Preliminary announcement of financial statements 2009

·         Net interest and fee income increased by 15 percent.
·         Staff costs and administration expenses decreased by 1 percent.
·         Loan impairment charges amount to DKK 225,8 million.
·         Net profit for the year is DKK 14,1 million.
·         Loans and advances down by 9.4 percent.
·         Deposits inclusive of pool deposits up by 9.8 percent.
·         Increase of share price by 52.2 percent in 2009.
·         The group solvency ratio is 17.7.
·         Mr Preben Lykkegaard, managing director, resigns on 31 March 2010
after 30 years as manager. Mr Claus Sejling, co-manager, continues as sole
member of the executive board.
·         Budgeted annual results in 2010 before market value adjustments, loan
impairment charges and tax between DKK 120-140 million.



preliminary announcement of financial statements 2009.pdf