICATORS                                                   
	   	    Profit before taxes + interest and other finance costs				             
Return on investment, % = ---------------------------------------  x 100					   
		    Balance sheet total - non-interest-bearing liabilities            		      
(average for the year) 						                                                   
	   	    Profit for the financial year			                                       
Return on equity, %=  ---------------------------------------  x 100					     
	   	    Shareholders' equity (average for the year)													              
	   	Shareholders' equity						                                                 
Equity ratio, % =	---------------------------------------  x 100						          
		Balance sheet total - advances received                                       

		      Profit for the financial year						 
Earnings per share, € = ----------------------------------------    						      
		      Average number of shares 						 

		   Dividends for the financial year						                                     
Dividends per share, € = ----------------------------------------    						     
		   Average number of shares                                                   

		Shareholders' equity 						                                                   
Equity per share, € =	----------------------------------------   						         
		Number of shares at closing date						                                        
Interest-bearing net borrowings, € = Interest-bearing borrowings - cash and cash


Fingrid Oyj's distributable funds in the financial statements are 7,710,698.26  
euros. After the closing of the financial year, there have not been essential   
changes in the financial position of the company, nor does the proposed dividend
distribution threaten the solvency of the company according to the Board of     

The company's Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting of  
Shareholders that                                                               

- 2,022.29 euros of dividend per share to be paid in accordance with article 5  
of the Articles of Association, totalling 6,724,119.67 euros                    

- 986,578.59 euros to be carried over as unrestricted equity.                   

| 2. Financial statements     |        |                   |                   |
| CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS    |                   |                   |
| (IFRS)                               |                   |                   |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF   |        |    1 Jan - 31 Dec |    1 Jan - 31 Dec |
| COMPREHENSIVE INCOME        |        |              2009 |              2008 |
|                             | Notes  |          1,000  € |          1,000  € |
| REVENUE                     |   2    |           358,938 |           382,309 |
| Other operating income      |   3    |             2,248 |             2,508 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Raw materials and           |   4    |          -188,468 |          -188,634 |
| consumables used            |        |                   |                   |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Employee benefits expenses  |   5    |           -19,803 |           -19,584 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Depreciation                |   6    |           -64,612 |           -59,484 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Other operating expenses    | 7,8,9  |           -37,522 |           -48,751 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| OPERATING PROFIT            |        |            50,780 |            68,365 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Finance income              |   10   |             4,084 |            11,035 |
| Finance costs               |   10   |           -21,911 |           -42,398 |
| Finance income and costs    |        |           -17,827 |           -31,363 |
| Portion of profit of        |   10   |               284 |               514 |
| associated companies        |        |                   |                   |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES         |        |            33,238 |            37,516 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Income taxes                |   11   |            -8,575 |            -9,658 |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL    |        |            24,663 |            27,859 |
| YEAR                        |        |                   |                   |
| OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME  |        |                   |                   |
| Cash flow hedges            |   12   |            11,760 |           -32,515 |
| Translation reserve         |   12   |               456 |              -581 |
| Available-for-sale          |   12   |                 8 |               -19 |
| financial assets            |        |                   |                   |
| TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE   |            36,886 |            -5,258 |
| YEAR                                 |                   |                   |
| Profit attributable to:     |        |                   |                   |
| Equity holders of parent    |        |            24,663 |            27,859 |
| company                     |        |                   |                   |
| Total comprehensive income  |        |                   |                   |
| attributable to:            |        |                   |                   |
| Equity holders of the       |        |            36,886 |            -5,258 |
| company                     |        |                   |                   |
|                             |        |                   |                   |
| Earnings per share, €       |   14   |             7,417 |             8,379 |
| Earnings per share for profit attributable                                   |
| to the equity holders of the parent company                                  |
| Undiluted earnings per      |   14   |             7,417 |             8,379 |
| share, €                    |        |                   |                   |
| Diluted earnings per share, |   14   |             7,417 |             8,379 |
| €                           |        |                   |                   |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET         |        |                |               |
| ASSETS                             |        |    31 Dec 2009 |   31 Dec 2008 |
|                                    | Notes  |       1,000  € |      1,000  € |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 |        |                |               |
| Intangible assets:                 |        |                |               |
| Goodwill                           |   16   |         87,920 |        87,920 |
| Other intangible assets            |   17   |         88,039 |        85,274 |
|                                    |        |        175,960 |       173,194 |
| Property, plant and equipment:     |   18   |                |               |
| Land and water areas               |        |         11,410 |        10,832 |
| Buildings and structures           |        |         76,877 |        55,916 |
| Machinery and equipment            |        |        412,155 |       392,202 |
| Transmission lines                 |        |        607,996 |       570,483 |
| Other property, plant and          |        |          3,253 |         2,628 |
| equipment                          |        |                |               |
| Advance payments and purchases in  |        |         69,447 |        81,081 |
| progress                           |        |                |               |
|                                    |        |      1,181,139 |     1,113,141 |
| Investments:                       |   19   |                |               |
| Equity investments in associated   |        |          7,110 |         6,370 |
| companies                          |        |                |               |
| Available-for-sale investments     |        |            329 |           324 |
|                                    |        |          7,439 |         6,694 |
| Receivables:                       |        |                |               |
| Finance receivables                |   24   |         11,740 |         1,205 |
| Deferred tax assets                |   27   |          6,711 |         8,664 |
|                                    |        |         18,451 |         9,868 |
|                                    |        |                |               |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS           |        |      1,382,988 |     1,302,897 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                     |        |                |               |
| Inventories                        |   20   |          5,415 |         4,628 |
| Finance receivables                |   24   |          2,115 |         3,029 |
| Trade receivables and other        |   21   |         54,184 |        44,930 |
| receivables                        |        |                |               |
| Financial assets recognised in     |   22   |        199,766 |       200,040 |
| income statement at fair value     |        |                |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents          |   23   |          4,105 |         6,104 |
|                                    |        |                |               |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS               |        |        265,585 |       258,730 |
|                                    |        |                |               |
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |        |      1,648,573 |     1,561,628 |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         

| CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET      |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES          |         |     31 Dec 2009 |    31 Dec 2008 |
|                                 |  Notes  |        1,000  € |       1,000  € |
| EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS                       |                |
| OF THE PARENT COMPANY                                       |                |
| Share capital                   |   26    |          55,922 |         55,922 |
| Share premium account           |   26    |          55,922 |         55,922 |
| Revaluation reserve             |   26    |         -11,392 |        -23,159 |
| Translation reserve             |   26    |              88 |           -368 |
| Retained earnings               |   26    |         347,255 |        329,303 |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY                    |         |         447,796 |        417,621 |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES         |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| Deferred tax liabilities        |   27    |         121,774 |        112,796 |
| Borrowings                      |   29    |         685,379 |        678,336 |
| Provisions                      |   30    |           1,921 |          1,955 |
| Other liabilities               |   31    |          17,787 |         35,361 |
|                                 |         |         826,862 |        828,448 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES             |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| Borrowings                      |   29    |         315,974 |        254,522 |
| Trade payables and other        |   32    |          57,940 |         61,037 |
| liabilities                     |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |         373,915 |        315,559 |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES               |         |       1,200,776 |      1,144,007 |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES    |         |       1,648,573 |      1,561,628 |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY, 1,000 €     |         |         |
|             | Note | Share |  Share |  Revalua |   Trans | Retaine |   Total |
|             |    s | capit | premiu |     tion |  lation | d       |         |
|             |      |    al |      m |  reserve | reserve | earning |         |
|             |      |       | accoun |          |         | s       |         |
|             |      |       |      t |          |         |         |         |
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent   |         |         |         |
| company                                        |         |         |         |
| Equity 1    |      | 55,92 | 55,922 |    9,375 |     213 | 308,614 | 430,048 |
| Jan 2008    |      |     2 |        |          |         |         |         |
| Dividend    |   15 |       |        |          |         |  -7,169 |  -7,169 |
| distributio |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| n           |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| Total       |   12 |       |        |  -32,535 |    -581 |  27,859 |  -5,258 |
| comprehensi |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| ve income   |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| for the     |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| year        |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| Equity 31   |      | 55,92 | 55,922 |  -23,159 |    -368 | 329,303 | 417,621 |
| Dec 2008    |      |     2 |        |          |         |         |         |
| Equity 1    |      | 55,92 | 55,922 |  -23,159 |    -368 | 329,303 | 417,621 |
| Jan 2009    |      |     2 |        |          |         |         |         |
| Dividend    |   15 |       |        |          |         |  -6,711 |  -6,711 |
| distributio |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| n           |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| Total       |   12 |       |        |   11,768 |     456 |  24,663 |  36,886 |
| comprehensi |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| ve income   |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| for the     |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| year        |      |       |        |          |         |         |         |
| Equity 31   |      | 55,92 | 55,922 |  -11,392 |      88 | 347,255 | 447,796 |
| Dec 2009    |      |     2 |        |          |         |         |         |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         

| CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW         |        | 1 Jan - 31 Dec   | 1 Jan - 31 Dec  |
| STATEMENT                      |        | 2009             | 2008            |
|                                |  Notes |          1,000 € |         1,000 € |
| Cash flow from operating       |        |                  |                 |
| activities:                    |        |                  |                 |
| Profit for the financial year  |     26 |           24,663 |          27,859 |
| Adjustments:                   |        |                  |                 |
| Business transactions not      |        |           62,841 |          73,162 |
| involving a payment            |        |                  |                 |
| transaction*                   |        |                  |                 |
| Interest and other finance     |        |           21,911 |          42,398 |
| costs                          |        |                  |                 |
|  Interest income               |        |           -4,080 |         -11,024 |
|  Dividend income               |        |               -4 |             -11 |
|  Taxes                         |        |            8,575 |           9,658 |
| Changes in working capital:    |        |                  |                 |
| Change in trade receivables    |        |           -5,376 |           2,489 |
| and other receivables          |        |                  |                 |
|  Change in inventories         |        |             -787 |             173 |
| Change in trade payables and   |        |              707 |           2,144 |
| other liabilities              |        |                  |                 |
| Change in provisions           |     30 |              -34 |             -52 |
| Financial assets at fair value |        |           -3,081 |           2,075 |
|                                |        |                  |                 |
| Interests paid                 |        |          -43,703 |         -40,843 |
| Interests received             |        |            7,157 |           8,951 |
| Taxes paid                     |     11 |           -1,956 |          -2,329 |
| Net cash flow from operating   |        |           66,833 |         114,649 |
| activities                     |        |                  |                 |
| Cash flow from investing       |        |                  |                 |
| activities:                    |        |                  |                 |
| Purchase of property, plant    |     18 |         -127,585 |         -83,551 |
| and equipment                  |        |                  |                 |
| Purchase of intangible assets  |     17 |           -6,937 |          -3,106 |
| Purchase of other assets       |     19 |                1 |                 |
| Proceeds from sale of          |     18 |              116 |             158 |
| property, plant and equipment  |        |                  |                 |
| Repayment of loans receivable  |        |                  |             110 |
| Dividends received             |     10 |                4 |             647 |
| Net cash flow from investing   |        |         -134,400 |         -85,742 |
| activities                     |        |                  |                 |
| Cash flow from financing       |        |                  |                 |
| activities:                    |        |                  |                 |
| Withdrawal of loans            |        |          365,396 |         354,438 |
| Repayment of loans             |        |         -293,391 |        -382,016 |
| Dividends paid                 |     26 |           -6,711 |          -7,169 |
| Net cash flow from financing   |        |           65,294 |         -34,747 |
| activities                     |        |                  |                 |
| Net change in cash and cash    |        |           -2,273 |          -5,840 |
| equivalents                    |        |                  |                 |
| Cash and cash equivalents 1    |        |          206,144 |         211,984 |
| Jan                            |        |                  |                 |
| Cash and cash equivalents 31   |  22,23 |          203,871 |         206,144 |
| Dec                            |        |                  |                 |
| Notes to consolidated cash     |        |                  |                 |
| flow statement                 |        |                  |                 |
| Adjustments:                   |        |                  |                 |
| *Business transactions not     |        |           62,841 |          73,162 |
| involving a payment            |        |                  |                 |
| transaction                    |        |                  |                 |
| - Depreciation                 |        |           64,612 |          59,484 |
| - Capital gains/losses (-/+)   |        |              183 |             -87 |
| on property, plant and         |        |                  |                 |
| equipment                      |        |                  |                 |
| and intangible assets          |        |                  |                 |
| - Portion of profit of         |        |             -284 |            -514 |
| associated companies           |        |                  |                 |
| - Gains/losses from the        |        |           -1,670 |          14,279 |
| valuation of assets and        |        |                  |                 |
| liabilities                    |        |                  |                 |
| recognised in income statement |        |                  |                 |
| at fair value                  |        |                  |                 |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         

Fingrid Oyj is a Finnish public limited company established in accordance with  
Finnish law. Fingrid's consolidated financial statements have been drawn up in  
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as       
adopted by the EU. Fingrid's registered office is in Helsinki at address P.O.   
Box 530 (Arkadiankatu 23 B), 00101 Helsinki.                                    

A copy of the consolidated financial statements is available on the internet at or at Fingrid Oyj's head office.                                 

The amounts in the financial statements are in thousands of euros and based on  
the original acquisition costs unless otherwise stated in the accounting        
principles or notes.                                                            

Fingrid Oyj's Board of Directors has accepted the publication of these financial
statements in its meeting on 12 February 2010. In accordance with the Finnish   
Companies Act, the shareholders have an opportunity to adopt or reject the      
financial statements in the shareholders' meeting held after their publication. 
The shareholders' meeting can also amend the financial statements.              

Primary business areas                                                          
Fingrid Oyj is the national transmission system operator responsible for the    
main electricity transmission grid in Finland. The company's responsibilities   
are to develop the main grid, to maintain a continuous balance between          
electricity consumption and generation, to settle the electricity deliveries    
between the parties on a nation-wide level, and to promote the electricity      
market. The company is also in charge of the cross-border transmission          
connections to the other Nordic countries and Russia.                           

The consolidated financial statements contain the parent company Fingrid Oyj and
its fully-owned subsidiary Finextra Oy. The consolidated associated companies   
are Porvoon Alueverkko Oy (ownership 33.3%) and Nord Pool Spot AS (ownership    
20.0%). The Group has no joint ventures.                                        

All intercompany transactions, internal margins on inventories and property,    
plant and equipment, internal receivables and liabilities as well as internal   
profit distribution are eliminated in consolidation. Ownership of shares between
the Group companies is accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.   
The associated companies are consolidated using the equity method of accounting.
The portion corresponding to the Group's ownership in the associated companies  
is eliminated of unrealised profits between the Group and its associated        
companies. If necessary, the accounting principles applied by the associated    
companies have been adjusted to correspond to the principles applied by the     

Use of estimates                                                                
When the consolidated financial statements are drawn up in accordance with the  
IFRS, the company management needs to make estimates and assumptions which have 
an impact on the amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses recorded   
and conditional items presented. These estimates and assumptions are based on   
historical experience and other justified assumptions which are believed to be  
reasonable in the conditions which constitute the foundation for the estimates  
of the items recorded in the financial statements. The actual amounts may differ
from these estimates. In the financial statements, estimates have been used for 
example in the drawing up of impairment testing calculations, when specifying   
the economic lives of tangible and intangible asset items, and in conjunction   
with deferred taxes, provisions, and valuation of assets and liabilities related
to benefit-based pensions.                                                      

Segment reporting                                                               
The entire business of the Fingrid Group is deemed to comprise transmission     
system operation in Finland with system responsibility, only constituting a     
single segment. There are no essential differences in the risks and             
profitability of individual products and services. This is why segment reporting
in accordance with the IFRS 8 standard is not presented.                        

Revenue and sales recognition                                                   
Sales recognition takes place on the basis of the supply of the service.        
Electricity transmission is recognised once the transmission has taken place.   
Balance power services are recognised on the basis of the supply of the service.
Connection fees are recognised on the basis of the relevant time. Indirect taxes
and discounts, among others, are deducted from the sales income when calculating

Contributions received from the EU or other parties are recognised in the income
statement at the same time as the related expenses. Contributions received are  
presented in other operating income.                                            

Pension schemes                                                                 
The pension security of the Group's personnel is arranged by an outside pension 
insurance company. The Group has both contribution-based pension schemes in     
accordance with IAS 19 and benefit-based schemes. Pension premiums paid for     
contribution-based schemes are charged to the income statement in the year to   
which they relate. In contribution-based schemes, the Group has no legal or     
factual obligation to pay additional premiums if the party receiving the        
premiums is unable to pay the pension benefits. The present value of the        
commitment at the closing date is recorded as a liability in the balance sheet  
of benefit-based pension schemes. The fair value of the assets included in the  
scheme is deducted from this present value, and it is adjusted by unrecorded    
actuarial gains and losses and by expenses based on retroactive long-term work  
performance. The amount of the commitment resulting from benefit-based schemes  
is based on annual calculations by impartial actuaries, with the calculations   
employing the projected unit credit method. The present value of the commitment 
is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows by an interest rate
which corresponds to the interest rate of high-quality bonds issued by business 
enterprises. Actuarial gains and losses, which result from empirical adjustments
and changes in actuarial assumptions and which exceed 10% of the fair value of  
the assets included in the scheme or 10% of the present value of the commitment 
resulting from a benefit-based scheme (depending on which of these two is       
higher), are recognised in the income statement at fair value.                  

Research and development                                                        
Research and development by the Group aim to intensify intra-company operations.
No new services or products sold separately are created as a result of R&D. This
is why R&D costs are recorded in the income statement as expenses in the        
accounting year in which they are created.                                      

Lease obligations where the risks and rewards incident to ownership remain with 
the lessor are recorded as other leases. Lease obligations paid on the basis of 
other leases are recorded in other operating expenses, and they are recognised  
in the income statement as equally large items during the lease period. The     
other leases primarily concern office facilities, land areas and network leases.
In accordance with the principles of standard IAS 17 Leases, those leases where 
the company is transferred substantially all the risks and rewards incident to  
ownership are categorised as finance leases.                                    

Foreign currency transactions                                                   
The consolidated financial statements are presented in euros, which is the      
currency used by the parent company. Commercial flows and financial items       
denominated in foreign currencies are booked at the foreign exchange mid-rate   
quoted by the European Central Bank (ECB) at the transaction value date.        
Receivables and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at 
the mid-rate quoted by ECB at the closing day and recognised in the financial   
statements. Foreign exchange gains and losses from business are included in     
corresponding items above operating profit. Foreign exchange gains and losses   
from financial instruments are recorded at net amounts in finance income and    

Foreign exchange gains and losses from translating the income statement items of
the foreign associated company to the mid-rate and from translating its balance 
sheet items to the rate at the closing date are presented as a separate item in 
shareholders' equity.                                                           

Income taxes                                                                    
Taxes presented in the consolidated income statement include the Group          
companies' accrual taxes for the profit of the financial year, tax adjustments  
from previous financial years and changes in deferred taxes. In accordance with 
IAS 12, the Group records deferred tax assets as non-current receivables and    
deferred tax liabilities as non-current liabilities.                            

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded of all temporary differences   
between the tax values of asset and liability items and their carrying amounts  
using the liability method. Deferred tax is recorded using tax rates valid at   
the closing date.                                                               

The largest temporary differences result from the depreciation of property,     
plant and equipment and from financial instruments. No deferred tax is recorded 
of the undistributed profits of the foreign associated company, because         
receiving the dividend does not cause a tax impact by virtue of a Nordic tax    
agreement (and the difference will not likely be realised in the foreseeable    
future). The deferred tax asset from temporary differences is recorded up to an 
amount which can likely be utilised against taxable income created in the       

Earnings per share                                                              
The Group has calculated the undiluted earnings per share in accordance with    
standard IAS 33. The undiluted earnings per share are calculated using the      
weighted average number of shares outstanding during the financial year.        

Since Fingrid has no option systems or benefits bound to the shareholders'      
equity nor other equity financial instruments, there is no dilution effect.     

