Decisions made by the Annual General Meeting of Pöyry PLC

PÖYRY PLC          Company Announcement 11 March 2010 at 6.15 p.m.

The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of Pöyry PLC has on 11 March 2010 made the
following decisions:

The AGM adopted Pöyry PLC's financial statements and the consolidated statements
and granted the members of the Board of Directors, the company's President and
CEO, and the Deputy to the President and CEO discharge from liability for the
financial period 1 January to 31 December 2009.

The AGM resolved that a dividend of EUR 0.10 be distributed per outstanding
share for the financial year 2009. The record date for distribution of dividend
is 16 March 2010 and the payment date is 23 March 2010.

The AGM resolved that the Board of Directors consist of seven (7) ordinary
members. The AGM elected the following members to the Board of Directors: Henrik
Ehrnrooth, Pekka Ala-Pietilä, Georg Ehrnrooth, Alexis Fries, Heikki Lehtonen,
Michael Obermayer and Karen de Segundo.

The AGM resolved that the annual fees of the members of the Board of Directors
be EUR 40 000 for a member, EUR 50 000 for the Vice Chairman and EUR 60 000 for
the Chairman of the Board, and that the annual fee of the members of the
committees of the Board of Directors be EUR 15 000. In addition, the AGM
authorised the Board of Directors to decide about an additional fee of not more
than EUR 15 000 per annum for each of the foreign residents of the Board of
Directors and an additional fee of not more than EUR 5 000 per annum for each of
the foreign residents of the committees. The authorisation shall be in force
until the next AGM.

In its assembly meeting immediately following the AGM, the Board of Directors
elected Henrik Ehrnrooth as Chairman and Heikki Lehtonen as Vice Chairman.
Heikki Lehtonen, Alexis Fries and Georg Ehrnrooth were elected members of the
Audit Committee. Henrik Ehrnrooth, Heikki Lehtonen, Karen de Segundo and Pekka
Ala-Pietilä were elected members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
In accordance with the authorisation by the AGM the Board resolved to pay an
additional fee of EUR 15 000 per annum to the foreign residents of the Board of
Directors and an additional fee of EUR 5 000 per annum to the foreign residents
of the committees.

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, continues as Pöyry PLC's auditors
based on the resolution made in the AGM on 6 March 2002. Sixten Nyman,
Authorised Public Accountant, continues as responsible auditor.

Resolution to amend the Articles of Association

The AGM resolved to amend Section 8 of the Articles of Association concerning
the notice to general meetings so that notice shall be delivered to shareholders
at the earliest three months and at the latest 21 days prior to the general
meeting by publishing the notice on the company's web site and, if so decided by
the Board of Directors, in one newspaper with a wide circulation determined by
the Board of Directors. The notice shall nonetheless be delivered to
shareholders at the latest nine (9) days prior to the record date of the general
 Authorisation to acquire the company's own shares

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of the
company's own shares with distributable funds on the terms given below. The
acquisition of shares reduces the company's distributable unrestricted
shareholders' equity.

The company's own shares can be acquired in order to strengthen the company's
capital structure, to be used as payment in corporate acquisitions or when the
company acquires assets related to its business and as part of the company's
incentive programmes in a manner and to the extent decided by the Board of
Directors, and to be transferred for other purposes or to be cancelled. A
maximum of 5 800 000 shares can be acquired. The company's own shares can be
acquired in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors either
through public trading or by public offer at their market price at the time of

The authorisation shall be in force 18 months from the decision of this AGM. The
authorisation granted by the previous AGM regarding acquisition of the company's
own shares expired simultaneously.

Authorisation to decide on making a donation to the Aalto University

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on making a donation of a
maximum of EUR 300 000 to the Aalto University on terms and conditions to be
determined separately by the Board of Directors.


Additional information by:
Anne Viitala, Executive Vice President, Legal and Commercial, Pöyry PLC
tel. +358 10 33 22811, +358 40 511 6151

Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering company dedicated to balanced
sustainability. We offer our clients integrated management consulting, total
solutions for complex projects and efficient, best-in-class design and
supervision. Our in-depth expertise extends to the fields of energy, industry,
urban & mobility and water & environment. Pöyry has 7000 experts operating in
about 50 countries, locally and globally. Pöyry's net sales in 2009 were EUR
674 million and the company's shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (Pöyry

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