Financial statement 2009

Financial statement 2009 

Extremely strong operating cash flow, especially during quarter four. 

Quarter 4
• Incoming orders amounted to SEK 270.8m (319.0), which adjusted is a decline by
15 %.*)
• Net sales amounted to SEK 259.3m (352.2), which adjusted is a decline by
• Operating result was SEK 11.7m (37.6), resulting in an operating margin of
4.5% (10.7).
• Net result was SEK 11.6m (25.9). 
• Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.99 (2.21).

Whole Year
• Incoming orders amounted to SEK 1 020.3m (1 254.9), which adjusted is a
decline by 25%.*)
• Net sales amounted to SEK 1 052.0m (1 272.3), which adjusted is a decline by
24%. *)
• Operating result was SEK 23.3m (140.8), resulting in an operating margin of
2.2% (11.1).
• Net result was SEK 14.6m (92.6). 
• Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.25 (7.90).
• The board propose no dividend. (SEK 2.50) 

*) Adjusted for currency effects and acquisitions

Comments from CEO:
” We are pleased that our measures to reduce the working capital have given a
strong operating cash flow, especially during the fourth quarter. The savings
programs have resulted in increasing operating margins. The net sales in the
growth markets are increasing but cannot yet compensate for the weaker
development in Europe.”Sven Kristensson, CEO   

Further information can be obtained from
Sven Kristensson, CEO
Telephone +46 (0) 42-18 87 00

Anders Agering, CFO
Telephone +46 (0) 42-18 87 00

Facts about Nederman
Nederman, one of the world's leading environment technology companies, develops,
produces and markets its own products and systems for the extraction of dust,
smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes and equipment for industrial cleaning. These are
based on vacuum technology covering the entire scale from high vacuum to middle
and low vacuum. Nederman also produces and sells a comprehensive range of hose
and cable reels for water, air, oil and other media.

Nederman's systems contribute in many ways to creating clean, efficient and safe
workplaces around the world.

The company's commitments to customers include everything from pre-studies and
project work to installation, operational start-up and service.

Manufacturing is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The company has
production and assembly units in Sweden, Norway, Canada and China.

Nederman's products and systems are marketed via its own subsidiaries in 25
countries and via agents
and distributors in more than 50 countries. The Group has around 650 employees.

