Pöyry's President and CEO comments on the market outlook at the AGM today and pro forma information on the new business groups excluding restructuring costs

PÖYRY PLC          Company Announcement 11 March 2010 at 3.00 p.m.

Review of the President and CEO at the AGM

Pöyry PLC's Annual General Meeting convenes today 11 March 2010 at
4.00 p.m. in Helsinki, Finland. In his review Heikki Malinen, President and CEO,
will publish no essential new information. Mr. Malinen comments the near-term
market outlook as follows:

"Clients, especially in forest industry, are increasingly active in planning new
projects but as maintenance and modernisation investments are still on a low
level, the Industry business group's capacity utilisation levels will continue
low in the short term. Also in the Energy business group profitability
improvement is expected to occur towards the end of the year."

Heikki Malinen's review will start approximately at 4.10 p.m. Finnish time. It
will be webcast live and can be followed on the company's web site at
www.poyry.com. The presentation material will also be available on the company's
web site.

Pro forma figures by business group excluding restructuring items

In connection with its Financial Statements Release Pöyry released quarterly pro
forma figures for 2008 and 2009 according to its new business group structure
which came into effect on 1 January 2010. The figures for 2009 included the
reported one-time items.

In addition to the reported operating profit, the operating profit excluding
restructuring costs is presented below by business group.

Pöyry's financial reporting will be presented according to the new business
group structure starting from the interim report 1 January - 31 March 2010.

 Business groups, PRO FORMA

                  1-3   4-6   7-9 10-12   1-3   4-6   7-9 10-12  1-12  1-12
 EUR million      /08   /08   /08   /08   /09   /09   /09   /09   /08   /09


 Energy          47.1  49.3  46.6  50.2  48.3  41.6  40.0  44.0 193.2 173.9

 Industry        65.5  75.5  63.5  67.3  51.3  45.6  31.5  33.6 271.8 162.0

 Urban &
 Mobility        41.5  46.7  42.8  48.1  48.9  46.3  42.6  46.7 179.1 184.5

 Water &
 Environment     20.3  21.7  20.3  25.3  21.0  22.0  20.6  22.9  87.6  86.5

 Consulting      21.4  24.4  20.1  24.1  17.8  17.8  15.1  17.8  90.0  68.5

 Unallocated      0.4   0.4   0.6  -1.4   0.5   0.7   0.4  -3.5   0.0  -1.9

 TOTAL          196.2 218.0 193.9 213.6 187.8 174.0 150.2 161.5 821.7 673.5


 Energy           4.3   6.2   4.6  10.0   3.2   1.3   0.6   0.8  25.1   5.9

 Industry        11.5  16.1  12.0   9.8  -0.9  -0.4  -3.6  -5.2  49.4 -10.1

 Urban &
 Mobility         3.9   4.0   3.8   4.6   3.8   3.4   3.7   4.0  16.3  14.9

 Water &
 Environment      0.7   1.4   0.3   1.8   0.8   1.5   1.1   1.5   4.2   4.9

 Consulting       2.4   3.7   2.9   2.0  -0.6  -0.4  -0.1   0.7  11.0  -0.4

 Unallocated     -0.8  -1.4  -1.7  -1.5  -1.1  -0.8  -0.6  -1.1  -5.4  -3.6

 TOTAL           22.0  30.0  21.9  26.7   5.2   4.6   1.1   0.7 100.6  11.6


 Energy           9.1  12.6   9.9  19.9   6.6   3.1   1.5   1.9  13.0   3.4

 Industry        17.6  21.3  18.9  14.5  -1.8  -0.9 -11.4 -15.5  18.2  -6.2

 Urban &
 Mobility         9.4   8.6   8.9   9.7   7.8   7.3   8.7   8.6   9.1   8.1

 Water &
 Environment      3.4   6.5   1.5   7.3   3.8   6.8   5.3   6.7   4.8   5.7

 Consulting      11.2  15.2  14.4   8.5  -3.4  -2.2  -0.7   3.6  12.3  -0.7

 TOTAL           11.2  13.8  11.3  12.5   2.8   2.6   0.7   0.4  12.2   1.7


 Energy           4.3   6.2   4.6  10.0   3.2   2.1   1.3   1.2  25.1   7.8

 Industry        11.5  16.1  12.0   9.8   1.5   2.5  -2.2  -5.3  49.4  -3.5

 Urban &
 Mobility         3.9   4.0   3.8   4.6   4.1   3.5   3.7   4.2  16.3  15.5

 Water &
 Environment      0.7   1.4   0.3   1.8   0.8   1.6   1.2   1.6   4.2   5.1

 Consulting       2.4   3.7   2.9   2.0  -0.2   0.3  -0.1   1.2  11.0   1.2

 Unallocated     -0.8  -1.4  -1.7  -1.5  -1.1  -0.8  -0.6  -1.1  -5.4  -3.6

 TOTAL           22.0  30.0  21.9  26.7   8.3   9.2   3.3   1.8 100.6  22.5


 Energy           9.1  12.6   9.9  19.9   6.6   5.0   3.3   2.7  13.0   4.5

 Industry        17.6  21.3  18.9  14.6   2.9   5.5  -7.0 -15.8  18.2  -2.2

 Urban &
 Mobility         9.4   8.6   8.9   9.6   8.4   7.6   8.7   9.0   9.1   8.4

 Water &
 Environment      3.4   6.5   1.5   7.1   3.8   7.3   5.8   7.0   4.8   6.0

 Consulting      11.2  15.2  14.4   8.3  -1.1   1.7  -0.7   6.7  12.2   1.8

 TOTAL           11.2  13.8  11.3  12.5   4.4   5.3   2.2   1.1  12.2   3.3


 Energy                                                         1 628 1 402

 Industry                                                       2 810 1 790

 Urban &
 Mobility                                                       1 851 1 858

 Water &
 Environment                                                      976   908

 Consulting                                                       542   451

 Unallocated                                                      117   121

 TOTAL                                                          7 924 6 530


Additional information by:
Esa Ikäheimonen, CFO, Pöyry PLC
Tel. +358 10 33 21586
Sanna Päiväniemi, Director, Investor Relations, Pöyry PLC
Tel. +358 10 33 23002

Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering company dedicated to balanced
sustainability. We offer our clients integrated management consulting, total
solutions for complex projects and efficient, best-in-class design and
supervision. Our in-depth expertise extends to the fields of energy, industry,
urban & mobility and water & environment. Pöyry has 7000 experts operating in
about 50 countries, locally and globally. Pöyry's net sales in 2009 were EUR
674 million and the company's shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (Pöyry

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