Goodwill and other intangible assets                                            
Goodwill created as a result of the acquisition of enterprises and businesses is
composed of the excess of the acquisition cost over the identifiable net assets 
of the acquired business valued at fair value. Goodwill is allocated to         
cash-generating units and it is tested annually for impairment. With associated 
companies, goodwill is included in the value of the investment in the associated

Other intangible assets comprise computer systems and land use rights. Computer 
systems are valued at the original acquisition cost and depreciated on a        
straight line basis during their estimated economic lives. Land use rights with 
unlimited economic lives are not depreciated but tested annually for impairment.

The depreciation periods of intangible assets are as follows:                   
Computer systems		     3 years                                                  

Subsequent expenses relating to intangible assets are only capitalised if their 
financial benefit for the company	 increases above the former performance level.
In other cases, the expenses are recorded in the income statement when they     

Emission rights                                                                 
Emission rights acquired free of charge are valued in intangible assets at their
nominal value, and purchased emission rights are recorded at the acquisition    
cost. A liability is recorded of emission rights to be returned. If the Group   
has a sufficient volume of emission rights to cover the return obligations, the 
liability is recognised at the carrying amount corresponding to the emission    
rights in question. If there are not sufficient emission rights to cover the    
return obligations, the liability is recognised at the market price of the      
emission rights in question. No depreciation is recorded of emission rights.    
They are derecognised in the balance sheet at the time of transfer when the     
actual emissions have been ascertained. The expense resulting from the liability
is recorded in the income statement under the expense item Materials and        
services. Capital gains from emissions rights are recorded under Other operating

Property, plant and equipment                                                   
Land areas, buildings, transmission lines, machinery and equipment constitute   
most of the property, plant and equipment. These are recognised in the balance  
sheet at the original acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation and        
potential impairment. Interest expenses during the construction period are not  
capitalised. If an asset is made up of several parts with economic lives of     
different lengths, the parts are recorded as separate items.                    

The revised standard IAS 23 Borrowing Costs requires that borrowing costs that  
are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a   
qualifying asset are included in the acquisition cost of that asset. The Group  
has applied the revised standard to those qualifying assets the capitalisation  
of whose borrowing costs has commenced at 1 January 2009, when the value of the 
assets exceeds 50,000 euros and when the completion of the investment takes more
than 12 months. Borrowing costs capitalised to the acquisition cost are         
calculated on the basis of the average borrowing cost of the Group.             

When a separately recorded part of property, plant and equipment is renewed, the
costs relating to the new part are capitalised. Other subsequent costs are      
capitalised only if it is likely that the future financial benefit relating to  
the asset benefits the Group and the acquisition cost of the asset can be       
determined reliably. Repair and maintenance costs are recognised in the income  
statement once they have materialised.                                          

Straight-line depreciation is recorded of property, plant and equipment on the  
basis of their economic lives. Depreciation on property, plant and equipment    
taken into use during the financial year is calculated asset-specifically from  
the month of introduction. Land and water areas are not depreciated. The        
expected economic lives are verified at each closing date, and if they differ   
significantly from the earlier estimates, the depreciation periods are amended  

The depreciation periods of property, plant and equipment are as follows:	      

Buildings and structures                                                        
Substation buildings and separate buildings			40 years                          
Substation structures					30 years                                              
Buildings and structures at gas turbine power plants		20 years                  
Separate structures					15 years                                                
Transmission lines                                                              
Transmission lines 400 kV				         40 years 
Direct current lines					40 years                                               
Transmission lines 110-220 kV				30 years                                       
Creosote-impregnated towers and related disposal expenses	30 years              
Aluminium towers of transmission lines (400 kV)		10 years                       
Optical ground wires		                              10-20 years                 
Machinery and equipment                                                         
Substation machinery		                              10-30 years                 
Gas turbine power plants				            20 years 
Other machinery and equipment		                     3-5 years                   

Gains or losses from the sale or disposition of property, plant and equipment   
are recorded in the income statement under either other operating income or     
expenses. Property, plant and equipment are derecognised in the balance sheet   
when the planned depreciation period has expired, the asset has been sold,      
scrapped or otherwise disposed of to an outsider.                               

The carrying amounts of asset items are assessed at the closing date to detect  
potential impairment. If impairment is detected, the recoverable amount of the  
asset is estimated. An asset is impaired if the balance sheet value of the asset
or of a cash-generating unit exceeds the recoverable amount. Impairment losses  
are recorded in the income statement.	                                          

The asset items subject to depreciation are examined for impairment also when   
events or changes in circumstances suggest that the amount corresponding to the 
carrying amount of the asset items may not be recovered.                        

The impairment loss of a cash-generating unit is first allocated to reduce the  
goodwill of the cash-generating unit and thereafter to reduce in proportion the 
other asset items of the unit.                                                  

The recoverable amount of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment is
defined so that it is the higher of the fair value reduced by the costs         
resulting from sale or the value in use. When defining the value in use, the    
estimated future cash flows are discounted at their present value based on      
discount rates which reflect the average capital cost of the said               
cash-generating unit before taxes. The specific risk of the assets in question  
is also considered in the discount rates.                                       

An impairment loss relating to property, plant and equipment and intangible     
assets other than goodwill is reversed if a change has taken place in the       
estimates used for defining the recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment  
loss is reversed at the most up to an amount which would have been defined as   
the carrying amount of the asset (reduced by depreciation) if no impairment loss
had been recorded of it in the previous years. An impairment loss recorded of   
goodwill is not reversed.                                                       

Available-for-sale investments                                                  
Available-for-sale investments are long-term assets unless executive management 
intends to sell them within 12 months from the closing date. Publicly quoted    
securities are classified as available-for-sale investments and recorded at fair
value, which is the market value at the closing date. Changes in fair value are 
recorded in the shareholders' equity until the investment is sold or otherwise  
disposed of, in which case the changes in fair value are recorded in the income 
statement. Permanent impairment of assets is recorded in the income statement.  
Unlisted securities are recorded at the acquisition cost as their fair values   
are not reliably available.                                                     

Inventories are entered at the lower of the acquisition cost or net realisable  
value. The acquisition cost is determined using the FIFO principle. The net     
realisable value is the estimated market price in normal business reduced by the
estimated future costs of completing and estimated costs required by sale.      
Inventories consist of material and fuel inventories.                           

Loans receivables and other receivables                                         
Loans receivables and other receivables are recorded initially at fair value.   
The amount of bad receivables is estimated based on the risks of individual     
items. An impairment loss of receivables is recorded when there is valid        
evidence that the Group will not receive all of its receivables at the original 
terms (e.g. due to the debtor's serious financial problems, likelihood that the 
debtor will go bankrupt or subject to other financial rearrangements, and       
negligence of due dates of payments by more than 90 days). Impairment losses are
recorded directly to reduce the carrying amount of receivables and under item   
Other operating expenses.                                                       

Derivative instruments                                                          
Trading derivatives are classified as a derivatives asset or liability.         
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date a derivative     
contract is entered into are subsequently re-measured at their fair value. The  
method of recognising the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the         
derivative is designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the  
item being hedged. The company uses derivative contracts only for hedging       
purposes according to a specific risk management policy.                        

Electricity derivatives                                                         
The company enters into electricity derivative contracts in order to hedge its  
electricity purchases in accordance with the loss energy forecast.              
The company applies hedge accounting for electricity derivatives based on cash  
flow hedging of loss energy purchases. The company documents at the inception of
the contract the relationship between the hedged item and the hedging           
instrument. Similarly are the risk management objectives and strategy           
documentated for undertaking various hedging transactions. The effective portion
of changes in the fair values of instruments that are designated and qualify as 
cash flow hedges are recorded in equity. The gain or loss relating to the       
ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income statement within    
other gains and losses. Amounts accumulated in equity are reclassified to profit
or loss in the periods when the hedged item affects profit and loss. Changes in 
fair value of instruments which are designated and qualify for hedge accounting 
are recorded in equity, hedging reserve. Changes in the fair values of other    
electricity derivatives continue to be recorded in the income statement. Hedge  
accounting is applied to publicly quoted annual and quarterly instruments bought
by the company.  When a hedging instrument expires, is sold or no longer meets  
the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in      
equity at that time remains in equity, and is recognised only when the forecast 
transaction is ultimately recognised in the income statement within other gains 
and losses.                                                                     
Instruments quoted at Nord Pool ASA are valued at the market prices at the      
closing date. Bilateral price hedging contracts are valued using the price of a 
comparable instrument at Nord Pool ASA.	                                        

Interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives                                  
The company enters into derivative contracts in order to hedge the financial    
risks (interest rate and foreign exchange exposures) in accordance with the     
primary principles for financing approved by the Board of Directors. Fingrid    
does not apply hedge accounting to the derivatives.                             
Derivative assets and liabilities are recognised at the original acquisition    
cost. Derivatives are measured at fair value at the closing date, and their     
change in fair value is recorded in the income statement in finance income and  
costs. The fair values of derivatives at the closing date are based on different
calculation methods. Foreign exchange forwards have been measured at the forward
prices. Interest rate and cross-currency swaps have been measured at the present
value on the basis of the yield curve of each currency. Interest rate options   
have been valued by using generally accepted option pricing models in the       

Financial securities                                                            
Financial securities at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets  
held for trading. The category includes money market securities and investments 
in short-term money market funds. Financial securities are recorded in the      
balance sheet at fair value at the settlement day. Subsequently financial       
securities are measured in the financial statements at fair value, and their    
change in fair value is recognised in the income statement in finance income and

Financial assets recognised in the income statement at fair value primarily     
comprise certificates of deposit, commercial papers and municipality bills with 
maturities of 3 - 6 months, and investments in short-term money market funds.   
Financial securities are derecognised when they mature, are sold or otherwise   
disposed of.                                                                    
Assets in this category are classified as current assets.                       

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and bank deposits. Bank deposits 
are classified as held-to-maturity assets and they are recognised at the        
original acquisition cost. In the financial statements, bank deposits are       
measured at the amortised acquisition cost.                                     
Cash and cash equivalents are derecognised when they mature, are sold or        
otherwise disposed of.                                                          
Assets in this category are classified as current assets.                       

Borrowings include bond and commercial paper issuance and loans raised by the   
company, recognised initially at fair value net of the transaction costs        
incurred. Transaction costs consist of bond prices above or below par value,    
credit fees, commissions and administrative fees. Borrowings are subsequently   
carried at amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds and the          
redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the period of the   
borrowings using the effective interest rate method. Borrowings are derecognised
when they mature and are repaid.                                                

A provision is recorded when the Group has a legal or factual obligation based  
on an earlier event and it is likely that fulfilling the obligation will require
a payment, and the amount of the obligation can be estimated reliably.	         
The provisions are valued at the present value of costs required to cover the   
obligation. The discounting factor used in calculating the present value is     
chosen so that it reflects the market view of the time value of money at the    
assessment date and of the risks pertaining to the obligation.                  

Fingrid uses creosote-impregnated and CCA-impregnated wooden towers and cable   
trench covers. Decree YMA 711/2001 by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment   
categorises decommissioned impregnated wood as hazardous waste. A provision was 
recorded in 2004 of the related disposal costs materialising in the future      

Dividend distribution                                                           
The Board of Directors' proposal concerning dividend distribution is not        
recorded in the financial statements. This is only recorded after a decision    
made by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.                             

Application of new or revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations          

Application of new and revised standards and interpretations as from 1 January  
Revision of standard IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. The revised    
standard changes the presentation of events so that the statement of total      
comprehensive income presents those items recognised directly in equity that do 
not involve business transactions with the owners. The calculation concerning   
changes in equity has also been amended to conform to the revised standard.     

IFRS 8 Operating Segments (replaces standard IAS 14). In accordance with the new
standard, segment reporting is based on internal reporting by executive         
management and on the principles applied to it. The IFRS 8 standard has no      
impact on the information presented by the company, because due to Fingrid's    
nature of activities and the corporate governance structure the reported        
operating segment is the whole Group.                                           

Revision of standard IAS 23 Borrowing Costs. The definition of borrowing costs  
has been revised so that interest costs are determined using the effective      
interest method specified in standard IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition 
and Measurement. The revised standard eliminates the possibility to recognise   
borrowing costs, which are attributable to the acquisition, construction or     
production of a qualifying asset, as an expense. These borrowing costs must be  
capitalised as part of the acquisition cost of the asset in question. The Group 
has earlier recognised borrowing costs as an expense in that financial year in  
which they are created. This change has no material impact on the profit of the 
reporting period.                                                               

IFRS 7 Financial instruments: amendments of the presentation of Financial       
Instruments in the financial statements. The improvement introduces a three     
level hierarchy of the fair value presentation of derivative instruments.       

The following new or revised standards and interpretations, which came into     
effect in 2009, have no material impact on the consolidated financial           
Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2008, IAS 32 (Amendment), Financial Instruments:   
Presentation and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Puttable at Fair  
Value and Obligations Arising on Liquidation, IAS 27 (Amendment), Consolidated  
and separate financial statements, IAS 39 (Amendment), Financial instruments:   
Recognition and measurement - Eligible Hedged Items, IFRS 2 (Amendment),        
Share-based payment, IFRS 3 Business Combinations, IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty    
Programmes, IFRIC 16 (Amendment), Hedges of a net investment in a foreign       
operation, IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners, IFRIC 18        
Transfers of Assets from Customers, IFRIC 9 and IAS 39 (Amendment), Reassessment
of embedded derivatives on reclassification.                                    

The Group will adopt the following standards and interpretations in 2010:       
Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2009. Through the Annual improvement process the   
minor and less urgent changes of the standards are collected into a complete    
ensamble and carried out once a year. The project includes changes for a total  
of 12 standards. The Group estimates that these changes of standards do not have
a significant impact on the Group's future financial statements.                

2. INFORMATION ON REVENUE AND SEGMENTS		                                        

| REVENUE, 1,000 €                                    |      2009 |       2008 |
| Transmission revenue                                |   187,850 |    189,120 |
| Sale of balance power                               |    92,497 |    104,790 |
| ITC income                                          |    27,904 |     22,767 |
| Cross-border transmission                           |    24,353 |     22,409 |
| Peak load power                                     |    13,469 |     10,887 |
| Congestion income                                   |     4,855 |     23,173 |
| Feed-in tariff for peat                             |     3,408 |        358 |
| Other operating revenue                             |     4,602 |      8,805 |
| Total                                               |   358,938 |    382,309 |

Through the grid services, a customer obtains the right to transmit electricity 
to and from the main grid through its connection point. Grid service is agreed  
by means of a grid service contract signed between a customer connected to the  
main grid and Fingrid. Fingrid charges a consumption fee, use of grid fee,      
connection point fee and market border fee for the grid service. The contract   
terms are equal and public.                                                     
Transmission services on the cross-border connections to the other Nordic       
countries enable participation in the Nordic Elspot and Elbas exchange trade.   
Fingrid makes transmission services on the cross-border connections from Russia 
available to all electricity market parties. The transmission service is        
intended for fixed electricity imports. When making an agreement on transmission
services from Russia, the customer reserves a transmission right (in MW) for a  
period of time to be agreed upon separately. The smallest unit that can be      
reserved is 50 MW. The contract terms are equal and public.                     
Each electricity market party must ensure that its electricity balance is in    
balance by making an agreement with either Fingrid or some other party. Fingrid 
buys and sells balance power in order to balance the hourly power balance of an 
electricity market party (balance provider). Balance power trade and pricing of 
balance power are based on a balance service agreement with equal and public    
terms and conditions.                                                           
Fingrid is responsible for the continuous power balance in Finland by buying and
selling regulating power in Finland. The balance providers can participate in   
the Nordic balancing power market by submitting bids of their available         
capacity. The terms and conditions of participation in the regulating power     
market and the pricing of balancing power are based on the balance service      
The congestion income is revenues that the transmission system operator receives
from market actors for use of transmission capacity for those transmission      
links, on which the operational reliability of the power system restricts the   
power transmission. Fingrid receives a contractual portion of the Nordic        
congestion income.                                                              
ITC-compensation are income and/or costs for Fingrid, which the transmission    
system operator receives for the use of its grid by other European transmission 
operators and/or pays to other transmission system operators when using their   
grid when servicing its own customers.                                          
Peak load power includes condensing power capacity, when it is under threat of  
being closed down, to be kept in readiness for use (peak load power) and the    
feed-in tariff for peat includes compensation for peat condensing power.        
Information on segments is not presented, because the entire business of the    
Fingrid Group is deemed to comprise transmission system operation in Finland    
with system responsibility, only constituting a single segment. There are no    
essential differences in the risks and profitability of individual products and 

| 3. OTHER OPERATING INCOME, 1,000 €                  |     2009 |        2008 |
| Rental income                                       |    1,751 |       1,618 |
| Contributions received                              |      105 |         129 |
| Other income                                        |      392 |         761 |
| Total                                               |    2,248 |       2,508 |

| 4. MATERIALS AND SERVICES, 1,000 €                 |      2009 |        2008 |
| Purchases during financial year                    |   169,427 |     171,534 |
| Change in inventories, increase (-) or decrease    |      -787 |         173 |
| (+)                                                |           |             |
| Materials and consumables                          |   168,640 |     171,707 |
| External services                                  |    19,828 |      16,927 |
| Total                                              |   188,468 |     188,634 |

| 5. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EXPENSES, 1,000 €              |     2009 |        2008 |
| Salaries and bonuses                                |   16,028 |      15,766 |
| Pension expenses - contribution-based schemes       |    2,800 |       2,398 |
| Pension expenses - benefit-based schemes (note 28)  |     -340 |          83 |
| Other additional personnel expenses                 |    1,314 |       1,337 |
| Total                                               |   19,803 |      19,584 |
| Salaries and bonuses of top management (note 37)    |    1,358 |       1,126 |

