Ethertronics Readies Global Manufacturers and Operators for LTE Roll-Outs With New Tavvel Active Band Switching Cellular Antenna Solution

Enables High Performance and Reduced Antenna Size for Multi-band Dongles, Notebooks and Handsets

SAN DIEGO, March 10, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ethertronics, a leading provider of standard and customized embedded antenna solutions for wireless devices, today announced that it has developed a high-efficiency, active band switching antenna solution. By leveraging its patented Isolated Magnetic Dipole™ (IMD) technology, which enables high performance and isolation, Ethertronics' new small form factor antenna solution supports advanced band switching across the major cellular bands including LTE in the 700 MHz bands.

Since LTE's ultimate benefits include spectrum efficiency, increased capacity and data rates, and lowered cost per bit, to date, more than 50 operators across the globe have publicly committed to launching LTE within the next two years. Operators are leading the charge to make LTE a commercial reality, asking mobile device OEMs to provide LTE-enabled dongles, notebooks and handsets.

Given that MIMO has been designed into the LTE specification, multiple antennas are required per mobile device with good isolation, low correlation co-efficiency, and high matched efficiencies. The form factors of the devices still have stringent size requirements, making it challenging for the antennas to fit into the desired form factors while still providing high performance. Ethertronics' patented IMD technology provides a physically small, "self resonant" antenna with the industry's highest levels of isolation, which allows for low correlation, high-matched efficiencies, as well as the ability to be placed in close proximity to a second antenna. By coupling this with its active technology, Ethertronics has developed a solution that allows for further size reduction, support for multiple bands and modes, and the ability to meet carrier specs more easily. This patented IMD Active technology has already been demonstrated with measured data in several different mobile device platforms for dongles, notebooks, and handsets.

"When the industry moved from 2G to 3G, one thing remained the same – efficiency and coverage were paramount for driving voice and data user adoption. The industry expects no less as it moves toward 4G," said Laurent Desclos, Ethertronics' President and CEO. "As an increasing number of operators publicly commit to LTE, their demand for a more efficient 4G network to ease the cellular capacity crunch has created a need for devices that place more focus on the last leg of the RF front-end, and this is where active antennas are key. These devices will easily toggle between an array of spectrum bands to support the mix of legacy 2G/3G and new 4G networks. Ethertronics offers the best blend of size and performance for multi-band active antenna switching, which we believe will further ready operators and manufacturers worldwide to take their 4G networks to commercial availability."

Ethertronics IMD-enabled active band switching technology is being actively designed in on a variety of device form factors. This technology can enable ultra-small-sized antennas, which achieve very high levels of efficiency across all major cellular bands including 850, 900, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2300, and 2600MHz as well as LTE 700MHz bands 13 and 17.

Ethertronics will be showing this new technology at CTIA Wireless 2010. Contact to schedule an appointment.

About Ethertronics, Inc.

Ethertronics designs and manufactures high-performance embedded antenna solutions for wideband and multi-band wireless devices. Ethertronics' leading-edge product lines, including Prestta™ metal, SavviTM ceramic, and TavvelTM active antennas support a wide range of applications including cellular, UMTS, WiFi, LTE, WiMAX, Bluetooth, GPS, FM, MediaFLO, CMMB and DVB-H/T, among others. The company's patented Isolated Magnetic Dipole™ (IMD) technology enables smaller size, design implementation flexibility, shortened design cycle and higher overall performance, while simultaneously meeting and improving upon standard safety emission requirements. Ethertronics' antennas have been selected by major customers worldwide garnering an installed base approaching 250 million units. Ethertronics maintains a global network of design centers and low-cost, high-volume manufacturing operations. For more information, visit

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