Launch of new app, Tweetsii™ delivers on promise of real time web

GEOSENTRIC OYJ	BULLETIN 	March 11, 2010 at 16:30                                

Launch of new app, Tweetsii™ delivers on promise of real time web               

Tweetsii to connect people with places and networks in real time                
Combines real-time events and places with the power of Twitter                  
Brings “Hot Spot” place-based search to the forefront                           

Adds 1M New Users                                                               

GyPSii, the leading real time location-enabled social media platform today      
launched a new app named Tweetsii. The app epitomizes the real time web and     
connects people with places and networks, by bridging the Twitter experience    
with mobile social media, the social graph, location, and contextual            
mobile-based search: all in the palm of your hand, accessible anytime and       
anywhere. Initial availability will be in the Apple Appstore for iPhone and for 
the Android and Blackberry platforms.                                           

Tweetsii™ is a radical new way to use social media and the mobile Internet that 
breaks down the barrier between the real place-based world and the digital      
world, providing a real time connection between a users social graph, places    
around them, and Twitter. It is a real time app that supports a mobile          
lifestyle, with user created tweets, images, reviews, comments, checkins, tips, 
and more. It builds an aggregated real world index of places, not a corporate   
created index, with updates from Twitter users and location-based services,     
including GyPSii, Gowalla and FourSquare, among others. All content contributes 
to a place-based index that delivers real time, mobile, location-specific       
content creation and search to connect users with the people, places, activities
and ideas they're interested in.                                                

The application gives Twitter users a richer experience by allowing them to     
tweet, check-in, send alerts, recommend tips, create places and geo-tag them    
with comments, photos and other rich media content. Updates made via Tweetsii   
appear in users' Twitter feed making it simple to share content with friends and
followers. It's inherently mobile, and in addition to the expected Twitter      
Timeline features, it delivers real-time “PlaceStreams” and “EventStreams” to   
users, directly tied to their location and social-graph connections.            

Tweetsii feature highlights include:                                            
- Streams - View the Twitter world in a new way: the latest tweets from who you 
are following, see who's nearby and what people are saying about the area you're
in, hot places, and what's trending. PlaceStreams provide real time trending and
a record of events at location-enabled places.                                  
- Explore- Tweetsii provides an “Explore” feature that utilizes GyPSii's core   
PlaceRank™ search technology to combine Twitter streams with millions of        
place-based points of interest and events. Explore results are based on not only
on the trends people tweet about, but also the places and events they go to, and
their social graph. The places and content come from users, including other     
networks like GyPSii, Gowalla, Foursquare, and an index of tens of millions     
points of interest. Users can also search by interests - on everything from     
bagels to burlesque - for an instant view of what's nearby and what people are  
saying about it. Explore results reveal a treasure trove of contextual tweets,  
photos, events, and points of interest sorted by proximity, ratings and time.   
- Location-based Tweeting - users geo-tag tweets, they can easily add a photo   
and tie it to a location and their Twitter timeline. Check-in and be heard -    
allows users to “check-in” to places and share their experience, add to an      
existing conversation about the place or start a new one and check out relevant 
content around you. It provides an easy interface that helps users tweet,       
check-in, make recommendations, or send alerts all in a single screen. Tweetsii™
extends the GyPSii vision of user created content, by providing an easy way for 
users to create their own personal places and experiences, all tied to a        
location and their Twitter timeline. Tweetsii couples your real-world           
place-based life to your virtual-world Twitter experience, and brings more      
relevance and context to the Twitter experience.                                

“Tweetsii™ is an extension of the GyPSii vision to connect people and places    
across networks,” explained Dan Harple, Founder and Executive Chairman of       
GyPSii. “The Tweetsii app breaks down barriers between the real world and the   
digital world, by making real time social media easy to create and interact     
with. The GyPSii technology takes us beyond 'search engines' and shows what we  
need are real time place-based ‘connection engines.' In the age of mobile we can
return the Internet to an experience of discovery, but more personal, relevant, 
and place-based. Mobile technologies have achieved more connectedness, but not  
deeper, more profound connections - that's what we're hoping to do with         

Renowned social media pundit, Twitter character, and founder of #140conf, Jeff  
Pulver, got to recently see a beta version of Tweetsii, and said he'd,          
“discovered a product I think reveals a true post-Web 2.0 real time web vision. 
It goes beyond Web 2.0, mash-ups, website-based search, and delivers the app    
that to me, epitomizes the ‘State of Now.'  I believe Tweetsii is the next big  
step in the real time web experience.”                                          

GyPSii's OpenExperience API powers mobile lifestyle and location based          
applications for the largest telecommunications companies on the planet         
including China Mobile, China Unicom, Telefonica and others. The company is now 
bundling on hundreds of millions of devices from Samsung, LG, HTC, Lenovo, and  
on the Apple iPhone in China among others. GyPSii is supported by over 400      
devices and on 11 major platforms worldwide. The API was used to build Tweetsii 
into the Twitter eco-system.                                                    

In the latter part of 2009, the company added over 1 million new users and is on
track with continued exponential growth.                                        

Tweetsii can be downloaded for free on iTunes. For more information, visit                                                               

About GyPSii                                                                    
GyPSii provides real time mobile web technologies and products that connect your
world in real time. GyPSii connects people, places, communities, content and    
advertising across networks and devices, with patented and patent applied-for   
technologies for the transfer and publishing of location based information      
between mobile devices. GyPSii provides apps and Open API solutions to a wide   
range of companies, such as Samsung, LG, RIM, Wind River, Garmin, China Unicom, 
China Mobile, China Telecom, and others.  GyPSii apps are available on Apple's  
iPhone, Symbian, Windows Mobile, RIM Blackberry, Android, Java, MID/Linux, Palm 
webOS, and accessible via most well-known mobile app stores Based in Salo,      
Finland and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, GyPSii operates offices in North        
America, Europe and Asia Pacific. It is listed on the Nordic Exchange as        
GeoSentric (NASDAQ OMX: GEO1V). For more information, visit ©    
2010 GeoSentric. All rights reserved.                                           

The GyPSii and Tweetsii related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive     
properties and trademarks of GeoSolutions and/or its business units. All other  
brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the      
properties of their respective owners.                                          

Press Contact:                                                                  
GyPSii - Tom Schuyler                                                           
Tel: +1 (401) 441 - 3179                                                        