The Group uses a compensation system, of which the general principles have been 
approved by the Board of Directors on 23 October 2007. The principles for the   
bonus programme for the Executive Management Group have additionally been       
determined in a meeting held on 12 December 2007 by the Remuneration Committee. 
The base salary and the profit-based compensation for the Executive Management  
Group, is based on the strategic indicators of the company. The members of the  
Executive Management Group are paid a bonus decided by the Remuneration         
Committee of the Board of Directors, of which the maximum amount is 20 % for the
President & CEO, 15 % for the Vice President and 10 % for the other members of  
the Management Executive Group of the annual salary. The system changes from a  
one-year to a three-year review period as of 1 January 2010, when the           
compensation will be based on a three-year average of the strategic indicators  
from 2008 until 2010.                                                           

| Number of salaried employees in the company during the         |             |
| financial year:                                                |             |
| Personnel, average                                |        251 |         241 |
| Personnel, 31 Dec                                 |        260 |         249 |

| 6. DEPRECIATION, 1,000 €                          |       2009 |        2008 |
| Intangible assets                                 |      3,665 |       1,833 |
| Buildings and structures                          |      2,997 |       2,628 |
| Machinery and equipment                           |     31,760 |      30,477 |
| Transmission lines                                |     25,824 |      24,146 |
| Other property, plant and equipment               |        367 |         399 |
| Total                                             |     64,612 |      59,484 |

| 7. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES, 1,000 €              |       2009 |        2008 |
| Contracts, assignments etc. undertaken externally |     30,696 |      26,327 |
| Gains/losses from measuring electricity           |     -1,683 |      14,213 |
| derivatives at fair value                         |            |             |
| Rental expenses                                   |      2,199 |       2,100 |
| Foreign exchange gains and losses                 |       -289 |         -57 |
| Other expenses                                    |      6,599 |       6,168 |
| Total                                             |     37,522 |      48,751 |

| 8. AUDITORS FEES, 1,000 €                         |       2009 |        2008 |
| Auditing fee                                      |         34 |          57 |
| Other fees                                        |          8 |          25 |
| Total                                             |         42 |          82 |

| 9. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 1,000 €                |    2009 |         2008 |
| Research and development expenses                   |   1 302 |          950 |
| Total                                               |   1 302 |          950 |

| 10. FINANCE INCOME AND COSTS, 1,000 €             |      2009 |         2008 |
| Interest income on held-for-trading financial     |    -3,982 |      -10,709 |
| assets                                            |           |              |
| Interest income on cash and cash equivalents and  |       -98 |         -316 |
| bank deposits                                     |           |              |
| Dividend income                                   |        -4 |          -11 |
|                                                   |    -4,084 |      -11,035 |
| Interest expenses on borrowings                   |    24,932 |       38,471 |
| Net financial expenses on interest and foreign    |      -863 |        1,584 |
| exchange derivatives                              |           |              |
| Gains from measuring derivative contracts at fair |   -16,637 |       -7,346 |
| value                                             |           |              |
| Losses from measuring derivative contracts at     |    13,973 |        9,349 |
| fair value                                        |           |              |
| Net foreign exchange gains and losses             |        22 |          -54 |
| Other finance costs                               |       548 |          394 |
|                                                   |    21,974 |       42,398 |
| Capitalised finance costs, borrowing costs (note  |       -63 |              |
| 18)                                               |           |              |
| Total                                             |    17,827 |       31,363 |
| Portion of profit of associated companies         |      -284 |         -514 |

| 11. INCOME TAXES, 1,000 €                         |      2009 |         2008 |
| Direct taxes                                      |     1,779 |        2,070 |
| Deferred taxes (note 27)                          |     6,796 |        7,588 |
| Total                                             |     8,575 |        9,658 |
| Reconciliation of income tax:                     |           |              |
| Profit before taxes                               |    33,238 |       37,516 |
| Tax calculated in accordance with statutory tax   |     8,642 |        9,754 |
| rate in Finland 26 %                              |           |              |
| Non-deductible expenses and tax-free income       |       -67 |          -96 |
| Tax expense in income statement                   |     8,575 |        9,658 |

|                  |           2009            |             2008              |
|                  | Before |    Tax |   After |   Before |     Tax |    After |
|                  |  taxes | impact |   taxes |    taxes |  impact |    taxes |
| Cashflow hedges  | 15,891 | -4,132 |  11,760 |  -43,940 |  11,424 |  -32,515 |
| Translation      |    456 |        |     456 |     -581 |         |     -581 |
| reserve          |        |        |         |          |         |          |
| Items related to |     11 |     -3 |       8 |      -26 |       7 |      -19 |
| long-term asset  |        |        |         |          |         |          |
| items available  |        |        |         |          |         |          |
| for sale         |        |        |         |          |         |          |
| Total            | 16,358 | -4,135 |  12,224 |  -44,547 |  11,431 |  -33,116 |

| 13. OTHER ITEMS IN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, 1,000 €                       |
|               |            2009            |              2008               |
|               | Recognise | Re-cla | Total | Recognised | Re-clas |    Total |
|               |      d in | ssific |       |   in other | sificat |          |
|               |     other |  ation |       |      total |     ion |          |
|               |     total |        |       |     compr. |         |          |
|               |    compr. |        |       |     income |         |          |
|               |    income |        |       |      items |         |          |
|               |     items |        |       |            |         |          |
| Cashflow      |           |        |       |    -37,638 |  -5,123 |  -32,515 |
| hedges        |           |        |       |            |         |          |
| Total         |           |        |       |    -37,638 |  -5,123 |  -32,515 |

| 14. EARNINGS PER SHARE                            |      2009 |         2008 |
| Profit for the financial year, 1,000 €            |    24,663 |       27,859 |
| Weighted average number of shares, qty            |     3,325 |        3,325 |
| Undiluted earnings per share, €                   |     7,417 |        8,379 |
| Diluted earnings per share, €                     |     7,417 |        8,379 |

| 15. DIVIDEND PER SHARE                      |          |                     |
| After the closing date, the Board of Directors has proposed that a dividend  |
| of 2,022.29 (2008: 2,018.26) euros per share be distributed, totalling 6.7   |
| (2008: 6.7) million euros.                                                   |

| 16. GOODWILL, 1,000 €                             |      2009 |         2008 |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |    87,920 |       87,920 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |    87,920 |       87,920 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |    87,920 |       87,920 |

The entire business of the Fingrid Group comprises transmission system operation
in Finland with system responsibility, which the full goodwill of the Group     

In impairment testing, the recoverable amount from business is defined by means 
of value in use. The cash flow forecasts used in impairment calculations are    
based on ten year strategic financial estimates. The cash flows used in the     
imparement test are based on income and expenses deriving from the business     
operations and replacement capital expenditure according to the capital         
expenditure programme. The estimated cash flows cover the following ten year    
period. The expected cash flows during the subsequent years are estimated by    
extrapolating the expected cash flows using a growth estimate of zero per cent. 
The discount rate before taxes used in the calculations is 6.0%. The discout    
rate is based on the financial targets of the company.                          

According to the view of the management, reasonable changes in the primary      
assumptions used in the calculations will not lead to a need for recording      
impairment losses.                                                              

| 17. INTANGIBLE ASSETS, 1,000 €                    |       2009 |        2008 |
| Land use rights                                   |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     78,935 |      77,726 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |      3,179 |       1,253 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |            |         -44 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     82,114 |      78,935 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |     82,114 |      78,935 |
| Other intangible assets                           |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     18,370 |      16,869 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |      3,252 |       1,501 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     21,623 |      18,370 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |    -12,032 |     -10,199 |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |     -3,665 |      -1,833 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |      5,925 |       6,338 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |     88,039 |      85,274 |

| 18. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, 1,000 €        |       2009 |        2008 |
| Land and water areas                              |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     10,832 |      10,758 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |        583 |          74 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |         -4 |             |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     11,410 |      10,832 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |     11,410 |      10,832 |
| Buildings and structures                          |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     73,883 |      67,642 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |     23,959 |       6,240 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |            |             |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     97,842 |      73,883 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |    -17,967 |     -15,339 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - |            |             |
| 31 Dec                                            |            |             |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |     -2,997 |      -2,628 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |     76,877 |      55,916 |
| Machinery and equipment                           |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |    612,269 |     600,885 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |     51,714 |      11,384 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |            |             |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |    663,983 |     612,269 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |   -220,068 |    -189,590 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - |            |             |
| 31 Dec                                            |            |             |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |    -31,760 |     -30,477 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |    412,155 |     392,202 |
| Transmission lines                                |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |    806,702 |     762,644 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |     63,626 |      44,469 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |       -417 |        -411 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |    869,911 |     806,702 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |   -236,219 |    -212,457 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - |        128 |         384 |
| 31 Dec                                            |            |             |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |    -25,824 |     -24,146 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |    607,996 |     570,483 |
| Other property, plant and equipment               |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     12,838 |      12,569 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |        991 |         270 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     13,830 |      12,838 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |    -10,210 |      -9,811 |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |       -367 |        -399 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |      3,253 |       2,628 |
| Advance payments and purchases in progress        |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |     81,081 |      58,289 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |     84,961 |      80,076 |
| Transfers to other property, plant, and equipment |    -96,659 |     -57,285 |
| and to other intangible assets 1 Jan - 31 Dec     |            |             |
| Borrowing costs capitalised in the financial year |         63 |             |
| (note 10)                                         |            |             |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                    |     69,447 |      81,081 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |     69,447 |      81,081 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |  1,181,138 |   1,113,141 |

Item Advance payments and purchases in progress contains the advance payments of
noncurrent property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and acquisition 
costs caused by capital investments in progress.                                

| 19. INVESTMENTS, 1,000 €                          |       2009 |        2008 |
| Available-for-sale investments                    |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |        324 |         350 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |         -7 |             |
| Changes in fair value 1 Jan - 31 Dec              |         11 |         -26 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |        329 |         324 |
| The changes in fair value are recorded in equity  |            |             |
| (note 26).                                        |            |             |
| Equity investments in associated companies        |            |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                     |      6,370 |       7,074 |
| Portion of profit 1 Jan - 31 Dec                  |        284 |         514 |
| Translation differences 1 Jan - 31 Dec            |        456 |        -581 |
| Dividends 1 Jan - 31 Dec                          |            |        -637 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |      7,110 |       6,370 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                            |      7,439 |       6,694 |
| Goodwill contained in the carrying amount of      |      3,245 |       3,245 |
| associated companies at 31 Dec                    |            |             |

There are no such essential temporary differences with associated companies of  
which deferred tax assets or liabilities would have been recorded.              
Financial summary of associated companies, 1,000 €                              
| 2008                | Assets | Liabilitie | Revenue | Profit/los | Ownership |
|                     |        |          s |         |          s |       (%) |
| Nord Pool Spot AS,  | 319,03 |    304,048 |  11,878 |      2,550 |      20.0 |
| Lysaker, Norway     |      7 |            |         |            |           |
| Porvoon Alueverkko  |  5,824 |      5,829 |   4,406 |        -60 |      33.3 |
| Oy, Porvoo, Finland |        |            |         |            |           |
| 2009                | Assets | Liabilitie | Revenue | Profit/los | Ownership |
|                     |        |          s |         |          s |       (%) |
| Nord Pool Spot AS,  | 292,04 |    273,554 |  12,346 |      1,215 |      20.0 |
| Lysaker, Norway     |      9 |            |         |            |           |
| Porvoon Alueverkko  |  5,931 |      5,832 |   5,066 |         96 |      33.3 |
| Oy, Porvoo, Finland |        |            |         |            |           |
| Subsidiary shares   |        |            |         |  Ownership | Ownership |
| 31 Dec 2009         |        |            |         |        (%) |       (%) |
| Finextra Oy,        |        |            |         |        100 |       100 |
| Helsinki, Finland   |        |            |         |            |           |

| 20. INVENTORIES, 1,000 €                           |       2009 |       2008 |
| Materials and consumables at 1 Jan                 |      5,318 |      4,626 |
| Work in progress                                   |         97 |          2 |
| Total                                              |      5,415 |      4,628 |

The cost of inventories recognised as expense was 0.5 (2008: 0.4) million euros.

| 21. TRADE RECEIVABLES AND OTHER RECEIVABLES, 1,000 € |     2009 |       2008 |
| Trade receivables                                    |   39,419 |     39,127 |
| Trade receivables from associated companies          |      777 |        844 |
| (note 37)                                            |          |            |
| Prepayments and accrued income                       |   13,956 |      4,923 |
| Other receivables                                    |       32 |         37 |
| Total                                                |   54,184 |     44,930 |
| Essential items included in prepayments and accrued  |     2009 |       2008 |
| income                                               |          |            |
| Accruals of sales                                    |    8,996 |      3,868 |
| Accruals of purchases/prepayments                    |      533 |        693 |
| Interest receivable                                  |    3,917 |            |
| Rents/prepayments                                    |      205 |        226 |
| Total                                                |   13,650 |      4,787 |
| Age distribution of trade receivables                |     2009 |       2008 |
| Unmatured trade receivables                          |   39,840 |     38,086 |
| Trade receivables matured by 1-30 days               |      274 |        986 |
| Trade receivables matured by 31-60 days              |        3 |            |
| Trade receivables matured by more than 60 days       |       79 |        899 |
| Total                                                |   40,196 |     39,970 |

On 31 December 2009 or on 31 December 2008, the company did not have matured    
trade receivables of which impairment losses would have been recorded. Based on 
earlier payments, the company expects to receive the matured receivables in less
than 3 months.                                                                  
Receivables where the due dates have been renegotiated are not included in      
matured trade receivables.                                                      

| Trade receivables and other receivables broken down   |     2009 |      2008 |
| by currencies, 1,000 €                                |          |           |
| EUR                                                   |   54,174 |    44,917 |
| GBP                                                   |        7 |           |
| SEK                                                   |        4 |        13 |
| Total                                                 |   54,184 |    44,930 |

The fair value of trade receivables and other receivables does not differ       
essentially from the balance sheet value.                                       

| 22. FINANCIAL ASSETS RECOGNISED AT FAIR VALUE, 1,000  |     2009 |      2008 |
| €                                                     |          |           |
| Certificates of deposit                               |   74,881 |    78,856 |
| Commercial papers                                     |  124,885 |   121,184 |
| Total                                                 |  199,766 |   200,040 |

Financial assets are recognised at fair value and the change in fair value is   
presented in the income statement in finance income and costs.                  

| 23. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, 1,000 €             |       2009 |       2008 |
| Cash and bank accounts                             |      1,812 |        239 |
| Pledged accounts                                   |        592 |      5,865 |
| Money market deposits                              |      1,700 |            |
| Total                                              |      4,105 |      6,104 |

|     MEASUREMENT CATEGORIES, 1,000 €                                          |
| Balance   | Loans and |   Assets/ | Availabl | Financial |    Total |   Note |
| sheet     |     other | liabiliti | e-for-sa |   assets/ |          |        |
| item      | receivabl |        es |       le | liabiliti |          |        |
| 31 Dec    |        es | recognise | financia |        es |          |        |
| 2009      |           |      d in | l assets |  measured |          |        |
|           |           |    income |          |        at |          |        |
|           |           | statement |          | amortised |          |        |
|           |           |   at fair |          |      cost |          |        |
|           |           |     value |          |           |          |        |
| Non-curre |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| nt        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| financial |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| assets    |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Available |           |           |      329 |           |      329 |     19 |
| -for-sale |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| investmen |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| ts        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Derivativ |           |    11,740 |          |           |   11,740 |     31 |
| e         |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| contracts |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Current   |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| financial |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| assets    |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Derivativ |           |     2,115 |          |           |    2,115 |     31 |
| e         |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| contracts |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Other     |         1 |           |          |           |        1 |        |
| financial |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| receivabl |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Trade     |    54,184 |           |          |           |   54,184 |     21 |
| receivabl |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es and    |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| other     |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| receivabl |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Cash and  |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| cash      |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| equivalen |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| ts        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| recognise |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| d in      |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| income    |           |   199,766 |          |           |  199,766 |     22 |
| statement |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| at fair   |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| value     |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Cash in   |     4,105 |           |          |           |    4,105 |     22 |
| hand and  |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| bank      |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| receivabl |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Financial |    58,290 |   213,621 |      329 |           |  272,239 |        |
| Assets    |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Total     |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Non-curre |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| nt        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| financial |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| liabiliti |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Borrowing |           |           |          |   679,124 |  679,124 |     29 |
| s         |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Derivativ |           |     6,255 |          |           |    6,255 |  29,31 |
| e         |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| contracts |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Current   |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| financial |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| liabiliti |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Borrowing |           |           |          |   315,974 |  315,974 |     29 |
| s         |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Trade     |    45,548 |           |          |     8,665 |   54,213 |     32 |
| payables  |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| and other |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| liabiliti |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| es        |           |           |          |           |          |        |
| Financial |    45,548 |     6,255 |          | 1,003,763 | 1,055,56 |        |
| liabiliti |           |           |          |           |        6 |        |
| es total  |           |           |          |           |          |        |

| Balance sheet   |  Loans |  Assets/ | Availa | Financial |    Total |   Note |
| item            |   and  | liabilit |   ble- |  assets/  |          |        |
| 31 Dec 2008     | other  |      ies | for-sa | liabiliti |          |        |
|                 | receiv | recognis |    le  |       es  |          |        |
|                 |  ables |    ed in | financ | measured  |          |        |
|                 |        |   income |   ial  |       at  |          |        |
|                 |        | statemen | assets | amortised |          |        |
|                 |        |     t at |        |      cost |          |        |
|                 |        |     fair |        |           |          |        |
|                 |        |    value |        |           |          |        |
| Non-current     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| financial       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| assets          |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Available-for-s |        |          |    324 |           |      324 |     19 |
| ale investments |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Derivative      |        |    1,205 |        |           |    1,205 |     31 |
| contracts       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Current         |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| financial       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| assets          |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Derivative      |  1,857 |    1,097 |        |           |    2,954 |     31 |
| contracts       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Other financial |     74 |          |        |           |       74 |        |
| receivables     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Trade           | 44,930 |          |        |           |   44,930 |     21 |
| receivables and |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| other           |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| receivables     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Cash and cash   |        |  200,040 |        |           |  200,040 |     22 |
| equivalents     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| recognised in   |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| income          |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| statement at    |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| fair value      |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Cash in hand    |  6,104 |          |        |           |    6,104 |     22 |
| and bank        |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| receivables     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Financial       | 52,965 |  202,342 |    324 |           |  255,632 |        |
| assets total    |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Non-current     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| financial       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| liabilities     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Borrowings      |        |          |        |   660,353 |  660,353 |     29 |
| Derivative      |        |   17,982 |        |           |   17,982 |  29,31 |
| contracts       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Current         |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| financial       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| liabilities     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Borrowings      |        |          |        |   251,327 |  251,327 |     29 |
| Derivative      |        |    3,195 |        |           |    3,195 |  29,31 |
| contracts       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Trade payables  | 42,713 |          |        |    13,610 |   56,323 |     32 |
| and other       |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| liabilities     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| Financial       | 42,713 |   21,177 |        |   925,291 |  989,181 |        |
| liabilities     |        |          |        |           |          |        |
| total           |        |          |        |           |          |        |

| 25. FAIR VALUE          |         2009         |            2008             |
| HIERARCHY,              |                      |                             |
|  1,000 €                |                      |                             |
|                   |          |        |        |         |         |         |
|                   | Level 1  | Level  | Level  | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
|                   |          |   2    |   3    |         |         |         |
| Financial assets  |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| held at fair      |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| value             |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Available-for-sal |       48 |    265 |        |      37 |     265 |         |
| e investments     |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Derivatives       |          | 11,567 |        |         |   3,667 |         |
| Financial assets  |          | 199,76 |        |         | 200,040 |         |
| recognised at     |          |      6 |        |         |         |         |
| fair value        |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Financial assets  |       48 | 211,59 |        |      37 | 203,972 |         |
| held at fair      |          |      8 |        |         |         |         |
| value total       |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Financial         |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| liabilities held  |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| at fair value     |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Derivatives       |          |  1,391 |        |         |  22,314 |         |
| Electricity       |   17,605 |        |        |  35,236 |         |         |
| forward           |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| contracts, Nord   |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Pool Clearing     |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Electricity       |          |    182 |        |         |     125 |         |
| forward           |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| contracts, others |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| Financial         |   17,605 |  1,574 |        |  35,236 |  22,439 |         |
| liabilities held  |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| at fair value     |          |        |        |         |         |         |
| total             |          |        |        |         |         |         |

Fair value measurement of assets and liabilities are categorised in a           
three-level hierarchy in the fair value presentation. The appropriate hierarchy 
is based on the input data of the instrument. The level is determined on the    
basis of the lowest level of input for the instrument in its entirety that is   
significant to the fair value measurement.                                      
Level 1: inputs are publicly quoted in active markets.                          
Level 2: inputs are not publicly quoted and are observerable market parameters  
either directly or indirectly.                                                  
Level 3: inputs are unobserverable market parameters.                           

26. EQUITY                                                                      

Equity is composed of the share capital, share premium account, fair value      
reserve (incl. hedge and revaluation reserves), translation reserve, and        
retained earnings. The hedge reserve includes the changes in the fair value of  
hedging instruments for loss energy. The fair value reserve includes the changes
in the fair value of available-for-sale investments. The translation reserve    
includes translation differences in the net capital investments of associated   
companies in accordance with the purchase method of accounting. The profit for  
the financial year is recorded in retained earnings.	                           

| Share capital and share premium account, |    Share |    Share |       Total |
| 1,000 €                                  |  capital |  premium |             |
|                                          |          |  account |             |
| 1 Jan 2008                               |   55,922 |   55,922 |     111,845 |
| Change                                   |          |          |             |
| 31 Dec 2008                              |   55,922 |   55,922 |     111,845 |
| Change                                   |          |          |             |
| 31 Dec 2009                              |   55,922 |   55,922 |     111,845 |
| The share capital is broken down as      |   Number |   Of all |   Of votes  |
| follows:                                 |       of |   shares |           % |
|                                          |   shares |        % |             |
|                                          |      qty |          |             |
| Series A shares                          |    2,078 |    62.49 |       83.32 |
| Series B shares                          |    1,247 |    37.51 |       16.68 |
| Total                                    |    3,325 |   100.00 |      100.00 |
| Number of shares, qty                    |   Series |  Series  |       Total |
|                                          | A shares | B shares |             |
| 1 Jan 2009                               |    2,078 |    1,247 |       3,325 |
| Change                                   |          |          |             |
| 31 Dec 2009                              |    2,078 |    1,247 |       3,325 |

The maximum number of shares is 13,000 as in 2008. The shares have no par value.

