no 10/10 Ministry of Finance enters Nord Pool's/NASDAQ OMX Commodities' carbon market

Lysaker, 25 February 2010 at 09.45 CET

Nord Pool/NASDAQ OMX Commodities announce today that the Norwegian Ministry of Finance has become a member of Nord Pool's/NASDAQ OMX Commodities' carbon market. 

As a part of the program for purchasing certified emission reductions (CERs), the Ministry of Finance has become a member of the Nord Pool/NASDAQ OMX Commodities carbon market. 

The membership makes it possible for the Ministry to clear over- the-counter (OTC) contracts relating to the purchase of UN approved secondary CERs. The Ministry may also use the membership to buy CERs in the market.

For further information, please contact Nord Pool/NASDAQ OMX Commodities: 
Knut Rabbe, sales manager, Nord Pool ASA, ,
phone +47 6752 8032

Press contact:
Thomas Skålnes, corporate communications, NASDAQ OMX Commodities, , phone +47 6752 8080/+47 9340 7300