Summary of the R&D update held earlier today

Summary of the R&D update held earlier today 

Medivir held a short presentation this morning for analysts, journalists and
institutional investors. The presentation from this research & development
update is available on our website under the heading IR & Media/Latest Events.

During October 2009, Medivir commenced a thorough portfolio evaluation with the
aim of creating a focused product portfolio for development in conjunction with
partners or in-house. A further goal has been to identify future project
opportunities within Medivir's major area of competence; anti-infectives. 

Greater focus on infectious diseases 
As the current in-house projects reach their optimal development stage for
engaging in partnerships, resources will be released to enable new infectious
disease projects to be commenced.  

The project portfolio now consists of nine projects plus Xerclear™. Six of these
projects relate to anti-infectives and six are partnered, of which with
Tibotec/Johnson & Johnson account for three. The remaining projects are owned
and will be run in-house by Medivir until appropriate decision points for
partnership are reached.

Xerclear™ launched in Sweden 15 March
Medivir's cold sore pharmaceutical, Xerclear™, will be launched next week in
Sweden as an Rx pharmaceutical (prescription-only), shortly followed by Finland.
Preparations for an OTC (prescription-free) launch in Denmark and Sweden are
underway and will be carried out either in conjunction with a European partner
or within the Medivir organisation. Negotiations are underway with potential
partners for the European markets, with the goal of designating a partner during
Q2. Meda AB is Medivir's partner for the product in the USA.

For additional information, please contact
Rein Piir, CFO and VP Investor Relations, Medivir, Tel: +46 (0) 708-537 292.

For more information on Medivir, please see the company website;