Series A shares confer three votes each at a shareholders' meeting and series B 
shares one vote each. When electing members of the Board of Directors, series A 
share confers 10 votes each at a shareholders' meeting and each series B share  
one vote each.                                                                  

Series B shares have the right before series A shares to obtain the annual      
dividend specified below from the funds available for profit distribution. After
this, a corresponding dividend is distributed to series A shares. If the annual 
dividend cannot be distributed in some year, the shares confer a right to       
receive the undistributed amount from the funds available for profit            
distribution in the subsequent years; however so that series B shares have the  
right before series A shares to receive the annual dividend and the             
undistributed amount.                                                           

The shareholders' meeting decides on the annual dividend.                       
The determination of the dividend: the amount of the annual dividend is         
calculated on the basis of calendar years so that the subscription price of the 
share added by amounts paid in conjunction with potential increases of share    
capital and reduced by potential amounts paid in refunds of equity, is          
multiplied by the dividend percentage; however so that the minimum dividend is  
6%. The dividend percentage is defined on the basis of the yield of the 30-year 
German Government Bond.                                                         

The dividend proposal for the year 2009 is 6.012 %.                             

There are no minority interests.                                                

| Shareholders by different categories   |   Number |    Of all  |    Of votes |
|                                        |       of |    shares  |           % |
|                                        |  shares  |          % |             |
|                                        |      qty |            |             |
| Public enterprises                     |      834 |      25.08 |       33.44 |
| Private enterprises                    |      844 |      25.38 |       33.57 |
| Public organisations                   |      410 |      12.33 |       16.44 |
| Financial and insurance institutions   |    1,237 |      37.20 |       16.55 |
| Total                                  |    3,325 |     100.00 |      100.00 |

| Shareholders                               |   Number |  Of all  | Of votes  |
|                                            |       of |  shares  |           |
|                                            |  shares  |        % |         % |
|                                            |      qty |          |           |
| Fortum Power and Heat Oy                   |      834 |    25.08 |     33.44 |
| Pohjolan Voima Oy                          |      834 |    25.08 |     33.44 |
| Republic of Finland                        |      410 |    12.33 |     16.44 |
| Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company     |      405 |    12.18 |      5.41 |
| Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen |      350 |    10.53 |      4.68 |
| Tapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company   |      150 |     4.51 |      2.01 |
| Suomi Mutual Life Assurance Company        |       75 |     2.26 |      1.00 |
| Pohjola Insurance Ltd                      |       75 |     2.26 |      1.00 |
| Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited    |       54 |     1.62 |      0.72 |
| Tapiola General Mutual Insurance Company   |       50 |     1.50 |      0.67 |
| Tapiola Mutual Life Assurance Company      |       35 |     1.05 |      0.47 |
| If P&C Insurance Company Ltd               |       25 |     0.75 |      0.33 |
| Tapiola Corporate Life Insurance Company   |       12 |     0.36 |      0.16 |
| Ltd                                        |          |          |           |
| Imatran Seudun Sähkö Oy                    |       10 |     0.30 |      0.13 |
| Fennia Life Insurance Company              |        6 |     0.18 |      0.08 |
| Total                                      |    3,325 |   100.00 |    100.00 |

Share premium account                                                           
The share premium account includes the difference between the counter value of  
the shares and the value obtained. According to the Finnish Companies Act the   
premium fund means tied equity. The share capital can be increased by           
transferring funds from the premium fund account. The premium fund account can  
be decreased in order to cover losses or it can under certain conditions be     
returned to the owners.                                                         

Fair value reserves	                                                            
The fair value reserves include the changes in the fair value of derivative     
instruments used for hedging cash flow (hedge reserve) and the changes in the   
fair value of available-for-sale investments (publicly quoted and unquoted      
securities) (revaluation reserve).                                              

| Hedge reserve, 1,000 €                              |      2009 |       2008 |
| 1 Jan                                               |   -23,211 |      9,304 |
| Changes in fair value during financial year         |    15,891 |    -43,940 |
| Taxes                                               |    -4,132 |     11,424 |
| Hedge reserve 31 Dec                                |   -11,452 |    -23,211 |
| Revaluation reserve, 1,000 €                        |      2009 |       2008 |
| 1 Jan                                               |        52 |         71 |
| Changes in fair value during financial year         |        11 |        -26 |
| Taxes on changes in fair value during financial     |        -3 |          7 |
| year                                                |           |            |
| Revaluation reserve 31 Dec                          |        60 |         52 |
| Translation reserve, 1,000 €                        |      2009 |       2008 |
| Translation reserve 31 Dec                          |        88 |       -368 |
| The translation reserve includes the translation differences resulting from  |
| converting the financial statements of the foreign associated company.       |
| Dividends, 1,000 €                                  |      2009 |       2008 |
| Dividends paid                                      |     6,724 |      6,711 |
| The proposal for dividend distribution for the      |           |            |
| financial year 2009 is presented in note 15.        |           |            |
| Retained earnings, 1,000 €                          |      2009 |       2008 |
| Profit from previous financial years                |   322,592 |    301,445 |
| Profit for the financial year                       |    24,663 |     27,859 |
| Retained earnings 31 Dec                            |   347,255 |    329,303 |

| 27. DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, 1,000 €   |       2009 |       2008 |
| Deferred tax assets                                |            |            |
| Valuation of derivative contracts and other        |            |            |
| financial                                          |            |            |
| assets and liabilities at fair value               |      6,198 |     11,152 |
| Other temporary differences                        |        513 |        526 |
|                                                    |      6,711 |     11,678 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                           |            |            |
| Accumulated depreciation difference                |    103,074 |    100,355 |
| Tangible and intangible assets                     |     14,997 |     12,557 |
| Valuation of derivative contracts and other        |            |            |
| financial                                          |            |            |
| assets and liabilities at fair value               |      2,683 |      1,851 |
| Other temporary differences                        |      1,019 |      1,047 |
|                                                    |    121,774 |    115,810 |
| Total*                                             |    115,063 |    104,132 |
| *Deferred net tax liability is broken down in the  |            |            |
| balance sheet as follows:                          |            |            |
| Deferred tax assets                                |      6,711 |     11,678 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                           |    121,774 |    115,810 |
| Deferred tax assets                                |            |            |
| Deferred tax asset to be recovered after more than |      5,334 |     10,269 |
| 12 months                                          |            |            |
| Deferred tax asset to be recovered within 12       |      1,378 |      1,409 |
| months                                             |            |            |
|                                                    |      6,711 |     11,678 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                           |            |            |
| Deferred tax liability to be recovered after more  |    119,889 |    113,815 |
| than 12 months                                     |            |            |
| Deferred tax liability to be recovered within 12   |      1,885 |      1,995 |
| months                                             |            |            |
|                                                    |    121,774 |    115,810 |
| Total                                              |    115,063 |    104,132 |

| Changes in deferred    |           |             |               |           |
| taxes in 2009:         |           |             |               |           |
|                        |    31 Dec | Recorded in |   Recorded in |    31 Dec |
|                        |      2008 |      income |         other |      2009 |
|                        |           |   statement | comprehensive |           |
|                        |           |     at fair |        income |           |
|                        |           |       value |               |           |
| Deferred tax assets    |           |             |               |           |
| Provisions             |       508 |          -9 |               |       500 |
| Current financial      |     1,408 |         -32 |               |     1,376 |
| assets                 |           |             |               |           |
| Non-current financial  |       548 |        -353 |               |       196 |
| assets                 |           |             |               |           |
| Derivate liabilities   |     1,039 |        -437 |               |       601 |
| Electricity            |     8,155 |             |        -4,132 |     4,024 |
| derivatives            |           |             |               |           |
| Other items            |        19 |          -4 |               |        15 |
| Total                  |    11,678 |        -835 |        -4,132 |     6,711 |
| Deferred tax           |           |             |               |           |
| liabilities            |           |             |               |           |
| Accumulated            |  -100,355 |      -2,719 |               |  -103,074 |
| depreciations          |           |             |               |           |
| difference             |           |             |               |           |
| Tangible and           |   -12,557 |      -2,440 |               |   -14,997 |
| intangible assets      |           |             |               |           |
| Available-for-sale     |       -36 |             |            -3 |       -39 |
| investments            |           |             |               |           |
| Other receivables      |       -57 |        -963 |               |    -1,020 |
| Financial assets       |      -949 |         801 |               |      -148 |
| recognised in income   |           |             |               |           |
| statement at fair      |           |             |               |           |
| value                  |           |             |               |           |
| Interest-bearing       |      -865 |        -913 |               |    -1,778 |
| liabilities            |           |             |               |           |
| Trade payables and     |      -990 |         272 |               |      -718 |
| other liabilities      |           |             |               |           |
| Total                  |  -115,810 |      -5,961 |            -3 |  -121,774 |
| Deferred net           |  -104,132 |      -6,796 |        -4,135 |  -115,062 |
| liabilities            |           |             |               |           |

| Changes in deferred    |           |              |              |           |
| taxes in 2008:         |           |              |              |           |
|                        |    31 Dec |  Recorded in |  Recorded in |    31 Dec |
|                        |      2007 |       income |       equity |      2008 |
|                        |           | statement at |              |           |
|                        |           |   fair value |              |           |
| Deferred tax assets    |           |              |              |           |
| Provisions             |       522 |          -14 |              |       508 |
| Current financial      |     1,317 |           91 |              |     1,408 |
| assets                 |           |              |              |           |
| Interest-bearing       |       741 |       -1,607 |              |      -865 |
| liabilities            |           |              |              |           |
| Derivate liabilities   |           |        1,039 |              |     1,039 |
| Electricity            |           |              |        8,155 |     8,155 |
| derivatives            |           |              |              |           |
| Other items            |        40 |          -21 |              |        19 |
| Total                  |     2,620 |         -512 |        8,155 |    10,264 |
| Deferred tax           |           |              |              |           |
| liabilities            |           |              |              |           |
| Accumulated            |   -91,846 |       -8,509 |              |  -100,355 |
| depreciation           |           |              |              |           |
| difference             |           |              |              |           |
| Tangible and           |   -10,134 |       -2,425 |              |   -12,557 |
| intangible assets      |           |              |              |           |
| Available-for-sale     |       -43 |              |            7 |       -36 |
| investments            |           |              |              |           |
| Non-current financial  |    -1,287 |        1,836 |              |       548 |
| assets                 |           |              |              |           |
| Other receivables      |      -106 |           50 |              |       -57 |
| Derivate assets        |    -2,657 |        2,657 |              |           |
| Financial assets       |      -409 |         -540 |              |      -949 |
| recognised in income   |           |              |              |           |
| statement at fair      |           |              |              |           |
| value                  |           |              |              |           |
| Trade payables and     |      -845 |         -145 |              |      -990 |
| other liabilities      |           |              |              |           |
| Electricity            |    -3,269 |              |        3,269 |           |
| derivatives            |           |              |              |           |
| Total                  |  -110,596 |       -7,076 |        3,276 |  -114,396 |
| Deferred net           |  -107,976 |       -7,588 |       11,431 |  -104,132 |
| liabilities            |           |              |              |           |

| 28. PENSION COMMITMENTS                               |          |           |

The most important pension scheme of the Group is a contribution-based scheme in
accordance with TyEL (Finnish Employee Pensions Act), where the benefits are    
determined directly on the basis of the beneficiary's earnings.                 

The Group has a benefit-based supplementary pension scheme covering those born  
between 1945 and 1949 who have worked at Fingrid at least as of 1 September     
1997. These persons can retire at certain discretionary conditions at the       
earliest at an age of 60 and at the earliest in 2006. The payment of the        
supplementary pension will finish when the person reaches old age pension and at
the latest at the age of 63, after which the person's pension will be composed  
of the statutory pensions incurred by that time.                                

| Benefit-based pension expense in income statement,    |     2009 |      2008 |
| 1,000 €                                               |          |           |
| Expenses based on service during financial year       |       46 |       115 |
| Expected return on scheme assets                      |      -35 |       -83 |
| Interest expenses                                     |       36 |        87 |
| Other                                                 |       24 |           |
| Actuarial gains (-) and losses (+)                    |     -164 |       -36 |
| Total                                                 |      -94 |        83 |
| Benefit-based pension liability in balance sheet,     |     2009 |      2008 |
| 1,000 €                                               |          |           |
| Present value of funded obligations                   |          |       600 |
| Fair value of scheme assets                           |          |      -593 |
| Deficit/surplus                                       |          |         7 |
| Unrecognised net actuarial gains (+) and losses (-)   |          |        -7 |
| Net liability                                         |          |       171 |
| Changes in present value of benefit obligations,      |     2009 |      2008 |
| 1,000 €                                               |          |           |
| Present value of benefit obligations 1 Jan            |      600 |     1,543 |
| Service cost                                          |       46 |       115 |
| Interest cost on benefit obligations                  |       36 |        87 |
| Other                                                 |     -681 |           |
| Actuarial gains (+) and losses (-)                    |          |    -1,144 |
| Present value of benefit obligations 31 Dec           |          |       600 |
| Fair value of plan assets, 1,000 €                    |     2009 |      2008 |
| Fair value of plan assets 1 Jan                       |      593 |     1,507 |
| Expected return on plan assets                        |       35 |        83 |
| Contributions by employer                             |       77 |       138 |
| Other                                                 |     -705 |           |
| Actuarial gains (+) and losses (-)                    |          |    -1,135 |
| Fair value of plan assets 31 Dec                      |          |       593 |
| Principal actuarial assumptions used                  |          |           |
| Discount rate (%)                                     |     5.00 |      5.50 |
| Expected return on scheme assets (%)                  |     5.00 |      5.50 |
| Rate of increase in future compensation levels (%)    |     3.30 |      3.30 |
| Future pension increases (%)                          |     0.00 |      0.00 |
| Inflation (%)                                         |     2.00 |      2.00 |

| 29. BORROWINGS, 1,000 €        |         2009         |         2008         |
| Non-current                    |     Fair |   Balance |     Fair |   Balance |
|                                |    value |     sheet |    value |     sheet |
|                                |          |     value |          |     value |
| Capital loan*                  |          |           |   31,888 |    30,000 |
| Bonds                          |  638,106 |   627,655 |  601,175 |   601,728 |
| Loans from financial           |   53,139 |    51,469 |   29,277 |    28,625 |
| institutions                   |          |           |          |           |
| Derivative liabilities         |    7,595 |     6,255 |   18,792 |    17,982 |
|                                |  698,839 |   685,379 |  681,132 |   678,336 |
|                                |          |           |          |           |
| Current                        |     Fair |   Balance |     Fair |   Balance |
|                                |    value |     sheet |    value |     sheet |
|                                |          |     value |          |     value |
| Current portion of long-term   |   95,594 |    94,304 |   78,483 |    77,496 |
| borrowings maturing within     |          |           |          |           |
|  a year                        |          |           |          |           |
| Derivative liabilities         |          |           |    4,015 |     3,195 |
| Other loans / Commercial       |  222,371 |   221,671 |  176,315 |   173,831 |
| papers (international and      |          |           |          |           |
| domestic)                      |          |           |          |           |
|                                |  317,965 |   315,974 |  258,812 |   254,522 |
|                                |          |           |          |           |
| Total                          | 1,016,80 | 1,001,353 |  939,945 |   932,858 |
|                                |        4 |           |          |           |

*The fair value of capital loan has been presented assuming that they are       
redeemed on the first possible repurchase date.                                 

The fair values of borrowings are based on the present values of cash flows.    
Loans raised in various currencies are measured at the present value on the     
basis of the yield curve of each currency. The discount rate includes the       
company-specific and loan-specific risk premium. Borrowings denominated in      
foreign currencies are translated into euros at the mid-rate quoted by ECB at   
the closing day.                                                                

Derivative liabilities balance sheet value and fair value differ in terms of    
related accruals, which are recorded in the balance sheet under trade payables  
and other liabilities.                                                          

| Capital loan included in borrowings, 1,000 €            |    2009 |     2008 |
|         |            | Maturity date    | Interest      |         |          |
| EUR     |   30,000   | 30.11.2029       | 6.388%        |         |   30,000 |
| Total   |            |                  |               |         |   30,000 |

Fingrid Oyj decided to redeem, according to the terms and conditions of the loan
agreement, capital loan at 100 % and the accrued interest coupon on 30 November 

| Bonds included in borrowings, 1,000 €                    |    2009 |    2008 |
| International:            | Maturity     | Interest      |         |         |
|                           | date         |               |         |         |
| EUR         | 25,000      | 06.04.2009   | variable      |         |  25,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 10,000      | 31.03.2010   | interest rate |  10,000 |  10,000 |
|             |             |              | structure     |         |         |
| EUR         | 10,000      | 16.03.2011   | 3.625 %       |  10,000 |  10,000 |
| EUR         | 25,000      | 23.03.2011   | variable      |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 15,000      | 24.03.2011   | variable      |  15,000 |  15,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 20,000      | 07.04.2011   | variable      |  20,000 |  20,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 25,000      | 16.03.2012   | variable      |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 25,000      | 12.04.2012   | variable      |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 10,000      | 16.04.2013   | variable      |  10,000 |  10,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 20,000      | 28.04.2013   | variable      |  20,000 |  20,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 20,000      | 15.10.2013   | 4.30 %        |  20,000 |  20,000 |
| EUR         | 24,000      | 02.07.2014   | variable      |  24,000 |  24,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 18,000      | 11.11.2014   | variable      |  18,000 |         |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         |  8,000      | 11.11.2014   | variable      |   8,000 |         |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 10,000      | 20.11.2014   | 3.26 %        |  10,000 |         |
| EUR         | 20,000      | 11.04.2017   | variable      |  20,000 |  20,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
| EUR         | 25,000      | 11.04.2017   | variable      |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|             |             |              | interest      |         |         |
|             |             |              |               | 285,000 | 274,000 |
| FIM         | 160,000     | 19.08.2013   | 5.20 %        |  26,906 |  26,906 |
|             |             |              |               |  26,906 |  26,906 |

| USD       | 30,000    | 23.03.2009       | variable     |          |  21,556 |
|           |           |                  | interest     |          |         |
|           |           |                  |              |          |  21,556 |
| JPY       | 3,000,000 | 15.07.2009       | 1.84 %       |          |  23,783 |
| JPY       | 1,000,000 | 12.07.2010       | 2.00 %       |    7,510 |   7,928 |
| JPY       | 2,000,000 | 16.10.2010       | 1.022 %      |   15,020 |  15,855 |
| JPY       | 3,000,000 | 05.07.2011       | 1.31 % *     |   22,529 |  23,783 |
| JPY       | 3,000,000 | 25.07.2012       | 1.3575 % **  |   22,529 |  23,783 |
| JPY       | 3,000,000 | 20.04.2015       | 1.45 %       |   22,529 |  23,783 |
|           |           |                  |              |   90,117 | 118,915 |
| CHF       | 39,000    | 15.03.2010       | 2.24 %       |   26,287 |  26,263 |
| CHF       | 39,000    | 22.05.2012       | 2.475 %      |   26,287 |  26,263 |
|           |           |                  |              |   52,575 |  52,525 |
| CZK       | 750,000   | 05.05.2010       | variable     |   28,331 |  27,907 |
|           |           |                  | interest     |          |         |
|           |           |                  |              |   28,331 |  27,907 |
| NOK       | 170,000   | 19.11.2014       | 4.68 %       |   20,482 |         |
| NOK       | 200,000   | 17.10.2016       | 5.15 %       |   24,096 |  20,513 |
| NOK       | 200,000   | 11.04.2017       | 5.16 %       |   24,096 |  20,513 |
| NOK       | 200,000   | 10.11.2017       | 5.12 %       |   24,096 |         |
| NOK       | 200,000   | 12.11.2019       | 5.37 %       |   24,096 |         |
|           |           |                  |              |  116,867 |  41,026 |
| SEK       | 225,000   | 03.04.2012       | variable     |   21,947 |  20,699 |
|           |           |                  | interest     |          |         |
| SEK       | 225,000   | 11.04.2012       | variable     |   21,947 |  20,699 |
|           |           |                  | interest     |          |         |
| SEK       | 100,000   | 21.03.2013       | variable     |    9,754 |   9,200 |
|           |           |                  | interest     |          |         |
| SEK       | 200,000   | 03.04.2013       | 3.70 %       |   19,508 |  18,399 |
| SEK       | 175,000   | 04.04.2014       | 4.30 %       |   17,070 |  16,099 |
| SEK       | 220,000   | 01.12.2015       | interest     |   24,779 |  24,135 |
|           |           |                  | rate         |          |         |
|           |           |                  | structure    |          |         |
|           |           |                  |              |  115,005 | 109,232 |
| Bonds, long-term total   |               |              |  627,655 | 601,728 |
| Bonds, short-term total      |           |              |   87,147 |  70,339 |
| Tota |                |                  |              |  714,802 | 672,067 |
| l    |                |                  |              |          |         |

