Notification on convocation of joint stock company"Tosmares kuģubūvētava"Annual General Meeting of shareholders

Notification on convocation of joint stock company “Tosmares kuģubūvētava”      
Annual General Meeting of shareholders                                          

Joint-stock company "Tosmares kuģubūvētava" (reģ.Nr.42103022837) Board to       
the 2010 April 21, 13: 00 in Liepāja, Ģen.Baloža Street 42/44, JSC " Tosmares   
will be held at the premises of the current shareholders' meeting.              
The total amount of shares and total amount of the shares with voting rights of 
joint stock company “Tosmares kuģubūvētava” is  3203397.                        
The agenda:                                                                     
1. Management Report on the 2009 results of operations.                         
2. Approval of the 2009 review.                                                 
3. Determinate of compensation for councilors of JSC "Tosmares kuģubūvētava".   
4. Election of certified sworn auditor for the year 2009, determinate of        
5.  Other matters.                                                              
Shareholder Registration will be open from 12:30 on the day of meeting - April  
21, 2010 - at the venue of the meeting.                                         

The record date for participation at the annual shareholders' meeting of Joint  
Stock Company “Tosmares kuģubūvētava” is April 13th, 2010. Only those persons   
who are shareholders on the record date with the amount of the shares they own  
on the record date have rights to participate at the annual shareholders'       
meeting of Joint Stock Company “Tosmares kuģubūvētava” to be held on April 21th,

Shareholders have rights to participate in the meeting in person or by mediation
of their legal representatives or authorized persons:                           
upon registration, shareholders shall present a passport or other personal      
identification document.                                                        
upon registration, representatives and authorized persons of shareholders shall 
present a passport or other personal identification document, and shall submit  
written power of attorney of the represented shareholder (form of a written     
power of attorney is also available on   website of the central storage of      
regulated information - and website of joint stock company “NSADAQ
OMX Riga” -, or legal representatives shall present a  
document certifying the authorization.                                          
The shareholders, who represent at least 1/20 of the company's share capital,   
have rights within 7 days after the publication of the notification to require  
the institution which convenes the shareholders meeting, to include additional  
items in the agenda of the meeting. The shareholders, who propose to include    
additional issues on the agenda of the shareholders meeting, are obliged to     
submit the draft resolution on the issues that are proposed by them for         
inclusion in the agenda, or explanation on the issues where no resolution is    
planned to be adopted to the institution which convenes the shareholders        
meeting. The shareholders have rights to submit draft resolutions on issues     
included in the agenda of the shareholders' meeting within 7 days after the     
notification about convocation of shareholders' meeting is released.            
Shareholders have rights to submit draft resolutions on issues included in the  
agenda of the shareholders' meeting during the meeting, if all the draft        
resolutions that have been submitted to the shareholders' meeting are reviewed  
and rejected. If a shareholder submits a written requisition to the Management  
Board at least 7 days before the shareholders' meeting, the Management Board is 
obliged to give him the required information on the issues included in the      
agenda at least 3 days before the shareholders' meeting. Upon request of the    
shareholders, the Management Board is obliged to provide information to the     
shareholders' meeting about the company's economic situation to such an extent  
that is necessary to objectively review and adopt a resolution on the respective
issue on the agenda.                                                            

The meeting of the shareholders of the issue in question projects can be        
found from this year's April 7 work days from. 09.00 - 12.00 Liepāja, Ģen.Baloža
Street 42/44, after logging in by phone 63401919                                

Information on the shareholders' meeting and shareholders rights is also        
available on website of the central storage of regulated information -  and website of joint stock company “NSADAQ OMX Riga” -                                                           

JSC "Tosmares kuģubūvētava" the Board

Galina Kuzmina
Chief of accounting

