NCC to plan new arena in Ystad for SEK 240 million

NCC to plan new arena in Ystad for SEK 240 million  

NCC Construction Sweden has been commissioned to plan, jointly with Ystad
municipality, the construction of Ystad's new arena. The work will be
implemented as a partnering contract, a partnership in which price, quality and
schedule are weighed together in close collaboration with the client, Ystad
Municipality. The total cost of the project is estimated at about SEK 240

The new Ystad arena will comprise a refurbishment of the existing
Österporthallen arena plus the construction of an adjacent, new swimming
“We are continuing to cooperate on the basis of our initial contacts with Ystad
Municipality a couple of years ago. Partnering is a perfect form of cooperation
for this type of complex project and will provide the client with more
opportunities to influence the design, quality and budget, compared with a
traditional contract,” says Business Manager Per-Ola Martinsson, NCC
Construction, Southern Region. 
The project planning process will continue from March to June 2010. During that
time, the extent, content, budget and schedule for the arena will be planned.  
The actual construction of the new arena is expected to commence during autumn
Partnering is a structured form of cooperation that enables developers,
consultants and contractors to jointly solve construction assignments. The
method is based on transparent and honest cooperation, whereby the parties'
areas of expertise complement each other throughout the construction process.

For further information, please contact:
Per-Ola Martinsson, Business Manager, NCC Construction, Region South, 
+46 (0)44-20 63 37 
Ulf Thorné, Press Relations Manager, NCC Group, +46 (0)8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70
214 77 27
NCC:s media line: +46 (0)8 585 519 00

All of NCC's press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the
Nordic region. NCC had in 2009 sales of SEK 52 billion, with 18,000 employees.
NCC Construction Sweden constructs residential and office properties, roads,
civil-engineering structures and other infrastructure in Sweden.