*call option not exercised 5 July 2004                                          
**call option not exercised 25 July 2006                                        

| Maturity of non-current borrowings,   |        |         |         |         |
| 1,000 €                               |        |         |         |         |
|              |       |       |        |        |         |         |         |
|              |  2010 |  2011 |   2012 |   2013 |    2014 |   2014+ |   Total |
| Bonds        | 87,14 | 92,52 | 142,71 | 106,16 |  97,552 | 188,694 | 714,802 |
|              |     7 |     9 |      1 |      9 |         |         |         |
| Loans from   | 7,156 | 7,156 |  9,156 | 11,156 |   4,000 |  20,000 |  58,626 |
| financial    |       |       |        |        |         |         |         |
| institutions |       |       |        |        |         |         |         |
| Total        | 94,30 | 99,68 | 151,86 | 117,32 | 101,552 | 208,694 | 773,428 |
|              |     4 |     6 |      7 |      6 |         |         |         |

Capital structure                                                               
The corporate finances are planned over a long time span, and the company is    
ensured sufficient latitude and independent power of decision in the management 
of finances. The company aims to secure sufficient cash flow for the long-term  
development of transmission capacity, secured operational reliability and       
development of the electricity market so that the tariff level remains moderate.
The company pursues as low average capital costs as possible by utilising a     
lower cost through debt financing as compared to equity cost. However, the goal 
is to keep the cash flow and debt service ratios of the company at such a level 
that the company retains its high credit rating. The high credit rating enables 
the company to tap the international and domestic money and capital markets.    

| 30. PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES, 1,000 €   |     2009 |      2008 |
| Provisions 1 Jan                                      |    1,955 |     2,007 |
| Provisions used                                       |      -34 |       -52 |
| Provisions 31 Dec                                     |    1,921 |     1,955 |

| 31. DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS,   |         2009         |          2008           |
| 1,000 €                     |                      |                         |
| Interest rate and currency  | Net fair |   Nominal |  Net fair |     Nominal |
| derivatives                 |   value  |    value  |    value  |      value  |
|                             |   31 Dec |    31 Dec |    31 Dec | 31 Dec 2008 |
|                             |     2009 |      2009 |      2008 |             |
| Cross-currency swaps        |   -1,391 |   399,576 |   -22,314 |     367,266 |
| Forward contracts           |      218 |    14,079 |     1,097 |      19,418 |
| Interest rate swaps         |      223 |   191,000 |       199 |     134,000 |
| Interest rate options,      |   11,125 |   750,000 |     2,371 |     330,000 |
| bought                      |          |           |           |             |
| Total                       |   10,176 | 1,354,654 |   -18,648 |     850,684 |
|                             |          |           |           |             |
| Electricity derivatives     | Net fair |   Volume  |  Net fair |     Volume  |
|                             |   value  |      TWh  |    value  |        TWh  |
|                             |   31 Dec |    31 Dec |    31 Dec | 31 Dec 2008 |
|                             |     2009 |      2009 |      2008 |             |
| Electricity forward         |  -17,528 |      3.61 |   -35,232 |        3.52 |
| contracts, designated as    |          |           |           |             |
| hedge accounting, Nord Pool |          |           |           |             |
| Clearing                    |          |           |           |             |
| Electricity forward         |      -77 |      0.02 |        -4 |        0.00 |
| contracts, Nord Pool        |          |           |           |             |
| Clearing                    |          |           |           |             |
| Electricity forward         |     -182 |      0.02 |      -125 |        0.07 |
| contracts, others           |          |           |           |             |
| Total                       |  -17,787 |      3.65 |   -35,361 |        3.59 |

The fair values of financial derivatives are included in the balance sheet in   
non-current and current borrowings, interest and other financial liabilities,   
and noncurrent and current financial and other receivables.                     

Interest rate options included in financial derivatives are interest rate cap   
contracts with identical structures. The reference rate of the contract is the 6
month Euribor, and at the effective date a contract includes 6 or 8 caplets. The
option premium has been paid in full to the counterparty at the contract date.  

Electricity forward contracts, others, includes bilateral financial and physical
purchase commitments concerning electricity purchases, not cleared separately by
a clearing organisation. The derivatives hedge future electricity losses.       

The net fair value of derivatives indicates the realised profit/loss if they had
been reversed on the last business day of 2009.                                 

Maturity of derivative contracts:                                               

| Nominal       |  2010 |  2011 |   2012 |   2013 |   2014 |  2014+ |    Total |
| value, 1,000  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| €             |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Interest rate | 10,00 | 10,00 | 55,000 | 80,000 | 36,000 |        |  191,000 |
| swaps         |     0 |     0 |        |        |        |        |          |
| Interest rate | 150,0 | 20,00 | 30,000 | 185,00 | 345,00 | 20,000 |  750,000 |
| options       |    00 |     0 |        |      0 |      0 |        |          |
| Cross-currenc | 77,14 | 22,52 | 92,711 | 29,263 | 37,552 | 140,37 |  399,576 |
| y swaps       |     7 |     9 |        |        |        |      4 |          |
| Forward       | 12,54 | 1,533 |        |        |        |        |   14,079 |
| contracts     |     6 |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Total         | 249,6 | 54,06 | 177,71 | 294,26 | 418,55 | 160,37 | 1,354,65 |
|               |    93 |     2 |      1 |      3 |      2 |      4 |        4 |

| TWh             |  2010 |  2011 |  2012 |   2013 |   2014 |  2014+ |   Total |
| Electricity     |  1.14 |  0.95 |  0.79 |   0.51 |   0.26 |        |    3.65 |
| derivatives     |       |       |       |        |        |        |         |
| Total           |  1.14 |  0.95 |  0.79 |   0.51 |   0.26 |        |    3.65 |

| 32. TRADE PAYABLES AND OTHER LIABILITIES, 1,000 €    |      2009 |      2008 |
| Trade payables                                       |    28,047 |    24,693 |
| Trade payables to associated companies               |       146 |       133 |
| Interest liabilities                                 |     8,665 |    13,610 |
| Value added tax                                      |     3,169 |     4,324 |
| Electricity tax                                      |       559 |       389 |
| Accruals                                             |    16,767 |    17,278 |
| Other debt                                           |       589 |       610 |
| Total                                                |    57,940 |    61,037 |
| Essential items included in accruals                 |      2009 |     2008  |
| Personnel expenses                                   |     4,028 |     4,120 |
| Accruals of sales and purchases                      |    12,727 |    13,141 |
| Other                                                |        12 |        17 |
| Total                                                |    16,767 |    17,278 |

| 33. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, 1,000 €  |      2009 |      2008 |
| Pledges                                              |           |           |
| Pledge covering property lease agreements            |        46 |        46 |
| Pledged account in favour of the Customs Office      |       150 |       154 |
| Pledged account covering electricity exchange        |       396 |     5,664 |
| purchases                                            |           |           |
|                                                      |       592 |     5,865 |
| Unrecorded investment commitments                    | 177,277   |   219,213 |
| Other financial commitments                          |           |           |
| Counterguarantee in favour of an associated company  |     1,700 |     1,700 |
| Credit facility commitment fee and commitment fee:   |           |           |
| Commitment fee for the next year                     |       158 |       158 |
| Commitment fee for subsequent years                  |       255 |       409 |
|                                                      |     2,113 |     2,268 |
| Donation of five-year professorship to Helsinki      |       120 |       240 |
| University of Technology                             |           |           |
| for 2006 - 2010                                      |           |           |

| 34. OTHER LEASE AGREEMENTS, 1,000 €                  |      2009 |      2008 |
| Minimum rental obligations of other irrevocable      |           |           |
| lease agreements:                                    |           |           |
| In one year                                          |     1,793 |     2,012 |
| In more than one year and less than five years       |     3,840 |     5,083 |
| In more than five years                              |     1,869 |     2,333 |
| Total                                                |     7,501 |     9,428 |

The foremost lease agreements of the Group relate to office premises. The       
durations of the lease agreements range from less than one year to ten years,   
and the contracts can usually be extended after the original date of expiration.
The index, renewal and other terms of the different agreements vary.            

The Group has rented for instance several land areas and some 110 kilovolt      
transmission lines and circuit breaker bays.                                    


There are no ongoing legal proceedings or proceedings by authorities that would 
have a material impact on the business of the company. In relation to           
transmission line projects there are several complaints made to different       
instances of justice. According to the management of the company there are no   
ongoing legal proceedings or other such legal proceedings relating to other     
areas, which final outcome would have a material impact on the financial        
position of the Group. 		                                                       
In December 2008 the Market Court reached a decision concerning Fingrid´s appeal
to the Energy Market Authority´s decision 13 December 2007 "Determination of the
methodology for the assessment of the return of the grid owners' grid operations
transmission services pricing for the review period starting on 1 January 2008  
and ending on 31 December 2011". The Energy Market Authority has in turn        
appealed the decision to the Supreme Administrative Court.                      

| 36. RISK MANAGEMENT    |         |            |         |         |          |

The objective of Fingrid's risk management is to make preparations for          
cost-effective measures providing protection against damage and loss relating to
risks and to make the entire personnel committed to considering the risks       
pertaining to the company, its various organisational units and each employee.  
In order to fulfil these objectives, risk management must be continuous and     
systematic. The significance of individual risks or risk entities is assessed   
against the present level of protection, taking into account the probability of 
a disadvantageous event, its financial impact and impact on corporate image or  
on the attainment of the business goals. The Board of Directors approves the    
primary principles for risk management and any amendments to them. The Board of 
Directors approves the primary action for risk management as part of the        
corporate strategy, indicators, operating plan, and budget. The control         
committee of the Board of Directors receives a situation report of the major    
risks relating to the operations of the company and of the management of such   

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT                                                       
Fingrid Oyj is exposed to market, liquidity and credit risks when managing the  
financial position of the company. The company's objective is to reduce risks   
such that the fluctuations of Fingrid's cash flow remain low.                   

Primary principles for financing                                                
The Board of Directors of Fingrid Oyj approves the primary principles for       
financing, stating the guidelines for external funding, financial asset         
management, market, liquidity, refinancing and credit risks.                    

Risk management execution and reporting                                         
The treasury is responsible for executing the external funding, the financial   
asset management and manages the market risks which the company is exposed to.  
The financial activities of the company are reported four times a year to the   
Board of Directors. The treasury is responsible for identifying, measuring and  
reporting the financial risks, which the company may be exposed to.             

Risk management processes                                                       
The treasury is in charge of risk management monitoring, systems and models as  
well as methods, for risk calculation and assessment. The internal audit        
additionally ensures that there is compliance with the primary principles for   
financing activities and the internal guidelines.                               

Market risks                                                                    
Fingrid Oyj uses derivative agreements in order to hedge market risks such as   
foreign exchange, interest rate risk and commodity risks. Derivatives are only  
used for hedging purposes, and therefore the company does not enter into any    
deals for market speculation. The hedging instruments are defined in the primary
principles for financing or in the loss power procurement policy, and chosen in 
order to achieve efficient hedging of a risk exposure.                          

Foreign exchange risk                                                           
The functional currency of the company is the euro. The basic rule of the       
company is to hedge against foreign exchange risks, but can according to the    
primary principals for financing, leave an exposure unhedged, which may not     
exceed 10 % of the financial assets.                                            

Transaction exposure                                                            
The company issues securities in the domestic and international money and       
capital markets. The loan portfolio of the company is distributed between       
different convertible currencies and the total debt portfolio and the related   
interest rate flows are hedged against currency risk.                           

The foreign exchange risk of each bond is done in conjunction with the          
underlying debt issuance. Business related currency risks are small and they are
hedged. Therefore there is no sensitivity analysis presentation. During the     
financial year the company used foreign exchange forwards and cross currency    
swaps for hedging the transaction exposure. The tables below first illustrate   
currency distribution and the hedging rate of the interest bearing debt of the  
company and then the sensitivity analysis of the euro against the foreign       
currencies, which also proves that the company does not have any open foreign   
exchange risk.                                                                  

| Currency distribution and hedging degree of borrowings, 1,000 €    |         |
| Currency | Carryi | Portio | Hedgin | Currency | Carryin | Portion | Hedging |
| distribu |     ng | n %    |      g | distribu | g       | %       |  degree |
| tion     | amount |        | degree | tion     | amount  |         |         |
| 31 Dec   |        |        |        | 31 Dec   |         |         |         |
| 2009     |        |        |        | 2008     |         |         |         |
|          |        |        |        |          |         |         |         |
| EUR      | 592,20 |     60 |        | EUR      | 522,829 |      57 |         |
|          |      3 |        |        |          |         |         |         |
| CHF      | 52,575 |      5 |    100 | CHF      |  52,525 |       6 |     100 |
| CZK      | 28,331 |      3 |    100 | CZK      |  27,907 |       3 |     100 |
| JPY      | 90,117 |      9 |    100 | JPY      | 118,915 |      13 |     100 |
| NOK      | 116,86 |     12 |    100 | NOK      |  41,026 |       5 |     100 |
|          |      7 |        |        |          |         |         |         |
| SEK      | 115,00 |     12 |    100 | SEK      | 109,232 |      12 |     100 |
|          |      5 |        |        |          |         |         |         |
| USD      |        |        |        | USD      |  39,246 |       4 |     100 |
| Total    | 995,09 |    100 |    100 | Total    | 911,681 |     100 |     100 |
|          |      8 |        |        |          |         |         |         |

The sensitivity analysis of foreign exchange rate is measured as a 10 % change  
between the euro and the currency in question. The company's result will not be 
subject to exchange rate differentials, since the debt denominated in foreign   
currencies are hedged against foreign exchange changes. In the figures presented
in the tables below, a negative figure would increase foreign exchange loss and 
a positive figure would correspondingly increase foreign exchange gain.         

| Exchange rate changes, 1,000 €                                               |
| 31 Dec     | Bonds | Commerc |  Total | Cross-c | Forward |  Total |     Net |
| 2009       |       |     ial |        | urrency | contrac |        | exposur |
|            |       |  papers |        |   swaps |      ts |        |      e  |
|            |       |         |        |         |         |        |   Total |
| CH | +10 % | -6,03 |         | -6,033 |   6,033 |         |  6,033 |       0 |
| F  |       |     3 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 4,936 |         |  4,936 |  -4,936 |         | -4,936 |       0 |
| CZ | +10 % | -3,16 |         | -3,164 |   3,164 |         |  3,164 |       0 |
| K  |       |     4 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 2,588 |         |  2,588 |  -2,588 |         | -2,588 |       0 |
| JP | +10 % | -10,2 |         | -10,20 |  10,209 |         | 10,209 |       0 |
| Y  |       |    09 |         |      9 |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 8,354 |         |  8,354 |  -8,354 |         | -8,354 |       0 |
| NO | +10 % | -13,1 |         | -13,15 |  13,158 |         | 13,158 |       0 |
| K  |       |    58 |         |      8 |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 10,76 |         | 10,765 | -10,765 |         | -10,76 |       0 |
|    |       |     5 |         |        |         |         |      5 |         |
| SE | +10 % | -12,7 |         | -12,73 |  12,738 |         | 12,738 |       0 |
| K  |       |    38 |         |      8 |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 10,42 |         | 10,422 | -10,422 |         | -10,42 |       0 |
|    |       |     2 |         |        |         |         |      2 |         |

| Exchange rate changes, 1,000 |        |         |         |        |         |
| €                            |        |         |         |        |         |
| 31 Dec     | Bonds | Commerc |  Total | Cross-c | Forward |  Total |     Net |
| 2008       |       |     ial |        | urrency | contrac |        | exposur |
|            |       |  papers |        |   swaps |      ts |        |       e |
|            |       |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|            |       |         |        |         |         |        |   Total |
| CH | +10 % | -5,89 |         | -5,896 |   5,896 |         |  5,896 |       0 |
| F  |       |     6 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 4,824 |         |  4,824 |  -4,824 |         | -4,824 |       0 |
| CZ | +10 % | -3,11 |         | -3,117 |   3,117 |         |  3,117 |       0 |
| K  |       |     7 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 2,550 |         |  2,550 |  -2,550 |         | -2,550 |       0 |
| JP | +10 % | -12,9 |         | -12,94 |  12,947 |         | 12,947 |       0 |
| Y  |       |    47 |         |      7 |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 10,59 |         | 10,592 | -10,592 |         | -10,59 |       0 |
|    |       |     2 |         |        |         |         |      2 |         |
| NO | +10 % | -4,31 |         | -4,317 |   4,317 |         |  4,317 |       0 |
| K  |       |     7 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 3,532 |         |  3,532 |  -3,532 |         | -3,532 |       0 |
| SE | +10 % | -11,7 |         | -11,70 |  11,701 |         | 11,701 |       0 |
| K  |       |    01 |         |      1 |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 9,573 |         |  9,573 |  -9,573 |         | -9,573 |       0 |
| US | +10 % | -2,39 |  -1,993 | -4,386 |   2,393 |   1,993 |  4,386 |       0 |
| D  |       |     3 |         |        |         |         |        |         |
|    | -10 % | 2,154 |   1,794 |  3,948 |  -2,154 |  -1,794 | -3,948 |       0 |

Translation exposure                                                            
The company holds an equity investment in an associated company denominated in a
foreign currency. This translation risk is unhedged. The sensitivity analysis   
(10 % changes) is presented in the following table. The table shows a 10 %      
change of the Norwegian krone and the impact of the change on the company's     

| Translation exposure, 1,000 €          |              2009 |            2008 |
|         |                              |           Equity  |         Equity  |
|         |                              |       31 Dec 2009 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| NOK     | +10 %                        |               429 |             340 |
|         | -10 %                        |              -351 |            -278 |

Interest rate risk                                                              
The company is only exposed to interest rate risk in euros, because the interest
bearing debt are both in terms of principal and interest payments hedged against
exchange rate risk, and the financial assets are denominated in euros. The      
interest-bearing liabilities are mainly linked to floating rates.               
Interest rate risk is managed in accordance with the main principles of         
financing so that 30 - 70 % of the interest costs are hedged over the next five 
years. When the interest rates are high, the hedging level is kept close to the 
lower limit of the range, and when the interest rates are low, the hedging level
is kept close to the upper limit of the range. The specified low level of       
interest rates is 3 % or less, and high level of interest rates is 5 % or more. 
At the end of 2009, 50 % of the interest costs for the next five years were     
hedged, and correspondingly 35 % were hedged at the end of 2008.                

The sensitivity of the interest rate risk is measured as a 1 percentage unit    
interest rate fluctuation and by using the CfaR method (Cashflow at Risk). The  
assumed fluctuation in interest rates is the effect of a 1 percentage unit      
fluctuation during the next 12 months from the closing date. The analysis of    
interest rate sensitivity is carried out on borrowings including exchange rate  
hedging, the derivatives portfolio hedging the interest rate exposure, and on   
cash and cash equivalents, which result in a net debt position exposed to       
interest rate fluctuations.                                                     

| Interest rate sensitivity,  |      2009 |           |      2008 |            |
| 1,000 €                     |           |           |           |            |
|                             |  -1%-unit |  +1%-unit |  -1%-unit |   +1%-unit |
| Borrowings                  |     7,664 |    -7,664 |     6,586 |     -6,586 |
| Interest rate derivatives   |      -442 |       442 |      -235 |      2,772 |
| Borrowings total            |     7,222 |    -7,222 |     6,351 |     -3,814 |
| Cash and cash equivalents   |    -1,740 |     1,740 |    -1,448 |      1,448 |
| Net borrowings total        |     5,482 |    -5,482 |     4,903 |     -2,366 |

The following table presents how the CfaR method is used for measuring the      
impact of borrowings, derivatives, and cash and cash equivalents, with a given  
confidence level and a time horizon of 12 months, on the cash flow of the       
company. The other finance costs of the company are not included in the         

| Cashflow at Risk,  |        |   2009 |         |         |          |   2008 |
| 1,000 €            |        |        |         |         |          |        |
|               |    | 31 Dec 2009     |         |         | 31 Dec 2008       |
| Confidence level   | Net finance     | Confidence level  | Net finance costs |
|                    | costs           |                   |                   |
| 96 %          |    | min.   | 12,306 | 96 %    |         | min.     | 25,121 |
|               |    | max.   | 20,073 |         |         | max.     | 30,971 |
| 98 %          |    | min.   | 11,908 | 98 %    |         | min.     | 24,766 |
|               |    | max.   | 20,720 |         |         | max.     | 31,277 |

Commodity risk                                                                  
The company is exposed to price and volume risk through transmission losses.    
Loss energy purchases are hedged in accordance with the loss energy purchasing  
principles accepted by the Board of Directors. The time span of price hedging is
five years, divided into three parts: basic, budgetary and operative hedging.   
Moreover, the company has operative instructions for physical electricity       
purchases, instructions for price hedging and control room instructions. For    
hedging of loss energy purchases, the company uses Nord Pool ASA's electricity  
derivative contracts and bilateral contracts.                                   

If the market prices of electricity derivatives had been 20 % higher or lower on
the closing date, the change in the fair value of electricity derivatives would 
have been 30.7 million euros higher or lower (28.3 million euros in 2008).      

Liquidity risk and refinancing risk                                             
Fingrid is exposed to liquidity and refinancing risk deriving from redemption of
loans, payments and fluctuations in cash flow from operating activities.        

The liquidity of the company must be arranged so that 100 % of the refinancing  
need for the next 12 months is covered by means of liquid assets and available  
long-term committed credit lines; however, so that the refinancing need may not 
account for more than 45 % of the total amount of the company's debt financing. 
As back-up for the liquidity the company has a revolving credit facility of 250 
million euros. The revolving credit facility will mature on 16 November 2012.   
The revolving credit facility has not been drawn.                               

The company's funding is carried out through debt issuance programmes. The      
company operates in the international capital market by issuing bonds under the 
Medium Term Note Programme: The Programme size is 1.5 billion euros. Short-term 
funding is arranged through commercial paper programmes; a Euro Commercial Paper
Programme of 600 million euros and a domestic commercial paper programme of 150 
million euros. The refinancing risk is reduced by an even maturity profile so   
that the refinancing need over periods of 12 months                             
in excess of one year must not exceed 30 % of the company's amount of debt      
financing. Contactual repayments and interest costs of borrowings are presented 
in the next table. The interest rate percentages of variable-interest loans are 
defined using the zero coupon curve. The repayments and interest amounts are    
undiscounted values. Finance costs relating to cross-currency swaps, interest   
rate swaps and forward contracts are often paid in net amounts depending on     
their nature. In the following table, they are presented in gross amounts.      

Fingrid's existing loan agreements, debt or commercial paper programmes are     
uncollateralized. Neither does any of these agreements or programmes include any
financial covenants.                                                            
Contractual repayments and interest costs of borrowings and payments and        
receivables of financial derivatives,                                           
which are paid in cash 1,000 €                                                  

| 31    |      |  2010 |   2011 |   2012 |   2013 |   2014 |  2014+ |    Total |
| Dec   |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| 2009  |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Bonds | -    | 87,14 | 92,529 | 142,71 | 106,16 | 97,552 | 188,69 |  714,802 |
|       | repa |     7 |        |      1 |      9 |        |      4 |          |
|       | y    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | -    | 16,28 | 18,046 | 17,422 | 15,207 | 12,012 | 22,627 |  101,603 |
|       | inte |     9 |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | rest |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | cost |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Loans | -    | 7,156 |  7,156 |  9,156 | 11,156 |  4,000 | 20,000 |   58,626 |
| from  | repa |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| finan | y    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| ci    | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| al    | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| insti | -    |   982 |  1,316 |  1,410 |  1,192 |    964 | 2,620  |    8,484 |
| tutio | inte |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| ns    | rest |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | cost |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Comme | -    | 221,6 |        |        |        |        |        |  221,671 |
| r     | repa |    71 |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| cial  | y    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| paper | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| s     | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | -    |   829 |        |        |        |        |        |      829 |
|       | inte |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | rest |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | cost |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Cross | -    | 79,96 | 36,259 | 107,47 | 39,178 | 46,019 | 158,75 |  467,646 |
| -cur  | pay  |     5 |        |      0 |        |        |      4 |          |
| rency | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Inte  | -    | 1,843 |  3,441 |  3,631 |  3,062 |    764 |        |   12,741 |
| rest  | pay  |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| rate  | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Forwa | -    | 7,496 | 1,501  |        |        |        |        |    8,997 |
| rd    | pay  |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| contr | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| ac    | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| ts    |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Guara | -    | 1,700 |        |        |        |        |        |    1,700 |
| n     | pay  |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| tee   | ment |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| commi | s    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| t     |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| ment* |      |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Total |      | 425,0 | 160,24 | 281,80 | 175,96 | 161,31 | 392,69 | 1,597,09 |
|       |      |    79 |      9 |      0 |      5 |      1 |      5 |        9 |
| Cross | -    | 87,83 | 32,962 | 103,08 | 37,928 | 45,443 | 158,01 |  465,264 |
| -cur  | rece |     4 |        |      4 |        |        |      3 |          |
| rency | i    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | vabl |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | es   |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Inte  | -    | 2,419 |  3,709 |  3,487 |  2,527 |    723 |        |   12,865 |
| rest  | rece |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| rate  | i    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | vabl |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | es   |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Forwa | -    | 7,672 |  1,531 |        |        |        |        |    9,203 |
| rd    | rece |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| contr | i    |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| a     | vabl |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| cts   | es   |       |        |        |        |        |        |          |
| Total |      | 97,92 | 38,203 | 106,57 | 40,455 | 46,166 | 158,01 |  487,332 |
|       |      |     5 |        |      1 |        |        |      3 |          |
| Grand |      | 327,1 | 122,04 | 175,23 | 135,51 | 115,14 | 234,68 | 1,109,76 |
| total |      |    54 |      6 |      0 |      0 |      5 |      2 |        7 |

| *Counterguarantee in favour of an associated company. No payment claims      |
| have been presented to Fingrid.                                              |

| 31    |       |  2009 |  2010 |   2011 |   2012 |   2013 |  2013+ |    Total |
| Dec   |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| 2008  |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Capit | -     | 30,00 |       |        |        |        |        |   30,000 |
| al    | repay |     0 |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| loans | ments |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | -     | 2,882 |       |        |        |        |        |    2,882 |
|       | inte  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | rest  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | costs |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Bonds | -     | 70,33 | 87,95 | 93,783 | 141,44 | 104,50 | 170,15 |  668,175 |
|       | repay |     9 |     3 |        |      4 |      5 |      1 |          |
|       | ments |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | -     | 19,46 | 15,86 | 15,321 | 13,081 | 10,025 | 17,909 |   91,670 |
|       | inte  |     5 |     9 |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | rest  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | costs |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Loans | -     | 7,156 | 7,156 |  7,156 |  7,156 |  7,156 |        |   35,782 |
| from  | repay |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| finan | ments |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| cial  |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| insti | -     | 1,138 |   811 |    702 |    423 |    162 |        |    3,236 |
| tutio | inte  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| ns    | rest  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | costs |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Comme | -     | 173,8 |       |        |        |        |        |  173,830 |
| r     | repay |    30 |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| cial  | ments |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| paper |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| s     |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | -     | 3,434 |       |        |        |        |        |    3,434 |
|       | inte  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | rest  |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
|       | costs |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Cross | - pay | 60,48 | 84,28 | 37,241 | 106,36 | 36,658 | 124,46 |  449,499 |
| -cur  | ments |     9 |     3 |        |      5 |        |      2 |          |
| rency |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Inte  | - pay | 1,987 | 1,636 |  1,632 |  1,215 |    751 |        |    7,221 |
| rest  | ments |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| rate  |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Forwa | - pay | 18,32 |       |        |        |        |        |   18,321 |
| rd    | ments |     1 |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| contr |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| a     |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| cts   |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Total |       | 389,0 | 197,7 | 155,83 | 269,68 | 159,25 | 312,52 | 1,484,04 |
|       |       |    41 |    08 |      5 |      5 |      7 |      3 |        9 |
| Cross | -     | 54,86 | 85,63 | 30,665 | 97,941 | 32,272 | 111,38 |  412,763 |
| -cur  | recei |     6 |     5 |        |        |        |      4 |          |
| rency | vable |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | s     |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Inte  | -     | 1,711 | 1,885 |  2,148 |  1,081 |    860 |        |    7,685 |
| rest  | recei |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| rate  | vable |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| swaps | s     |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Forwa | -     | 19,37 |       |        |        |        |        |   19,375 |
| rd    | recei |     5 |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| contr | vable |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| a     | s     |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| cts   |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |          |
| Total |       | 75,95 | 87,52 | 32,813 | 99,022 | 33,132 | 111,38 |  439,823 |
|       |       |     2 |     0 |        |        |        |      4 |          |
| Grand |       | 313,0 | 110,1 | 123,02 | 170,66 | 126,12 | 201,13 | 1,044,22 |
| total |       |    88 |    89 |      2 |      3 |      5 |      9 |        6 |

Credit risk                                                                     
Credit risk arises from a counterparty not fulfilling its contractual           
commitments towards Fingrid. Such commitments arise in the company's operations 
and financial activities.                                                       

Credit risk in operations                                                       
The company measures and monitors its counterparty risks as part of business    
monitoring and reporting. The credit rating and payment behaviour of all        
counterparties and suppliers are regularly monitored. The company has no        
significant credit risk concentrations. The company did not incur credit losses 
or rearrange the terms of trade receivables during the financial year.          

Credit risk in financing                                                        
The company is exposed to credit risk through derivative agreements and         
financial investments. The company only has derivatives outstanding and invests 
its funds within the permitted risk limits. There is an upper limit in euros for
each counterparty. The company signs the International Swap Dealers             
Association's (ISDA) Master Agreement with each counterparty before entering    
into a derivative transaction. The company has not received any collaterals     
decreasing the credit risks covering the financial assets or derivative         
contracts. The counterparty risks of financial instruments did not incur any    
losses during the financial year.                                               

37. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS					                                             

Fingrid Group's related parties comprise associated companies Porvoon Alueverkko
Oy and Nord Pool Spot AS, the biggest owners Fortum Power and Heat Oy and       
Pohjolan Voima Oy with their group companies, and top management with its       
related parties. The top management is composed of the Board of Directors,      
President, and management team.                                                 

The company has not lent money to the top management, and the company has no    
transactions with the top management. Fingrid Oyj has granted Porvoon Alueverkko
Oy a counter guarantee of 1.7 million euros.                                    

Business with related parties is conducted at market prices.                    

| Employee benefits of top management, 1,000 €          |     2009 |      2008 |
| Salaries and other short-term employee benefits       |    1,358 |     1,126 |
| Transactions with associated companies, 1,000 €       |     2009 |      2008 |
| Sales                                                 |    4,208 |     3,788 |
| Purchases                                             |   38,464 |    52,083 |
| Receivables                                           |      777 |       844 |
| Liabilities                                           |      252 |       176 |
| Transactions with related parties, 1,000 €            |     2009 |      2008 |
| Sales                                                 |   86,417 |    95,582 |
| Purchases                                             |   63,741 |    57,153 |
| Receivables                                           |    7,840 |     8,208 |
| Liabilities                                           |    1,082 |       855 |

General procurement principles                                                  
The group follows three alternative procurement methods when purchasing goods or
services. When the costs and value of the purchase are less than 5,000 euros, an
oral call for bid is usually made in addition to a written order or a purchasing
contract. When the procurement exceeds 5,000 euros but is below the values      
applied to public procurements, bids are requested and competitive bidding is   
arranged. When the limits for public procurements concerning Fingrid (0.4       
million euros for goods and services and approx. 5 million euros for            
construction projects) are exceeded, the company applies the public procurement 

38. EMISSION RIGHTS				                                                         

Fingrid was granted emission rights in total 126.3 thousand tonnes for the years
2008-2012, of which Olkiluoto power station was granted a share of 112.3        
thousand tonnes. As a rule, the emission rights held by Fingrid at 31 December  
correspond at least to the annual CO2 emissions.                                

|                                                       |     2009 |      2008 |
|                                                       |     tCO2 |      tCO2 |
| Emission rights received free of charge               |    25.26 |     25.26 |
| Emission volumes, Olkiluoto                           |        1 |         1 |
| Emission volumes, other power plants total            |        2 |         2 |
| Sales of emission rights                              |       22 |        15 |

39. EVENTS AFTER CLOSING DATE					                                              

The Group management is not aware of such essential events after the closing    
date that would affect the financial statements.                                

PARENT COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (FAS)                                       

| PARENT COMPANY PROFIT AND    | Notes |     1 Jan - 31 Dec |   1 Jan - 31 Dec |
| LOSS ACCOUNT                 |       |               2009 |             2008 |
|                              |       |                  € |                € |
| TURNOVER                     |     2 |     355,754,732.51 |   382,229,533.99 |
| Other operating income       |     3 |       2,247,927.52 |     2,508,339.28 |
|                              |       |                    |                  |
| Materials and services       |     4 |    -185,368,475.60 |  -188,546,066.57 |
|                              |       |                    |                  |
| Staff expenditure            |     5 |     -19,586,964.26 |   -19,500,943.64 |
|                              |       |                    |                  |
| Depreciation and             |     6 |     -74,041,085.44 |   -68,775,922.62 |
| amortisation expense         |       |                    |                  |
|                              |       |                    |                  |
| Other operating expenses     |   7,8 |     -39,395,433.28 |   -34,561,619.82 |
| OPERATING PROFIT             |       |      39,610,701.45 |    73,353,320.62 |
|                              |       |                    |                  |
| Finance income and costs     |     9 |     -22,437,872.95 |   -32,089,027.56 |
| PROFIT BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY  |       |      17,172,828.50 |    41,264,293.06 |
| ITEMS                        |       |                    |                  |
| PROFIT BEFORE PROVISIONS AND |       |      17,172,828.50 |    41,264,293.06 |
| TAXES                        |       |                    |                  |
| Provisions                   |    10 |     -10,458,806.18 |   -32,727,823.79 |
| Income taxes                 |    11 |      -1,760,024.05 |    -2,066,073.31 |
| PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL     |       |       4,953,998.27 |     6,470,395.96 |
| YEAR                         |       |                    |                  |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         
PARENT COMPANY BALANCE SHEET                                                    

| ASSETS                       | Notes |      31 Dec 2009  |       31 Dec 2008 |
|                              |       |                 € |                 € |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS           |       |                   |                   |
| Intangible assets            |       |                   |                   |
| Goodwill                     |    12 |     49,321,109.29 |     55,754,297.46 |
| Other non-current expenses   |    13 |     75,675,200.97 |     75,152,925.49 |
|                              |       |    124,996,310.26 |    130,907,222.95 |
| Tangible assets              |    14 |                   |                   |
| Land and water areas         |       |     11,410,363.85 |     10,831,759.91 |
| Buildings and structures     |       |     76,826,448.30 |     55,862,651.91 |
| Machinery and equipment      |       |    410,010,446.70 |    390,000,149.49 |
| Transmission lines           |       |    607,692,130.64 |    570,470,701.80 |
| Other tangible assets        |       |        117,516.35 |        107,377.76 |
| Advance payments and         |       |     69,383,522.87 |     81,081,134.39 |
| purchases in progress        |       |                   |                   |
|                              |       |  1,175,440,428.71 |  1,108,353,775.26 |
| Investments                  |    15 |                   |                   |
| Equity investments in Group  |       |        504,563.77 |        504,563.77 |
| companies                    |       |                   |                   |
| Equity investments in        |       |      6,641,360.21 |      6,641,360.21 |
| associated companies         |       |                   |                   |
| Other shares and equity      |       |        850,172.53 |        721,405.83 |
| investments                  |       |                   |                   |
|                              |       |      7,996,096.51 |      7,867,329.81 |
|                              |       |                   |                   |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS     |       |  1,308,432,835.48 |  1,247,128,328.02 |
| CURRENT ASSETS               |       |                   |                   |
| Inventories                  |    16 |      5,414,746.79 |      4,627,709.26 |
| Receivables                  |       |                   |                   |
| Current receivables          |       |                   |                   |
| Trade receivables            |       |     39,418,784.93 |     39,126,644.80 |
| Receivables from Group       |       |        274,500.00 |        274,500.00 |
| companies                    |       |                   |                   |
| Receivables from associated  |    17 |        777,395.89 |        843,612.07 |
| companies                    |       |                   |                   |
| Other receivables            |       |         31,875.78 |         36,657.35 |
| Prepayments and accrued      |   18, |     26,030,991.45 |     15,937,528.78 |
| income                       |    19 |                   |                   |
|                              |       |     66,533,548.05 |     56,218,943.00 |
| Financial assets             |    20 |    199,198,409.69 |    196,391,703.87 |
|                              |       |                   |                   |
| Cash in hand and bank        |    20 |      4,104,878.38 |      6,103,687.98 |
| receivables                  |       |                   |                   |
|                              |       |                   |                   |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS         |       |    275,251,582.91 |    263,342,044.11 |
|                              |       |                   |                   |
| TOTAL ASSETS                 |       |  1,583,684,418.39 |  1,510,470,372.13 |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         
PARENT COMPANY BALANCE SHEET                                                    

| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND     |  Notes |      31 Dec 2009  |     31 Dec 2008  |
| LIABILITIES                  |        |                 € |                € |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY         |     21 |                   |                  |
| Share capital                |        |     55,922,485.55 |    55,922,485.55 |
| Share premium account        |        |     55,922,485.55 |    55,922,485.55 |
| Profit from previous         |        |      2,756,699.99 |     2,997,002.30 |
| financial years              |        |                   |                  |
| Profit for the financial     |        |      4,953,998.27 |     6,470,395.96 |
| year                         |        |                   |                  |
|                              |        |                   |                  |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY   |        |    119,555,669.36 |   121,312,369.36 |
| ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS       |     22 |    396,440,121.32 |   385,981,315.14 |
|                              |        |                   |                  |
|                              |        |                   |                  |
| PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES   |     30 |      1,921,446.78 |     1,955,246.78 |
| AND CHARGES                  |        |                   |                  |
|                              |        |                   |                  |
| LIABILITIES                  |        |                   |                  |
| Non-current liabilities      |        |                   |                  |
| Capital loan                 |     23 |                   |    30,000,000.00 |
| Bonds                        | 24, 25 |    642,275,696.72 |   624,280,418.73 |
| Loans from financial         |        |     51,468,925.24 |    28,625,355.58 |
| institutions                 |        |                   |                  |
|                              |        |    693,744,621.96 |   682,905,774.31 |
| Current liabilities          |        |                   |                  |
| Bonds                        |     24 |     85,620,380.48 |    73,475,810.01 |
| Loans from financial         |        |      7,156,430.23 |     7,156,430.35 |
| institutions                 |        |                   |                  |
| Trade payables               |        |     28,047,324.19 |    24,692,701.31 |
| Liabilities to Group         |     26 |        507,844.15 |       259,243.05 |
| companies                    |        |                   |                  |
| Liabilities to associated    |     27 |        145,775.79 |       132,554.00 |
| companies                    |        |                   |                  |
| Other liabilities            |     28 |    225,934,339.97 |   177,902,946.29 |
| Accruals                     |     29 |     24,610,464.16 |    34,695,981.53 |
|                              |        |    372,022,558.97 |   318,315,666.54 |
|                              |        |                   |                  |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES            |        |  1,065,767,180.93 | 1,001,221,440.85 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND        |  1,583,684,418.39 | 1,510,470,372.13 |
| LIABILITIES                           |                   |                  |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         
|       Notes |           1 Jan - 31 Dec 2009 |            1 Jan - 31 Dec 2008 |
|             |                             € |                              € |
| PARENT COMPANY CASH FLOW         |                                           |
| STATEMENT                        |                                           |
| Cash flow from operating         |       |                 |                 |
| activities:                      |       |                 |                 |
| Profit for the financial year    |    21 |    4,953,998.27 |    6,470,395.96 |
| Adjustments:                     |       |                 |                 |
| Business transactions not        |       |   84,682,467.57 |  101,417,010.61 |
| involving a payment transaction* |       |                 |                 |
| Interest and other finance costs |       |   27,473,511.58 |   42,952,140.99 |
|  Interest income                 |       |   -5,021,363.87 |  -10,102,322.91 |
|  Dividend income                 |       |      -14,274.76 |     -760,790.52 |
|  Taxes                           |       |    1,760,024.05 |    2,066,073.31 |
| Changes in working capital:      |       |                 |                 |
| Change in trade receivables and  |       |   -2,002,886.10 |    1,088,300.63 |
| other receivables                |       |                 |                 |
|  Change in inventories           |       |     -787,037.53 |      172,816.92 |
| Change in trade payables and     |       |   -2,875,633.98 |    3,663,674.31 |
| other liabilities                |       |                 |                 |
| Change in provisions             |       |      -33,800.00 |      -52,100.00 |
| Interests paid                   |       |  -43,770,686.88 |  -40,859,549.96 |
| Interests received               |       |    7,157,252.84 |    8,950,797.92 |
| Taxes paid                       |    11 |   -1,929,912.98 |   -2,281,871.58 |
| Net cash flow from operating     |       |   69,591,658.21 |  112,724,575.68 |
| activities                       |       |                 |                 |
| Cash flow from investing         |       |                 |                 |
| activities:                      |       |                 |                 |
| Purchase of tangible assets      |    14 | -126,679,634.58 |  -83,777,788.58 |
| Purchase of intangible assets    |    13 |   -7,649,031.55 |   -2,764,660.75 |
| Investments in other assets      |    15 |     -128,766.70 |     -114,315.00 |
| Proceeds from sale of tangible   |    14 |      116,312.00 |      157,800.00 |
| assets                           |       |                 |                 |
| Repayment of loans receivable    |       |                 |      109,619.43 |
| Dividends received               |     9 |       14,274.76 |      760,790.52 |
| Net cash flow from investing     |       | -134,326,846.07 |  -85,628,554.38 |
| activities                       |       |                 |                 |
| Cash flow from financing         |       |                 |                 |
| activities:                      |       |                 |                 |
| Withdrawal of short-term loans   |       |  231,448,563.85 |  354,438,029.45 |
| Repayment of short-term loans    |       | -263,142,195.23 | -330,605,523.55 |
| Withdrawal of long-term loans    |       |  133,947,413.73 |                 |
| Repayment of long-term loans     |       |  -30,000,000.00 |  -51,675,223.17 |
| Dividends paid                   |    21 |   -6,710,698.27 |   -7,169,262.65 |
| Net cash flow from financing     |       |   65,543,084.08 |  -35,011,979.92 |
| activities                       |       |                 |                 |
| Net change in cash and cash      |       |      807,896.22 |   -7,915,958.62 |
| equivalents                      |       |                 |                 |
| Cash and cash equivalents 1 Jan  |       |  202,495,391.85 |  210,411,350.47 |
| Cash and cash equivalents 31 Dec |    20 |  203,303,288.07 |  202,495,391.85 |
| Notes to parent company cash     |       |                 |                 |
| flow statement                   |       |                 |                 |
| Adjustments:                     |       |                 |                 |
| *Business transactions not       |       |   84,682,467.57 |  101,417,010.61 |
| involving a payment transaction  |       |                 |                 |
| - Depreciation                   |       |   74,041,085.44 |   68,775,922.62 |
| - Increase or decrease in        |       |   10,458,806.18 |   32,727,823.79 |
| accumulated depreciation         |       |                 |                 |
| difference                       |       |                 |                 |
| - Capital gains/losses (-/+) on  |       |      182,575.95 |      -86,735.80 |
| tangible and intangible assets   |       |                 |                 |

Notes are an integral part of the financial statements.                         


1. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES					                                                   

Fingrid Oyj's financial statements have been drawn up in accordance with Finnish
Accounting Standards (FAS). The items in the financial statements are valued at 
original acquisition cost.                                                      

Foreign currency transactions                                                   
Commercial flows and financial items denominated in foreign currencies are      
booked at the foreign exchange mid-rate quoted by the European Central Bank     
(ECB) at the transaction value date. Interest-bearing liabilities and assets and
the derivatives hedging these items are valued at the mid-rate quoted by ECB at 
the closing day. Realised foreign exchange gains and losses of interest-bearing 
liabilities and assets and of the related derivatives are booked under finance  
income and costs at maturity. The realised foreign exchange rate differences of 
derivatives hedging commercial flows adjust the corresponding item in the income
Interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives                                  
In accordance with the financial policy, interest rate and cross-currency swaps,
foreign exchange forwards and interest rate options are used for hedging        
Fingrid's interest and foreign exchange exposure of balance sheet items,        
interest flows and commercial flows. The accounting principles for derivatives  
are the same as for the underlying items. The interest flow of interest rate and
cross-currency swaps and interest rate options is accrued and booked under      
interest income and expenses. The interest portion of forward foreign exchange  
contracts hedging the interest-bearing liabilities and assets is accrued over   
their maturity and booked under finance income and costs. Up-front paid or      
received premiums for interest rate options are accrued over the hedging period.

Electricity derivatives                                                         
Fingrid hedges the loss energy purchases by using bilateral contracts and       
electricity exchange products, such as forwards, futures and options. The price 
differentials arising from these contracts are booked at maturity adjusting the 
loss energy purchases in the income statement. Up-front paid or received        
premiums for options are accrued over the hedging period.                       

Research and development expenses                                               
Research and development expenses are entered as annual expenses.               

Valuation of fixed assets                                                       
Fixed assets are capitalised under immediate acquisition cost. Planned          
straight-line depreciation on the acquisition price is calculated on the basis  
of the economic lives of fixed assets. Depreciation on fixed assets taken into  
use during the financial year is calculated asset-specifically from the month of

The depreciation periods are as follows:                                        

Goodwill						        20 years 
Other non-current expenses                                                      
Rights of use to line areas                         	        30-40 years        
Other rights of use according to economic lives, maximum	10 years               
Computer systems					          3 years 
Buildings and structures					                                                   
Substation buildings and separate buildings			40 years                          
Substation structures					30 years                                              
Buildings and structures at gas turbine power plants		20 years                  
Separate structures					15 years                                                
Transmission lines					                                                         
Transmission lines 400 kV				         40 years 
Direct current lines					40 years                                               
Transmission lines 110-220 kV				30 years                                       
Creosote-impregnated towers and related disposal expenses*	30 years             
Aluminium towers of transmission lines (400 kV)		10 years                       
Optical ground wires 		                              10-20 years                
Machinery and equipment				                                                     
Substation machinery		                              10-30 years                 
Gas turbine power plants				          20 years 
Other machinery and equipment	                                3-5 years         

* The disposal expenses are discounted at present value and added to the value  
of fixed assets and booked under provisions for liabilities and charges.        

Goodwill is depreciated over a 20-year period, since power transmission         
operation is a long-term business in which income is accrued over several       
Emission rights                                                                 
Emission rights are treated in accordance with the net procedure in conformance 
with statement 1767/2005 of the Finnish Accounting Board.                       

Valuation of inventories                                                        
Inventories are entered according to the FIFO principle at the acquisition cost,
or at the lower of replacement cost or probable market price.                   

Cash in hand, bank receivables and financial securities                         
Cash in hand and bank receivables include cash assets and bank balances.        
Financial securities include certificates of deposit, commercial papers,        
treasury bills and investments in short-term money-market funds. Quoted         
securities and comparable assets are valued at the lower of original acquisition
cost or probable market price.                                                  

Interest-bearing liabilities                                                    
Fingrid's non-current interest-bearing liabilities consist of loans from        
financial institutions and bonds issued under the international and domestic    
Debt Issuance Programmes. The current interest-bearing liabilities consist of   
commercial papers issued under the domestic and international programmes and of 
the current portion of noncurrent debt and bonds maturing within a year. The    
outstanding notes under the programmes are denominated in euros and foreign     
currencies. Fingrid has both fixed and floating rate debt and debt with interest
rate structures. The interest is accrued over the maturity of the debt. The     
differential of a bond issued over or under par value is accrued over the life  
of the bond. The arrangement fees of the revolving credit facilities are as a   
rule immediately entered as expenses and the commitment fees are accrued over   
the maturity of the facility.                                                   

Financial risk management                                                       
The principles applied to the management of financial risks are presented in the
notes of the Group under item 36.                                               

Income taxes                                                                    
The taxes include the accrued tax corresponding to the profit of the financial  
year as well as adjustments of taxes for previous financial years.              

Deferred taxes                                                                  
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recorded in the profit and loss     
statement or balance sheet. Information concerning these is presented in the    

| 2. REVENUE BY BUSINESS AREAS                 |                 |             |

The business of Fingrid Oyj comprises entirely transmission grid business with  
system responsibility. Because of this there is no division of revenue into     
separate business areas.                                                        

| REVENUE, 1, 000 €                              |        2009 |          2008 |
| Transmission revenue                           |     187,850 |       189,120 |
| Sale of balance power                          |      92,497 |       104,790 |
| ITC income                                     |      27,904 |        22,767 |
| Cross-border transmission                      |      24,353 |        22,409 |
| Peak load power                                |      13,469 |        10,887 |
| Congestion income                              |       4,855 |        23,173 |
| Service fee for feed-in tariff                 |         225 |           278 |
| Other operating revenue                        |       4,602 |         8,805 |
| Total                                          |     355,755 |       382,230 |

| 3. OTHER OPERATING INCOME, 1,000 €             |        2009 |          2008 |
| Rental income                                  |       1,751 |         1,618 |
| Contributions received                         |         105 |           129 |
| Other income                                   |         392 |           761 |
| Total                                          |       2,248 |         2,508 |

| 4. MATERIALS AND SERVICES, 1,000 €             |        2009 |          2008 |
| Purchases during the financial year            |     117,360 |       121,616 |
| Loss energy purchases                          |      52,067 |        49,918 |
| Change in inventories, increase (-) or         |        -787 |           173 |
| decrease (+)                                   |             |               |
| Materials and supplies                         |     168,640 |       171,707 |
| Grid service charges                           |          54 |            46 |
| Other external services                        |      16,675 |        16,793 |
| Services                                       |      16,728 |        16,839 |
| Total                                          |     185,368 |       188,546 |

| 5. STAFF EXPENDITURE, 1,000 €                          |     2009 |     2008 |
| Salaries and bonuses                                   |   16,028 |   15,766 |
| Pension expenses                                       |    2,244 |    2,398 |
| Other additional personnel expenses                    |    1,314 |    1,337 |
| Total                                                  |   19,587 |   19,501 |
| Salaries and bonuses of the members of the Board of    |      376 |      341 |
| Directors and President                                |          |          |
| Arto Lepistö, Chairman of the Board                    |       23 |       21 |
| Timo Rajala, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Board          |       17 |       15 |
| Timo Karttinen, 2nd Deputy Chairman of the Board       |       17 |       15 |
| Ari Koponen, Member of the Board                       |       12 |       11 |
| Ritva Nirkkonen, Member of the Board                   |       14 |       13 |
| Anja Silvennoinen, Member of the Board                 |       13 |       13 |
| Risto Autio, deputy Member of the Board                |       12 |        5 |
| Jorma Tammenaho, deputy Member of the Board            |        7 |       13 |
| Jussi Hintikka, deputy Member of the Board             |        5 |        6 |
| Pekka Kettunen, deputy Member of the Board             |        5 |        6 |
| Kari Koivuranta, deputy Member of the Board            |        5 |        4 |
| Jukka Mikkonen, deputy Member of the Board             |        5 |        4 |
| Juha Laaksonen, deputy Member of the Board             |        5 |        5 |
| Timo Ritonummi, deputy Member of the Board             |        5 |        5 |
| Tapio Kuula, former Chairman of the Bord               |          |        4 |
| Timo Koivuniemi, former deputy Member of the Board     |          |        1 |
| Jukka Ruusunen, President & CEO                        |      228 |      200 |
| Pension commitments:                                   |          |          |
| Pension commitments are described in the notes of the Group under item 28.   |
| Number of salaried employees in the company during the |          |          |
| financial year:                                        |          |          |
| Personnel, average                                     |      251 |      241 |
| Personnel, 31 Dec                                      |      260 |      249 |

| 6. DEPRECIATION ACCORDING TO PLAN, 1,000 €             |     2009 |     2008 |
| Goodwill                                               |    6,433 |    6,433 |
| Other noncurrent expenses                              |    7,127 |    5,188 |
| Buildings and structures                               |    2,995 |    2,626 |
| Machinery and equipment                                |   31,666 |   30,383 |
| Transmission lines                                     |   25,821 |   24,146 |
| Total*                                                 |   74,041 |   68,776 |
| *Depreciation on the electricity grid (notes 13 and    |   61,172 |   53,839 |
| 14)                                                    |          |          |

| 7. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES, 1,000 €                   |    2009 |      2008 |
| Contracts, assignments etc. undertaken externally      |  30,683 |    26,324 |
| Grid rents                                             |     431 |       449 |
| Other rental expenses                                  |   1,768 |     1,652 |
| Other expenses                                         |   6,513 |     6,137 |
| Total                                                  |  39,395 |    34,562 |

| 8. AUDITORS FEES, 1,000 €                              |    2009 |      2008 |
| Auditing fee                                           |      34 |        57 |
| Other fees                                             |       8 |        25 |
| Total                                                  |      42 |        82 |

| 9. FINANCE INCOME AND COSTS, 1,000 €                  |    2009 |       2008 |
| Dividend income from Group companies                  |     -10 |       -114 |
| Dividend income from others                           |      -4 |       -647 |
| Interest and other finance income from Group          |         |         -4 |
| companies                                             |         |            |
| Interest and other finance income from others         |  -5,021 |    -10,098 |
|                                                       |  -5,036 |    -10,863 |
| Interest and other finance costs to Group companies   |       2 |         15 |
| Interest and other finance costs to others            |  27,471 |     42,937 |
|                                                       |  27,474 |     42,952 |
| Total                                                 |  22,438 |     32,089 |

| 10. PROVISIONS, 1,000 €                              |      2009 |      2008 |
| Difference between depreciation according to plan    |    10,459 |    32,728 |
| and depreciation carried out in taxation             |           |           |

| 11. INCOME TAXES, 1,000 €                             |     2009 |      2008 |
| Income taxes for the financial year                   |    1,760 |     2,066 |
| Total                                                 |    1,760 |     2,066 |
| Deferred tax assets and liabilities, 1,000 €          |          |           |
| Deferred tax assets                                   |          |           |
| On temporary differences                              |      500 |       508 |
|                                                       |      500 |       508 |
| Deferred tax liabilities                              |          |           |
| On temporary differences                              |      440 |       458 |
| On provisions                                         |  103,074 |   100,355 |
|                                                       |  103,514 |   100,813 |
| Total                                                 |  103,015 |   100,305 |

| 12. GOODWILL, 1,000 €                                 |     2009 |      2008 |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                         |  128,664 |   128,664 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                        |  128,664 |   128,664 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan      |  -72,909 |   -66,476 |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec         |   -6,433 |    -6,433 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                                |   49,321 |    55,754 |
| Accumulated depreciation difference 1 Jan             |  -55,754 |   -62,187 |
| Increase in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan -   |          |           |
| 31 Dec                                                |          |           |
| Decrease in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan -   |    6,433 |     6,433 |
| 31 Dec                                                |          |           |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan 31 Dec     |  -49,321 |   -55,754 |

| 13. OTHER NON-CURRENT EXPENSES, 1,000 €               |     2009 |      2008 |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                         |  128,824 |   126,085 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                              |    7,649 |     2,808 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                              |          |       -69 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                        |  136,473 |   128,824 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan      |  -53,671 |   -48,509 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31  |          |        26 |
| Dec                                                   |          |           |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec         |   -7,127 |    -5,188 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec*                               |   75,675 |    75,153 |
| Accumulated depreciation difference 1 Jan             |  -65,057 |   -67,230 |
| Increase in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan -   |   -3,996 |    -3,059 |
| 31 Dec                                                |          |           |
| Decrease in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan -   |    7,127 |     5,231 |
| 31 Dec                                                |          |           |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan 31 Dec     |  -61,927 |   -65,057 |
| *Net capital expenditure in electricity grid, 1,000 € |     2009 |      2008 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                                |   73,747 |    67,685 |
| Carrying amount 1 Jan                                 |  -67,685 |   -69,525 |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec         |    6,654 |     3,086 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                              |          |        44 |
| Total                                                 |   12,715 |     1,290 |

| 14. TANGIBLE ASSETS, 1,000 €                       |       2009 |       2008 |
| Land and water areas                               |            |            |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                      |     10,832 |     10,758 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |        583 |         74 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |         -4 |            |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                     |     11,410 |     10,832 |
| Buildings and structures                           |            |            |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                      |     72,205 |     65,965 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |     23,959 |      6,240 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |            |            |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                     |     96,164 |     72,205 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan   |    -16,342 |    -13,716 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan -  |            |            |
| 31 Dec                                             |            |            |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec      |     -2,995 |     -2,626 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                             |     76,826 |     55,863 |
| Accumulated depreciation difference 1 Jan          |     -9,231 |     -9,101 |
| Increase in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan  |     -3,504 |     -2,757 |
| - 31 Dec                                           |            |            |
| Decrease in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan  |      2,995 |      2,626 |
| - 31 Dec                                           |            |            |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan 31 Dec  |     -9,740 |     -9,231 |
| Machinery and equipment                            |            |            |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                      |    588,811 |    577,433 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |     51,676 |     11,377 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                           |            |            |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                     |    640,486 |    588,811 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan   |   -198,810 |   -168,427 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan -  |            |            |
| 31 Dec                                             |            |            |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec      |    -31,666 |    -30,383 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                             |    410,010 |    390,000 |
| Accumulated depreciation difference 1 Jan          |    -87,667 |    -77,046 |
| Increase in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan  |    -88,502 |    -41,004 |
| - 31 Dec                                           |            |            |
| Decrease in depreciation difference reserve 1 Jan  |     31,666 |     30,383 |
| - 31 Dec                                           |            |            |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan 31 dec  |   -144,504 |    -87,667 |

| Transmission lines                               |             |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                    |     806,686 |     762,628 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |      63,331 |      44,469 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |        -417 |        -411 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                   |     869,600 |     806,686 |
| Accumulated depreciation according to plan 1 Jan |    -236,215 |    -212,453 |
| Decreases, depreciation according to plan 1 Jan  |         128 |         384 |
| - 31 Dec                                         |             |             |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec    |     -25,821 |     -24,146 |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                           |     607,692 |     570,471 |
| Accumulated depreciation difference 1 Jan        |    -168,272 |    -137,690 |
| Increase in depreciation difference reserve 1    |    -116,356 |     -54,819 |
| Jan - 31 Dec                                     |             |             |
| Decrease in depreciation difference reserve 1    |      26,002 |      24,237 |
| Jan - 31 Dec                                     |             |             |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan 31    |    -258,625 |    -168,272 |
| Dec                                              |             |             |
| Other tangible assets                            |             |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                    |         107 |         100 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |          10 |           7 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |             |             |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                   |         118 |         107 |
| Advance payments and purchases in progress       |             |             |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                    |      81,081 |      58,289 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |      84,961 |      80,076 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |     -96,659 |     -57,285 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                   |      69,384 |      81,081 |
| Total*                                           |   1,175,440 |   1,108,354 |
| *Net capital expenditure in electricity grid,    |        2009 |        2008 |
| 1,000 €                                          |             |             |
| Carrying amount 31 Dec                           |   1,098,811 |   1,029,072 |
| Carrying amount 1 Jan                            |  -1,029,072 |  -1,000,588 |
| Depreciation according to plan 1 Jan - 31 Dec    |      54,518 |      50,752 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                         |         293 |          27 |
| Total                                            |     124,550 |      79,264 |

| 15. INVESTMENTS, 1,000 €                               |    2009 |      2008 |
| Equity investments in Group companies                  |         |           |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                          |     505 |       505 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                         |     505 |       505 |
| Equity investments in associated companies             |         |           |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                          |   6,641 |     6,641 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                               |         |           |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                               |         |           |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                         |   6,641 |     6,641 |
| Other shares and equity investments                    |         |           |
| Cost at 1 Jan                                          |     721 |       607 |
| Increases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                               |     135 |       114 |
| Decreases 1 Jan - 31 Dec                               |      -7 |         0 |
| Cost at 31 Dec                                         |     850 |       721 |
| Total                                                  |   7,996 |     7,867 |

| 16. INVENTORIES, 1,000 €                               |    2009 |      2008 |
| Materials and supplies                                 |   5,318 |     4,626 |
| Work in progress                                       |      97 |         2 |
| Total                                                  |   5,415 |     4,628 |

| 17. RECEIVABLES FROM ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, 1,000 €    |     2009 |      2008 |
| Current:                                              |          |           |
| Trade receivables                                     |      777 |       844 |
| Total                                                 |      777 |       844 |

| 18. PREPAYMENTS AND ACCRUED INCOME, 1,000 €           |     2009 |      2008 |
| Interests and other financial items                   |   19,902 |    11,760 |
| Accruals of sales and purchases                       |    5,618 |     3,815 |
| Taxes                                                 |      306 |       136 |
| Other                                                 |      205 |       226 |
| Total                                                 |   26,031 |    15,938 |

| 19. UNRECORDED EXPENSES AND PAR VALUE                 |     2009 |      2008 |
|  DIFFERENTIALS ON THE ISSUE OF LOANS INCLUDED IN      |          |           |
|  PREPAYMENTS AND ACCRUED INCOME, 1,000 €              |          |           |
| Par value differentials                               |    3,833 |     4,014 |

| 20. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, 1,000 €                |     2009 |      2008 |
| Certificates of deposit                               |   74,590 |    77,138 |
| Commercial papers                                     |  124,609 |   119,254 |
|                                                       |  199,198 |   196,392 |
| Bank Deposits                                         |    1,700 |           |
| Cash in hand and bank receivables*                    |    2,405 |     6,103 |
|                                                       |    4,105 |     6,103 |
| Total                                                 |  203,303 |   202,494 |
| *includes pledged bank accounts (note 31)             |          |           |

| 21. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, 1,000 €                     |     2009 |      2008 |
| Share capital 1 Jan                                   |   55,922 |    55,922 |
| Share capital 31 Dec                                  |   55,922 |    55,922 |
| Share premium account 1 Jan                           |   55,922 |    55,922 |
| Share premium account 31 Dec                          |   55,922 |    55,922 |
| Profit from previous financial years 1 Jan            |    9,467 |    10,166 |
| Dividend distribution                                 |   -6,711 |    -7,169 |
| Profit from previous financial years 31 Dec           |    2,757 |     2,997 |
| Profit for the financial year                         |    4,954 |     6,470 |
| Shareholders' equity 31 Dec                           |  119,556 |   121,312 |
| Distributable shareholders' equity                    |    7,711 |     9,467 |

| Number of shares, qty                        | Series  |  Series  |    Total |
|                                              |       A | B shares |          |
|                                              |  shares |          |          |
| 1 Jan 2009                                   |   2,078 |    1,247 |    3,325 |
| 31 Dec 2009                                  |   2,078 |    1,247 |    3,325 |

Series A shares confer three votes each at a shareholders' meeting and series B 
shares one vote each. When electing members of the Board of Directors, series A 
share confers 10 votes each at a shareholders' meeting and each series B share  
one vote each.                                                                  

Series B shares have the right before series A shares to obtain the annual      
dividend specified below from the funds available for profit distribution. After
this, a corresponding dividend is distributed to series A shares. If the annual 
dividend cannot be distributed in some year, the shares confer a right to       
receive the undistributed amount from the funds available for profit            
distribution in the subsequent years; however so that series B shares have the  
right over series A shares to receive the annual dividend and the undistributed 

The shareholders' meeting decides on the annual dividend.                       
The determination of the dividend: the amount of the annual dividend is         
calculated on the basis of calendar years so that the subscription price of a   
share, added by amounts paid in conjunction with potential increases of share   
capital and reduced by potential amounts paid in refunds of equity, is          
multiplied by the dividend percentage; however so that the minimum dividend is  
6%. The dividend percentage is defined on the basis of the yield of the 30-year 
German Government Bond.                                                         

The dividend proposal for the year 2009 is 6.012 %.                             

There are no minority interests.                                                

| 22. ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS, 1,000 €                 |      2009 |       2008 |
| Accumulated depreciation in excess of plan, the     |   396,440 |    385,981 |
| difference between depreciation                     |           |            |
| according to plan and depreciation carried out in   |           |            |
| taxation                                            |           |            |

| 23. CAPITAL LOAN, 1,000 €                            |       2009 |     2008 |
| Debenture of capital loan nature 1999                |            |   30,000 |
| Total                                                |            |   30,000 |

The terms of the capital loan fulfil the requirements of Chapter 5, Section 1 of
the Companies Act (29.9.1978). The principal and interest for capital loan can  
be repaid only after debts with higher claim in the event of the liquidation or 
bankruptcy of the company.                                                      
The capital loan was publicly quoted and registered in the book-entry system of 
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd.                                      
Debenture of capital loan nature 1999                                           
Fingrid Oyj decided to redeem, according                                        
to the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, the capital loan at 100 % and
the accrued interest coupon on 30 November 2009.                                
| 24. BONDS, 1,000 €      |            |                   |    2009 |    2008 |
| Internationa |          | Maturity   | Interest          |         |         |
| l:           |          | date       |                   |         |         |
| EUR          | 25,000   | 06.04.2009 | variable interest |         |  25,000 |
| EUR          | 10,000   | 31.03.2010 | interest rate     |  10,000 |  10,000 |
|              |          |            | structure         |         |         |
| EUR          | 10,000   | 16.03.2011 | 3.625 %           |  10,000 |  10,000 |
| EUR          | 25,000   | 23.03.2011 | variable interest |  25,000 |  25,000 |
| EUR          | 15,000   | 24.03.2011 | variable interest |  15,000 |  15,000 |
| EUR          | 20,000   | 07.04.2011 | variable interest |  20,000 |  20,000 |
| EUR          | 25,000   | 16.03.2012 | variable interest |  25,000 |  25,000 |
| EUR          | 25,000   | 12.04.2012 | variable interest |  25,000 |  25,000 |
| EUR          | 10,000   | 16.04.2013 | variable interest |  10,000 |  10,000 |
| EUR          | 20,000   | 28.04.2013 | variable interest |  20,000 |  20,000 |
| EUR          | 20,000   | 15.10.2013 | 4.30 %            |  20,000 |  20,000 |
| EUR          | 24,000   | 02.07.2014 | variable interest |  24,000 |  24,000 |
| EUR          | 18,000   | 11.11.2014 | variable interest |  18,000 |         |
| EUR          |  8,000   | 11.11.2014 | variable interest |   8,000 |         |
| EUR          | 10,000   | 20.11.2014 | 3.26 %            |  10,000 |         |
| EUR          | 20,000   | 11.04.2017 | variable interest |  20,000 |  20,000 |
| EUR          | 25,000   | 11.04.2017 | variable interest |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|              |          |            |                   | 285,000 | 274,000 |
| FIM          | 160,000  | 19.08.2013 | 5.20 %            |  26,910 |  26,910 |
|              |          |            |                   |  26,910 |  26,910 |
| USD          | 30,000   | 23.03.2009 | variable interest |         |  24,476 |
|              |          |            |                   |         |  24,476 |
| JPY          | 3,000,00 | 15.07.2009 | 1.84 %            |         |  24,000 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
| JPY          | 1,000,00 | 12.07.2010 | 2.00 %            |  10,215 |  10,215 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
| JPY          | 2,000,00 | 16.10.2010 | 1.022 %           |  15,504 |  15,504 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
| JPY          | 3,000,00 | 05.07.2011 | 1.31 % *          |  28,200 |  28,200 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
| JPY          | 3,000,00 | 25.07.2012 | 1.3575 % **       |  25,400 |  25,400 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
| JPY          | 3,000,00 | 20.04.2015 | 1.45 %            |  21,563 |  21,563 |
|              | 0        |            |                   |         |         |
|              |          |            |                   | 100,881 | 124,881 |
| CHF          | 39,000   | 15.03.2010 | 2.24 %            |  25,000 |  25,000 |
| CHF          | 39,000   | 22.05.2012 | 2.475 %           |  25,000 |  25,000 |
|              |          |            |                   |  50,000 |  50,000 |
| CZK          | 750,000  | 05.05.2010 | variable interest |  24,902 |  24,902 |
|              |          |            |                   |  24,902 |  24,902 |
| NOK          | 170,000  | 19.11.2014 | 4.68 %            |  20,166 |         |
| NOK          | 200,000  | 17.10.2016 | 5.15 %            |  24,620 |  24,620 |
| NOK          | 200,000  | 11.04.2017 | 5.16 %            |  24,620 |  24,620 |
| NOK          | 200,000  | 10.11.2017 | 5.12 %            |  23,725 |         |
| NOK          | 200,000  | 12.11.2019 | 5.37 %            |  23,725 |         |
|              |          |            |                   | 116,856 |  49,240 |
| SEK          | 225,000  | 03.04.2012 | variable interest |  24,194 |  24,194 |
| SEK          | 225,000  | 11.04.2012 | variable interest |  24,142 |  24,142 |
| SEK          | 100,000  | 21.03.2013 | variable interest |  10,560 |  10,560 |
| SEK          | 200,000  | 03.04.2013 | 3.70 %            |  21,305 |  21,305 |
| SEK          | 175,000  | 04.04.2014 | 4.30 %            |  18,811 |  18,811 |
| SEK          | 220,000  | 01.12.2015 | interest rate     |  24,336 |  24,336 |
|              |          |            | structure         |         |         |
|              |          |            |                   | 123,347 | 123,347 |
| Bonds, long-term total  |            |                   | 642,276 | 624,280 |
| Bonds, short-term total |            |                   |  85,620 |  73,476 |
| Total        |          |            |                   | 727,896 | 697,756 |
| *call option not exercised 5 July 2004     |             |         |         |
| **call option not exercised 25 July 2006   |             |         |         |

| 25. LOANS FALLING DUE FOR PAYMENT IN FIVE YEARS OR  |      2009 |       2008 |
|     MORE, 1,000 €                                   |           |            |
| Capital loan                                        |           |     30,000 |
| Bonds                                               |   187,589 |    182,950 |
| Loans from financial institutions                   |    20,000 |            |
| Total                                               |   207,589 |    212,950 |

| 26. LIABILITIES TO GROUP COMPANIES, 1,000 €         |      2009 |       2008 |
| Current:                                            |           |            |
| Other debts                                         |       508 |        259 |
| Total                                               |       508 |        259 |

| 27. LIABILITIES TO ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, 1,000 €    |      2009 |       2008 |
| Current:                                            |           |            |
| Trade payables                                      |       146 |        133 |
| Total                                               |       146 |        133 |

| 28. OTHER LIABILITIES, 1,000 €                      |      2009 |       2008 |
| Current:                                            |           |            |
| Other loans / Commercial papers (international and  |   221,671 |    172,649 |
| domestic)                                           |           |            |
| Value added tax                                     |     3,169 |      4,324 |
| Electricity tax                                     |       559 |        389 |
| Other debts                                         |       537 |        541 |
| Total                                               |   225,934 |    177,903 |

| 29. ACCRUALS, 1,000 €                               |      2009 |       2008 |
| Current:                                            |           |            |
| Interests and other financial items                 |    11,602 |     17,621 |
| Salaries and additional personnel expenses          |     4,028 |      4,120 |
| Accruals of sales and purchases                     |     8,980 |     12,955 |
| Total                                               |    24,610 |     34,696 |

| 30. PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES, 1,000 € |      2009 |       2008 |
| Creosote-impregnated and CCA-impregnated wooden     |     1,921 |      1,955 |
| towers, disposal expenses                           |           |            |
| Total                                               |     1,921 |      1,955 |

| 31. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, 1,000 € |      2009 |       2008 |
| Rental liabilities                                  |           |            |
| Liabilities for the next year                       |     1,793 |      2,012 |
| Liabilities for subsequent years                    |     5,709 |      7,417 |
|                                                     |     7,501 |      9,428 |
| Pledges                                             |           |            |
| Pledge covering property lease agreements           |        46 |         46 |
| Pledged account in favour of the Customs Office     |       150 |        154 |
| Pledged account covering electricity exchange       |       396 |      5,664 |
| purchases                                           |           |            |
|                                                     |       592 |      5,865 |
| Other financial commitments                         |           |            |
| Counterguarantee in favour of an associated company |     1,700 |      1,700 |
| Credit facility commitment fee and commitment fee:  |           |            |
| Commitment fee for the next year                    |       158 |        158 |
| Commitment fee for subsequent years                 |       255 |        409 |
|                                                     |     2,113 |      2,268 |
| Donation of five-year professorship to Helsinki     |       120 |        240 |
| University of Technology for 2006 - 2010            |           |            |


There are no ongoing legal proceedings or proceedings by authorities that would 
have a material impact on the business of the company. In relation to           
transmission line projects there are several complaints made to different       
instances of justice. According to the management of the company there are no   
ongoing legal proceedings or other such legal proceedings relating to other     
areas, which final outcome would have a material impact on the financial        
position of the Group.                                                          
In December 2008 the Market Court reached a decision concerning Fingrid´s appeal
to the Energy Market Authority´s decision 13 December 2007 "Determination of the
methodology for the assessment of the return of the grid owners' grid operations
transmission services pricing for the review period starting on 1 January 2008  
and ending on 31 December 2011". The Energy Market Authority has in turn        
appealed the decision to the Supreme Administrative Court.                      


Balance power and regulating power                                              
Each electricity market party must ensure                                       
that its electricity balance is in balance by making an agreement with either   
Fingrid or some other party. Fingrid buys and sells balance power in order to   
balance the hourly power balance of an electricity market party (balance        
provider). Balance power trade and pricing of balance power are based on a      
balance service agreement with equal and public terms and conditions.           
Fingrid is responsible for the continuous power balance in Finland by buying and
selling regulating power in Finland. The balance providers can participate in   
the Nordic balancing power market by submitting bids of their available         
capacity. The terms and conditions of participation in the regulating power     
market and the pricing of balancing power are based on the balance service      
Management of balance operation                                                 
In accordance with a decision by the Energy                                     
Market Authority, Fingrid Oyj shall separate the duties pertaining to national  
power balance operation from the other businesses by virtue of Chapter 7 of the 
Electricity Market Act.                                                         
The profit and loss account of the balance operation unit is separated by means 
of cost accounting as follows:                                                  

Income			  direct 
Separate costs		direct                                                          
Production costs		matching principle                                            
Administrative costs	matching principle                                        
Depreciation		matching principle in accordance with Fingrid Oyj's               
			depreciation principles                                                      
Finance income and costs	on the basis of imputed debt                           
Income taxes		based on result                                                   

The average number of personnel during 2009 was 14 (12). The operating profit   
was -5.1 (6.5) per cent of turnover.                                            

| MANAGEMENT OF BALANCE OPERATION,       |  1 Jan - 31 Dec |    1 Jan - 31 Dec |
| SEPARATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT      |           2009  |              2008 |
|                                        |         1,000 € |           1,000 € |
| TURNOVER*                              |          97,122 |           110,609 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Materials and services*                |         -99,177 |          -100,932 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Staff expenditure                      |          -1,145 |            -1,226 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Depreciation and amortisation expense  |            -908 |              -486 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Other operating expenses               |            -829 |              -779 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| OPERATING PROFIT                       |          -4,936 |             7,186 |
| PROFIT BEFORE PROVISIONS AND TAXES     |          -4,936 |             7,186 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Provisions                             |             295 |                38 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| Income taxes                           |                 |            -1,878 |
|                                        |                 |                   |
| PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR          |          -4,641 |             5,345 |
| *Turnover includes 4.2 (5.8) million euros of sales of balance power to      |
| balance provider Fingrid Oyj, and Materials and services includes 3.7 (6.4)  |
| million euros of its purchases.                                              |

| ASSETS                                    |   31 Dec 2009  |    31 Dec 2008  |
|                                           |        1,000 € |         1,000 € |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                        |                |                 |
| Intangible assets                         |                |                 |
| Other non-current expenses                |            680 |             394 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| Tangible assets                           |                |                 |
| Machinery and equipment                   |            726 |             965 |
| Advance payments and purchases in         |             64 |             578 |
| progress                                  |                |                 |
|                                           |            791 |           1,543 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                  |          1,471 |           1,937 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                            |                |                 |
| Current receivables                       |                |                 |
| Trade receivables                         |            976 |              18 |
| Receivables from Group companies          |         12,113 |          16,954 |
|                                           |         13,090 |          16,972 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| Cash in hand and bank receivables         |              1 |               1 |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                      |         13,091 |          16,973 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                              |         14,562 |          18,910 |

| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES      |   31 Dec 2009  |     31 Dec 2008 |
|                                           |        1,000 € |         1,000 € |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                      |                |                 |
| Share capital                             |             32 |              32 |
| Share premium account                     |            286 |             286 |
| Profit from previous financial years      |         15,979 |          10,634 |
| Profit for the financial year             |         -4,641 |           5,345 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                |         11,656 |          16,297 |
| ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS                    |           -290 |               4 |
| LIABILITIES                               |                |                 |
| Current liabilities                       |                |                 |
| Trade payables                            |          2,739 |           2,321 |
| Other liabilities                         |            457 |             289 |
|                                           |          3,196 |           2,609 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                         |          3,196 |           2,609 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND            |         14,562 |          18,910 |
| LIABILITIES                               |                |                 |

Transmission system operation                                                   
Transmission system operation is deemed to cover the entire business of Fingrid 
Oyj, including system responsibility, which in turn includes balance operation. 

Therefore, Fingrid Oyj's financial statements represent the financial statements
of transmission system operation.                                               

| Return on investment (ROI) in transmission system        |    3.2 |      6.2 |
| operation, %                                             |        |          |

|                         | profit before extraordinary items + interest and   |
|                         | other finance costs + interest                     |
|                         | portions of leasing fees and rents of electricity  |
|                         | grid                                               |
| Return on investment %  | = ----------------------------------------  x 100  |
|                         | balance sheet total - non-interest-bearing         |
|                         | liabilities + leasing and rent liabilities         |
|                         | related to electricity grid (average for the year) |

35. EMISSION RIGHTS					                                                        

Fingrid was granted emission rights totaling 126.3 thousand tonnes for the years
2008 - 2012, of which Olkiluoto power station was granted a share of 112.3      
thousand tonnes. As a rule, the emission rights held by Fingrid at 31 December  
correspond at least to the annual CO2 emissions.                                
|                                                       |     2009 |      2008 |
|                                                       |     tCO2 |      tCO2 |
| Emission rights received free of charge               |    25.26 |     25.26 |
| Emission volumes, Olkiluoto                           |        1 |         1 |
| Emission volumes, other power plants total            |        2 |         2 |
| Sales of emission rights                              |       22 |        15 |

3. Signatures for the annual review and for the financial statements            

Helsinki, 12 February 2010                                                      

Arto Lepistö, Chairman			                                                       
Timo Rajala, 1st Deputy Chairman                                                
Timo Karttinen, 2nd Deputy Chairman                                             
Ari Koponen                                                                     
Ritva Nirkkonen                                                                 
Anja Silvennoinen                                                               
Risto Autio                                                                     
Jukka Ruusunen, President & CEO                                                 

Auditor's notation                                                              
The financial statements for the financial year 2009 have been prepared in      
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. A report on the audit 
carried out has been submitted today.                                           

Helsinki, 15 February 2010                                                      

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy                                                       
Authorised Public Accountants                                                   
Juha Tuomala, Authorised Public Accountant


fingrid_annual review_2009 and financial statements.pdf fingrid_release_annual_review_financial_statements_2009.pdf fingrid_corporate governance statement.pdf